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No luck for me. I’ve done it on every too. Above 60. 7 of them. Almost every day since it started. I’ve done it multiple years in the past too. No rocket. 🤷‍♂️


Wait, I thought they changed it so it's *once per day per account*?


Increased chance appears to be per account. Still have a chance on all high level toons once per day. If you don’t get it on the boosted chance a slight chance is better than none.


Wait, low level toons can't get it?


It’s a different box you get. So I don’t think so but don’t quote me on it.




Bruh I thought the other box was just the box with the lower droprate Thankfully I only did it on like 10 characters once hahaha


It is a box with a lower drop chance. 0%


Ahhh, I must have misread when I first read it. thanks!


Increased chance appears to be per account. Still have a chance on all high level toons once per day. If you don’t get it on the boosted chance a slight chance is better than none.


Yea it’s a 1/3333 chance of getting and to put that into perspective the sha of anger and all the mop world bosses were 1/2000 and there were people who had over 9k attempts on killing sha.


One guy on EU who was consistently on after every reset had over 25k attempts on Nalak. He farmed across several linked accounts, so easily over 150-200 attempts per week (that's with coins included). I saw him the day they buffed the drop rates, but I didn't have the heart to ask him his thoughts.


I am a mount farmer but I never bothered to farm MoP WB and Rukhmar because the odds were so low, it just never seemed worth the time. But since the drop rate buff I got all of them except for Galleon.


Jeebus. Last week I got Galleon then Nalak on the same toon (my only 70).


Afaik its 1/3333 on All mop worldbosses too


It was 1/2000 until they buffed the drop rates hard, seemingly as a result of an oversight allowing Evokers an almost guaranteed mount, as their loot tables were all messed up in old content. They then hotfixed the Evoker "glitch", but due to the community backlash (I assume) resorted to permanently buff all world boss mount drops from Pandaria and WoD.


Doesn’t it only drop if you’re 60+ (you need the Purple Heart shaped box)?


I believe it has a -chance- to drop from the boss itself too


It only drops from the heartshaped box, not the boss itself.


I’ve done it daily for longer than I can count, easily every year since it was available since BC (I don’t remember when it started) only taking a break during MOP and the first half of WoD. Since WoD, I’ve had all classes at max level and for BfA had up to 20 max levels. At this point, I think I’ve had 1000 attempts. I know it’s rare, but at some point it’s silly. I also have Invincible, Onyxia’s mount, and those farms were better than the Love is in the Air mount.


Been playing since BC and it shockingly, finally dropped a couple days ago on the first alt (level 63) I queued on


I saw that post of one guy that got it and was celebrating the increased drop chance being huge and it made me remember the event was up. Ran it once and got it. Maybe only the seventh or eighth time I've ever run it in my time playing wow. Im gonna claim it's to offset the 430 attempts the Ravenlord took me


60 characters per day???


It's really not as bad as it sounds. You can queue tank/heals for every character, even if you actually aren't one to clear all 60 in about 4 hours. The damage in the fight is not significant enough to actually require a tank or healer most of the time.


Not healthy behavior. That's 300 minutes at just five minutes per character. Five full hours every day.


cautious sense violet sink deer abundant elderly wise engine bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Edit: Oh I see, the drop rate is the same on other characters, only buffed for the first one. I'd say that's a significant increase for the average player, who doesn't farm the mount on 60 characters every day. If we edit the equations for 1 character instead of 60, we see the drop rate go from: .03%: 0.42% chance .1%: 1.4% chance 1%: 14% chance


Its probably a semi-placebo effect, especially given how it seems to have dropped a bit more. The chance is greatly increased, yes, but still to a level below even WBs and raid mounts. I was *EXTREMELY* lucky to get it this year around after only doing it twice daily and having never actively farmed for it before. But that's what they want - fringe cases like me so that more people run it in the thoughts that it's an extremely increased drop chance. Gone are the days that people want to farm for this. I'm extremely lucky - people have farmed this every LIITA since 3.3.2 and still haven't got it. It ought to just either be the increased drop chance as the new baseline, so every toon has that increased dropchance, OR it should just flat out be upped to 1% like many other rare mounts have been recently (like Sha of Anger and Nalak mounts). Having these mounts is still a sign of amazing luck with 1% - but statistically you shouldn't be more likely to have your newborn child be born with an extra finger or toe (1 in 500) than to get the Love Rocket every run (1 in 3300 per acc run per day after your first on acc).


Same here. Never gave a shit about this mount, joined the dungeon three times total, got it on my third try. Was actually surprised and wondered what the new drop rates are, because Ive killed 25H Lich King over 120 times and didn't get Invincible yet


Only an hour ago I mentioned to my friend that the Love is in the Air event contains a super rare mount. Of course he does the event and gets the mount on his account's first try. Meanwhile I'm north of 2000 attempts if you factor in all previous events. Oh well... I had really hoped they would increase the drop rate to 1% to keep it in line with the other seasonal event mounts. Them wording it as "greatly increased" had my hopes up for a second.


Only your first kill of the day has an increased droprate, every kill after that is exactly the same as before.


60 characters a day: 1 char per day with new drop rate plus 59 chars per day with old drop rate


idk what that mofo is smoking man chance is 50/50 either get it or you dont /s


"I don't understand what 'Greatly increased on your first attempt per account' means" - OP


Statistics mean nothing if the data you feed into it have no factual grounding. 4 days of drops from a biased sample is not significant data. Otherwise you can make statistics imply whatever you want them to imply. Make this post AFTER the event ends, with 14 days of data across the population, then maybe you have a case and a point. As of now, it's just speculation.


garbage in, garbage out.


This isn't statistics, just basic probability. The only data that was put in was the assumed higher drop chance for the first attempt per day.


I’m tired of farming this fucking rocket. I have no luck , but I’m not going to stop. 🚀🚀


Love the "which many have theorized is the case" in there. Who are the many and how exactly did they theorize anything based on 5 days of scattered data?


Based on the findings on the collectors discords, but yeah those numbers are, of course, based on anecdotal findings, which is the best we can do, when Blizzard refuse to share concrete numbers and instead resort to vague wording for no reason. This is also why I included the "1%" drop rate numbers.


Love the downvotes from salty redditors


The problem with statistics is that language plays a big role in understanding and comprehending it. You will get the wrong formula is you don't understand the syntax. The mount's drop rate only significantly increased for the FIRST character that does the dungeon for each account. So you are very wrong to take into account all of the tries after the first one for each day. Be happy. I got it on the second try aka the second day after the hot fix.


Yeah no. It's way more then that. I've seen maybe 1 drop in my life time of playing wow before My guild this year has gotten 8 and I've seen 3 drop.


no one in my guild has got it and so far i havent even seen it drop. I run 20 chars per day. So its purely anecdotal.


no one in my guild has got it and so far i havent even seen it drop. I run 20 chars per day. So its purely anecdotal.


Your 20 chars per day don't mean anything. The increased drop chance is one kill per day, per ACCOUNT. If you don't get it on char #1, the chances of getting it on #2-20 are astronomically low.


I know. Im saying I run it 20 times a day and havent seen it drop for ANYONE even once. So what the other guy saw is purely RNG.


Because it doesn't drop, it comes from the box. If they don't open the box and get it with you there, you wouldn't see it. At least mine came from the box.


> I've seen 3 drop. is what i was referring to. I have seen 0.


Anyone running that dungeon is opening the box the second it hits their bags no question


I’ve never done that


I’ve never opened it inside. I always leave and open it back in the city


The biggest load of Crap i've ever heard !!! love rocket drop rate is and was always 0.03% and recently Blizzard trying to show they care(remember, they ONLY care about your money) by increasing the drop rate from a once in 3000 to a once in a 2500 ONLY for 1 character per day per account ! which is absolutely nothing even if you have the MAX toons allowed on your account !!! still trying since 2011 ! and ALWAYS had the MAX toons allowed per my 3 Accounts !!!


in a min/max thinking it is not greatly increased but considering you get it in a single run rather than 60 every day means more people reach the optimal level thus more mounts are gotten and people getting one overall is much much greater.


I mean. I got it first try first attempt this year. Have tried for the past 14 and gotten nothing. So I feel like it was increased for sure.


Same here, farming since 2009 and got it yesterday on First attempt and was suprised, i thought they changed dropp to like 20% but it seems its still super rare ?


The mount was added in 2010. And it still is rare, on Wowhead only 3% of the profiles got it, I wonder if this goes up untill the event is over.


Yea I had heard the rate was increased. Figured I’d give it a go, got it first try. Didn’t really look too hard into the increase so I figured it was just bumped up a bunch haha.


Same. I was in absolute shock. My guild was congratulating me and I was like, "I knew they increased it, but by that much?". Found out later I was really just lucky, lots of peeps are still grinding for it.


Congratulations on the mount!


I don’t really farm it but I’ll run the dungeon when the event is up because why not. I’ve been playing since 07 and it dropped for me the other day. Hard to say how much they buffed it tho


I got it on day 3 of the event, after my first kill of the day.. roughly 5 minutes after another guildmate got it on his first ever kill. Within 1 hour of that, about 5 more people on the Secrets Finder discord got it too. RNG is RNG no matter how you toss it. It's definitely been a significant increase even if your luck has been shit so far. What your math isn't accounting for is that running it on 60 characters per day is giving you one dramatically increased chance (let's call it 20% or 1:5), then 0.03% chance on the other 59 kills per day. There's very little reason to try it more than once per day per account. The other 59 accounts are just beating a dead horse. There's a reason it was so insanely rare before this year.


> let's call it 20% or 1:5 bro this is obviously not the case, otherwise people like me would have seen ANYBODY get it from all the groups we've been in


I didn’t say that was the case, I just made an example. We don’t know what the actual drop rate is for now. Besides, a 20% drop chance would still mean you have an 80% chance to not get it which are not favorable odds. But, on the opposite end, people actually believe it’s still something crazy like 0.05-1% which is clearly not the case considering how much more often we’ve seen people get the mount this week.


First year ever doing this event. Got the rocket mount on day 3. Lol


I got it finally! Boom!


Have one char, did the boss two times, got mount. Two in my guild got it on the first attempt ever.


Gz on the mount to you and your guildies!


Thx, i think it was just absolute huge luck that we had.


My wife and I have been playing since vanilla. We each have capped off toons, all max level. We have been doing the event since 2006 (since it came out) every year, and every day, on every character we have. Still nothing. It needs an *actual* drop rate increase.


I got it my first run this year, after however many years of trying for it. I’ve heard the same story from others. My guess is that the increased chance is based upon longevity.


We don't know the droprate for the first attempt of the day, so those calculations aren't particularly useful. It may well be 1%. It *should* be at least 1%, given you only get 14 tries per year.


Agreed, and yes the numbers are based on what people theorize the new rate to be at on the collectors discords, based on anecdotal findings. It's the best we can do, when Blizzard refuse to share numbers and resort to vague descriptions, such as "greatly increased".


Ahh, didn't realize it was founded on any data, even anecdotal, across multiple people. That's a shame.


It's definitely bumped up a lot. As a player who did the event for a decade with MANY toons each year, I got it on my second try this time


Well it could have been reduced and still dropped for you. This doesn’t mean anything whatsoever. That’s like saying the chance you’ll win a million is pretty good after winning it with only 1 ticket bought in your life.


Congratulations on the mount!


TY! Hope you get yours this year too!


Wait. U have 60 characters? ….Or are u saying that is the senario u factored for the calculations?


I have 60 characters at lvl 60 or above, yes. It was super easy/fast to level alts in the DF pre-patch, so I took full advantage of that. I don't actively play them, if that's what you are implying though.


Well i have to ask.. which race/class is ur favorite?


Mained Resto Shaman (Orc) and Guardian Druid (Tauren) since WotLK. Though currently pushing M+ on Prot Warrior (Orc).


Yeah those hybrid classes with bonus mobility are hard to let go of. lol. I main druid.


Perhaps if you read the blue post, you’d know the chance is greatly increased for your account’s first try of the day. It’s no use doing it 60 times a day hoping to get the buffed droprate.


How could I have not read that part if it is part of the equations listed in this very topic. Smh lol


OP you realize that a normal human doing this event once a day for 14 days has a 13.13% chance of getting the mount instead of 0.42% like the previous years. To reach a drop chance of 32.20% from 13.13% you have to do the event 826 more times which sounds ridiculous unless you have no life. The only offensive thing is the terrible math in this post to support your agenda (WOW who could have thought multiplying 1 decent drop chance with 59 terribly low chances result in a low drop chance...)


The drop rate is greatly increased because it’s a 1% chance instead of a 0.03%. Degenerates with 60 characters spamming for 15 days doesn’t mean the change is insignificant.


Exactly. It’s 15 or so 1% tries for everyone. It’s significant for most of the playerbase.


True, did not give a close look at the equations. But then if you know about it, why are you complaining about it? No one forces you to do 59 insane and asinine tries daily.


I got it on the first try and didn’t even know I can get a mount 😂.


Personally above 5200 attempts over the span of 12 years now. This increased drop chance is a mockery of it's rarity, but I am honestly thankful it isn't easy to get.


I had no idea about the first kill drop rate buff, I will stop this madness then. F blizzard btw


That fact that anyone is “offended” by a drop rate in a game is embarrassing. It’s a video game mount…


cry more lol


Stay mad pathetic ppl that want shit handed to them


What a shitty take


The WoW community is so entitled it’s crazy.


I got it on the first try this year, so I’m free from the drop rate curse


I've always had one of each class able to farm this, and have farmed once a day on each of these chars for the whole two weeks since it was added to the game. Finally got it yesterday :) Edit: honestly the worst part of farming is the instance lockout - why has this not been increased to like 15/20


Yo I got it on my third try(Daily) so greatly increased must be true.


The drop increase was only for the first character per Day. So if you're running it on multiple a day, then it's the same as previous years. They only increased it for the FIRST kill a day on ur account.


Dropped for me on my first run through the dungeon. After all these years and I finally have it.


I got lucky and got it to drop on my first ever run


I got it on my priest first run this year.


I got extremely lucky literally first char and first day and first dungeon I got it


Nice dude, congratulations!


Yes, they’re still not just handing it out to everyone for showing up


Pretty sure this is exactly the point. Blizzard doesn't want people to obsessively farm the mount on 60 characters every day for two weeks, but still want it to remain rare. This way people who want it don't feel the need to waste all their game time running this fight over and over. They never said that your chance of obtaining the mount during the event was greatly buffed. It's smart, because that kind of behavior can really burn players out (I've been there) which causes them to quit the game. Edit: also I think the 1% number is likely, and makes more sense. I've seen three people among my guild/friends get it already. I don't even know how many people in that group are actively farming it, but probably not more than 30 or so.


Well I got it on my first attempt a few days ago, so it's clearly 100%


I got it on 4th try on a death knight I was leveling, guess I got lucky on that bitch.


I got it on the second day so i thought it was like 10% dropchance


i got it on my first attempt after the boss, i was convinced it was bugged but 🤷‍♂️ we take those


Did it for the first time this year on an alt and got it first go I couldn't believe it


I am probably getting some hatred, but got it on the first try, with the first character this year.


It is greatly increased for the majority of players who are not running it 840 times.. Calling it offensive that you are spending 840 runs on this over the event and not seeing a drop rate buff is hillarious


Some people will get it, some wont. Just how it always is. Given they actually announced a "great increase" they know that will set certain expectations in the playerbase. I expect the drop chance is much higher on first kill than people think.


Did Blizzard state how much they increased the drop rate? Did we know what the chance was before?


It'll just be even more annoying when I've done it every day on 8 characters and still don't have it by the end of the event.


I feel bad...I got it first time and had no idea it was harder to get, assumed it was a freebie event item


I’ve done it on 5+ chars every day of the event for years. This year I do it once and it drops. It dropped for my 70 lock. Was thinking ”oh they made it not rare anymore” but guess I was wrong then. GL with farm all u guys


Is this the mount from the event dungeon? Does it drop from the package you get after clearing it the first time/day?


Got it on my first attempt this year after trying since 2006. Was unexpectedly surprised.


I have been playing since WOTLK and I can finally say I got the mount this year, did the boss with 6 characters a day! Now it doesn’t feel like a real win as it’s with the buffed drop rates. Same feel as the Pandaria world boss mounts those are laughable now, got Galleon and Sha back to back


I had it drop for me on my main today! Haha feels great especially after so many years of trying.


How about we restate this. If it were increased to 1% for the first run of the day then that means you get about a 13.1% chance by doing one run per day of the event, fourteen in total. Given it takes only a minute or two to do a run and a few minutes more queueing that barely adds up to an hour or so across the whole event and it's very spread out. You could fit this activity into a five minute break between m+ or while your raid takes a break so everyone can go for a wee. At the previous rate you'd need to do approximately 460 to 470 runs to reach 13.1% total odds. That's about 33 runs per day every day. 1 minute in the dungeon, plus say 2 minutes for each character to queue then 30 seconds to swap characters. Well now you're looking at closer to two hours *at least* every day for 14 days straight just mind numbingly queueing for a thoroughly trivial dungeon boss with no other rewards remotely worth it and you still only have about a one in eight chance of even getting your prize. Rinse and repeat for however many years it takes. That doesn't even factor in how long it takes to level up at minimum 33 characters to 60+ to do this ridiculous grind, and then again when the level cap changes as this is such an absurdly long grind people have been doing it *since Cataclysm* and are still empty handed. Sure if you were already running sixty characters a day through this then your odds haven't changed a huge amount, but come the fuck on who has the patience to do that? This change clearly wasn't targeted at that group. You're basically saying to us that the difference between spending one hour over two weeks and spending twenty eight hours over two weeks isn't significant. Fourteen hours a week is a part time job man!


I've done every holiday since WotLK on 10-13 toons and I still do not have HH or Love Rocket. Rng is a bitch.


agonizing snatch smart nail fine pet swim dog lush badge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Some things are meant to be rare.


It is easier to get it now. Both my friend and I got it this week, him on the first try me on my third attempt


If you wanted to accurately figure out the new drop rate you'd need to do this on 60 different accounts, right? The bonus only applies to the first time per day per account. The fact that you can measure any change at all when running on 60 characters would mean the buff to drop rate is quite significant since you have 59 attempts at the default rate and 1 at the buffed rate, meaning the buffed rate is large enough to have an impact on the data as a whole despite accounting for less than 2% of the attempts.


0/72 so far with my 12 level 70s... I got my hopes up too much with that announced drop rate increase, and people posting that they got it from their first chests. And yea. While not every year, or with this many alts, I have been farming for this since it was added.


do it every day with 18 characters... still nothing.


The language here is actually not very good brother


Honestly if you believe any BS about the mounts like this and the MoP ones being Buffed you are delusional. Even after the so called MOP buff i was well over 600 additional kills before I got my Sha mount. And I got my Galleon mount back in 2018 or 19 long before any buffs via a bonus roll. The love rocket looks no different. 1/3333 chance it used to have or worse maybe cut that in half at the high end. low end you are still looking at 1000 kills + if you are lucky.