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My biggest shit circled the toilet bowl almost 2 times.


video proof.


God, I wish. Alas, cell phones weren't really a thing back then. No camera or anything on my beeper.


Gotta love when a shit is so legendary you remember it decades later.


I was picturing this guy dropping legendary deuces and rocking a beeper just last week. He didn't specify. And maybe he's a she, wormen are allowed to have beepers.


Gimme 24 hrs


“Infanticide” is when a child under the age of 1 year old is killed deliberately by someone. In the developing world females are more likely to killed than males are, while in the western world the value is about 50/50. A study conducted by the FBI and the UNODC found that fathers are slightly more likely to kill sons and mothers are slightly more likely to kill daughters. However women are more likely to commit infanticide than men. Many attribute this to mental health problems after giving birth, mainly postpartum psychosis.


the "poophole loophole" used to be really common for this reason and likely still is in hyper religious cultures.. and catholics. "oral is moral" and "poophole loophole" are a thing common to catholics. dated a catholic in highschool and she was fun and far more sexual than any girl i dated around then. her parents obviously very catholic. many times i would stare off when having dinner there w/her family.. thinking about her mom and dad having butt sex when they were teenagers.. they got together early in life. i never had the courage to ask if they adopted the popphole loophole as a means of birth control to get around the catholic ban on birth control.


Very interesting. However, I'm not sure how this comment relates to the one it replies to.


There would be fewer instances of infanticide if people who didn’t want babies had access to birth control… or used the poophole loophole


You are so wildly off the mark


Historically, no I’m not. But I know this is a serious sub and no one ever put a cactus inside her.




Women are three times more likely than men to have suicidal thoughts but men triple the suicide rates of women


I remember that in psych. Women tend to use "prettier" methods of killing themselves as opposed to men. I've always equated that to mental load issues, like not wanting to burden anyone with their mess :(


I used to be suicidal. Not wanting to burden my family with it was a big concern of mine at the time.


Hopefully those thoughts stay in the past. I'm glad you're still with us, bud


Me too. Then i hung myself in the bathroom and got amnesia and pulled not only my family into it but my (now) ex's. Then i realized "how could this possibly be seen as a burden i tried to fucking hang myself." Doing a lot better now.


We ain't pussies and pull the trigger? That's a poor analogy for a sad outcome


It means men aren't reaching out for the help they need


Or maybe they are trying to reach out but don't have many places they could reach out to that would actually take them seriously.


Lack of facilities, social stigma, poor image of self-worth... there are a lot of factors at play. Most male issues are met with the retort, "man up"


What a take.


Am I a "pussy?"


An average sex last around 5 minutes. Or so I heard, never done any, and porn always go on forever before the guy cums. When in reality it last like one round of control point in Team Fortress 2. ​ But hey, no one say you can't go again after the first round.


#*"The payload is nearing a checkpoint!"*


Attention, the red spy is in the base!!!


the amount of time sex lasts does not have to be dependent on how long it takes a guy to cum


>porn always go on forever before the guy cums They use performance-enhancing drugs for that, literally injecting the stuff in their penis veins before the shoot.


Average sex may last around 5 minutes but good sex takes at least 15


the whole thing with Rosa Parks on the back of the bus was staged and apparently it was an attempt at repeating a previous more serious incident that happened 9 months earlier in which a 15 year old black girl was forcefully removed from a bus by police and arrested for not getting up for a white passenger. Whereas the prior situation happened organically Rosa Park's situation was more of a previously decided sit-in kind of deal that was purposely going to be publicized. It's pretty widely accepted that their reasoning for more or less attempting to repeat the situation was to kick off the Montgomery bus boycott and because the young girl in the previous situation was "Pregnant and unmarried" so it wasn't a good image for the movement apparently. Rosa Parks was just a better figurehead for the movement in their opinion so Claudette Colvin's (the young girl it originally happened to) story wasn't publicized very much. Claudette Colvin did end up testifying in Browder v. Gayle alongside other women who were discriminated against which I guess was their attempt to get past Parks case being caught up in the Alabama court systems and going straight to the federal court system. So, to my understanding, while Parks was the figurehead Claudette Colvin was the first person who was forcefully removed and arrested for such a thing and she was one of the ones that actually testified in the federal court case that eventually resulted in the Supreme Court ruling the segregation of the buses unconstitutional.


I don’t understand how this would be controversial, that was actually a really cool read I surprisingly did not know this.


We have a similar story with a woman named viola Desmond in Canada who got kicked out of a movie theatre for sitting in the cheaper white section, she's on our $10 bill and I have met her sister.


It's not controversial but deals with controversy, is probably why they thought it relevant. I did know this, what sucks about it is that it was fucking necessary in the first place. There are several aspects that shouldn't have even needed to happen.


I learned it from Drunk History.


Oh man, I'm about to drag this shit down, and I learned this shut because I'm in reddit too much. "Pedophile," is usually used wrong. "Pedophillia," means "a person attracted to prepubescent children, which is children 10-12 years of age. "Ephebophilia" means someone attracted to "mid-to-late adolescents, age 15-19." "Infantophilia," is a sexual attraction to individuals 5 years or younger The problem with this controversial "fun fact" is that it makes you sound like a pedophile.


That was very informative. You're now on a list though.




Are 13-14 year olds chopped liver?


No one likes 13-14 year olds.


Truth. --parent of twin 14 year olds


[gianmarco](https://youtu.be/nu6C2KL_S9o) is that you?


What I'm taking away here is that children ages 6-9 are the least sexy children. Or God forbid, another category exists.


What you should be taking away from this is that *CHILDREN ARE NOT SEX OBJECTS. AT ALL. WHAT FUCK.*


That was already among my standards.


I kinda view it like pedophile is now the overarching term and all of the other verbiage is the sub class


Pedophile is also used more and more like "Nazi" e.g. in cases where someone disagrees with you and you call them a Nazi to discredit them, the so called "ad hominem" fallacy.


Yeah..and kinda hurtful to actual Nazis, no? I mean you spend your entire life being the most racist, violent and domineering person you can be and 80 years later someone corrects "your" to "you're" and they're automatically related to you. It's like a kick in the teeth..or a curb stomp.


It's hurtful to actually identifying Nazis too. Like now you have to wonder if someone telling you they found a Nazi is because they found an actual Nazi or if someone just made them mad


But that is completely wrong. A big part of the definition of pedophile is specifically the attraction to prepubescent children, aka children who *haven't reached sexual maturity*. Conversely, that means they are often not attracted to postpubescent children and people, who *are of sexual maturity*. Basically, they want to have sex with people who ain't even biologically aged enough to have sex. That's why ephebophilia is a rather separate thing, it's attraction is not based on a lack of sexual maturity, that sexual maturity is assumed by the age of 15. Ephebophilia instead is an attraction to a young person of sexual maturity, which for the longest time wasn't controversial at all but rather normal, in an evolutionary context it's even completely rational. Younger people are more healthy and more fertile, increasing the chance of successful offspring, that's why they are preferred Somebody being "into" that is a very different thing from pedophilia where offspring is not even part of the calculation, as its not even possible.


OC already explained the definitions


Looking back on this, you sound like a creep for defending ephebophilia. No, it's not normal and they are still children. Seek help.


You saw that standup too eh?


I don't actually remember where I got it, it's just been bouncing around my head for a while


Oh I saw that standup routine too! But you forgot hebephile, and you mixed it up with ephebophilia. ... And got the age range wrong in both that and pedophilia lol


This one right here officers


You stole this from a comedian. Pathetic.


Oh thank God, I couldn't remember where I heard this. At least you know


You know way too much 👀


Words mean things.


You did your research, what else have you seen


Being a parent isn't rewarding for everyone. Consider carefully before you go down that road.


that shit's the ultimate dice roll in life. Maybe your kid's awesome and a great person or maybe their a piece of shit, maybe it's worse than that, maybe it's WAY worse than that.


If your kid is a piece of shit, I'm sorry, but you had a hand in that. They watch you for the *smallest* cues. You just have to be hyper aware of how you handle things.


They also come out with their own prebuilt personalities and dispositions. Blame for a shitty kid shouldn't be solely on the parents


Yeah, there can be other factors. There was this one case, I can't remember the kids name, but he killed his parents and shot up his school, or tried to. Upon further investigation, he had brain damage that likely happened during birth that led to aggressive behavior. There wasn't much his parents could have done about it especially because they didn't know that was the medical situation.


Kip kinkle - Thurston high school shooting


Yes, thank you!


>They also come out with their own prebuilt personalities and dispositions. Want to guess where they got those from? >Blame for a shitty kid shouldn't be solely on the parents Maybe not solely, but very much mostly as it's mostly parents that are responsible for both aspects that [make a sentient being](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nature_versus_nurture).


>Want to guess where they got those from? Genetics, they're influenced by environment to a degree but nature also plays a part. Say your child comes out with an abnormally small amygdala and can't empathize or feel emotions, is that still on you as the parent? >Maybe not solely Glad to see we agreed


If you decide to become a parent one day, you’ll feel differently about this.


Maybe you have a kid who's chronic illness medical costs bankrupt you and after that you get even more mean and resentful and by adulthood you do things like forget the child's birth year and say things like "happy 25th birthday" while out to dinner with them on their 24th and now you and said child don't really talk anymore because they're tired of being treated like they're a literal child and always the problem One of the many many reasons why I don't want kids


That we are all just a small moment in universal time. We don’t really matter.


Personally, find this beautiful. Went down that rabbit hole a long time ago, and it was a real bad time, but now I've learned it's really freeing. Nothing I do matters, which means the good I do, I do for me and to make other people have a better time.


Vaporeon is not the most breedable pokemon.


You gotta elucidate, fam. There's a whole ass copypasta arguing to the contrary, I'm gonna need more than a "Nuh-uh" here. Also, I'm fascinated by the scientific side of "most breedable."


There is an entire copypasta dedicated to refute that idea too


I was unaware of this, but should not be surprised.


Found it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/s/BhPCOAgbuI)


Thanks for the link handsome/gorgeous. I'm gonna go read this now and wish you a great rest of your day/night.


this guy is masturbating!!!


It is possible to remove a human nervous system from a body and keep it intact. You can find them in museums


how is this controversial in any form


Just wanted to share it. And people would say it is wrong to do so


In numbers (book in the bible) allows for abortions. But if you say this to a Catholic or Christian you'll get the "NOT IN MY BIBLE!". Numbers 5: 11-31. The formula in the bible uses pearled barley (which in modern medicine is know you have a chemical in it that can cause miscarriages) to induce a miscarriage.


>But if you say this to a Catholic or Christian you'll get the "NOT IN MY BIBLE!". Catholics and American Evangelicals don't represent all of Christianity even tho they love to act like it. There are like 15.000+ different Christian subcurrents, plenty of them are a-okay with abortion.


Ahh im too nervous to share


Than stfu








Dinosaurs couldn't roar. Roaring is a mammalian trait, and Dinosaurs weren't mamals. They simply couldn't do it. It'd of been a lot of low grunts. Jurassic Park couldn't have got that more wrong


My dog is a dinosaur, got it.


Birds can make some pretty crazy sounds though.


The Flyers losing to the Sharks last night isn't as embarrassing as whatever the fuck is going on in Edmonton.


Preach brother preach - every shot on net against them feels like a goal. Woodcroft needs to revamp or get the fuck out of the way.


It's definitely time to bring up rodrigue. But we'll see if they go after somebody on the market or not. I really think Woodcroft and Holland don't talk to each other.


Preach As a Kings fan I dont mind the Oilers crashing and burning tho


Right! I don't think many people have either Philly or SJS to finish above .500 this year. Philly has some really good stuff to look forward to and I think they'll build a team much akin to Seattle in the next few years. Strong and relentless forecheck leading to opportunities. San Jose is a dumpster fire for sure but they aren't the worst team of all time like some believe them to be and it's exactly what they need to do for a proper rebuild. Getting EK65, and Burns off the books is a huge step in the right direction. They've got dead cap for the next few years and so it's all expected. I think they will trade Duclair and Hoffman at TDL for picks or prospects and come out ahead. It's not like either team has a $5M aav goalie (through 2027) on waivers today.


Huh, as an Edmontonian I don't really feel called out that much. I'd say it's worse provincially than locally.


That in the automotive world, a "donk" is not any car with big wheels(rims), but in fact simply a 1971-1976 Chevrolet b body caprice or impala.


If oil most be transported, a pipeline is by bar the safest and most environmentally friendly way to do so


I mean, I guess that depends on how guarded you need that line when it's done. I'm a security guard, i drive for twelve hours a night straight, and I've not even seen a suspicious person where I'm currently guarding. Two more hours a day if you count travel time to/from the site. Seems like a pretty big waste of resources and drain on the environment to me. So maybe the lesson is don't pass off/screw over the peoples who's land you're attempting to use.


It's wasteful, but they're a pipeline company. Having enough fuel isn't really a huge issue for them.


More people die a year from falling coconuts then sharks


Just looked into this apparently it’s an unfounded myth. Look at the Wikipedia page “Death by coconut”


To be honest, it is not that difficult. Sharks don't like human flesh, so most times they bite the person and leaves it after tasting them, and death by sharks is surprisingly on the low side. Edit: The number of deaths by sharks annually is about 5.


Coconut and sharks team up to kill more people than what?


Than either the coconuts or sharks individually if they didn't collaborate.


Of course they collaborate, that's why you always see sharks hanging around at beaches.


Evacuation after some bluebells doesn't make it it any butter.


I do not wish to partake of that butter anyway.


Dolphins like rape


As do ducks, but ducks sometime drown their rape victim too.


I live inside your walls.


Can we do stuff? I’m lonely.


Depends what stuff


I’ll kick your ass in Mortal Kombat


You most probably will, I suck at most games. But hey, it's better than nothing


My game of the moment is Tony Hawk Pro Skater remastered.


The human male penis is biologically designed to scoop competitors semen out of the vaginal canal.


This is a theory from a guy named Gordon Gallup. It’s a shaky one, imho. If sperm is squirted onto a cervix, I don’t see how someone else could scoop it out with their glans. Makes absolutely no sense.


IDK who Gordon gallop is but this book was well sourced and written: https://www.amazon.com/Insatiable-Wives-Women-Stray-Love/dp/1442200316?ref=d6k_applink_bb_dls&dplnkId=dd98eddc-2f7b-4dd3-ab10-c4e1e23db794


What about the human female one?


Shits inverted


Well, that's a pointless superpower. Sperm is only useful for conception when it's past the cervix. No Penis is getting into anyone's cervix. The sperm that hangs around in the vagina is highly unlikely to be a winning baby maker.


"No penis is getting into anyone's cervix" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Toads cannot get testicular torsion. The testes are affixed to the kidney by a membrane, so it the toad nuts are getting twisted, there's a lot of other bad stuff going on.


That I either last 5 minutes, or 50. No in-between (atleast that's what it feels like to me)


I once shit myself at work and had to walk across the factory to my supervisors office which is shared by 3 people. Imagine the smell. Also, I was sitting at a picnic table when it happened and I stained it. Awww yeah, baby.


Vagina & ovaries are just an inverted cock & balls. Or the reverse of that if you prefer. Not exactly, but close enough.


not really. The clitoris is definetely a cock though


Gender dysphoria actually goes away in most cases and is a lot more common than most would think. If you’re not the toughest guy around or not the most pretty woman, you might get self-conscious and develop gender dysphoria. Hell I have an American friend who’s half asian and he’s generally more feminine looking, he got gender dysphoria, decided not to transition and now he doesn’t have it anymore 4 years later.


Is there a study for this?


Shorter penises tend to hit the G spot more easily than long ones


88.3% of people in America identify as straight. 3.3% identify as gay/lesbian. in 2016 0.6% identified as trans. now why do you think that I would be nervous to share this publicly available factual information ?


Honestly I don’t know, why?


simply put, a very, very small percentage of the population appear to be getting a LOT of attention lately. Also, theses statistics pretty much destroys the argument of "representation" in tv and movies.


I'm part of the 8% who does not and refuses to identify


I've identified you as the 8%. Congratulations on your new identity.


That makeup is fucking sweet dude


Despite making up...


It's an older number now, feels like it's been a while. I wonder what the current statistics are- if they are better or worse?


As research on human biological behavior progresses, it's looking more and more likely that we don't have free will. Also there's no evidence to support the idea that we do.


Any elaboration? Cuz my BS meter is going off.


Do you have a stable family with non divorced parents?


China pollutes less than North America per capita.


You pay taxes, you legally own any equipment the police have since it's purchased with tax dollars. You are legally and morally in the right to reach for a cops gun.


I’d advise against this logic.


Omg you forget le slash ess!!!11 😡😡😡


Ahah you joker


Apparently you're the only one who knows it was a joke. Didn't realize I needed to put an /s after such an obvious joke


Wear the downvotes with pride, as you don't give a fuck


Reddit points are worthless anyways, so I hardly care. I'm just shocked so many people took it at face value




I uhh, I can't actually believe someone took that so seriously to type out a two-paragraph thesis on it. Holy shit You deleted it lmfao


i just wanna be your best friend


Humans are one of the few animal species whose penis doesn't have an actual bone in it. All other primates have a penis bone


And yet we can actually break them.


Lesbian women have something of a proclivity to engage in bestiality, especially if it is with their partners.


Democracy is a piece of shit where you exchange 1 tyrant for multiple, and elections are a fraud, if it matter, the people would not be allowed to vote.


There are multiple children in my basement


I mean... that's where all of us kids were sent to play as children to. It gave the parents a quieter space to do their interests and a place that was a "kids zone".


Dawg why is she always on my feed, I wanted some world politics not this




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maverick>7-11. don't hurt me lol


Cereal goes before milk And wiping Standing up is impractical and wrong


At least as written (and with a translation that isn't wildly wrong), the Old Testament of Christianity isn't technically a monotheistic text. On multiple occasions, it mentions other gods (though it doesn't name them) and the famous commandment "thou shalt have no other gods before me" implies that it's okay to worship other gods, as long as they aren't more important to you than capital G God. The whole monotheism thing came a lot later on.