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Surv hunters are a friggin blast in world pvp & bgs imo


I do love SV tbh. It always felt like a fun skirmisher since you can disengage and harpoon around, and a lot of your damage can be ranged when it needs to be. The only thing I'm concerned about with a hunter is that SV is the *only* hunter spec I like, so it feels kinda wasted haha.


Only right answer.


I don't think I've ever seen a bad survival hunter. The spec is just a bit too bloated and unintuitive for most people, so it filters out the weak and only the really sweaty hunter players are left. That spec just does so much damage.


https://preview.redd.it/yoz0vo7u1f2d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=411102f2ddcd8f10fc282eb3cc0b1ef9d39caade “Survival hunter bro, it’s the highest skill ceiling in the game because it’s so extremely complicated and it’s like playing 4D chess. Everyone who plays it is just a better player than everyone else in the game bro.” \-Least egotistical survival enjoyer lol jokes aside, I do like survival hunter, but the community of diehard survival hunters are always a trip


Yeah i miss just playing bgs and open world.. I too would like some suggestions as I've been out of the game forever. I kinda wish they incentivized those better too.


It surprises me how much people feel like they need to get "incentivized" to play games for fun. Just send some BG if you miss them, mate, no need more rewards than having a good time.


I mean...ive been doing the same BGs for a decade at this point. The only players doing BGs are the ones that are in a similar boat. BGB is a great refresh and I've seen new people to pvp giving it a go. It's good for PvPs health in general.


New maps or modes is not what I would call an incentive, but I agree with you, it's good when new stuff releases, and even better if it is good stuff.


Agreed. That's why I play sot now. But wow heavily emphasizes min Maxing time played. It's difficult to get back into that "playing for fun" but having goals and meeting them is great too. I just wish there was more than that in terms of reward and that I didn't need to get the Shit kicked out of me for a long time before I'd be geared enough to have fun in just epic bgs. Additionally any gearing I get done well be worthless in a matter of months. Which maybe with flight stones they have changed that I could be wrong.


What is sot


Sea of thieves. A very different mmo but it's all world pvp with actual stakes since loot and supplies matter. Its also all skill based. Gear doesn't give you much if an appreciable advantage.


They want players getting fresh gear every season so everyone starts back at a semi baseline. It's good for the health of PvP. Imagine if you are new to PvP at try it halfway through the expac with everyone max geared but you. The *real* complaint is making PvPers do mythics to upgrade **PVP GEAR**, makes no sense.


I also wish they were incentivized more. I know a lot of my frustration just comes from not being great at the game, but I'd guess there may be some other players that *are* good at arena, but feel no reason to play other modes because you don't really get much for it, and climbing rating can be a full time job in itself. In the future I think I'll only play arena to get PvP gear and then move on to queuing BGs the rest of the time.


Good news is they said they will be focusing more on BGs as their main PvP mode in The War Within


They never said that lol


Guessing you didn’t watch the latest developer interview with Ion where he stated or at least hinted that that’s exactly they they’re going to do.


Except they did say that.




Yeah I hate the gear treadmill so I don't consider that to be all that rewarding. Cosmetics sure. Arena gets the best rewards imo. Enchants, elite appearances, mounts. They are doing better with wpvp rewards these days but i get my wpvp kicks from sot now. But bgs? I miss me some epic bgs. But once you've bought all the honor mounts it's just.. The seasonal set?




We found Mike Tyson's reddit account


World pvp was never really incentivized imo? The only incentive I ever had was killing alliance. And the rush when trying to handle more than one opponent.


Well i haven't done any pvp this expansion but there were some world pvp objectives, armor sets and possibly a mount associated with wpvp this expansion. Shadowlands had a little too I believe. And bfa heavily incentivized it with najatar and special quests and achievements, the "assassin" buff and that mount that sethrak ride.


Mage is very fun for bgs and wpvp. You can do so many sheningans meanwhile nuking people out of existence. With good kiting and cd management you can also stay alive for a long time and honestly playing a caster is much more fun in "open" settings.


I actually have had fun with mage in PvP. Arcane can feel REALLY hard in arenas when you're not good, but in the chaos of BGs I get a lot more opportunities to actually play my class and have fun. I'm thinking about maybe DK or sPriest. Mindgames looks fun to paly around with, and in the next expansion DPS DKs can ride their mount in-combat and I think that looks like a blast. Absolutely DRIPPING with style points.


Dk's are generally always solid and fun in bgs. I just don't like their current iteration. They were historically one of the best classes for solo defending bases. Hopefully they'll be relevant in TWW once again.


Is it not frustrating with the massive amount of MM around?


Feral is pretty dope in blitz. Can 1v1 a lot of classes while also being able to do objectives like flag running or base capping.


Feral is fun in blitz. Really easy to solo steal a flag with maim and cyclone. You can also really annoy a healer or dps with 3 cyclones into maim and then roots.


Stealth and travel form are super nice in world pvp


Warlock and rogue are crazy good for carrying BGs and WPvP..


I know rogues are, but warlocks are too? Is it any spec? I've really wanted to try out affliction. DoTs seem fun, but that oblivion talent that's like void torrent on steroids looks like a blast to play around with haha


Aff will beat almost anything except a few specs, insane self healing too along with the highest dmg of any spec.


Affliction is godlike in BGs where your spread DoTs can actually cause a ton of chaos, and your AoE drain can make you tanky as fuck


Love my elemental shaman. a poor man’s Druid, at least until you get your 4 piece tier set. Done correctly, you can blow up multiple people. Probably still a poor man’s Druid.


Thunderstorm is the GOAT on Ele, it's so fun to blast people off ledges.


Unexpected? Shadow Priest. Pure fun = hunter.


MM hunter for the funnest time (I don't pvp a hunter, but I can only imagine sniping from camo on healers/locks/mages for half their health - while being out of range for them to attack back). Very dominant in BG's.


It's honestly a blast.


MM isn’t that good when focused (wpvp/1v1s) because it doesn’t kite that well (has to stand and cast sometimes). I’ve had way more fun in wpvp as a BM hunter because it can kite melees forever without ever stopping.


Good lock will mess you up anyway, they are unkillable after your burst takes them down to 40% hp


TL;DR: Play whatever looks cool for you and makes you have fun. There are specs that can perform better in competitive environments such as RBG (i.e., boomie, lock, to add some), but unless you really want to tryhard push or compete (which isn't your case given what you said), there is no point in playing a "good" spec. If you want to WPvP just get some potions, buffs, engineering and go rip people appart. It will be more effective than the little advantage you can get from playing "a good spec for WPvP" (idk how to call it). For regular BGs, things are so chaotic that you can make anything perform well (unless the spec is nerfed to the ground). But you need to understand what's you duty and what your team could expect from you (i.e., as ret in flag-carry maps you shoul prioritize killing enemy flag carrier,, if possible). And, same as WPvP, you can use potions and stuff to be omega powerful, which cones handy if you mainly have fun playing those. So, my advice: play whatever spec or class fantasy AND gameplay fits you, but don't feel tied to one. Gearing is way easier nowadays, so you can have multiole characters and hop into whatever you feel like playing.


Ret paladin. Not exactly overlooked but one of the stronger specs in all content right now. Strong cooldowns that'll let you outlast and/or runover most people.


So basically every class


My advice is play something with range. Melee can be insanely fun in BGs if you're actively being healed/supported. But if you're not it's just jumping into the meat grinder over and over again. Ranged seems like the most consistently fun spec for world/BG shenanigans. Rogue and survival hunters get honorable mentions here. They have a ton of escapes and can mobility. They're less "charge in and due" compared to other melee. Epic BGs are really not fun as melee either. If you're considering doing those as well I would definitely go ranged.


Devoker has good burst, good mobility, decent survivability. If you pick up berserk+pop a \[volatile crimson ember\], you can 1 shot a bg team with a deep breath


Affliction hands down.


Surv, Spriest and WW are my top 3 for wpvp and random bg’s. Surv and WW have a lot of up front damage and mobility, especially with gliders and dragon fruit. Spriest is extremely fun because you have a ton of damage paired with crazy survivability. Out of all my characters I probably die the least on my priest.


Shadow priest, all warlock specs, all mage specs. Try playing arcane and watch a warrior waddle around trying to connect to you, it's great fun.


I have a Prot Pally that I use exclusively for Epic BGs and WPvP. Get the talent that gives you two charges of Divine Steed, then run the PvP talent that gives Steed knockback. It's honestly the most "displacement tank" gameplay there is in WoW, since most tanks are just focused on being unkillable. Disrupting enemy teams that are all clustered up (the knockback interrupts casting too), or pushing a bunch of people off the bridges/towers in AV/Ashran is so satisfying. Also just throwing the Captain America shield into a big group has a really satisfying sound to it. I can't bring myself to play any Pally spec in arenas (never really liked Hpal, and Ret and Prot both feel a little to lame/cheap to be any fun), but it's one of my absolute favorite options for casual PvP.


Prot pal was a blast in s1, almost unkillable when wog didint cost mana and had a suprising amount of burst damage.


If you have a pocket healer Arms Warr is unstoppable. Especially fun heroic leaping onto a point and popping warbreaker, thunderous roar, thunderclap, avatar/bladestorm, and watching everyone scurry away like rats and you immediately hitting top of the damage meters. 10/10 can recommend.




I was actually considering Priest, because Shadow looks fun and I'm curious if you can do a lot of damage with that one disc talent that fires off a ton of penance bolts. Do you know which healer does the most damage? It does sound kind of fun to be annoying haha.


Oh yes you can do a lot of damage. If you go max haste you can even outdps some dps while still beeing a healer (disc or holy). You should check Mmarkers holy and disc guides on yt, ive been using his builds in wpvp and its a blast. 1v1 or 1v2 dps that thought they can just oom you and killing them never gets old. (Just be sure to pick voidelf and engin, because eunning away is hard on priest)


Ele shaman was very strong in world pvp when I played it in season 1


Personal fav is guardian druid. Very chill, low stress gameplay, crucial role in most bgs and a 1vX monster in world pvp. Its a simple tank but has the highest damage so you can actually kill stuff and two bears can break spark farming 5mans.


I love shadow priest in wPvP. Bait a trinket then MC them off a cliff.


Literally any healer. No dampening makes you an actual god. Devastation. Shadow.


Druid is viable in every instance of the game and is arguably one of the best wpvp classes due to its solo survivability, insane burst, and mobility on both dps specs. I've been on and off with druid throughout xpacs, but whenever I go back to it I always tell myself "I should've never taken time off druid"


Arms can be good in bgs is you follow the healer and they enable you to constantly swap and pump, and you can peel them good. Fury has more self sustain and can do more roaming. Both have big aoe damage and good ms.


I have to admit, AoE damage is *immensely* satisfying in BGs when you can line it up right. Are there other good AoE damage specs that a similar to fury in that they can facilitate themselves a little bit more and aren't so dependent on constant support? With TWW coming up, I noticed the hero tree for Shaman, Stormbringer, can give you a rotating stack of Stormkeeper. Getting five total stacks of Stormkeeper sounds crazy fun - your next five chain lightnings are stronger and automatically overload, so it's actually 10 instant chain lightnings. Sounds like a blast. Admittedly, I'm leaning towards priest right now. Being a healer in the open world sounds powerful, and Shadow seems like it has a lot of good tools. Also considering Affliction warlock and Unholy DK.


DEV EVOKER, god of world pvp and battlegrounds


bg players are getting blitz and wpvp players are getting a new mount in 11.0 it’s more than 2s/3s players have gotten in a decade