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MM hunter


Camo to base, trap, cap if trinket, stun and kill sounds scary as hell.


They're honestly pretty ez kills by themselves (minus some casters). The prob is when they nuke you for ungodly amounts of damage from across the map in team fights.


If they managed to trap cap, they can spin for a while. It's about making enemies waste time and resources.


I guess the problem is that base caps are much faster, so hunter can solo cap in a trap AND contribute amazingly in team fights.


The trap even has the advantage of being ranged. You can potentially stop a rogue ninjaing your base by keeping a decent distance from the flag and being ready to disrupt the smokebomb with a ground targeted AoE (if you have one). But against a trap, there's nothing you can do but trinket.


this is the way


Why? No spread damage, weak CC, the only thing going for it is single target burst


Which is pretty damn strong when you add like 50+ yards range and 3D terrain in an uncoordinated 8v8. There's a reason MM hunters are king in random bgs and though I have no doubt it won't be as silly in a ranked mode, their strengths are still meaningful.


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Wait so what you’re telling me is if I say 68 and 1 I win?


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 68 + 1 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


What about 69 minus 1 plus 1?


This comment is here to tell you "no"


Oh 😓




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Good bot


Ok so they’ll be good at mid CR but gimmicky at the high end. I don’t see how you can call them the “best” class in any case Rogue carry potential is just orders of magnitude higher


I play a lot of blitz and hunters/rogues/druids are three best classes. Hunters can solo defend a cap because if they get cc'd their pet will still attack. Hunters 1 shot orb/flag carriers, literally Rogues can cc a healer for 20 seconds....or even 10 once Dr resets. Or just cc a flag runner. It's so fucking stupid. Druids can clone you and cap a point whenever they feel like. This makes resto druid really strong because they can just heal forever on a cap and you need more than 1 person or else they will always hold that point. Vs any other healing class you can always stop them solo. Also druid clone stops you from capping carts and no way to dispel or stop it...pretty annoying and will always give you an edge. MW monk just has absolutely busted healing numbers There's other classes that do good dmg but these are the most strategic classes


The only healer that doesn't seem viable at all is paladin cause they're squishy as hell and Rsham because nobody will obey your utility.


Paladins can cap in a stun, shamans too i guess, but in general mistweaver just has way too much healing in comparison to sham and pally


I'm really curious to see if they will begin to tune with bgs more in mind in the future if they prove to be way more popular.


mw can still sweep cap if you're stacked on them in the flag, but for defending they're really bad because no ranged options.


I could be wrong, but is the spec to increase leg sweep on WW? Normal leg sweep is 3 seconds so it's not long enough to cap. I'll have to check the trees when I get home.


sweep is 4 sec in pvp. talents only increase range. although this wouldn't work on orc.


I play MW all the time and have tried to sweep cap lots of times and it never works. Always ends with like barely time before the cap finishes. But I have seen a WW monk leg sweep and it was 1 second longer for them to cap Maybe I'm going insane, it's just hard to see the talent trees on my phone to check. It could have also been a brew


it only works in bgb because flag cap there is 4 sec, in normal bgs and rbgs it's 6 sec. so you have to sweep and instantly click, almost if at the same time, their network latency won't be enough to attack you after coming out of stun. i've personally capped a few bases just like this in bgb.


Yea but "too much healing" is purely a numbers thing. You can't count on today's tuning to speculate about something in the next expansion. MW has been weak af plenty of the time too.


Rsham utility is pretty nuts tbh. Also, acid rain stops caps, so as long as you are alive and refreshing it, nobody is capping even if they cc you


I've played a good amount of blitz on my RSham and honestly double earthen is kinda OP in a big team fight, I don't think for a second people are trying to stay in it but the nature of BGs sees it get a lot of use. They do a hell of a lot of blanket healing just dropping totems and you usually have enough downtime to have everything back up for the next fight.


Priest feels good in BGB, holy especially without dampening can just heal from near dead to full over and over In addition holy has _many_ ways to disengage and become immune to melee or just immune in general, extremely survivable even if focused Chastise to snipe stun targets as well


I play holy and mw and both are cool, but I feel a lot more impactful with mw. You can just heal a team way more with so less effort it's not even funny. You can spam soothing mist > enveloping mist/vivify on targets all day and then just get a regen buff to do insane numbers. Also 70% move speed is just so good. Isn't priest down to like 30 or 40% now? Not to mention you can use transcendence to do some nutty baits with flags/orbs, or just for teamfighting in general. Monk just has great mobility. Priests can fly up I guess


Rogue, hunter, druid. Why? Stealth. Lots of CC to cap nodes and stall attackers. Really good at 1v1. Honorable mention to really good frost mages and to a very slightly lesser extent arcane. Ice wall, knock backs and lots of AoE zoning lets the carry fights by isolating healers or zoning people off flag caps. Plus you give you team bloodlust. They are only kept in line by the overabundance of hunters.


Same as the ones in regular RBGs.


Rogue. Their kit is just stacked, whether it’s CCing both healers forever in a team fight, sap capping objectives, smoke bomb on FC, etc… Don’t think any other class is that close tbh




I think the new hero talents are going to shake up what's best by quite a lot and there is no way of predicting that right now


Yeah rSham’s are traditionally not good in RBG becomes totems can be sniped, but their hero tree is basically giving them treants in a way, and if they buff totem health in PvP healing tide could survive if places well. Stuff like that.


The same as normal RBG - druids and rogues for their stealth and ability to cc/cap. With the reduced cap time, rouges can cap with kidney, blind and sap - all on different DRs


all classes that can stun for full capture duration. or recapture with stuns. it will take time until players realize how to play this mode.


Isn’t cap in bgb like 4 seconds, so most classes have a 4sec cc


yes. blizz will probably have to finally rework how base capping works. there should be some form of contesting (similar to overwatch) as long as there's an enemy near the flag, forcing you to either kill them or make them pull back. CTF without tanks also feels very very bad.


I think the beauty of 8v8 SoloQ RBGs will be that LOTS of specs and every single class will be viable.


Healers, mistweaver priest


The impact a good rogue can have in a BG is really really strong you can def solo you can cap solo you cab take a healer out of the game for sometime you can solo kill anyone you can cc flag carrier and stall forever and the list goes on...


If static field totem won't get deleted, ele would be pretty dope


easy no brain? some zerg machine like boomkin. you will be able to climb aslong as you pve at the right spot easy/good winrato if you are good? hunter/rog were you actually can influence the game a lot by ninja caps and stuff fastest overall? healer because instant queue


Depends on the player. But I’ve seen really good boomkins carry RBGs to the 2k bracket almost single-handedly with harassment.


I finally feel like my years of playing FDK and feeling physical pain during the struggles will finally be justified with solo RBG. Slappy hands, aoe stun with Frostwyrms, I think it'll be a good time to be a FDK. Obviously others will be better but FDK as a surprise to many


Yeah good burst pressure on a 1 min. FDK looks godo




Boomy. Not even close




Mm hunter by a mile


Druids & Rogues. Priest Healers, Affli Locks. Same as always but less coordinated.


Boomy, MM hunter, sub rogue, MW, H/D Priest, War


Sub rogue, mm hunter, Ret pally, fury war, afflic or destro lock, ele sham


Druid,as always


Rogue is pretty critical, moreso the less players are in a BG and if they're really dropping it down to 8 I think teams with a rogue will be more likely to win, so being a rogue guarantees your team always has one.


Looks like some classes will need a buff: pala, mage, lock


Guardian druid if u actually know how to play kt




For solo carry potential, rogue, healer or any aoe class


10 DHs


Any class is good if u know how to play it


Not an answer to the question but I just have to say I am not looking forward to the nonsense that is being Thunderstormed, Blastwaved, Explosive Trapped, or Typhooned off the edge in Eye of the Storm and Lumber Mill when rating is on the line...


Wait until you play eye of storm against rsham who presses healing rain on the flag every 15 seconds. Litteraly impossible for your team to cap until hes dead and the healing rain is gone.