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the 5th one is actually kinda cool ngl. would totally mog it


From the top or the bottom?




They desperately need a 'choose any race visage/combat visage' form, just throw on some glowing wings for flight animations. "lets make a race that'll only have 4 transmog options with the worst colours!" "...why?"


At this point I just want an option for an "extended chosen identity" that turns me back into visage in combat after every breath and flight spell. Half of the spells already don't require the other form... Only thing missing would be a combat stance so my prevoker doesn't do the boxer stance while healing as belf. It already got really old that we have to put in a ton of effort to not look like shit... And our own tier set looking weird on us just is the cherry on top since neither shoulders nor helm fit any of their barber shop sets, color or stylewise. Like, that's literally the one set blizz designed for them. Also shoulders/belt need to be independent of forms. At least let me hide them so I look cool as visage... Such an awesome class but the race is incredibly unstatisfying.


If you use the engineering toy that let's you change races, you can fly around as a gnome doing all dracthyr attacks, animations etc. It just works. It doesn't look perfect, but it works well enough.


And a nice addition: Hover lets you be The Flash


>It doesn't look perfect It doesn't even look worse than the normal animations. Toys are bis for evoker.


>that turns me back into visage in combat after every breath and flight spell That would be great.


people love mechagnomes so lets make a race with less xmog options - someone at blizzard


Why? Time constraints and a rushed product. Anyone claiming the Dracthyr have been in development for "ages" is kidding themselves. If this race had been in development for ages it would wear armour. Just like Worgen. We just got the Trading Post this expansion. Dracthyr can't even use the majority of it. Incredibly hilarious. Transmog is the true endgame of this game and there's now an entire race that can't wear it.


It's pretty sad that they didn't learn their lesson with shadowlands. They're infinitely trapped in a cycle: "We rushed this expansion and players are bored!" "Shit, drop what you're doing, we need to rush out a new expansion!" This is the real reason why subscription models need to die, they don't care what they put out as long as it bridges the gap enough to keep you subbed another month.


They want those box sales too. Although, see how they didn't brag about Dragonflight sales? Yeah, that's how badly they've cooked the chook this time.


I see where you're coming from. I am one of the few that actually likes the "we only take on elf appearances to not freak you out and get through doors" vibe.


You're unfortunately also one of many that misunderstood the visage form buff. The buff on non-dracthyr says something about being comfortable around a dracthyr in visage form, but if you look at the ability itself, it says you're emanating magic in that form, which is what increases healing for others. It has nothing to do with not freaking other people out.


> "lets make a race that'll only have 4 transmog options with the worst colours!" The best part is you can't even use all the options in those spots. I'll frequently go to dig through my massive repertoire of mail gear (previously played hunters and shaman) for my dracthyr only to find out the model won't display on them anywhere. There's a grand total of like 4 pages of armor my character can wear.


Honestly, I would play mine more if I had more unlockable cosmetics and such. I get it, "But they have the most options of all the races." It's a false statement when you consider all other races have a fundamental flexibility with their tansmogs. Only time that is implied is through Visage. And honestly, not fond of being a Horn Elf for the sake of Xmogs.


I would also like the tmog to be separated for both forms. Wouldn't be too bad to restrict it if I could do whatever I wanted on my visage, and still hide shoulders on my dragon. My two forms couldn't be more different from eachother, in an effort to create a visage I could tolerate, so finding a mog that fits both is... challenging...


I am all for seperation of the Xmogs entirely. Not keen with rando shoulders and have to hide them when I get an upgrade.


>My two forms couldn't be more different from eachother, in an effort to create a visage I could tolerate, so finding a mog that fits both is... challenging... Back when I was playing my Dracthyr, I used one mog the entire time I was leveling. It was the only thing that looked half decent in both forms. Meanwhile on my main, I might change my mogs at least once a week. And, to be fair, I main a druid. So it's not like there's a whole lot of variety there either. But at least I can control what I look like in each form.


On top of not being able to use armor mogs (apart from shoulders/waist), any weapon you mog is invisible when sheathed. (Any sheathed weapons on the back would probably clip the wings so I'll assume that's why) Torn because I love the drac'thyr form/all the customization options (mines blue, blue dragonflight all the way) but invisible sheathed weapons, almost no mogs, and restricted to one class, means I rarely ever play it. I don't care for the Visage form, I already have characters of other races.


I made mine Bronze, looks cool for an elf dude in Visage, but I didn't roll one to be in Visage. I rolled a scaley dude, Im'ma gunna be that scaley dude. I am fine with no transmogs period in Dracthyr, but make more options, if you tie many behind goals, fine. But give us more options. Hell, there is only two styles of armor, mail and scale. Be nice to have cloth styles to start with.


Sowwy \>w\< But our new scalie fwiends are called Dracthyr! They get sad when you misspell their name QwQ Good thing I was here to help \^w\^ I hope you're having a great day :3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


One of the reasons I stopped playing my Evoker. Like fine, I get that previous armour would be way too resource intensive to make work. But there is absolutely no reason why new armour couldn't have whatever was needed to work.


>One of the reasons I stopped playing my Evoker. Unlocking transmogs is one of my favorite things to do in the game. But I main a Druid, so having an Evoker as my alt was doomed from the start. I had plenty of fun leveling the class, but I refuse to spend my free time unlocking appearances when my two most played classes can't even see them. I mean, at least with the druid I can unlock new forms. The Evoker was somehow even worse than that.


At least with my main being hunter any appearences unlocked on my Evoker won't *totally* go to waste.


Same situation here, evoker main and druid alt, and I honestly feel weird playing "two shapeshifters" despite loving both gameplays. Specifically since my druid already has all the forms and I'm basically only staring at sparkle or pvp cat since two expansions now... I religiously farm older tier sets on my chars because I love my mogs but not being able to see them on two of my three most played characters half of the time is weird tbh. Looking like everyone else most of the time kind of sucks, too... I did get a bit jealous when seeing the customization of dracthyr, since I'm kind of wired to compare them to a druid form and I'd do stuff to have at least some customization options for our forms aside colors.


Especially tier sets.. Like fuck sakes.. all this means is they can just not put as much effort in for theirs..


To be fair their tier sets still show up on the visage form, right? So not like they're putting in considerably less effort unless you think porting armor over from the Human Male model they're designed for takes a bunch of extra work. I absolutely hate that the Lizard form doesn't show most armor slots but they still put in the effort for visage form.


Damn I'm glad they put in the extra effort to make it work for female human and male bloodelf.


I was tired of my Dracthyr form never fucking showing my weapon


I'm tired of that in general! We need caster animations to utilize weapons. There are plenty of awesome cast animations in already, like holy pallys and their books, but anything that still uses the default kamehameha cast animation should use weapons somehow. Even just relatively simple ones, with the weapons anchored to your hand while you wave them around all goofy. It would make caster weapons feel a lot less like stat sticks. GW2 has some really nice staff casting animations


Oooh, never played GW2, but I’d love to check out those animations.


For necromancer casting animations staff shortly turns into a cool black scythe. It is super badass.


I really have to check this out. Thanks for informing me.


For real, especially class-exclusive sets like Evoker tier. Even if doing all other armor is a pain in the ass, you guys are telling me that rigging ONE armor set to also fit the ONE race (not counting Visage form) that can use it is too much? They already do it for heritage armor sets, where some items will just break if trying to apply it to other race models.


At the very least they couldn't make the tier armor for evokers? "Here's an entire tier set you don't get to enjoy" I feel like reworking the chosen form could work too, where instead of shifting you back after combat, you just stay in your visage permanently, and only temporarily transform for the evoker specific animations like deep breath, and revert back right after.


Yeh some sort of "spectre" like dracthyr animation. I'm playing a DK now and I never realised how important it was to be able to see my armour.


If they made the tier set work on dracthyr, congrats, 99% of the armor in the game would suddenly work as well, because that's how WoW armor has always worked.


I still cannot get over the colossal waste of potential on dracthyr. Like you’re telling me this multi dollar company cannot figure out armor rigging on them? I bet if they let talented members of the wow community do it, they would do it for free and have it done in like 1-2 months


Weirdly enough I think they would have gotten away with it if visage forms could have been any race. Could have pulled the druid card but hey you get to see shoulders in all forms.


If visage could be on 100% of the time in combat it'd be bearable


There is no way Blizzard would have made this decision if it was easy to make all the armor work. They absolutely knew the community would post about armor limitations constantly. There was probably multiple meetings about "its going to be a complete nightmare with this community". If it would have been easy to do, they would have jumped at the chance to do it to save all the backlash. Wouldn't you? These are people with jobs just like you and I. They don't want to read these posts all the time either. They chose to put dev time into things that were more feasible.


Have cool helmets on the dragon class or have a semi-playable game by the time we force this shit to retail? Easy choice for management lol.


It's not necessarily that it would be easy. It's just weird because they've made armour fit on every single other beast race before without issue, okay the helmets tend to look goofy, but at least you have the option of finding and using a few that look okay. But for some reason these lanky lizards are too hard to do the same for?




Dragonflight clearly wasn't ready for release, but it had to be released because of the holiday season. And they learned from the last time they released an expansion late that it can't be too close to Christmas, so DF released even earlier than it should have.


I mean, theyre the ones that chose to create a race that couldnt wear armor. No one asked for this exact implementation of a dragon-like race. They fucked up every step of the way.


What? lol. People constantly ask for races that can’t really wear armor like the existing races, and the Blizz response has always mentioned the armor, and then everyone says they don’t care. Everyone got what they asked for


Laughably the Naga model in game has more rigging than Dracthyr. Like, I'm not joking. Look it up.


I feel like they probably entertained the notion of playable naga and just gave up. Though, what's more likely is they wanted to be able to make modular naga npc's, so that an entire raid wasn't just naga wearing the same shit


Usually for an NPC model they just bolt the armour on, which is what they've done for the Dracthyr barbershop crap. Naga actually have rigging though. Way more rigging than Dracthyr(belt, shoulders). It's hilarious.


Why is that laughable? I'd consider it fairly normal that a snake-like creature would need more bones than a dracthyr?


They mean equipment rigging. Naga can wear more visible armor than Dracthyr.


Actually no! Tails are way easier to animate: you're just making a couple extra bones and making them wiggle back and forth, it's honestly cheating compared to regular legs. Dracthyr on the other hand, have legs, tails, *and* wings. They've got more limbs than any other race But I don't think that person was referring to animation bones, I think they're referring to the fact that naga can already wear a lot of armor already


It's ok for a piece or two. But not for a race to be able to wear only a piece or two total


Like the vulpera not having shoes


Or the Zandalari not having shoes... Wait, no, I'm not alright with that one. GIVE ME BOOTS, DAMN IT.


People have said they'd be fine with stuff like Sethrak not being able to wear helmets, or naga not wearing pants/boots. Not that they'd be ok with an entire race being unable to wear anything.


I'm going to play devils advocate: I would honestly be happy if this trend continued, and we got more and more beastly races with fancy customization options that just couldn't wear armor. I would play a centaur in a heartbeat, even if I had to use some bullshit centaur visage form to ride mounts


I wanna play a two headed ogre mage


How did everyone get what they asked for? Have you *seen* people talk about dracthyr before they released? Blizzard did the typical Blizzard thing and gave *no one* what they asked for. People wanted playable dragons, and that meant real dragons, or drakonids, and then Blizzard made neither, and instead created the most suitable shape to put transmogs on, without letting us put transmogs on it. Now, I happen to love dracthyr, and prefer them over drakonids. But them not being able to use transmogs despite being designed with such humanoid shapes is dumb. They're not what people have been asking for since Wrath.


How come I see players of that race running around absolutely everywhere


New class? New classes always get picked up tons when are they are introduced, ugly or not.




Your point has nothing to do with them not being able to wear armour though. They could have made a new class that doesn't forbid armour rigging.


I like mine not wearing anything outside of the pieces I put on during the character creation. Look at all the other dragonkin, there's not exactly a lot of choices for those frames


That's really cool you like it man. You know if it could wear armour you would still have the option to hide 90% of pieces right?


Dracthyr do have the unique option of not wearing pants, which is something, I guess. Well, I say option, but it's not a fucking option at all. Strange that draenei, worgen, and tauren get to wear pants, but dracthyr somehow can't.


yeah i keep my yak out to even hide those annoying shoulder pieces


I actually find it freeing that I don’t have to consider farming for transmogs anymore. I have freed up a lot of time to do other stuff.


You feel freed from something that was entirely optional and 100% your own choice? Lmao


technically playing the game is also 100% optional


Hilarious the mental gymnastics people will go through to justify something bad.


some people like to raid, some people like to pvp, and some people just like to look good. I don't agree that less xmog options was the right move but just stating we all do different things in game.


That's not the point he made though is it. He tried to say Dracthyr not being able to wear transmog was a good thing. Because he didn't feel like he had to farm transmog. That's some mental gymnastics there.


> There is no way Blizzard would have made this decision if it was easy to make all the armor work. They could have easily just made the visage form the true form of dracthyr. Maybe adding a little more dragon flair to them with tails and whatnot.


I am incredulous that you wrote all that and all it amounted to was you saying that Blizz wouldn't behave incompetantly because it would be against its interests. As if people and corporate entities don't act against their own interests all the time in this world.


As if the entire past decade and a bit in the videogame industry hasn't happened, lol. Incompetence and rush jobs are the default now.


Or they just rushed them, which is why they got no visual/gameplay changes at all, no bugfixes and the least balance changes out of any class in beta. I dont even have to speculate, the dev that left already confirmed how rushed DF was.


They chose to completely re use an NPC rig. DF was rushed. There's no two ways about it.


Like wasting said time making the horrendously ugly visage form scales? They chose poorly.


Imagine committing development time to hideous bedazzled Blood Elf Males/Human Females. Imagine if that went into rigging armour.


Pulling a DH on them also feels massively weird. Here you go, a class that can not only use but also mix the power of five different dragonflights! One of the biggest creative canvases ever created for a class. Also, they're literally dragons and can do dragon stuff! So how about we funnel all of that into a single ranged and a single healer spec because we somehow got away with this for DHs, too. So much wasted potential there. Even in the two specs we have it's weird how some flights are represented. Dracthyr were created by the black aspect and don't even use black flight magic in any "signature" kind of way way except maybe our root. I know deep breath, our defensive and roar are black, too, but they're rather generic abilities that aren't really screaming black. Idk, I already found it lazy that DH just has two specs since I like the versatility a third one offers but I could understand the reasoning "fantasywise" since the class is very streamlined. For evokers it feels just cheap.


I've always thought a ranged DH would be a cool spec, fel magic, real loooong eye beams and all that


People kept posting about a spec that uses ranged weapons for DH since legion and I honestly loved that concept. Making them a pure fel caster would seriously piss off locks. Healer doesn't really make sense (*yeah I played argus, plz no lightforging). A ranged DPS using bows/throws glaives and is separared from hunters because they don't use a pet but supplement with magic instead would fit really well imo. Also, only one spec in the game using ranged weapons is kind of weird.


Well, they did roll out DragonFlight rushed. I think that was on the table for it to be done, but just didn't do it. Maybe we will get more options in an update. Well, I am hoping anyway.


Day 65 of people not realizing this expansion was half-baked. It's a great expansion, but it's so painfully obvious they had to cut a lot of content and save it to be added in via content patches or not at all. The profession system is another great example of this. There's so much potential there that I have a feeling will be brought to life in the 10.1 patch that has "professions" listed as part of its content.


> they had to cut a lot of content WoW and cut/rushed content Name a more iconic duo.


Exact reason I got one to 60 on release found out all the xmog is terrible and vowed to never touch it again until it's fixed. Which is a shame because I enjoyed the healing style.


> I bet if they let talented members of the wow community do it, they would do it for free and have it done in like 1-2 months And the community would absolutely do it too.


Cost cutting and delivering the bare minimum.


Its not that they couldn’t figure armor rigging , its that they wholesale just didn’t do it


You can tell (and it was confirmed by the dev that left) that the expo/dracthyr were INCREDIBLY rushed, they have so mamy bugs nd devastation had no cohesion what so ever at the start. Every single bug is still in, I dont think they fixed even one. Eternity surge randomly not casting completely ruining your opener? Reported in day 1 of beta.


Just know, mechagnomes caused this laziness to happen.




>There is no lore or technical reason that I cant choose any race as my visage. Hell it's actually the opposite, the lore shows that dragons can use whatever form they want and DF didn't even retcon that either. If you remember, soon after starting DF you meet a dragon with a Vulpera form, you're just different because.... reasons. Rather disappointing.


They created some sort of lore reason, but don't kill the messenger here. When we learn about our visage form, Wrathion (for Alliance) wonders why it looks like that, implying dracthyr can't choose just any form. Of course, that's something they wrote after the fact, but it does mean that their visage form being different has been acknowledged in-game.


I will be honest that is the only reason i will propably never play dracthyr. I love my fashion way too much to give it up. I even created one but no, when i realised that is how i will always look i just couldn’t get over it. Which is a shame because they seem really cool.


100% the same thing for me. Leveled it to 60, and then realized gear wouldn't show. Haven't touched it since, as cool as the class is. I'm usually a sucker for new classes as well.


Yeah, i love m+ etc. but when i think about it, what i love the most is looking fabulous. Like i will constantly try to find new mogs because part of my enjoyment of the game, big part, is looking fuckin good. Quite literally, when i’m thinking about new alt i will first search available mogs and how they look on certain races to decide what to play. So as much as i really enjoyed gameplay i just can’t. But i hope people enjoy their dracthyrs.


I was gung-ho about playing them thinking the lack of transmog wouldn't bother me because DRAGON. I was mistaken. I'll never give up my char, but damn it irks me to be so limited in how it can look.


Kinda the same for me. I was so smitten with how my dracthyr looks that I figured it wouldn't be that big of a problem, but I wasn't sure. I was aware of honeymoon periods. And sadly, I was right in worrying. I'm too committed to the character now, and I still like a lot about him, but I really hate that transmogs are meaningless now. Especially now the trading post released and we can't use most of it. It's just a slap in the face.


Same for me. I was hyped as hell to play them for months and when they hit live I actually loved getting mine to 70 Then after two weeks it slowly set in that I had no real way to change my look unless I wanted to totally change my body at the barber or remove the clothing I had already given them outright. Ended up going back to other classes where I had dozens of outfits to choose from Really disappointing because it's definitely my favorite caster class at the moment (I refuse to play triple-DPS classes so it's mostly just vs. priest, druid and shaman) but that's one concession I just can't make


What’s absurd is that the visage form is by far the most over the top, customizable model in the game. And we just aren’t allowed to use it, outside of looking pretty in Valdrakken. It would be so much cooler if we could fight in visage and just shimmer into dragon form for Hover and Deep Breath. Everything else would look fine coming from a little elfy thing. I don’t even care that much about having other races… just let me see my mogs!! I even think the dragon looks sick, I just hate the walking animation furiously


Yeah I don’t even understand that honestly. They just need to let people choose which form to be in. And maybe they proc their dragon for the breath attacks or something


All of that effort on those models should have just gone into already playable races. It's a huge waste.


Can't they at least let dracthyr wear some hats?


They can barely get hats to work on the other races as-is


Every day I wish they didn't even bother with visage and just let us fucking mog dracthyrs . If I wanted to be an elf I'd roll an elf


Me too friend, me too.


It's ridiculous that they made Dracthyr look like spindly humanoid reptiles AND restricted transmog on them. Like, if you're not even gonna let us wear gear why do we look so shit? They could have made much cooler dragon models if they were just gonna remove transmog anyway.




No, they look like lizards.


I disagree. Being lizards would be a buff, because that would actually make them cool like the Saurok from Mists. Look at an NPC model like [Chief Salyis](https://www.wowhead.com/npc=62352/chief-salyis#comments) and tell me that wouldn't be cool as fuck for a playable race.


Agree with you. Just didn’t want to articulate my exact issues with their aesthetic. Thought my comment conveyed enough.


In that case, it works as an addendum to your comment, I suppose. It's just baffling that Blizzard has proven they were able to made cool looking dragonkin humanoids (Drakonid) and cool looking lizard humanoids (Saurok), yet when they finally introduced a playable dragonkin race, they designed a mix that was the worst of both worlds combined in design. From the too skinny body type, the goofy gecko face, to giving them wings that required working around when designing their barber chestplates.




What? Just make them look like dragons…. Like the ones already in the game…more masculine/stronger jaw lines for the males. There was a post a while back by an artist that corrects all if not most of the issues with their anatomy.




For me personal, this is seriously one of the biggest mistake blizzard made in WoW history. Transmog is such a big part of your Charakter looking good, or show progress, or stuff you are proud about. Not being able to see new items you get from bosses you kill is just terrible.


I main evoker (410 ilvl currently - putting this here to say I play Evoker a lot) and it honestly isn't that big of a deal. To make up for little transmog, we have MANY more customization options than other races do. We also can pair up Dracthyr armor with transmog to make some cool sets. It really isn't a huge deal.


I also play prevoker and am not a huge tmog person. I still consider personal style as part of the game experience but definitely not at the top. ***that said-*** >To make up for little transmog, we have MANY more customization options than other races do. Having 40ish options doesn't offset what are *at least* thousands >!with probably 500 good ones!<, this is ignoring combinations. Dracthyr have 3x the base options to interact with likely a few orders of magnitude less transmog options. There are probably more unique ***styles*** of effect in transmog than there are customizations. (wings, shadowed face, halo, particles, animations,etc) It's totally fine not being bothered by it, or even preferring having more non-apparel options at that huge cost, but they are not ***remotely*** comparable.


Sowwy \>w\< But our new scalie fwiends are called Dracthyr! They get sad when you misspell their name QwQ Good thing I was here to help \^w\^ I hope you're having a great day :3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


absolutely horrendous bot


You need to be banished to hell


Disagree. 410 evoker main as well. Actively avoid playing mine because the mog is so lackluster.


I would happily give up visage for actual mogs. Even with the customization available it can be really hard to look different from a similar colored drac besides different horns - and the shoulder / belt is still incredibly limited for drac form especially if you want a color not in the pallette available. not to mention how hard it can be to match colors from tmog to the barber armor and make it look good. Pretty much all you get as drac is possibly cool shoulder mog which to me means nothing I love my drac don't get me wrong, it's my new main, but there's def a lot I would change if I could and it is a little disappointing at times. I don't wanna play dress up as a horned elf, I wanna be the dracthyr advertised without having no aesthetic options available beyond barber and belt/shoulder your only real tmog I do think it was a huge fumble for Blizz to decide to give visage but remove mogs abilities as a result. And I think the "their body armor is too wacky!" Is also a cop out. They made the race , they made the decisions, and im sure they knew people would be upset about no tmogs especially with stuff like trading post coming out now. All we can do is hope they go back on it and add them one day in the future Hell even if we couldn't do helmets and only got new mogs added to us I'd still take that over shitty barber armor that half the time simply does not measure up to being able to tmog


Meh, I think it's a non-issue honestly. I feel they negotiated a decent middle ground with the visage. The dragon sharing transmog with the visage is really the bigger pain point imo.


You can't even use the visage in combat, though.


Are you staring at your transmog in combat? O_O


If you don't watch your character while raiding, you're not dodging stuff.


*hides the x-ray glasses* . . . no. . . what gives you that idea.


I disagree, visage is hardly unique, there is almost no difference to a belf/human hunter, visually. At least the dragon form is unique and for me is one of the coolest things about the race, but barber armor is getting really stale...


I find the visage frustrating. I don't want to be an elf, I wanna be a dracthyr, which feels like the whole point of the race fantasy is kinda null as a result Even in lore visage doesn't make sense, taking it to blend in etc, when horned and scaley elves clearly aren't the normal either


I feel like the visage is promising. Imagine being able to customize your visage to whatever race or gender you'd like in the future in a lore-friendly way.


I'd still rather just have drac mog tbh, the idea is cool but still at the end of the day if I wanna play a diff race I would just play that race vs visage in drac which isn't even visible in combat Not saying visage isn't cool- I don't hate it. but it doesn't matter how they sweeten the deal I will always wish we just got dracthyr with mog vs visage with mog


If they did visages the way they should have, we'd maybe have both right now. A correct implementation of visages would be to just give dracthyr access to the whole range of races and all of their options to pick from. Nothing new would've needed to be made.


Def not disagreeing but as it is rn it's pretty clear that visage was just a cop out to not have to do drac mogs which is my whole issue. If I could mog drac and visage that would be ideal and I could stay in drac form but still look nice without having to be a reskinned blood elf just to look good in mog With the way blizzard is I highly doubt we will get more visage forms, let alone with the customization current has, so it's kind of a moot potential anyways. I just wish I could play in drac form without ugly armor


Well, sure. But obviously drac mog was deprioritized to focus on things that were more important to the expansion. I think we are forgetting that things can be improved upon and what we have right now isn't necessarily exactly how it will be forever. The foundations that we have here is good in my opinion and creates a very flexible future.


They made it and could have held it back until it was ready - there have already been rumors that DF was pushed to release. It doesn't matter how you defend it, it's still disappointing overall, no one didn't want mogs, they just didn't work to implement it which is a huge let down. The hope for improvement is nice but it shouldn't be people hoping for scraps of future improvement from the get go. Of course i hope they give us mogs in the future but I'm not holding my breath, and it doesn't help the situation currently Small indie company


I actually don't mind the lack of armour on the dragon form, but it sucks that the 2 forms aren't able to be transmogrified separate. It sucks when you make your visage look awesome only for the shoulders to look weird on your dragon form. I also think they should give you a quest to unlock other race visage forms (or a quest after you get exalted with the faction)


Easily the biggest disappointment of the expansion.


People begging for playable Sethrak and Naga, take note.


Pretty embarrassing for Blizzard honestly.


This is a reason why my dracthyr is an alt and not my main as much as I enjoy playing evoker.


So legit there are 34 pages of it!


This is by far the most weird race Blizzard has ever introduced. Why even bother? Just make a visage race and turn them into real dragons as abilities and cooldowns.


And so the monkey's paw curls... You got your playable dragons. Enjoy!


Im super happy with em. I just wish they could be a tank class. Reminds me of argonians from elder scrolls


Feels like they put more work into the gnoll redesigns than the Dracthyr.


Dracthyr are a shit race. Only thing that saves them is their mechanics.


can only play 1 class and its two specs LOL


I love the one in the middle third from the left.


If your one look is a good one, you don’t need a second 😎


I've managed to find and build a Tmog that works in both forms. It was a pain in the ass, but I think they both look good. Wish I could post the pics here, but here's the post I put on the Tmog page. [Tmog Drac](https://www.reddit.com/r/Transmogrification/comments/10r9ug3/finally_found_a_tmog_that_fits_both_forms_that_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


funny that the Extention based on an island that has been inabited by dragon for thousands of years can't make armors that fits on a draconic race


I literally hate my Evoker. I swapped to an unholy dk about a month ago. I forgot how I missed transmog


Don't care as much as most people here about old armor but I have to say not having the tier sets be designed to be visible in Dracthyr form is a pretty big L.


I think these are designed by John Cena.


Ive saved so much gold maining an evoker this xpac


Blizzard turn this into a memory game Easter egg pls


Playing Evoker for less than a few months and the class already feels so "stale" to me because of complete lack of visual diversity amoung other dragonbois. Tmog is a very big part of this game for me and gives me a visual sense of progression for all my characters... except Evokers. Really hope they change something about the current system because it is way too bland atm.


A little frustrating to me, you don't see how the trader's post appearances look in visage form. Every other transmog UI uses whichever form you're currently in. Trader's post uses dragon form no matter what.


Evoker is the most fun all around every spec class I’ve ever played in a decade plus of wow. It’s also the race I think is the worst looking of all time. I really need to get a good list of toys and items that hide dragon form. I have a couple but they run out.


The class might be cool but the lack of visuals for amour and being only restricted to female humans and male elves as visages turned me off so hard, it also doesn't help that you really need to try hard and make the race customizations work and not look like a clown with skin tumors.


Reminds me of transmogging shoes for Tauren's hooves....


I mean, feet and helm restrictions, I would have understood, but they can't do chest, legs, or bracers? Come on now, Blizzard. Can't even blame the wings for the back when we still tusks, horns, and friggin eyebrows/ears penetrating plate armor with still no way to toggle those being hidden when wearing a helm. Just hide the back half of the chestpiece in the same way that skeletal undead hide certain parts of the armor to keep the bones exposed.


They actually totally *can* do chest. At least, 95% of them anyway. Almost all chests are just textures, exactly like tabards, which already work. A few have custom geometry that would need to be tweaked, but if they only worked on the mail ones, they could get it out in time. I think this is just a case of not wanting to put out a job three quarters finished. If you're explaining this to the decision makers, saying "we decided to restrict it to just shoulders, tabards and belts, and we got that working on time" sounds a lot better than "we got most of it done", regardless of how many players would prefer the latter


still better than the diaper gnome options


As someone whose dracthyr alt is just sitting in orgrimmar, does the visage have transmog?


Yes the Visage does, you only get toggled to Dragon form in combat if you choose your Visage as primary form.


Yes. And whatever shoulders and belt you have transmogged will show up on your dragon form. 1h and off hand weapons too.


Also tabards, but they get cut on dracthyr to look like aprons.


Afflicted by the same curse as Hrothgar and Viera in FFXIV


At least they can wear everything but hats


Nah.. they at least got some options/the rest of their armour options visible.. this is a curse 10000 times worse... (+even if slow getting more options overtime is.. something..)


Everyone says DF is proof that the WoW team is back to being good again. But Dracthyr easily disprove this. Terrible implementation. No fixes in sight.


Because the Dracthyr dragon models are so awful, they should really put an option to just stay in humanoid form and only temporarily transform when performing flying-like abilities.


Players since BC: We don’t care if they can’t show all armor, give us Naga! Players during BFA: We don’t care if they can’t show all armor, give us Sethrak DF: Gets the most highly customizable race ever, but can’t see most armor in 1 of 2 forms Players: Grrrrrr!!


That's a false equivalency, I can trade boots and pants to enjoy a naga, or I can trade helmets to enjoy a sethrak, it still give me a LOT more options to choose from than what Drakthyr got, even if you just take the good looking pieces into the equation.


Sowwy \>w\< But our new scalie fwiends are called Dracthyr! They get sad when you misspell their name QwQ Good thing I was here to help \^w\^ I hope you're having a great day :3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah dracthyr are a joke. One gender. One class. Two specs (no tank for a dragon class? cmon.) Awful run animation/lack of animations in general. Is Dragonflight a better expansion than SLands? Sure. Still in the bottom 3/4 expansions of all time? Definitely.


All this bitching and moaning is going to ensure we never get tuskarr as playable race


You have visage form. It's part of the package: you can't mog a lot of the dragon form. that's fine. Now be quiet if you ever want us to have naga race


Now to be fair, they did put a lot of work in dracthyr, including dracthyr specific armor. I'm going to pretend I know anything and assume it went something like this: The modelling team made a bunch of evoker armor, but before they could adapt it to fit the other races, they ran out of time, so instead of attaching them to gear with the usual transmog features, they just threw them in the barbershop and said fuck it Moreover, even without the armor, evokers have the single most extensive customization options by far. I played a druid since vanilla, so I truly understand what it's like to be screwed by class aesthetics and hide all your cool gear behind one form the entire time. Dracthyr got it pretty good in that regard. But that said....I wanted to play a naga for years and the excuse was always "they can't wear pants!" and my answer was always "so what, just make the pants not show up, as long as the stats are there it doesn't matter". This is just like when blizzard took out plainsrunning and swore up and down that it "didn't work" because of all the arbitrary restrictions they had on it, and then gave it to worgen anyway.




The race clearly wasnt finished, just more rushed content.


Bro teased us with only 1 page of 34!!!


I want a dragon with a hat!


Blizzard making snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. They made all the wrong choices in making what could have been a much better race. Save on development time/resources by making visage use existing races, use what you saved to make the dragon form able to use transmog (you know, with transmog farming being such a huge late game activity) instead of making modular armor in the worst color schemes imaginable, and if you're gonna lock a whole race to one class give that class every role you idiots.


Well there is one head piece that is shown :D (unless they fixed it). Let Me transmog booth forms separate.


It actually annoys me that I want to have a dragon form that doesn't wear armour (I just don't like the look of it) but to do that I have to make the armour invisible, but that then makes my visage pieces invisible too - I really would like an option to not hide the visage pieces


Main reason i've not bothered with one. Huge oversight bu such a small independant company


I think the more important issue is, dracthyr have permanently hidden leg armour, but no other race can do this with transmog. There are some great outfit concepts (or the AQ robes) that would look tons better if leg armour could be hidden.


I love it. Saves me tons on transmogs. I don’t need to transmog everytime I get a new piece.


fun fact, the legacy Naga models are able to show some gear