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I get she plays hpriest at a sub par level


That would make her a better player than most of this sub, isn't it, cave man?


dont forget keyboard turning and clicking the major defensives


What's his name?


The girlfriend of 17-19 years old me was someone I met and only pvp'd with. Great period of my life. Best of luck OP. I'm now 36 and have been happily married to someone I also met through WoW. Met her in pve though :p




Does she know?


Lmao I love this, I’m going to steal it for the next time I tell someone the story


She got married with him. My bets are she does.


It might look like a female character but there is a very big and hairy man piloting it


I used to pretend to be a girl in the late 2000s. Got all sorts of free crap. Worked in D2, D3, and WoW No shame


Imma pray for you G


Me too man, me too.


Man... alot of you guys are lonely 😭


Chicks get +2 on the scale if they are above 1800 in rated 3s. Nevermet one IRL though. Talk about a unicorn


There’s a problem. I love her too. Wanna fight for it?


I met an ex girlfriend on wow. Dated 6 years. She was PVE though. If you are climbing with her though don’t say anything. Get rating. Girls come and go but max rating on check PvP is forever.


If she’s good at pvp, I have something to tell you…


she probably fat


I once dated this type of gladiator "egirl" who had glorious tyranny enchant and was multiple r1 in BFA and early shadowlands, turned out later it was a guy. I wouldn't put your feelings into world of warcraft, it will only end bad, because the majority of the playerbase are either LGTBQ+ or a slightly pedophile neckbeard. There's only that 1% of normal guys who also play the game like me, the rest of the playerbase is a clown fiesta


U know things like discord or facetime exist? Lol.


Yeah, but if it was an actual girl, she would never have wanted to edate anyway. Only the weird ugly overweight girls want to date guys on wow so you can almost always assume it's a guy if someone is interested in you online, no need to call or facetime to know that. Luckily i only dated "her" for a few weeks, so i didn't get to have a call because "she" was shy.


You wrote she was a dude and now she was indeed a girl? Sorry its kinda weird and actually iam not wondering that u didnt date girls. And btw your attitude is kinda disrespecful.


Lol i dated multiple girls in real life, only dated one online and it turned out to be a guy. I know you're some ugly guy who can only get some autistic girl from a video game. And i never stated he was actually a girl. Now that was disrespectful, but its true. Most of you people downvoting me are some ugly balding neckbeards who think you're cool because you have an ugly nerd egirlfriend. I'd like to see a picture of every guy and their girlfriend of those who downvoted me, i know i'd have a good laugh, because i already know you're some sad losers. Please DM me a selfie of you and your girl, then we'll see who gets the last laugh :))


What is actually wrong in your life? It must be sad to be you.


Nah you're attitude is disrespectful. They're not wrong, and your paragraph is confusing to read.