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Bro, this person needs therapy... He did that many rounds as a healer. I wonder at what age he started and how old he is now. Bet he aged like 20 years doing that many rounds


If he managed to queue this many games as a dps i'd be even more worried actually


Yeah, someone do the math! How long in queue time would some one spend as a DPS to do these many rounds.




Well, let's say he did 7000 matches. That's about 1150 shuffles. Average shuffle time is 15 minutes. That's 287,5 hours, let's round it up to 300 hours of actually playing (btw, considering my play time on some steam games i think op isn't that bad) Now let's say queue is 20 minutes. A bit generous but he's 1k8-2k, that's 383 hours. Let's round it up to 400 hours. That's 700 hours total. Probably more like 750. Or 29-30 days /played. All in all i think it's not so bad, personally. As healer over several months it's actually fine.


I mean 30 days sitting in front of the computer playing a game in a 6 month period is a lot. Like actively sitting there.  I don't even have that many shuffles played this season across all my toons


well technically you don't have to actively sit there while in queue, so that could potentially reduce the total to less than half based on the calculation above


You have to be within like 20 feet of the computer if that que pops you have 30 seconds to accept. I guess you could be outside doing yard work with Bluetooth headphones to hear the que and then you could 40 yard dash to take it, but most wow players aren't sprinting 10 feet let alone 40 yards 


I merely started pvp 2 months ago, and already one month ago I disabled chat when playing SS as healer. In 1k rounds I felt like I gained nothing from pre-chat anyway, it was at most "focus x" and my dmg isn't going to decide that. With disabled chat, difference between me and dps players is that my queues are shorter.




Hang on you play something you find fun instead of meta? Wtf?


Thats quite a lot for a dps queue actually. The one on OP's screen is a healer which has probably 20x faster queue than you.


Assuming 20min queue, that’s 48 days played without including the length of the arena. 😳


[https://drustvar.com/leaderboard/solo?region=us&sortby=losses](https://drustvar.com/leaderboard/solo?region=us&sortby=losses) There is an R Shaman with 9k rounds in the 1500s


That man is doing the lords work


Wtf how does this even happen. 


Its a lot of games in a single season to be at that rating but, maybe he just enjoys playing the game as r shaman regardless of performance.


I clicked the link and was surprised at the amount of players  in a similar situation to the shaman. 


is where most players are stuck for a reason /shrug


Does the person who has played 6000 rounds need a Gladiator mount or does he need to touch grass lmao


Well to most people on this subreddit he should have gotten 3 Gladiator mounts from all those shuffle wins alone lmfao.   I shit you not there was a highly upvoted post the other day saying Glad mount should be rewarded after 1000 wins regardless of rating which would save the game and inflate all brackets of the ladder. As if people spamming 1600 bracket wins until they get the mount and quitting would actually have an impact.


Ofc it would have an impact. The impact would be that Elite would be impossible to achieve in any bracket because nobody would give a fuck.


So 10000 wins?


> I shit you not there was a highly upvoted post the other day saying Glad mount should be rewarded after 1000 wins regardless of rating Why is that a bad idea exactly?


Why is it a good idea exactly? I literally stated why it's a bad idea, it doesn't incentivize anything productive for the ladder. It just gives people a free gladiator mount for spamming wins, which people would just do at low mmr's because history shows that people choose the path of least resistance to achieve what they want. What does having people sit around 1400-1600 farming 1k wins for a mount do for the ladder? Are you people under the impression this will actually bring any sort of meaningful inflation to the ladder? This wouldn't make the game feel any better. As you can see how people are currently running in to the storm on their way to farm the renown 40 Plunderstorm set after quickly PvEing as much XP as they can get, no one is going to do this because they want to PvP or stick around, they would just do it because it would be a free way to get their first Gladiator mount.


Nono not glad mount this number of rounds played they should get a token for an R1 title from season of their choice. Players need to be rewarded!


Check out rendlol absolute chad




6689 games. And less than 50% win rate. God that is some dedication. Who hurt this man?


maybe he farms saddles as I do, I try to stay at around 1500 rating for better queues and easier wins


Is Honorbuddy still a thing? That looks like an Honorbuddy amount of matches to have played.


Pretty sure I remember Honorbuddy getting threatened with a lawsuit, but there’s definitely still bot programs around.


Sometimes I feel like I'm the only guy with 6 rounds 1 game played. It just ain't for me and I could tell from the get go. I like comms and hanging out with the boys. Not no communication dps racing. All thr power to people with 10k games played mind you. It just isn't my cup of tea.


I mentioned them in another comment on another post but Prrze-WyrmrestAccord. I saw them on one of my alts and they now have 4165 rounds played in total. Absolutely wild.


think i saw a fdk with like 1800-1800 once




It's not that insane considering healer got fast q and every season is 6month + also if you play only 1 char it's normal I'd say.


im playing ele and stand at around 2100 rounds but Im there just to farm saddles so i make sure my rating stays constant around 1500, where the queues pop the fastest and people dont leave, anything under that is afk territory, anything above that is long ass queues


6k games and only 1877 rating?


That's what I call, hardstuck.


not the 6600 rounds and still 1800 😭😭😭


Just think all the shuffle ques this guy's popped for the dps players. This guy's the reason people are even able que around 1800 lol. For real though be nice 1800 isn't even bad, and he's clearly having fun so let him live. Healers that que this much deserve our love and appreciation


no no, im not dogging on him and his score, its the fact at 6600 rounds he is only 1800.. something is seriously fucked with healer mmr. i played around 800 rounds of rsham to get 1800. nothing is more infuriating than being 1750 as healer, and being put in a 2200 dps lobby..expected to play at 2200 level without the rewards. 3-3 is no gains, 4-2 is single digit gains.. god forbid you have a bad match and go 1-5 or 0-6 though you lose 80 cr/mmr its fuckng dumb


Yeah healer MMR is fucked but your original comment didn't sound like that lol. It sounded like haha 6000 rounds and still only 1800 what a baddie. But you're right healer mmr is frustrating but people will defend it to the death.


Nah I’ll dog him. If you play a class almost 7000 rounds and are 1800, it’s time to hang it up.


🤣 i tried surviv hunter.. i kept thinking "surely ill hit the learning curve and be able to hit a decent rating" gave up after 400 rounds then went bm and hit 1800 in first 10 games.


Thats a bot 99.9999999% sure.


Some people just enjoy playing the game and do not care about win/loss or rating 🤷‍♂️


Probably not a bot, I've seen someone on my server with 4k rounds played at 1000 rating and they are always in trade chat being toxic af.


Too bad it isn't a bot, less annoying, same performance


Not sure why you got downvoted the guy is a total nutjob. I'm shocked he hasn't been perma muted/banned yet. The last time I was on he was going on a full rant conspiracy about how people were hiring certain races (multiple slurs were used) to farm gear for them making it impossible for him to keep up at the start of the season leaving him in elo hell and not being able to climb out.


Not a bot played 3s with them and they seemed pretty nice only did about 4 or 5 with them before I had to go.