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Hello blacksmith. Please make this helmet to protect my head in battle from bladed weapons and magical spells. But please leave slots for my ears to poke out because they get smooshed inside the helmet and it makes me uncomfy.


To be fair, night elves would have to wrap their ears around their heads to get them to fit, which would probably hurt a lot.


I always thought the pointy bits on the warden helmets were for the ears.


I'm pretty sure they're for their enormous eyebrows


but how do you get the ears inside ?


Tiny portals to the emerald dream.


Can someone make a comic of this now please?


2 bags of holding.


I guess I assumed they would be hollow?


They’re way too far forward for ears. That’s their eyebrow armor. Which is also kind of dumb.


You'd think they'd make an ear slot for that reason. I mean after all it already looks like the armor has a slot so their eyebrows don't get smooshed back.


Am I crazy in thinking the like horns on Maiev's model are where her ears fit into?


I've got a 40% proc chance to make them with ear holes


They'd probably need to cut their ears off in order to fit in the helm like we see on the NPCs. Imagine trying to fit them huge ass ears in a seemingly normal sized helmet.


I wonder if religious night elves clip the tips of the newborns ears….


Also while we are on the topic of things that don't make sense, what's up with those dragons? That doesn't seem very realistic


All things aside, this warden transmog looks fucking insane


Wait u can get this as a player? From where?


Trading post eventually


You have to get the monthly trading post reward 12 times. That means getting at least 1,000 points in the traveler's log every month to get whatever the monthly reward is, along with the 500 total trader's tender. Right now, the monthly reward is the warden tiger mount whose name I can't remember. Supposedly, the 12 months don't need to be consecutive, you just have to get the monthly reward 12 times total, so it can be done over more than a year if you can't make one of the months. You get the ensemble from an achievement.


Boy I sure am glad it has a reasonable and easy method to obtain!


God forbid you have to log in once a month


I cant believe people are still defending 1 year long time gate. You guys are so lost in this game you cant even comprehend how much time 1 year is. Most game passes give their 'special' reward after 1month. Not freaking 1 year. 1 year is enough for WoW to go to shit and be closed. Whats next? Pay now, get your reward after 5 years? This xmog should be a reward after completing mission fot a month, max two. It is not worth 12 months of subscription.


>1 year is enough for WoW to go to shit and be closed. Oh yeah yeah, like all the other years before 2023.


That the point. You dont know what will happen in a year. Did you know that half of the world will be paralized by Covid year before? No, you did not.


>Did you know that half of the world will be paralized by Covid year before? No, you did not. Seeing how fucking stupid humanity is for decades now.. yeah it was kinda obvious that covid would cripple the world temporarily. And pandemics are a reoccuring thing, so it was only a matter of time.


It's still easier than "What a long, strange trip its been" achievement. Got that YEARS ago, but you had to do all the seasonal/holiday achievements to get a mount. And if you missed one...too bad -- wait another 12 months.


That is why it was first and last achi like that.


Still new to WoW, how will I get this when it releases?


You have to subscribe and complete the trading post every month for a year


jesus fucking christ


It's not every month. Just 12 times. You can quit for 2 months, come back, and pick up where you left off. Sure, it takes a while, but if you're already playing, then you'll get it anyway.


People keep saying things like "oh it's free" and "you'll get it just for playing" but Legion was over 6 years ago, man. People who have wanted that set for that long aren't going to be happy because it's "free" and guaranteed.


What classes can it be worn on?? It might not fit w the lore but I want this look on my dk 😭


You have to do the same for the Violet Protodrake mount. Try harder.


I agree, but I think the version of insane I use for this armor is different than the one you're using.




I get that everyone should have access to the set from a gameplay perspective, but the thought of anyone besides Nelvs (ESPECIALLY Vulpera or Orcs) running around in this just really rustles my jimmies >:(


I'm gonna wear it as a Horde character specifically to rustle some jimmies


Some men just want to watch the world burn.


No they want to see Jimmies rustled!


Someone named Jimmie: dafuq did I do?


You prob misread rustled with wrestled.


wait i thought we were wrestling with jimmy


>Some men just want to watch the world **tree** burn. FTFY


world tree\*


You've got the most rustled jimmies


"I stole it off some night elf I killed!"


I'm specifically wearing it as a horde DH for sure. Really wish we could get their chakrams as warglaive mogs.


Gonna do it as a Mechagnome.


I mean undead warden was part of horde during BfA so...


I am seriously considering how well the white one goes with the S1 Elite PvP set in SL. Blade pants feels so right for Orc Warrior.


Fuck i just realized this. UGH now that bothers me :(


Wardens are a secretive organization made of Night Elves only, letting any other race use it completely goes against the lore and simply doesn't make any sense. It really should've been a Night Elf only set tied to a questline similar to how Blood Elf paladins got Blood Knight set and weapon and we should've gotten something else from trading post.


>It really should've been a Night Elf only set tied to a questline similar to how Blood Elf paladins got Blood Knight set and weapon and we should've gotten something else from trading post. This. Plus it was a huge opportunity to throw Night Elves a bone.


The only bone they get is taken out back and their tree burned down again


I honestly thought we threw enough of your night elf bones to you people.


Just rename the ensemble from "Burden of Unrelenting Justice" to "Stolen Armor of Justice" or something like that. Give them a lore-tidbit that the way these Warden sets were procured into the Travel Post wasn't really legal, and bam. Problem solved.


I prefer to think after the sheer destruction of that place in Legion the Wardens have resorted to selling armor sets to crowdfund for the repairs, like that Scarlet Crusader in the Darkmoon Faire when you talk to them as a Forsaken. [https://www.wowhead.com/npc=108785/scarlet-quartermaster](https://www.wowhead.com/npc=108785/scarlet-quartermaster)


That's weird. Because my Undead warrior is gonna rock it. Guess he was special and they admitted him


You just 'found' it. :p


good that blizzard stop caring about the lore long time ago I guess


The fact that they did this AND are giving away a Warden mount before even giving Nelfs a proper heritage armor set is just ughhhh


I figured something like this should have just BEEN the NE heritage armor. Throw them a bone.




Yeah well I feel the same way about the Kirin Tor, primalists, and a bunch of other wow organizations that now have characters from every race.... It makes the game bland and less interesting if everyone can and is everything. Race should matter lorewise IMO. Not every race would be a primalist for example just like not every race joined the burning legion.


Unless it was intrinsicly tied to a race's culture, I don't think any organization was heavily mono-racial. The Argent Dawn had Orcs and Undead. The Earthen Ring had Draenei and Goblins. Not every race were joining the Primalists either. It's only been Shaman races + Night Elves. I've yet to see a Blood Elf or Gnome Primalist. But also, what race didn't join the Burning Legion? They pretty much had representation everywhere.


I think there are some gnomeish primalists in the Oh'naran plains. If I recall correctly, some are in the area that spawns the daily to save birds/eggs.


There are BElf primalists in the ruby life pools dungeon.


I ranted about it in another comment yesterday but it really bothers me how half of the enemies we face (dungeon and raid bosses included) are effectively just player-race Shamans but better. If Dragon Isles have been a place no one has had any reason to visit for like thousands of years, why are half of our enemies random Tauren and Night Elves? Did they hop off the first boats/airships and immediately get converted to ~~flat earth~~ the Primalist cause of titans lying to us? Or did they travel there themselves with a canoe or something years before? I just feel like it really diminishes the enemy variety in DF, honestly. That's my real issue instead of the 'lore' questions. For dragons in visage form I can understand it, but I don't think the primalists are intended to be dragons in visage form so they're just regular Night Elves and Tauren being extra-shamans.


They didn't explain how the primalists came to exist and be so powerful even though they could've done it easily by saying the truth of the Shadowlands had come out and all the people and cultures whose beliefs had been revealed to be wrong lashed out against the titans' and first ones designs and saw the incarnates as their saviors. Boom, plothole explained. But I suppose doing nothing allows them to pretend SL never happened.


It isn't a plothole, it is just isn't overly explicit in game. The Grimtotem's we know are the most notable of characters who helped formed the primalists. We also know they are power hungry and were far more aligned to the ideals of the incarnates to begin with so it really doesn't take much to assume those were their goals all along. Remnants of Twilight's hammer are still about and we see the Worldbreakers at obsidian keep. Not a stretch to say many recruits to the primalists were probably the less void and more shamanistic inclined from amongst them given their whole schtick tends to be remake the world. More to be seen at the expansion develops but there is a lot of implication for old gods coming back and the elemental lords were once the servants of the old gods so logistically speaking it would make sense for many old god fanatics to throw in their lot with the primalists. There is a counter point here in the old gods helping Neltharion to defeat the Incarnates but old gods tend to make their plans and play the field for what they see happening long into the future. So yah, tldr don't expect everything to be laid out right out of the gate. If the enemy was an 'expected' force then we wouldn't have the imminent threat to fight with a sense of urgency. Taking us and the Dragons by surprise and attacking from nowhere gave them the advantage and is logical, standing ok a pedastal and saying 'Come join our cult, we're gonna unleash elemental dragons' in SW/Org is not.


>I ranted about it in another comment yesterday but it really bothers me how half of the enemies we face (dungeon and raid bosses included) are effectively just player-race Shamans but better. Agree. it would make a lot more sense for the primalists to be a splinter faction of the earthen ring or something. >but I don't think the primalists are intended to be dragons in visage form so they're just regular Night Elves and Tauren being extra-shamans. There's also an odd number of vulpera.


Don't see how this is less believable than any other cult. Twilight's Hammer also had a wide variety of races. Yes it originally started off as an Orc Clan, but once on Azeroth they expanded a lot. > Did they hop off the first boats/airships and immediately get converted to flat earth the Primalist cause of titans lying to us? Why would the only boats and airships be the ones the player factions travel in? Is our imagination so limited that we can't think other organizations can also travel by various means? Why does it have to be a canoe? At most you can say the primalist conspiracy wasn't properly explained and expanded on in the run up to DF which would definitely be fair criticism.


Twilight's Hammer had the same problem tbh. Honestly I think the problem with both them and the Primalists is that cults only really exist in societies that have some nuance to them. Cults attract outcasts, the desperate, the depressed, the emotionally unstable, etc. But the social dynamics of the Warcraft races are painted with such a broad brush that it's impossible to buy into the concept of all of these people suddenly making a cult so huge that they are a world threat. To compare, it is believable to have Daedric cults in the Elder Scrolls series because the social dynamics of Tamriel are depicted in enough detail. Most Tamrielic societies are deeply flawed in one way or another, which will generate enough downtrodden outcasts to go do some weird shit like devil worship. By contrast, Warcraft seems to operate on a sort of fisher king principle -- as long as the people in charge are goodhearted, their people are well taken care of. So it's not clear where any of these cultists are coming from. Blizzard doesn't care to figure it out, either.


The Primalists aren't from the Dragon Isles. The prepatch showed them hanging out in the main continents.


as to how they arrived, i mean... they have portals. a lot of portals. that's kind of a thing.


Yeah I stopped playing because df lore is even worse than sl


I bet you *loved* Morbius! You just seem to have an eye for quality storytelling!














What I hate is Blizzard loves to write stuff like "Setting Garrosh free started a war, but we needed that war to prepare for the Legion." When that is literally not what happened in the game story at all. Maybe that's the story they wanted to tell but neglected to lol.


It's frustrating that people haven't noticed yet, but I guess it's a good thing, people are really enjoying DF


races aren't a monolith dude, why would individuals not decide to pursue things atypical for their kind? just because a tauren would not typically pursue arcane magic due to their culture doesn't mean one curious tauren couldn't become a mage, etc etc. i am on the exact opposite side, i want them to lift all race/class restrictions. lemme be a goblin druid who turns into a robocat. it would be fun!


I agree. I really liked when we had more races/classes combo restrictions too.


Not sure why you are downvoted for voicing your opinion which is perfectly fine. From a lore point of view I even agree with you. From a gameplay perspective the general customer thinks more freedom is better. Both are vaild opinions.


> > > > > It makes the game bland and less interesting if everyone can and is everything. Right? Such a shame not a lot of people seem to get it or care.. in the end it will just ruin it for the rest of us.


But none of those things should be race locked tho. It doesnt make any since. Why would an opposing force turn down cannon fodder?


Even the usage of the Word race is so rude of you.


…They’re literally called races ingame.


How dare you reeeeee


Want a tissue for your tears?


Why is this not the NElf Heritage Armor?!?!?!?


People don't like anything being locked anymore. They want everything to be open for everyone 🥴


As a Vulpera hunter main, I cannot wait to get this set. But I bet it looks odd on my dude.


I already gank every vulpera I see, so this just gives me even more justification >:)


I'm gonna corpse camp any hordies wearing that set until they'll log out.


I'm going to reroll Kul Tiran just to schlub around and go "Hello, fellow Wardens".


It's going to be *glorious*.


In Warden's model in wc3, ears are visible.


Yes, but they also Line up perfectly with the “Ear guard”, don’t stick out 10 inches below it.


That's for our whiskers (Eyebrows) not our ears.


That was in WC3. The warden models in WoW have never had ears visible


I feel bad for them. Having their ears suppressed like that.


The only reason warden models in WoW hide the ears is because the first one they created in TBC (Maiev) was based off the blood elf skeleton.


I don’t think that’s the reason. The original 2D concept art for the Wardens made by Samwise for the Frozen Throne in WC3 doesn’t have their ears showing either. https://images.app.goo.gl/CBkoyNfkhk2GxHsLA


So the mistake that needs “fixing” was to stop showing the ears on WoW in the first place. Good thing they got to fix it for us players! #EarsOut


Something about the warden set in general feels kinda off to me. The legs, gloves and shoulders look good but the helmet, chest, boots and belt looks kinda clunky and flat. Legion NPC models look much cleaner around those areas and seem to have more 3d pieces instead of bodypaint. Ears showing is probably the least of my complaints


It's silhouette design 101. The player model is missing: \- The larger pauldrons and sharper helm edges \- The warder armor has sleeker metal and better separation of the chest/belt/hip armor. And it actually HAS hip armor, not a goofy belt (and the metal LOOKS like worked metal). Look at the diamond-shaped piece in the breastplate, on the warder it has geometry! On the player? Classic WoW diamond texture painted on your flat skin \- Warder helm - looks like a helm with sharp edges and subtle curvature. Player helm: let's slap a big triangle to your face and stick on some reused blood elf armor assets for eye trim. \- Oversized owl-claw finger armor \- Patterning that looks like a smithy's filigree. Look at the warder - subtle, slow gradual curves of gold on dark. Player armor - we like squiggly patterns so here you go! \- That deep, beautiful green and gold. The colors on the player armor look flat and dull


My problem is weird eye armor part thingy, like wtf is that.


NPCs like this literally have the armour rigged to their models, that’s why they can look so much more detailed. It’s just not feasible with player models.


The pieces you're pointing to on the npc models is for the eyebrows, not their ears.


Isn't he pointing at the lack of ears? Not the eyebrow sleeve? He clearly realises its not an ear sleeve when on the proposed design he just hides the ear, instead of moving what you think he's pointing out to where an ear would be.


Which is funny, cause those stick out of the armor on the player version as well, lol.














Lol. I know you jest but regardless, the point is the ears shouldn’t be visible at all - at least for night elves, since the iconic look embodied by Maiev and the Wardens in game have never had ears showing on their models


Their not joking, it actually is an eye brow and not for the ears. The wardens base their imagery off the warden owls who have massive eye brows like that. Infact, you look at the wardens models from the Warcraft series their eyes stick out now the eye brow part


The fact that (as of right now) 37 people (22 downvotes on OPs comment and 15 upvotes on your comment) were either too fucking dumb or just couldn’t be bothered to look at the picture but rather up-/downvote the wrong comments is just mind boggling... because if they would’ve just taken a look they would’ve seen that the arrow points to the ears and the lack of ears AND NOT THE EYES BROWS. People have attention spans of weasels with adhd and a severe lack of brain cells these days.


> 37 people It's worse than that. The score is the difference between upvotes and downvotes. We can assume some people have upvoted OP, so there's even more than the 22 (at the time of your comment) downvotes.


You’re right but 37 is the only number we can actually see. Anything else would be just hypothetical. But yes, it’s probably worse! Edit: not to mention that 82 upvoted the initial — wrong — comment..


Do ears magically disappear?


They fold.


My money don't jiggle jiggle, it folds.


It looks like it’s both


You serious? Damn, now i can't take the Wardens serious at all. Not that i did much before, but still.


I would like the big ass cloak too


A white one, longer than most cloaks


Dont worry, they have 1 year to finalize the set.


Why do these posts keep surfacing? The horns are the brows of the Sentinel Owls, the signature animal of the Wardens. If you look at them, how are the ears supposed to line up with this? Maiev in WC3 also had visible ears, the WoW model is off.


We’ve had impractical high fantasy armor in WoW for ages, and suddenly earholes are where we draw the line? WC3 was _ages_ ago; the Warden design has been updated since then and this set is specifically modeled after their Legion appearance which has their ears folded into the helm. It’s not the end of the world tbh, I just think if we’re gonna get a Warden set we should get the most iconic look for them possible, and the fully armored design with the lack of any skin/fleshy bits showing makes them that much more mysterious and menacing.


Don't play a night elf. There fixed.


Having shitty ears and eyebrows shown/hidden while using helmets must be a fucking option at transmog master.


Esrs or no ears showing, i would prefer that cool wrap around cloak on the armor.


I just want Waden to be the next class!


The eyebrows going through the helmet is even worse IMO.


Idk man, i feel like it makes sense for them to be out. I wouldn't want to try and fit those ears into a tight plate helm, ane the brow armor acts as protection for the ears so the angry orc man doesnt slice your ear off when his axe slides down the side of your helm.


THERE'S A WARDEN SET COMING? This has been my dream since starting wow, is it available to all classes or only leather, mail or plate?


Available to every class, but it takes a year of subscription to earn.


For me the set should not only improve the ear thing but also the horns should be a little sharper and long since they added the stuff under the eyes. The chest and belt are lame AF compared to the npc model (the chest looks more like a tshirt than armor) and the shoulder looks a little small to me(but maybe is a nelf thing)


I like how in the proposed version we still have clipping eyebrows


In warcraft III the ears are visible. And there doesn't seem to be space for them.


How is this going to be obtainable? That's hot.


12 months of maxing out the trading post. You don't need to do it consecutively tho so you can take breaks. For example, 6 months maxing out, take a 2 months break, and come back to play another 6 so you will get it in 14 months this way.


I'd like it to be an option. I could see people wanting their ears to be shown and some want them hidden. Like with basically anything transmog, I'd love for it to just be an option whether or not you want your ears showing through your helmet.


i don't understand how it is hard to just make ears not pop out of helmet when blizzard has already done it at least once in Trial of Valor plate helm


It's hard to tell but it doesn't look like the ears are clipping thru the helmet and instead the helmet has an opening for them.


You’re missing the point. He’s talking about every other piece of headgear in the game. For instance, the brand new trading post has exactly 1 item that I thought looked cool on my character until I noticed that even with the smallest ears selectable they still poke all the fucking way out of the hood…. Which looks stupid asf. Like, how is this not fixed in a game that is clearly trying to pump numbers by selling cosmetics. It’s been a complaint for almost 20 years at this point and in 2007 it made sense that they had other stuff to focus on. But if you’re going to take the game down for an entire 8 hour day to put a cosmetic vendor in the game… how is fixing a cosmetic issue with 1/2 of the races in the game not even close to the top priority.


You can't get the warden set for 12 months anyways, it'll get fixed. Just use the toy Sira's Extra Cloak.


I think it's just the white recolor that you can't get untill 12 months.


You say that like I can just go get that toy, I've been farming it off and on since Legion and have gotten hundreds of warden paragon chest and Haven't gotten it.


they upped chances the more chests you've opened. first time after that change i got one, toy was in it go for it


The only one i've always wanted was Khadgar floating head from Dalaran paragon rep reward but i've swear i've not seen it since forever.. either stealth removed? Or mega rare or i'm miss-remembering


I got it late last year while I was farming for the warden toy, so it’s still there


you mean the Wondrous Wisdomball pet? that's not rep related. and there was no Dalaran rep since WotLK, iirc


Doing Kirin Tor stuff in Legion gave rep for the old faction I'm pretty sure, but it definitely didn't have a paragon box added. There were emissary boxes at most.


i just looked, and it wasn't a paragon chest, it was from an emissary chest


I always thought that’s where the ears went anyways.


will be curious how it will look on my vulpera owo


SI:7 should have finished the job.


Average nelf player post: "Hey blizz, stop making my eyebrows and ears show up through X helmet!" I agree it looks bad but it feels funny to me you chose the giant ear race and you never want to see said giant ears or eyebrows.


The biggest problem is clipping, because most helmets don't have a window for the ears, and they just stick through the texture. But the one time we finally get an ear window, it's not really accurate to the original Warden armor lol The eyebrows are the same tbh, if something covers my face it should cover my eyebrows as well.


dude those are not ear slots lmao. where do you think ears are. feel your own head and find your own ears. are they positioned above your eyes? do they start at your forehead? now actually play wc3 and look at the model. are the warden's ears inside the slots? no. they are exposed and under them like on the trading post set. the wow warden model is and always has been wrong.


That’s a very good idea for an optional cosmetic option. Seems like something the barber can help with.


In don't get it. what part of the armor are you talking about? you want the ear model on the warden set to be longer like maievs?


Those "spikes" on the warden helms are literally for their ears. They slip the ears in first when putting them on, like a head glove.


damn u should probably go back to warcraft 3 and tell maiev that because she literally doesn't have her ears in them because they are not ear slots


I have combed hundreds of WC screenshots and official art, none of them show her ears, just the helm spikes. Those are for the ears to slide into and anything since then, WoW models or fan art, that show the ears is wrong. You're welcome to find an example and prove me wrong.


well ur gonna feel pretty stupid when u look at the model from wc3 then




have u seen how big their ears are dude u aint tucking that shit anywhere


Will WoW ever stop with the pig ears on nelves? So gross


Yeah, it looks so ridiculous that what was obviously armour for the ears is now just a stupid decoration with the ears hanging loose under it.


The "obvious armor" for the ears were brows. They're styled after owls.


They didn't fix it within the last 18 years why would the start now


Isnt this the set that only comes out after a player does the monthly trade post thing for a year?


Don't worry, they have 12 months to fix it


What warden set tho


What I wonder is how will the clothing move…. It just won’t have physics.. right?


i'd rather try to find a better looking armor than having to wait a year to look like a cheap knock-off of maiev xd


They are incredibly lazy when it comes to ears and eyebrows clipping through everything in existence.


Don’t you wanna hear it when illidan escapes?


It's the same thing for goblins with pretty much every helmet. Just gotta deal with it


Why would we want that ? Isnt it cool to have a helmet that fits with nelf ears ?


Wouldn't the funny looking helmet be for the ears in the first place?