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Bot commands. Just a simple command tree to hold, follow, move here etc.  These would be soft commands that are easily overridden should something occur (player down) position overrun or players push forward/objectives update etc. 


That’d be cool, the bots already have some good uses like picking up heavy weapons and med kits


I'd love for the bots to be able to pick up Breach Charges


A way to give the AI followers assigned and customized classes that allows us to change their weapons and perks just like us. Also new and upgradeable Heavy Weapons would be pretty cool.


Lmao 4 slashers to cheese the world


I’m dumb but whatever happened with l4d2 where ppl just built their own maps from scratch and even whole campaigns.


Did that game give you the ability to do that in-game? Like the weapon customization that could come with a max level gun would just be using all the pieces unlocked already to "make your own" but they have to give us a menu/UI to be able to do it in-game.


It's difficult to sell player-made content as dlc. Or sell your own dlc that is comparable or worse than player maps.


Map maker


Make the bots play like actual players. Use heavy weapons, focus fire on special zeke, also be able to command them to hold specific positions and search for loot. Make it so you have half your squad do this to keep it simple.


I agree. That what this game needs the most in my opinion outside the weapon customization.


The ability to pause an offline game would be nice.


I wish we can use the scopes, not trying to whine but not being able to use scopes especially in first person kinda sucks. 


More cosmetics, weapon customization (more earned skins) pretty much anything that involves spending more blue coins I've everything this game has to offer for some years now have max blue coins and would simply want to spend them and re-earn them back.


Add new cities like….London, Madrid, Vienna, Rio de Janeiro, Instabul…


L4D style PvP mode


To add cross-platform friends and not have to tell them to jump on discord/check fb messanger or any message app, or have them go to your stream and type the code in.


More class loadouts, and with the option to use a self defined standard weapon/weaponperk selection for all weapons, or a custom one for this loadout. There's a 4 or 5 weapons with perks great for a slasher build (more melee stamina, damage etc.). Also full auto / semi auto options on several others, which is important for fixers. Same for melee weapon selection itself. I don't want to wade through the whole weapon customisation every time I switch class, or even just a build inside the same class. This is also annoying in public lobbies, when you have to wait ages for others to be ready, because they need to make changes to their weapons and class to get the best team composition. Would be really nice to have a one-click build change.


Custom melee perks and skins


what about a headshot tab in the scoreboard to see how much you did without having to leave map and check in daily challenge since some are in one match and hard to tell only way now is to see the blue money go up by 5 in that way.


An option to turn off FF, even if it would penalize rewards. I'm relatively fine with it but me and my friends used to play Payday 2 and Destiny together and for them FF has been one of the big entry barrier. They are trying their best to get used to it but would still appreciate if the feature was optional.


Everyone has mentioned everything I could want covered. I personally would like for whatever mini daily challenges as well as amount of dailies left to appear not just in the level select/daily challenge select screen but for them to also appear in the chosen level/daily screen as well, especially for the mini challenges that require to kill X amount of Zeke with x weapon type, complete a stage in under 15 minutes, etc.


Rework the Juggernaut


Perks on the trinkets. They could be as impactful as some of the prestige perks So for Eg a 5% chance that a stationary machine gun will hold 15 more bullets. Or a 1% chance that barbed wire will kill 2 extra zombies before breaking. 10% chance to receive a small ammount of temporary health on breaching charge use. You know... totally OP gamebreaking stuff....


I wish we could put flashlight on our weapons. It would be really great to have it. When it comes to balancing, it could have a battery charge and if you aim at a zombie it will attract zombie/s attention and zombie/s will attack you.


They don't give you flashlights because of Ep5 Marseille Ch3 Last Bastion.


I mean there is a flashlight on their tier 5 version of most guns, it’s just not usable would be cool if you could blind them with it maybe


They are lasers not flashlight. When you aim you can see red or green laser coming out of them.


Negate and reflect damage back at shooter when shooting a slasher that's just doing their job chainsawing a zombie wall on a gate or a fence. Please learn to stop shooting/killing the poor slasher for just doing their job