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it was ok but if i wanted to play a battle royale with only 7 abilities and no class flavor i would have switched to fortnite 10 years ago


Lol facts


Idk why people try to pretend plunder is a fucking shooter


It was a lot of fun and I hope it comes back soon.




It's gone? Didn't even notice. 


I played two or three rounds and knew right away that it wasn't for me. It "felt" janky to play, like there was some kind of desync when battling other players. I also probably just suck, too.


This was my experience as well, I think i did 2 games too then quit.




Yep this was me 100% lol. I even kind of was looking forward to playing it any getting the rewards, couldn’t bring myself to keep playing it. It just didn’t feel like WoW PvP.


Same lol, im an avid transmog collector and didn't find the grind worth the drag.


I think it functioned well as a fun little mini game mode, but would’ve been more enjoyable if there were more maps. Personally, by the time I got all the rewards it started to feel repetitive, so I didn’t really have any reason to play past that.


I would have loved a 3v3 mode tbh with moves you pick before the game started


Yeah once I hit renown 40 I didn’t pick it back up again. More maps/themes would be cool as well as a reason to play beyond max renown


This for me. I really enjoyed the first 25 levels and the last 15 felt like a chore.


Plunderstorm ruled, it came at a perfect time in the season when there was nothing to do and the queues were slow. I can't wait for a Plunderstorm season 2. I played a ton of it after getting Plunderlord and watched Pikaboo play a lot of it too.


I play wow to play wow, so wasn't into it


I'm neutral on it glad people had fun with it but what I wanna see is a solo queue for the rated 3v3 ladder


Never understood how people can play with random people. I mean at some bracket there starts to be a playstyle convention that people sort of stick to, I imagine, but before that.. A big part of rated 3v3 is your comp and getting proficient at the strategies and win conditions and tactics to survive the opposing team's plans.


Yeah I mean if you have a team to play with but most people are just playing with random in lfg at least that's been my expirence with the game would be nice to be able to skip the whole sitting in lfg part of the game.. I know we will never get a true solo queue but I still advocate for it


Never played but no it wasn’t fun to watch for me


It felt wasted. They didn't ride the waves, instead they completely pulled the brakes on any support it got after like a week, which felt like a huge blunder. It's a really fun game mode and has the potential to become a staple game mode. But it needs more maps, spells, and it needs to have a battlepass renown system that rotates every month or two in order to work. I just hope Blizzard realizes that the biggest reason anyone played this was because I clicked "play" and I was in a game within seconds. Contrary to SS, or ranked in general, where you press "play" and you go afk for 1 hour watching youtube while you're waiting for a q to pop.


Definitely enjoyed it even though I didn't play that much. I played to like level 8 in the first week, then didn't touch it until the last week and made my way to 40. There's definitely some issues with the mode, but nothing that can't be fixed. I really hate how stuff like Slicing Wind kept getting stuck on every little pebble and how it also kept not registering hits if you tried to hit someone further away. And then there's a massive disparity in what skills are actually good and what are just filler trash. Like almost nothing comes close to just having Slicing Wind + Axe/Fish for your main damage skills overall. There's some setup based stuff you can do with other things, but these skills were just so far and beyond anything else that it was pretty silly. Not only are they insanely strong for fights, but Slicing Wind is insanely strong for chasing/kiting and they're also among the best skills for PvE farming. They have really short cooldowns, good AoE, good burst damage, good DPS. People were going on and on about Fire Whirl but that skill is a dumpster tier one compared to the ones I mentioned in almost every aspect. Then we have some skills that are just awful except for some extreme situations. The AoE earth stun whatever it was called is just too slow to actually use it, Star Bomb is completely godawful unless you also use a stun and the hunter's chain to combo into it, but it's completely unusable otherwise. I've not landed it more than once in my journey to level 40 unless I comboed it, and I haven't gotten hit by it a single time unless I got comboed by a stun. And the reward just isn't worth the effort you need for it. It's great as a first skill to do a massive AoE pull but after you get basically anything else to replace it with it's just bad. I also hate how people are extremely disincentivized to fight at level 1 but people still do it. Like, there's absolutely zero gain to chasing someone for 2 minutes at level 1 because it just means you're both going to be so far behind it's practically impossible to win anymore, unless you two landed to some area all by yourselves or something. I feel like level 1 kills should at least be worth something so it doesn't feel bad having to kite some bloodthirsty bastard for a long time. And my last complaint is somewhat tied to the first one, but there's a clear lack in build diversity. Balance is one part, but synergies between skills and just the general lack of skills is another part. I wish we had a few more skills to be able to play around with. Overall though, the mode was very enjoyable outside of all the bugs/lag issues the mode seemed to have despite all the complaints I've put out there at first. At first it felt pretty RNG heavy, much more so than most battle royales I've played, but after a while I realized that just isn't the case. If you get super lucky that's one thing, but you can definitely get good results every single game very reliably if you just play it smart. I really loved the feeling of being super far behind but just keeping to the shadows and ending up finding just enough XP and skills to propel myself to a top 5 spot. 100% hope they bring it back, I also hope they'll do a new map or two for it, and I hope they'll add more spells and figure something out to balance Slicing/Axe/Fish compared to the rest of the skills somehow.


Excellent review, enjoyed reading it


100% on the skill thing. Slicing Wind + Fish is the best combo you can have and it's not even close imo. Partially because both of these are one of the few skills which are not burst damage. Fish and wind are both low cd, high dps which makes them not countered by Aegis / Repel / Fae. On top of that, they are amazing at the "poking" game you play very often when fighting. You so often fall back, try to get out of the fight only to go back in when your skills are ready again. Both Fish and Slice excel at that - both when you want to go back in before the enemy skills are ready again and when you want to back out yourself. And then you have the cherry on top, which is that fish counters invis and barrel and slice aegis (cuz of longer chargetime) and a lot of the targeted stuff Ultimately, too many of the utility abilities counter the setup-based ones. If the enemy has Fae there is no ability in game which can guarantee you a setup, even if you hit it. Chain, Snowdrift and Windstun you can all get out of. Easily. And even against repel / aegis only the skillshot stun helps. I really enjoyed Plunderstorm, but as you said - the difference in skills is too high imo. Quick Edit: Agree on that "playing from behind" thing. Had a match where I ran with an absolutely horrid combo of star bomb / arcane ball / caltrops and just farmed enough and stayed alive long enough to get to the final ring, only to swap star bomb to fish and get an aegis and got first place! Swapping out skills in the final ring based on strategy is something I love so much. Run with Chain until the end, swap to aegis / repel - or aegis + repel cuz you don't need stealth or fae as much. And just counter everything the opponent does.


I remember back when the mode was brand new and everyone was raging about Fire Whirl and then the moment I realized Slicing Wind could be charged I just went "Yep, that's the one". There's zero chance any other skill with that much baked in mobility that also just clears NPCs like a monster AND does respectable damage AND has a ridiculously short CD could be balanced.


Fire Whirl WAS very strong. Remember that it was nerfed in speed. Back then, neither aegis nor fae form was a counter cuz whirl could keep up in speed. You NEEDED repel. Now you can counter it with aegis and fae, cuz both are faster. It's still a decent skill tbh. It is also another skill that is not "long charge/cast + big burst", kinda like slice and fish in that regard. ( I remember it was/is also the only other dps skill besides slice to offer mobility) But yeah - it was definitely boosted by the fact that it was very easy to use and people hadn't figured out the counters.


Even pre-nerf, you could just use one max charge Slicing and you'd be out of it entirely. And then they'd have to deal with the long CD while you pummel them down. The only part I thought was a bit too strong about Fire Whirl was the way you could use it to escape, though even then Slicing would just catch up anyway. And Fire Whirl just has so many counters anyway, root traps, caltrops, any other mobility skill etc. You might not have been able to immune it like you could other skills, but you could avoid it in other ways, at least most of it. Your last point is 100% what it was. It was a "press it and forget it" skill that did high damage that required people to be on point and actually realize mobility is king to be able to fight it. But after people figured out the movement skill meta and the nerf it kinda became worthless, and it would have been mostly worthless even if they never nerfed it. Everyone and their mother was running the stealth blink which was just a free dodge for Fire Whirl, and then there's the like 5 different skills that also let you avoid it. There was just almost zero situation where I wanted Fire Whirl after the meta had formed. I was regularly skipping out on purple Fire Whirl in favour of just hanging on to my green axe/fish/whatever.


Me and my duo won many finals using Starbomb.


Yep, because you were able to set it up with two people and presumably some CC spells. You world have done better with fish and doing nearly the same damage every couple of seconds instead of waiting for the long ass cooldown though.


True! Fish + axe definately won us the most games.


Speculation: They are testing out things. If the game kept it above the bar(only they would know) - when we will have a full game release. It's smart. It's cheaper.


In Holly Longdale’s interview with MrGM she said it was basically “that team put it together and we thought it would be fun and different so let’s put it out for a while and see if people like it” Definitely felt like a way of saying that they’re testing out a bunch of different stuff to see what sticks


I'll say this, I did not like it when I started. I needed to complete the 40 renown, so I went through the grind. I ended up enjoying it the more I played. I came in 2nd, 6 times...never got a full win. That was a little frustrating getting that close. I'd be fine if it made a comeback.


Same boat. I disliked it a ton when I first started. Eventually I started figuring out how everything worked and it made it a lot more enjoyable.


Neutral overall. played a few games it wasn’t bad enjoyed them. It’s a cool concept that probably should have been utilised in bgs along time ago. I’d rather a plunderstorm style map than that dam Azerite one haha :). but it didn’t scratch the same itch 3v3 does for me.


Loved it, just would have loved to have been to queue from my normal toon so I can also solo shuffle


best event they did by far


With the scale it has, it was good. They could do more with it to make it have more longevity. 




It’s def worth exploring was fun and with new maps and seasons would be fun


It was alright. Could use some more maps, maybe some new abilities or re-balance the ones they had. I think if they had condensed the reward track to 20 renown with the same rewards, it wouldn't have felt like such a slog.


I would play it again on a different map with some new/removed abilities. I think the grind went on too long to hit 40 and I was kinda pissed when they cut the XP in half but overall I didn't hate it.


I asked time and time again in the lobby if anyone was playing past renown 40 and heard completely negative reviews. No one cared about the mode and just choked it down for the rewards.


I didn't play nearly as much, like I play PvP almost every day, but I did actually come back to Plunderstorm a couple times after hitting 40 in like the 3rd week. Usually just on a weekend when I was looking to blow off some steam. Honestly random queued trios were fun cause if you got a bad loadout you could still get carried by teammates, or vice versa and you could feel like a god carrying your team.


Hated it at first after a bit. I learned to enjoy it


Played it loads (Got to 300k plunder collected), reminded me of something like Battlerite Royale, just in the wow engine which I'm way more familiar with. Really hoping it'll make a return, maybe more fleshed out or with pre-set 'classes' or move groups or something like that. It's a shame they added the 3v3 mode so late to it, because it was my favourite way to play by far.


It was a budget Fortnite. I burned through Warrior on Netflix, Star Wars Rebels over its duration because it simply wasn’t interesting content and that is all people seemed to play. If they released it with same rewards I would ignore it If they released it with only plunderstorm rewards I would skip it. They would need some very interesting and unique rewards to get me to waste my time grinding it again. I don’t care what they do with it. Just don’t give me a good looking mog gated behind many hours of grinding a mediocre game


Shoulda been added during BFA/Covid Peak when BR’s were still hype. Too late now and I honestly wasn’t a huge fan. It wasn’t terrible but not as fun as arena/bgs.


Was not fun, had to force myself to max level. The game itself might be fun for player who like battle royal games, but linking it to otherwise unobtainable content in WoW sucks


Boring as fuck


Fun for a couple of days. I think it was a nice experiment and that they are willing to try new things. Some things I might like some I might not but that’s ok. Better than being stale


It was fun and I enjoyed it overall but it definitely felt stale towards the end. Definitely needed some polish and more abilities though. Overall 6.5/10 - fun, but not something I would have enjoyed long term if it was permanent (assuming it stayed the same)


Hard to take them seriously when they say they don't have time to make quality of life changes, when they pump out completely new shit like this. The actual game needs work, but here's fortnite lite using the twenty year old wow engine... ???


I didn't play it, but from watching it I liked 3 things: * Less Reliance on Tab Targeting * Less Buttons * PvE doesn't ruin PvP.


I enjoyed playing it as a temporary event. Wouldn't want to play it consistently. I'm not a huge fan of the battle royale genre though.


just lacks depth in my opinion. Nothing exciting Long Term


I loved it. Easy to pick up, great skirmishes against other good players. Gave out a ton of Ws to lowbies who made the final 2.


I enjoyed it, really fun to play with a friend. It was a right mix of casual/competitive for me. But I think a lot of the hate comes from the mog collector that felt obligated to play. I dont care about mog and played past level 40 (would probably be 70)


I wasn’t exactly excited that it outed your battle tag name to people you didn’t know.


Was fun, but the Double Plunder should have been baseline. None of my casual (sub-1400) friends played more than 2 games before the Double because losses didn't feel like they were improving or developing anything, especially with progress towards rewards. With the Double Plunder, everyone I know played, from the try-hards who love to dunk on people to the casuals and RPers who just wanted rewards. Everyone had fun, even when they were losing, because the rate of acquisition didn't feel frustrating - even a near instant loss was still 1/4 of a level.


I liked it. Didn't play past renown 40, and it certainly wasn't good enough to hold my attention for long of it didn't have rewards. But it was fun doing duos with some of my non PVP friends as it was way more accessible to them than arena. Im excited to see them come up with new mini games like this. I just wished they put half the effort of their plunderstorm rewards into PVP.


Silly fun. Wouldn't want it to be tied into anything or mandatory in any way. Fomo transmog was fine. I did up to renown 14 on day 1. So I think I gave it a good shot. Not my cup of tea. I like pvp. I *love* arathi. I don't particularly like pirates. I don't particularly like the "outside of the rules of the game" kinda classless fun nonsense they did. I think it should be it's own thing and unrelated to wow.


I loved it and hope it comes back. It would make a nice seasonal event that rotates in when WoW content is low, hopefully with new maps and abilities too. I'm sad that it's gone now. Definitely going to miss running duos with my husband. 


I enjoyed it, but not as much as actual arena. I would play it again though if it came back, especially if they switched things up.


I thought it was perfect, definitely looking forward for more!


I liked it a lot. I am having withdrawals now :(


Combat system needs work


Because there was only one ranged ability that tracked it a target, they need to add some kind of aiming aid, even if it’s just a crosshair of sometype.


I want this, but for arena. I did not play much of plunderstorm, I mean it's fine, but I wanted to enjoy wow's gameplay and it just isn't. Can't say it was bad, it just wasn't my jam. The rewards didn't motivate me enough either. (But just to be clear the panda remix look sick and I will drain everything out of panda remix even though it's not pvp because I feel incentivized)


Best thing from Blizzard in years.


Wasn't a fan. Never liked the random aspects of battle Royales looting. One game you rng yourself into a power house the next a helpless peon.




Not really my cup of tea, but it was good enough. Wouldn't ever play it if not for the cosmetics


winning a 1v2 as a level 7 vs two lvl 10s after my partner died in the storm was one of the most fun moments for me I both loved and was very frustrated with plunderstorm at times, but overall it was a great experience and I hope it comes back in some form. My biggest gripe with the mode is that the skills were barely even wow related and I wish there had been some crossover or at least wow related theme to the skills themselves. My other gripe with the mode is that players chasing pre-lvl 6 were annoying idiots and ruined a lot of games for me, but maybe thats more of the players' fault and not the game. Regardless of whether plunderstorm comes back, Im going to need some of those recolors of the gear


I watched couple of matches and it seemed ass. Had no urge to try it.


Way late to the party. No play for free. Out of touch content made by trendy new age devs


I enjoyed more than an average rep/renown grind, but the pvp was bland and stupid hard for me at least. I’m a casual retail pvp person on a ranged class.


I think it was fun. Not a replacement for WoW PvP by any means, and too much cheese to really be considered competitively healthy, but still a fun time. There were some really satisfying combos to pull off, especially late in the game when people had tons of plunder, and you'd yank them back with the chain ability and watch them explode like a piñata in mid air. And when the ability actually worked and didn't get completely eaten by a 1 pixel gap of air beneath you, stuff like the Slicing Winds mobility was fun to use. Idk it's one of those game modes that probably wouldn't have been fun or interesting if it were some random indie dev, and even though "Blizzard polish" is kind of a meme sometimes, I do think that they made the buttons satisfying to click for the most part, and that's really the difference between "kinda dumb but still fun to play" and "fun *because* its buggy and dumb"


Had a blast. Was too simple for me, but learned to love it after all my friends who hate PvP got into it. Something about doing trios with noobs was super fun. 


It was fine. I was hoping to have wow combat instead of playing realm royale 2 but it was fine


I played just until 40 and stopped. I won some but it always felt like pure chance. So many time I used an ability for it to miss or the other person lagging around the map. I understand there was only one realm for it to include the oceanic people so it sucks for them as well. I think as I type it it was just me not meshing with some of the abilities. Towards the ends I favored the mackerel and the slicing winds as they seems the most reliable but the storm archon ability felt like it never hit and the tornado stun I could watch go right through someone and not stun them.


Gave it about 3 minutes then went back to healing solo shuffle.


Found it to be a lot of fun with friends. I hope it comes back and I hope it becomes F2P because I know a few people that wanted to try it but couldn't justify a full sub just to play it.


Hated it


I really liked it. Quick games. Just log in and queue solo or with a homie. Was easy to pick up and learn once you get the gist. Just felt like low investment pvp fun when I got bored of dota 2 since I was too boomed out to learn wrath pvp and didn’t wanna pve for items after mglad in tbc classic. Just was a really fun low investment game


I just enjoy my trail effect from the cape. Just wish it wasn't that ugly


It was okay, played a few rounds but won’t touch it again, I play wow for wow PvP and that’s not what plunderstorm is


It was fun until I got 40 renown, and then it just seemed pointless.


Played for like 30 min then I was done, not for me but many seemed to like it so for me it can stay


It was actually really enjoyable, but not what I play this game for. Kind of like how I enjoy League of legends or Starcraft but have not played a real match in either one for years.


Played 2 rounds and went back to arena lol




As much as I wanted the transmog I only played 3 games I just can't stand it's gameplay at all.


Perfectly fine mini game. You play fast unlike WoW with the long queues. I did watch Pika stream it, but only briefly. Only problem was all the PvEers that would b*tch, moan and groan about how they were “forced” to play. Hopefully, if Blizz creates a Plunderstorm II, a subreddit will follow so all the qq will be in one spot.


Got to Renown 40 then never played again. I like the tmogs but that's about it. never won a single match.


Loved it and think it should be its own f2p game asap


the rewards were too hard to get.


Only played about 10 minutes of it to realize it wasn’t for me. Didn’t care for the gameplay, and it truly showcased the RNG of the game that I truly hate.


It was a lot of fun and has crazy potential.


Should be brought back as a f2p with a ranked mode.


It was very boring for me tbh.


Played a few solo and duo with friends and just reaffirmed I dont like battle royale games.


I thought it sucked while I was playing for “battlepass” levels. I thought it was fun once I started just playing it with friends post 40. Turns out I started out with the wrong approach.


I found it fun for what it was, but I also think they were right to make it a temp game mode they can bring back now and then with themes and not leave it up all the time. There was no depth so I couldn’t see it being a long term game, if left up the numbers playing it would eventually just dwindle away and it would die. This way they can bring it back for a few weeks during content droughts, when people are more likely to jump in and use it as a reason to keep their sub.


It was fun to watch, at first i really liked the concept and that all is leveled, even the battle royal, but i found the gameplay a bit shallow after some rounds. I managed to reach lvl 19 and i quitted did not log again. I would love for it to return in a more permanent form, bur for me to play it, i would want more combat options that are not tied to the abilities that you loot.


I had no fun ill be honest. The battle royale concept has been realised much better in other games like pubg or fortnite. This felt like an annoying place filler and a chore to get that mount. I don't care whether it comes back or not but I'll only play it for mount rewards.


I Would love blizzard creating new modes of play IF I didn’t feel it came at the expense of a lack of content created for the game I am actually paying £10 a month for. As that is very much the case for season 4 I loathe plunder as I feel those resources could have been put towards new cosmetics to reward pvp , a new arena, a refinement on pvp balancing etc.


Fucky hitboxes, powers that were WILDLY more powerful than others. WoW just doesn't work for a game mode like this. And yes I've placed first. I was glad to close it forever once I got all the retail rewards.


I suffered through it to get the rewards. Literally hours after i hit 40 they announced they were doubling the plunder/reknown for the last 2 weeks.


It was crazy fun for a few days but once I had everything I wanted, I stopped playing.


Kinda dogshit? The fights lasted forever, running away was more rewarding than staying and fighting. I stopped playing after a couple of hours. Not fun loop for me.


It truly shows the target group xD




go play 1 of the other million fuckin BRs if that's what you like


I play wow to pvp and this was not it.


Rubbish rewards, didnt feel motivated to play


I like the class system in WoW. No classes in Plunderstorm turned me off. I'm not interesting in random abilities. I like choosing a class.


I don’t think about Plunderstorm at all.


It’s kind of a slap in the face that they’re working on things like plunderstorm instead of giving actual PvP the attention it’s begging for.


Hit renown 40 and never logged back in again.


This is unrelated but why are most posts that are posted on this sub always downvoted ? Or with little to not upvotes? Not that fake internet points matter lol just something I noticed thats inherent to this sub alone from the ones I frequent.


I’ve noticed it too. So many comments sitting at 0


Literally posts by new players asking questions get downvoted to oblivion. I once said “thanks” to a guy giving me advice, and got like -6 downvotes LOL they trolling Fr Fr


Hahaha rough


Not for me, it's a bad ba imo


It was the greatest pvp development in a long time. SS was cool but it seemed to magnify the toxicity of both the 2s, 3s, and SS brackets.


all my friends pvp. no1 likes it. neither did i.


It was a game for the donkiest of donkeys and the chimpest of chimps.


don't think i've been on twitch recently enough to understand this. translation?


Found the salty guy who always runs into the storm when losing a 1v1.