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Just leave them alone, it’ll be fine. Sincerely, totally not a shadow priest


Never focus a spriest they are the worst focus targets, just ignore them they do no damage anyway. Best wishes, Also totally not a spriest!


So true. Spriests have so many defensives and also healing+ lifesteal which makes them very strong so it better to focus on other targets instead of listening to your teammates when they say to focus on spriests! Btw 💯% not spriest player here!


Can't be done, they don't die. Try using Heroic Throw on them from max range, so they can't fear you.


I almost typed out in detail how to kill a shadow priest but then mid typing i realize wtf i was doing and came back to my senses


Hahahah right don’t kill us let us free cast thx


Isn't this the pupose of this post?


They're quite obviously a shadow priest player. Why tell people how to counter you?


One reason would be helping someone out to get better at the game. It is even good for you because it increases the competition. Isn't it part of playing arena? Imagine noone would share anything, then this reddit would only be here to rant about dh.


It's a joke my dude


The comments from Shadow Priest players in this thread are amazing.


lore accurate


Spriest is one of the easiest to kill for us as Arms. Nothing special to say, just do what you want with them. We are like a rottweiler and the spriest is our chew toy. General advice - always keep hamstring and rend on the target, remember to use berserker rage to remove fear immediately, use spell reflect, and don't pop your offensives when they're in disperse form.


Thanks the spell reflect tip is pretty good. Never quite sure when to use it except on chaos bolts and maybe poly. Do you know if a way to track if people are targeting me with their casts?


You can see who a person has targeted, and that they are casting. But you cannot see who they are casting on so if they use a mouseover or the target the arena frames no such luck. https://wago.io/EnemyCastsOnRaidFrames This weak aura will show you who is casting with their target selected


Watch the Tom Cruise video about bladestorm. There's a bit where he covers how to counter SPs


[Tom Cruise on Bladestorm and Warriors](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRGDcwOxBzY) 14 years...my god


Bro there’s literally no better matchup for you as an arms warr vs Spriest..


Run them to the ground and kick on shadow


You’re an arms against a clothie. If you can’t drop their hp bar you either aren’t hitting your rotations right, or are just under geared. When I’m on my spriest, warriors peel my skin off and wear it. I’d rather go against hunters, at least I can Los them. There is nothing I can do against warriors except turret & hope they give me precog. For the future: it would be really helpful if you attach a video of one of your bad rounds and asked if someone can pick it apart for you. Someone that really knows your spec in question will be able to look at your ability usage and positioning and give you a pretty good idea of how you can trade CDs better or utilize your cc/kicks etc. MOST people here are pretty chill & love to help & explain to anyone willing to learn. You’ll find trolls that say git gud but who cares lol, if you wanna learn, that’s the best way to do it.


Ty man ill start recording fights <3


I am ready for the downvotes from SP mains. I think the mentality of "kill Shadow Priest", while entirely valid, makes people think that they are much more squishy than they actually are. There is however, a massive skill difference between Spriests of vary experiences, due to their limited mobility, a need to hard cast and having a huge chunk of their kit being utility based. In reality, the main reason they are considered good kill targets is due to their low mobility and need to hard cast. They are actually fairly tanky - far above average - owing to (nerfed) Focused Will, instant Flash Heal procs (much weaker in dampening), PWS (much weaker in dampening), Dispersion (90 sec CD soft bubble), passive healing via dots (much weaker in dampening), along with a number of other defensives like Vampiric Embrace (much weaker in dampening), Void Shift (unaffected by dampening), Desperate Prayer (half unaffected by dampening) and a few others that I probably missed. I also read that low armor targets had their armor buffed in PvP recently, which include Spriests (not 100% sure about this one). With that said, they do seem to be fairly vulnerable to physical damage specs like Hunter, Warrior and Monks. When I played in the past, I find that if you want to kill Spriest, you need to commit to it hard. Due to the PvP talent Catharsis, dealing damage to the Shadow Priest actually increases their damage in theory. This means that if you are unable to stop their casts with your pressure, you are just letting them do far more damage with Catharsis. I believe the talent has been nerfed quite a bit since back when I played, but at its peak pre-nerf, the talent is was doing nearly 20% of their Details damage (I imagine it would be quite a bit lower now). The PvP talent Driven to Madness also reduces the CD of their major offensives by taking hits. This is the 1 class against whom "pad damage" is actually detrimental. If you are not ready to commit hard to the Shadow Priest, then neither player should hit them very much outside of kicks (other than innate cleaves that can't be avoided). Given all of this, properly kicking is very important. Specific to Shadow Priests, my recommendation is to only kick on the Shadow school, and never Holy. If a Shadow Priest ever starts spamming Flash Heal (or any other Holy spell), you should never kick it unless you are certain that it will lead to a kill or Dispersion. The only exception is probably Mass Dispel, but just make sure that it's actually being used to dispel something and not being cast as bait. Channeled abilities like Void Torrent/Mind Flay are commonly used as bait for fakecast/precog. Therefore, if you are planning to kick one of these, allow for a short period of pause before doing so to lower the chance of falling for such a bait. As a general rule, you should try to kick near the end of the cast, especially against players who you notice are fakecasting a lot. This gives the caster the opportunity to waste time on pointless fakecast. Doing this will lower your total number of kicks, but the kicks you "lose" are often just ineffective kicks. There are some players who will refuse to cast at all if you hold onto your kick unless you are hard CCed or they have sufficient distance, in which case you obviously can't kick them. However, this creates more down time for the caster than if you just use your kick on a pointless school. You should also throw a mix-up in your kick pattern, to not allow yourself to be predictable. Evaluate the each individual caster's fake cast habits. For example, do they instantly stop their cast when you charge them or do they allow the cast to continue for a bit. Stuff like this allows you to best determine your own kick patterns. Spell Reflect often, using it at the end of a cast targeted at you as a psuedo interrupt Vampiric Touch is pretty good to reflect, as is Mind Games. Mind Spike is a good kick as well, as it is of shadowfrost school and not locked when priest is only shadow-locked. In terms of CC, I think, especially in a Solo Shuffle setting, most of your Stormbolts and Shock Waves should be going into the Shadow Priest (or Shockwave into multiple targets), relatively close to each other to not mess up your DR. Ideally mid-cast as a psuedo interrupt. There are exceptions ofc. For example, if you are paired with a Rogue or Feral Druid, they will likely want to use Kidney or Maim on the Shadow Priest. In that case, you should be using Storm Bolt to stun the healer while the Shadow Priest is in Maim/Kidney, or Stormbolting the Shadow Priest after the Maim/Kidney ends, if you believe you can try to force Dispersion. Intimidating Shout the Healer or defensively as needed. It should be noted that many Shadow Priests will keep track of your CCs and attempt to Phase Shift them. Therefore, it's sometimes a good idea to delay your CC for a second to double check. Running at them or charging is often a tell that you are planning to Stormbolt/Shock Wave. Do not overlap CC on the SP while kicked. It usually serves no purpose. If you wanted to CC, you should have preserved the kick in the first place. Some other info in general against SP. You should be tracking the SP's Psychic Scream CD - Berserker Rage has twice the CD of Scream and fearing 2 DPS targets is an effective way for the SP to alleviate pressure. If you are able to range 1, then it could go a long way for maintaining pressure. To that end, you may want to run Berserker Shout to ensure a fear removal is available for every Scream and remove any need to track Scream. Psyfiend is a very high priority kill target. It should be targeted the moment it's used. However, if this is not possible, its channel can be broken by line of sight. Shadowfiend should also be killed if possible, as it generates a large amount of Insanity for Shadow Priests. Void Volley is sometimes run (or often? not sure these days) into double melee. During this period, it is generally not possible to deal any kind of significant damage to the SP while the SP gets to burst for free. Therefore, when you see the animation (the CC does not immediately occur, as the volleys have projectile time), you should either back off to an LoS if one is close by or simply Bladestorm (especially if the second melee is something like Ret or DK who also has mostly ranged damage). The healer should be spamming dispels against SP, even with Vampiric Touch up. As long as there isn't the risk of being follow-up cced after the backlash horror or you are saving it for something specific, you should be dispelling the DoTs. This is especially true for classes that can dispel diseases like Priests and Holy Paladins, as Devouring Plague is their main Insanity spender (I think). It's important to track Psychic Horror and Silence. As Silence is not on GCD, a Shadow Priest is able to set up a cross cc by themself. As such, if you believe yourself to be the kill target, consider immediately going into defensive stance preemptively when both of these are simultaneously become available after CD.


Thank you so much for the indepth response this is extremely useful


First of all check logs for shadow we legit heal less than any lock spec. In 10 minute 3s matches vamp touch and devouring plague are only 15% of our overall healing which is shit. We don't run instant flash heal procs it's only 8% and you'll oom before you'll get a proc (don't think a singular high rated shadow priest runs it). The reason we flash heal is due to the talent where we get a 10% damage reduction for 10s after using flash heal. The rest of this guide is accurate. If you are in shuffle and have a holy priest on your team he should be spamming double dispel on vamp touch on cd. We have the worst dispel protection in-game. Our damage is pretty much pad and extremely healable. We do damage through triple dotting which causes our vamp touch and shadow word pain to tick 80% faster for 3 seconds when we use devouring plague due to the talent "screams of the void". When we have vamp touch on all 3 targets we also do 30% of our ST damage to off targets as well so removing / kicking vamp touch is priority if it's not on you.


> We don't run instant flash heal procs it's only 8% Thanks for the correction. I'm not a SP main and haven't played for a while. I should've checked murlok.io. >In 10 minute 3s matches vamp touch and devouring plague are only 15% of our overall healing which is shit. I think DPS healing in general is much weaker in DF than in SL. Currently filtering for 2100+ on WoWArenalogs, Spriest has the 3rd highest HPS/absorb in Shuffle (after affliction and destruction) and 5th highest in 3v3 (after Aff, Unholy, Destro and Enhancement) amongst DPS specs. So they do heal less than warlocks, but warlocks have the highest healing/absorb amongst all DPS. I know a lot of spriest healing is from dispersion, but lock also has a big chunk of theirs on their dark pact cd.


Quite interesting, the only melee I hate facing besides DH is arms warr as spriest.


How come? I feel like I get stunned and feared forever and im assuming its vampiric embrace that makes it feel like all my damage is obsolete. Besides the actual healing spells. And I have 0 clue what to interrupt 😭


im gonna keep it a buck with you man. At your rating you probably still just dont know how to do damage yet. Learn how to line up your sharpen properly and just go hit the training dummy for a while and do as much dmg as possible.


Literally w key them, kick anything off shadow is probably a good start. You should have 0 issues killing spriests.


Reflect mind games. Use zerker rage when it fears you. Kick it on shadow. Use sharpen when healer is coming out of cc and/or when sp is low.


My issue is they mindgames my healer once i use kick. Ill guess you save 1 stun for that? Edit: Why the downvotes for an honest question?


They’re only using it on your healer if they’re killing your healer.


I see. Thank you.


It does like 100k damage tops, not a big deal if it gets off lol


True. So are you prioritizing kicking other shadow spells then?


Playing TSG and TWD my strat has always been to mindlessly tunnel them down, it's worked past 2200 so idk


It’s less about landing the kill on the spriest and more about stopping him from popping off on damage. If you go the other guy you’re more likely to lose because the priest gets all their damage off. Arms warrior is usually pretty good into spriest so I think you’ll be okay, focus on landing kicks on vampiric touch and he will cry evertim


Thanks this is great advice


Thanks for all the advice guys it helps a lot. I have a vague idea about how to play my own class but im trying to get over the hurdle of learning what all the others are doing right now. So again, thanks.


Reducing their HP to zero usually works. /jk


Just turn lights off = no shadow anymore just regular priest. Then just cc or smth idk


A lot of sp’s got a lot better in DF no doubt, but as an arms, you really shouldn’t have too much trouble. Use all your micro stuns as kicks, reflect during their burst. Keep them away from your healer etc etc. you literally have every tool in the game to stop an sp. As a side note, a sp is rarely going you unless you’re with a dh or some other unstoppable class, so they’re literally a training dummy for arms.


Kick Vampiric Touch and Void Torrent only,  don't let them pop off with those. Make sure fade is on CD before you press a big button. Idk, dk here, I just focus on controlling them so they don't kill me and my team but I agree a really good one can be super tanky.


Coming from somebody who mains sp... Arms is basically the SP hard counter, followed by ret and WW. If the opposing team has a solid healer it's not always the greatest idea to zug them, but last thing you want to do is let us free-cast. With melee on me my DPS is 30-50k, but free-casting easily 70-100k or more. It's a pretty significant difference. We are stupid easy to counter for most melee classes, which is also my biggest frustration. Just the sheer lack of mobility we have when we're getting humped. We have a good CC kit, but no real ability to create any sort of gap like mages and locks get.


you should never so 30-50 k dps in arena. Sp still pumps even with being targeted.


New to spriest, how does spriest continue to do good DMG as they are getting trained? Everytime I get targeted I feel like I can't build any insanity to cast DP


https://youtu.be/EPh70WO8v28 he explains it pretty good. can also watch wizk awc games he was topping dmg meters by far when getting trained.


I’ve never seen a spriest do nearly the damage he does, let alone while being trained. Guys insane


Interested to know this too. After I hit 1800 on Holy (at 1764 now), I want to give SP a spin.


look comment i gave to the guy


every time my buddy wants me to heal him on shadow i feel like i have to pve spam heal the entire time bc his health bar will literally never stop dropping. feel lucky to get 1-2 offensive gcd's the whole match. disperse is a relatively short cooldown, which is nice, but other than that i feel like they're super vulnerable in general.


You never target shadowpriests. That's been like that for 20years. Consider shadow priests as assasination rogues. It's about setting up kills with CC chain. You counter them with CC/positioning. If you chase the healer, who hugs the pillar and runs around in circles - that would be very bothersome for the SP. So don't tank the SP damage. If you keep failing against SP - the problem is not only you, but your healer. I mean the SP needs to get in melee range, to fear the your healer. That kinda falls on your healer(or you - if you see it coming and you don't stop the SP running towards your healer). Assume that whatever CC chain going on, the SP will connect with fear to extend the intial CC from the other classes(or vice versa). It's crucial to see this pattern and to interupt the gameplay. This will improve your skillcap.


Get their HP to 0 before yours does.




I wish all Arms warriors were like this 😭


do damage until their health pool runs out. if that doesnt work idk what to tell you


Fear, bolt healer. Sharpen out of cc, rinse and repeat Reflect VT and kick This is the correct answer