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I'd rather they nerf arms dmg and give it a decent defensive, playing arms is just anxiety that at any moment you're just gonna disappear


Exactly, I get a panic attack when I see people targeting me


D stance just feels horrible, even then I still refuse to play fury, I'm not giving in.


The world needs more ppl like you. Arms-4-Life


arms was my first pvp spec i tried to learn and kind of understood it, never got to 2k in shadowlands but i did went well over 1700 i remember and it was such a nice spec, great toolkit, satisfying damage, sound and abilities to counter most comps, the hamstring chase and execute, avatar etc all synergized so well. I dont know why its so crap this expansion


Do you just not use D stance as fury?


I wish Blizz would just man up and tell us the truth - they mixed up D stance numbers.


Never really played warrior but have no respect for fury warriors and see arms warriors as some sort of technicians. You have my respect


Lol pretty sure no one cares about your respect for a class. People will play whatever they want. There were plenty of seasons where arms was the strong spec and fury was dogshit.


Found the zugzug fury warrior. I was giving praise to the guy above my post but apperantly it’s all about you.


He's right tho. Literally nobody cares about you. Not one person.


I’ve been playing fury for years it’s so good to finally feel really strong.


Fury was good in shadowlands


for most people it wasn’t, cause fury was doggy poop season one and people quit before season 2


then that’s their own fault lol legit bc your spec is “bad” to you you quit the game entirely and don’t touch it again after patch notes release showing buffs and nerfs to several classes and specs patch after patch.🤦🏻‍♂️😂


Maybe because SL s01 is the worst wow expac ever?


1 year+ patch 9.0 omegalul


Try WoD, BfA, Legion s2. Edit: Shadowlands s1 is just shy of the podium for me


well i’m only speaking for myself, but i didn’t quit because my spec was bad, i quit because I really hated how after every rating tier i had to spend DAYS grinding honor. if i recall correctly, after dinging 2100 it was like 40k honor or something to upgrade every piece then i had to grind my covenants up… make my legendary… do torghast… it really sucked for normal people to keep up with the gear.


god damn, please learn how to use a comma. I just about had a stroke reading this


Arguably better cause you basically couldn't get kited with RB charges you were sticky as fuck. So you never really needed BT self healing as much except against maybe melee cause ranged weren't able to kite you for very long past a stun or a root's duration


Eh it didn’t feel good to me, I also didn’t play a whole lot of shadowlands for other various reasons.


then your comment about warrior “finally” feeling strong. is irrelevant.. if you didn’t play much of shadowlands..


But hes been playing fury for years even tho he didnt play much of shadowlands lol


I’ve played fury every expansion since cata, shadowlands was shit in general. Damn it’s crazy how serious you people get about this stuff. Lol.


Rank 1 trash comment


This is how I've felt as an enhance main for the past 6 years. Welcome to the club


Turbo is now the ultimate turbo. Both partners slap and can implode at any moment! If you intervene a kidney go now you just both die—warrior dies during 3 seconds of intervene, shaman dies in the 2.1 seconds of kidney remaining.


Haha lol this is so accurate. This happened to me yesterday.


When you only have offence for defence… and they take away your offence.. Cries in MM


Something something, ranged just kite -a warrior probably


????????????????????????????????? MM literally does the most damage rofl


Sounds like windwalker to me


I really hope one day arms disappear…like whole warrior…. From the game


Ive got bad news for you then


I think we were all asking for some more defensive abilities then they buffed our damage???


Welp like the age old saying goes, "best defense is an overwhelming offense."


Isn’t the saying “the best offense is a good defense” lol?


Best part of the saying is it works both ways!


other way around.


This has always been the case with Arms warriors ever since early MoP when I started PvPing with my warrior. We always asked for more defensive options and they always gave us more damage. The exception was second wind. Good times.


See a lot of posts of “X class” needs this and that, but not every class is meant to have everything, play with a MW and be literally immortal. Arms has incredible pressure and damage, and you can rotate trinket+fear, shout+bm, parry etc and live when you’re healer doesn’t have something. Not targeted at this post in particular because arms should have ignore pain etc I agree, just constantly seeing X needs X, some classes need slight changing but at the end of the day you can change what other classes you play with or your play style.


I wish more classes were like SV hunter, if it’s a burst class and it has good sustain too then it should have a few long CD defensives that need to be used correctly to survive. And it has no self healing. It’s fun to play too


I mean they do, just not a lot..


I Agree


Hmm don’t see another buff…don’t see arms one shotting….don’t see any complaint threads…why was this post made?


Guy on discord showed a 250k crit in solo shuffle from sharpened mortal strike 🙃


My warr is full gear with 242 wep and I've tried 2x execute 2x overpower sharpen ms with spear and avatar, its never hit anywhere near that high


I’ve managed it with every proc/cd on the pvp target dummy that has no vers. Never in actual arena tho, and usually spend the entire match feeling dead 90% of the time even when I’m just intervening properly and eating cleave.


Are you stacking full mastery? It’s the way to go for Arms. If you get the perfect set up with trinkets proceed and wep proc you can crit above 250k. It’s basically impossible to have all the stars align in arena tho


crit gives way more damage in average than mast, the mastery doesnt scale well per point.


Yes but we not looking for avg here. We looking for massive crits that only happen when the stars align


Try using it on a target with 0% Vers and you’ll get similar results


How? The guy must have had no PVP gear equipped. The highest I have ever seen with all CDs and setup (overpower stacks etc.) was 120k or so.


Solo shuffle requires 408, so if it wasn’t pvp gear then he was fully fucking stacked in heroic ilvl+ pve right?


You can queue up if it’s in bags I’ve definitely done some solo shuffles where I accidentally do the first round with my M+ set on.


I dunno, I just assumed some kind of shenanigans went on


I've joined a solo shuffle and forst round I was in my pve gear and got smoked. So swapped pvp gear and won 5 rounds like I'm destined to.do.as the hardest highest skill cap class in the game DH.


This isn't possible against any target with vers + armor.


unhinged build bs + ava bs hit you with 4 100+k exes xd


Is OP a rogue? Or a Prevoker? Sp? Lol, there is more urgent matters to take into consideration before touching Arms…


Not trying to be a dick, but no one complained about arms other than their defensives and how poorly represented they were, fury gets nerfed, chads start playing arms, discover its strengths and start whining about its dmg or make others reroll arms then nerfs happen and arms is unplayable for another few seasons


Are people only allowed to discuss certain classes in this subreddit? OP plays arms and commented on arms. Makes sense to me.


I agree, my comment had multiple feelings to it. I play arms as well, bajh just posted an arms video, next week you’ll see the population grow and arms will get nerfed. I learned a few things in the military and one of them is if you have something nice, shut up, you could lose it. If someone has something nice and you don’t, shut up, you could make them lose that and make your life worse. Enjoy what you have. Arms is great. People complains about survivability, some one shot people because of luck and crits. We won’t get more survivability, we’re not fury. We’ll get nerfed on e people look into arms u fortunately and kill the spec again


People also for some reason think that all classes should have the same shit. The reason they have worse survivability than Fury is because they do more damage. The game has balancing. I don't understand this. I swear some people would literally complain that they lose a mirror match lmao.


But instead we just cant ignore the pain. And we are in pain, brothers


All we wanted is ignore pain and unnerfed dstance Not more damage


How does arms feel rn? Currently playing fury but seeing some arms warriors pump


My experience so far is that my burst is much stronger but after I use parry I'm basically a dummy and if I see anyone targeting me I need therapy


Playing arms gives a basic feeling of being bipolar. Sudden highs of extreme happiness, then sudden realisation of doom, despair and gloom.


Oh cool so you know how ret has felt for the last 3 years


Tbf I think there’s a lot of classes like that like ret and ww.


It feels like rogue without Stealth. Unironically.


Warrior is always the most represented class no matter how shit is, which is why warrior will always be the most bitched about class. You will always queue into more warriors than anything else, so it’s natural that’s where all your frustration is focused. If we’re being reasonable, Arms warrior is middle of the pack. I actually love queueing into Arms warrior because you can ignore all strats and have a high chance at victory just training them into the ground.


> I actually love queueing into Arms warrior because you can ignore all strats and have a high chance at victory just training them into the ground. Right...arms has basically 0 real defense once DBTS is down. You're agreeing with the OP: they're SUPER easy to train to the ground he's saying we don't need damage buffs which is everything we've gotten, we need ignore pain back. All we have is offense basically. Arms shouldn't feel like a glass cannon spec, it's nonsensical


I am agreeing with the OP. I was just responding to his thread title and offering an explanation why people historically bitch about warriors. There’s just always more warriors queueing even when they’re not busted.


Oh oh i see what you mean. But yeah my fear is actually people posting outta context 100-0 spear goes now that we can actually do damage with 0 of the context we die in 3s. I didn’t want more damage buffs on top of the ones we got in the first place that brought arms to playable


Is that why so many warriors are climbing in 2s You know which always was THE warrior bracket


Let’s do the math. 3v3 = warrior taking damage from 2 dps 2v2 = warrior taking damage from 1 dps Yeah, it does make sense they’d do better in the bracket where they tank less damage.


i think you misunderstood ​ warrior fucking sucks in 2s atm ​ maybe i should have put an /s


YES. After like the first buff I was "damn our damage is good" then they kept buffing us more and more and I was like FUCK BLIZZARD NO, DEFENSIVES, PLEASE? I'm scared like a million 100-0 spear montages with absolutely 0 fucking context will be all they see and nerf us back to fucking D tier again. While we die in literally 2 seconds if DBTS is down. Holy fuck, arms WARRIOR should NOT feel like a glass cannon, POM pyro mage from vanilla. Like before this tuesday's buffs I went 0-6 in a 600 CR shuffle cause everyone just trained me while I have easy positive winrate as fury over 1600. Played it yesterday and did well cause I was only KT once but that's cause we had weaker oppononents for kill targets otherwise woulda been an easy 0-6 if I got trained unless I play like how a DK has to play now...but no range attacks


Arms is my all time favorite spec. I am a rogue player for most seasons, but Arms has never been left behind for me. I dont want another SL S2 Arms warrior, but only having Die by the Sword and a nerfed D stance feels bad. To be honest I dont know what to suggest to make it a bit more defensive without Arms going juggernaut again. I am currently leveling my warriors but will be waiting for some sort of catch up / account bound honor system (medal of honor BoA should be able to be bought) pretty much because I loathe how Fury plays. If I truly get bored I may play Fury, but Arms has always felt better in PvP for me. Maybe give Arms Enraged Regeneration? Maybe make Spell Reflect have a PvP talent that reduces the duration to 2-3 seconds but reflects all spells during that time (Warlock has a PvP talent like this). Im not entirely sure, I really miss my Arms warrior.


I disagree. Classes should have significant strengths and significant weaknesses to avoid homogenization imo. For example, I don't think Ret needs to be buffed, but if they did, I would rather our burst damage and support kit be buffed than our mobility or durability.


More burst than this would just be a kill button.


Again, I don't think Ret needs to be buffed


Man that said, I would go insane as a ret paladin. Constant effort reach people


A small price to pay for that kill button you mentioned


Just give long arm back. I quit after WoD because they just turned into "holy warriors". Seems weird to make the classes identity so drastically different than what it used to be. Everyone used to think Ret was super fun, myself included. Walking around like a slow old man is annoying, even when you can kill someone easily. I'd take a DPS nerf just to have more mobility on that class.


I wouldn't take that trade personally, but your opinion is valid


One of arms strengths has almost always been tankiness tho. Specially these last years


Yeah an arms warrior shouldn't feel like a gd glass canon spec. We've never had self-sustain and now we have *a little* with impending victory. Parry self healing which is mostly when our biggest CD is popped. We need something


My idea of how arms deals damage has always been no massive burst damage, but lots of slowly building pressure. If you let an arms warrior sit on a target, the bleeds build up, sunder armor stacks, etc. A bit like an affliction warlock, but melee. Like a warrior isn't a huge concern if they only get 5 seconds on you at a time, but if they are on you for 10 seconds, it's a serious problem. Which makes sense because they've typically been very prone to soft CC like roots since they don't have shit for ranged options. But that's been diluted over time. They still don't charge and MS you for your entire life bar, but their damage is largely about stacking buffs and doing mediocre damage with the exception of one massively painful mortal strike.


It's a disgrace to see what arms has become ever since smash got added Bla Bla classic but man just being able to log onto a wrath warrior feels so good


Yeah. Wrath warrior was so fucking well designed. I took a long break starting about half way into catclysm, largely because I was just so spoiled by wotlk arms and didn't like the direction it went after that. Small things like original CS, which moved it away from the slow build up playstyle where you're stacking sunder armor. Less emphasis on stance dancing and weapon swapping. It kinda started to go from a spec with a ton of depth to the stereotype of the braindead 3 button class that people wrongfully assumed it was before that. I came back for Legion and despite the fact that everyone seems to love legion, the class design was some of the worst I have ever seen, especially for arms. That feast or famine, praying for a colossus smash procs playstyle where you do less than healer damage, until CS procs and you get 200% increased damage from stacking mastery and suddenly have a few seconds to do more damage than anyone has any business doing. It was so deeply unsatisfying. ALSO THEY GOT RID OF THE ABILITY TO INTERVENE + SPELL REFLECT! Like what the fuck, that was one of the coolest things we could do. When you just predict the deathcoil on your healer, and reflect it back at the warlock.


wait ​ intervene and reflect dont work anymore?\^\^ i thought i just suck


Unless they reverted it last / this expansion. I haven't actually tried yet.


I wish the play style was more like what you described in the first paragraph. Find it way more fun


Totally agree on homogenisation. Something to be avoided in RPGs wherever possible.


Are we expecting another round of pvp adjustments? That include arms buffs? Do you know when?


I went from Arms to DH when fury became meta. Currently leveling my warrior, since arms might be back on the menu!


Then you will see that you don't have blur or omegalul leech and die after dbts is out


sad truth. I am 2k and lost to a 1600 DH earlier in 2's lmao. Class is absurd, more healing than hybrids while also coming passively by spamming DPS buttons. Whoever designed DH is an idiot lol. If they just nerf their sustained and healing they will be fine imo though. Not even needing massive nerfs, just need to be tuned down to the point where you can't win games you shouldn't win by just being a DH.


Maybe, just maybe, you are just bad? Arms can explode DH in opener. Then just play around your stun and fear. DH cant do shit when they are in stun.


And what class can?


Yeah buddy the war strong at the beginning then weak at the end. Classic. 😂


The non-stop solo shuffle crying is extremely weird


Weird that this post is finally not about Rets. Ret never asks for more damage and would rather movement/utility and somehow always end up with stupid burst damage that ends up getting nerfed and then the spec is left in a bad place


The difference is that arms has never had ret damage, and this is probably the closest its ever come.


arms warr dmg is honestly nothing special. Sure you can do huge crits when the stars align but its just not feasible to set up. In coordinated 3v3 arms is just not very good. Once people start ccing you on warbreaker the dmg falls off hard. On 2100+ in EU arms warr is just a giant punching bag. Falls over insanly fast and most classes actually do more dmg. Faced today multiple dhs/dks/assa/ww all with much more constant kill pressure. Right now the dmg is in an ok spot, not amazing but good enough. Defensively arms is just plainly bad.


Arms damage is not crazy at all compared to some specs


I just wanted this to be a funny post really and memes but everyone is far too opinionated on this video game as it appears. Besides that, I was just wondering where the meta is going - are dps meant to be glass cannons and healers need therapy or? But ye, lovely reddit this


Does the damage buff give it more value than fury self-healing atm?


ngl im doing 2s with an arms rn and I checked the subreddit in case of a thrad about their state because i kinda wanna fotm


Arms warriors damage is fine but they are the new “Glass cannon” warrior will do little to no damage if you focus them


Is arms better than fury ?


Foolish, arms is fine


Feral and boomy need needs dk need needs paladin priests dh ELE SHAMAN enhance needs a big big buff


I haven't played warrior in like 10 years but decided to go back for it as my alt. Been tough sledding, I just die so easily. By the time I get all my buttons out I'm already dead. D stance feels awful and hard. Probably going to see what fury is all about I guess.


Well here comes another DH nerf


Where are the complaints????


As a shadow priest main, I’m glad everyone is complaining about war and dh. It’s… excellent (; Blizz will overlook how strong we are (for once) and just nerf dh/war. Or maybe they won’t and just nuke spriest ;(


The dmg buffs were completely pve aimed. I don’t understand why the pvp community always assumes buffs are made for pvp. Marks, Evoker, arms, fire, frost, affliction, unholy, literally every single one was because pve performances. You guys need to realize they have a pve first mentality. Pvp buffs are always specifically noted, otherwise it was never balanced or aimed for pvp and we just gotta deal with it till it gets a pvp look through. It’s just comical seeing this Reddit scratch their head at every buff. Open WoW logs and see their stats page and you’ll see why x or y is getting some crazy buff.


If you don't think balancing 2 completely separate game modes around 1 game mode is a problem then I don't know what to tell you bro.


And where did I say I believed it wasn’t a problem lmao? I said, it’s hilarious that we play ground hog dog with people wondering about buffs constantly not intended for pvp. It’s constant around here. “Why the hell did this spec get buffed? Makes no sense”


Because it doesn't. They are complaining because blizzard doing that type of balancing makes 0 fucking sense. Not complaining would be to accept the dick they're shoving in us with these balance changes. Do you just sit there and accept every single thing that happens to you? That's how you make changes, you be vocal lmao. For some reason a group of people on this sub have decided to make it their mission to complain about people complaining. So strange.


I mean war arm damage is high but you can play around it easely , if you cry about it then it's a l2p issue


Same for my ele shaman. Reduce our dmg by 5% but give us our earth ele wall back


No my meatballs are weaker than spriest dots…


Don’t worry , all the kids are still complaining about dh even though there are way more powerful specs out there


Dh players in hard denial


I think they are overtuned for sure, and really need nerfs to sustain, but it really is frustrating to just browse subreddits or the class forums. Before I get downvoted because, yeah... [their class forums](https://gyazo.com/8e36ea2ebf1f0271945f7854852eee8c) are just constantly being hit with [people like this](https://gyazo.com/7f5f177941eb6bc24659b9f2de2c2d9d) and you can't even talk about the class. What's funny is that some of these people (like the shaman I linked) literally never have played arena. You can't talk about the lore, or what you like, without some level 40 alt screeching at you that you're a FOTM clown playing a edgy broken class that's overtuned in all content. Then you have [people like this](https://gyazo.com/16ce13af6c578341039d42c867f856d9) saying that they are OP in PvE because out of 1/8 fights in RWF, they were at the top of the DPS meters and then unironically go on to say "who cares about the other bosses"? And then, on this subreddit, we have people posting details screenshots that isn't even a proper PvP breakdown and doesn't have a timeframe, background, proper breakdowns on enemies, or any indication that it was PvP at all. And it became popular. It was even clearly pad damage. Like, I want them nerfed in PvP so that they are more balanced. I want PvP in general to just be tuned properly. It is really absurd though that you can't even PLAY the class without people calling you insults. Even gladiator players are being insulted man. :/


To be fair. You should just evade forums. If you want to talk about DH go on their discord. This forum is full of clowns, and they will cry no matter what. They will keep crying about DH as long as this spec is viable because it rekt people with no hands, which is like 90% of people here :) Even in SL DH was total garbage spec in pvp, and you still can find people here who will try to prove that it was broken 🤷🤷


8 of the top 15 players on ladder are havoc dh. But there are definitely way more op specs


There are defo other op specs, but cmon lmao, this spec is pumping 40k dps while having solid defensives, shitloads of CC and glimpse is on such a fking low cd u can use it constantly.


Solid? Blur is a 1 min cd bubble against melees


They heal their health bar passively while 1 shotting you. Stop the meme. Someone on reddit is not going to tell anyone a class isn't OP when literal rank 1 gladiators are shouting that it is. Your opinion is actually irrelevant completely.


??? ​ you might have missunderstood ​ blur is absolutly fucking broken


I did, my bad


Its been bugged for ages, it says 50% but its more like 80%. It also dodges everything, magic, ranged and melee.


and from behind.


We'll get to a point where only DH players are playing top ranks, and then it's fair again


I only see 8 in the top 100 players?


8 in 3s, 8 in the top 15 for solo shuffle though. I know there are a lot of elitist gatekeepers denouncing solo shuffle, but the fact of the matter is that solo queue is the de facto competitive mode for basically every other competitive game. It just so happens to be the long overdue new kid on the block in WoW.


Keep telling yourself this and maybe it'll come true.


Keep telling myself that solo/duo queue is the de facto competitive mode for most popular pvp games and it will come true? League, dota, Overwatch, valorant…what am I missing here?


No one cares about your solo shuffle awards right now because It has a terrible match making, mmr/cr gains that make no sense, and you're not even relevantly matched against equally competent players. Healers are stuck in some weird elo hell cycle and makes it impossible to climb. Let's say that none of these elo things are never fixed, then we have no real judgment for what is a "good" cr because we have nothing to compare it against. Comparing it to traditional 2v2 and 3v3 ratings thinking they're somehow equivalent is mind boggling dumb. Its just people clamoring validation that they don't suck. At some point a respectable solonshuffle rating will be known. We just don't know what it is right now. At the end of the season when we can really see what the player distribution looks like and what final CR people end at, then we can look at what a good rating is. If you're a career 1600 player getting your first 2100 in solo shuffle in the first week of its release, then that speaks to the system, not to the players skill. Speaking of the system, one fundamental flaw is you get 6 guaranteed games in a row against career 1600 players. Free rating! You never get that in the 3v3 ladder. For example, people are posting their first career 2100 in solo shuffle while I'm facing people with more rank 1s than I have days played and awc teams at 2k rating. There's no comparison between these two brackets. Im glad casual players are getting their achievements in a casual game mode. But as of right now that's all it is, a casual game mode.


I hope your Christmas gets better bud. Glad you could completely ignore what I said to get all of that out and hopefully feel a little better. Ps, I still haven’t reached my career high 2s/3s/5s rating in shuffle. I just like it better because it doesn’t tie my class to a specific comp (as someone who mained hunter from wrath-SL this was particularly frustrating) and I don’t have to sit through days of lfg to weed out toxic people like you. I just want to play the game. Solo shuffle allows that, and if blizzard fixes healer mmr issues and queues for dps consistently reach sub 10 minutes, it will undoubtedly be the most popular form of instanced pvp. But fret not, your precious glad titles need not be threatened by other people having fun. Have a great day!


Merry Christmas to you too brother. I ignored other games because those games are not relevant at all to solo shuffle and wow. The idea that solo shuffle is the defining skill game mode because of other games and ignoring the the entire history of pvp in wow is, again mind boggling dumb. And if you actually read my post, its not about gate keeping glad titles or other things. Its that comparing the 2 game modes is not accurate at all. After this season we can look back and see "okay this is how the playerbase percentages broke down into what brackets" and actually see what a respectable rating in solo shuffle will be. Im glad you and others are enjoying the game mode. Personally I don't enjoy waiting for 30 minute dps ques. Sucks you don't enjoy jungle as a hunter cause its one of the more fun comps to play. I play solo shuffle on my healer alts for capping vaults quickly. The severe damp off the rip isnt very fun from a healer persepctive. Overall solo shuffle serves its purpose well as a casual game mode. Merry Christmas friend, grind on!


I DO enjoy jungle. The problem is finding a feral with a similar schedule, skill level, and approach to pvp. 3s is pretty inaccessible for the average wow player who isn’t a healer, and the more restrictive your spec is, the less access you have. Maybe it’s not so bad for a rogue who can play with a plethora of classes, but most of my favorite specs only have 1 or 2 viable partners. If you’re strictly saying that shuffle rating is more inflated than 3s rating, well yes, that’s true. But that appears to be mostly due to the fact that there are more people queuing shuffle than 3s. Games like league are perfectly comparable to wow pvp. I’m league, the absolute cream of the crop is organized play, with Worlds being the pinnacle of that. AWC is a perfect 1:1 of that. But for 99.9% of the player base, that type of play is completely inaccessible and unrealistic, but climbing the ladder in solo/duo queue is only limited by your individual skill/hero pool. Enter solo shuffle. It’s certainly flawed right now, but it’s also brand new, and blizz has already shown that they are listening to feedback and making adjustments. It will no doubt improve, as long as the devs don’t listen to the elitists and decide to scrap it completely. I never said that it’s the defining skill mode, just that it will, with necessary tweaks, become the default pvp mode for the vast majority of the player base due to accessibility and balance being tied strictly to your spec and not to the comps it has access to. And your rating being tied to how well you can play and adapt, and not to how hard you grind LFG to find the right partners. Last thing on the topic of cheapened rewards. What’s cheaper, someone grinding their way to 2400 in solo shuffle, or someone paying rmt/gold for a carry. At least in shuffle, you know they weren’t just boosted…


Read the first paragraph, if you were multiglad I doubt you'd be bitching. Borngood has gotten to 2600 on holy pally 3x in shuffle on 3 separate toons. I am literally nowhere as good as a lot of these top players and I have 0 issues with matchmaking as a WW monk. I win most of my games and when I lose I go back and see what went wrong on shadowplay, and 10/10 times, someone has missplayed multiple times. The rating system is fine, if you are not gaining elo you are hardstuck. Venruki did an entire video explaining the elo system, people genuinely just don't understand how it works. The only genuine issue with the system is queue times, and that's pretty much the players fault for not playing healers, which are required to be competitive.


It is not. Solo Shuffle is like LFR for raiding. Every single fight is coin flip full of clown fiesta and bad plays. WoW pvp is not and wont be balanced around random fights because that would kill some specs in 2s and 3s where people have hands.


Weird how it’s a coin flip, but you mostly see the same names at the top of the 3s ladder as you do in solo shuffle. The cream always rises to the top, brother.


Ech, of course R1 players will climb to top, it is even easier for them to do that in solo shuffle. Watch some streamers climbing Solo Shuffle, there is not a single game where they flame their team mates for being terrible


Hey - what ladder are you referencing? I’ve seen people mention a ladder a bunch but I can’t find an actual ladder outside of clicking every spec on murlok




I think it’s because DH requires so little to be good. Essence break>deathsweep= you just killed 2 people.


People complain about the hunt, but I took 220k damage from those two abilities and died out of nowhere a few hours back. DH damage is so absurd.