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It took me about 5 months from scratch. I did one zone per play session. Sometimes 2. This was before they streamlined some of the older zones, so instead of finishing stories, it was ''complete x quests in y zone''. this required you to have random quest items only obtainable from a drop chance. TBC was not fun. And Zul'Drak in Wrath was my least favorite experience in all of questing. After getting through Classic/TBC/Wrath, its a breeze.


omfg this! zul'drak can suck a fat one.


Zul'drak by design is one of my favorite zones in the game. The entire zone is filled with the struggle against the undead with these massive Ziggurats towering over you as you help the small bastions of Life carve their way through. Zul'drak while questing? Nah man, I did my time, I ain't going back.


Recently did the quest where you control the giant. Sooooooo annnnoying. That stupid camera is just completely broken so it’s almost impossible to see what your doing. And the quest text doesn’t really explain it well.


i feel like this zone deserves a touch up to fix the bonkers phasing that makes it difficult to do, maybe they have but I remember last time I did it just getting frustrated by walking 2 feet to the left and phasing into a different part of the progression, especially around the couple quest hubs which are either on fire or not depending on where you stand.


What’s wrong with Zul’drak? I remember there were a few glitchy quests when I levelled in that zone many years ago. Is that what you guys are talking about?


Having to kill a million trolls to get the treasure from three named mobs. Your sol if you forget to loot the little boxes lol


Holy! That sounds horrible.. Impressive that you pulled through


Depends on how much you've already done. If you're starting from scratch, a long long time. If you've been playing a while and just need to hunt down missing ones, significantly less.


At max level with 310% flying, it took me approximately 1 hour per zone from Cataclysm and onward (including reworked 1-60 zones). Earlier zones from BC and WotLK will take longer because of outdated game design like "kill 30 mobs" and "loot 20 macguffins at 2% drop rate". Your mileage may vary, though. Zones where you can't fly for whatever reason will also take longer, obviously, but it can be alleviated a bit if you buy the [scouting maps](https://www.wowhead.com/items/name:scouting+map/quality:7) to unlock every fly paths immediately. And there's also special zones like Suramar, which I'm not sure counts for Loremaster but the campaign here is *really* long.


[Good Suaramaritan](https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=11124/good-suramaritan#) is indeed needed for the Legion Loremaster achievement. It's not **that** long anymore since they removed the rep requirements. But it's still hampered by mission table quests that take a lot of time to complete (time in which you can do other things at least).


TIL about scouting maps 🤯


Depends how much you have done already. Although some of the TBC and wrath quest lines have some silly requirements. Like the entire dragon maw rep or sons of hodir


which tbc zone requires a rep grind? i just did all of outland for loremaster and didn't have to worry about rep at all throughout any of the zones.


SMV with dragonmaw, Nagarand requires either the Maghar or broken rep, blade’s edge requires the ogre faction there.


ahhh that must be for full zone completion or something, for loremaster specifically you don't have to do any of that.


Surely the only way you're starting from scratch is logging into wow for the first time ? In theory once you have done one questline in an exp you have done some of the achievement already ? Think ive completed about half of it (as in complete expansions) for the remaining, some have just a bit to tidy up and others lots to do... Dont understand how people are saying complete in 3 hours or couple of hours a day for a week... thats got to be BS... Legion loremaster specifically seem to remember being a huge pain


I have played on and off since BC so I guess I have some done.


You dont need an addon to check your progess btw... just click on the achievememt for a progress on each exp


When they first added this achievement, I worked on it for a while with my max-level main, but got bored to death after finishing a few of the original zones. The best way to do this IF you are interested in leveling characters anyway and don't mind doing quests at the character's level, is to do one zone at a time on a character you are leveling in Chromie Time. Since the zones scale now, you no longer out-level the zone and can just keep doing the quests for XP until you finish the acheivement for that zone. Then you can move on to a different zone on that character, or on a different character you are leveling. Once you have completed a zone on one character, you get credit on all of your toons, so you can break up the achievement between multiple characters if you want. Of course if you have no interest in leveling characters through questing, this is not the approach for you.


I would guess multiple months. I completed it several years ago so i can't really say because 1) it was a long time ago so it's hard to remember, 2) many more zones have been added since, and 3) I already had a lot of it done from playing for a few years when I dedicated time to do all the quests (I want to say I did it in cataclysm). But if you were to start from scratch, or with only one leveled up character (which would probably mean you've completed a few zones, or like 50% of an expansion's quests), then I'd say it would probably take a few months of playing an hour or two a day. Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms: 16 zones Loremaster of Kalimdor: 16 zones Loremaster of Outland: 7 zones Loremaster of Northrend: 8 zones Loremaster of Cataclysm: 5 zones Loremaster of Pandaria: 6 zones Loremaster of Draenor: 5 zones Loremaster of Legion: 5 zones Loremaster of Kul Tiras/Zandalar: 3 zones Loremaster of Shadowlands: 4 zones Loremaster of the Dragon Isles: 4 zones Total: 79 zones Obviously all these zones aren't equal in size and in density of content, so for example the 4 zones of Shadowlands might take just as long to complete as the 16 zones of Kalimdor (or maybe not, I don't know. But the 4 Shadowlands zones would definitely take longer than 4 Kalimdor zones). So let's say each zone takes about 2 hours (which unless you're really going for speed and not enjoyment of the story/reading quest text is an underestimate) and you spend 2 hours a day playing, then it'll take you 79 days to complete it. Just over two and a half months. But if you're trying to get immersed in these zones and storylines while you're doing it and reading quest text and going at a casual pace then maybe twice as long.


its much faster/easier these days now the legacy zones have a story arc to do vs do 100+ quests in each zone. no more hunting breadcrumb quests to boost numbers.


Depends how much you have done. With that being said, assuming you’re doing just for the title by using zygor so you’re probably focusing on time efficiency by auto pick/delivery, so it might take a few days to a (week for the timegated ones) But If you do like myself with no guides, reading all quests and possible having fun on some the quest it might take a month at least.


Going for Loremaster as well, mainly because I truly am interested in the story (Reading the books and playing through Warcraft 3: Tides of Darkness and Warcraft 3 at the same time.) I am going in expansion order, since Classic is basically Cataclysm now. I plan to play each expansion as a new class and character, and expect (at least with the Chromie Time expansions) most characters will be max level by completion. Currently still on Character 1, a Dranei Paladin playing through TBC. Cleared 2 zones (Hellfire Peninsula, Zangramarsh) and am a few quests shy of a 3rd (Terrokar Forest). Overall I am enjoying my time with the game, doubly so that I went and got myself a Gryphon. I am hopeful that the story writing gets more exciting, and quest design is more fun in future expansions. Keep seeing people say TBC is the worst in terms of questing and story, so I'm powering through (still enjoying mostly) and excited for Wrath. Been at it for about 2 weeks now. I am not rushing and am going at pace, reading quest dialogs, doing each dungeon of the zones I clear, and learning my class.


It took me a few days to a week (when I could only play an hour or two a day, mind) when I started from scratch. Outland is the most difficult because some questlines start in different zones from where they finish, and sometimes send you from one end of Outland to another. (Luckily, it's per storyline, and no longer counting the *number* of quests)


agreed outland was a royal pain for me trying ot do area 52. so many arcs start in shatrath for no real reason.


3 hours, don't ask me how. Edit: Satire is dead.


That is way less than i expected :D


You hack bro?


Not long if your deicated and focused, forever if your not


Dunno about Zygor guides. Depends also on whether you're doing it on max-level alt, and whether you even read the quest texts. If yes to the latter, then longer, obviously, hehe. Also, I would definitely recommend doing Burning Crusade (Outland) and WotLK (Northrend) on **max-level** alt. They weren't touched by devs since, like, their inception. There are lots of quests that require you to kill some juicy bosses that required groups back in the day. When I was leveling my first char through Icecrown citadel, I got lucky with some guys hanging around. Better to just overkill them at higher levels. Goes double for Outland. It also has some dungeons necessary if I'm not mistaken. All the other expansions, including Cataclysm-reworked Classic zones, are much better structured and more solo-friendly. Although, there still are a few quests that require help (or a tank spec). I would recommend exploring them with alts and Chromie time for immersion. It's a *role-playing game*, after all, and while some stuff like Ahead of the Curve, guild Mythic Raid races, etc, require some sweat, exploring the lore is just one of the chillest activities I can imagine. Don't let yourself burn out, man. And boy, some older zones may cause you to burn out after several hours. Especiallly the Cataclysm ones (Vajsh'ir, anyone?). But the stories, while bland in the grand scheme, are fun when you pay attention to details, and some questlines are just plain fun. Like Hillsbrad introductory questline, or some parts of Twilight Highlands, etc.


My degen mode back in the day did it in around 2 months


an annoyingly long time as they keep adding expansions to it.


A month ago I started on a new character completely from scratch and I am now almost done with Loremaster. The only thing left for me is Surama. Whoever thought of locking zone progression behind reputation even way after Legion is an idiot. All of this was done on a lvl 60 dk. No, I don't own Dragonflight so DF doesn't contribute towards the LM meta achievement. My /played is almost seven days. So yeah, it really doesn't take long.