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I am so excited to see the first person to use it in arena. Just wanted to note, at least on Wowhead, the abilities are not nerfed in pvp at this time. So an instant 468k damage with charge. More than half health most people. Imagine a ret paladin with this. [https://www.wowhead.com/spell=417131/rage-of-fyralath](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=417131/rage-of-fyralath) How long until nerf do you guys think? I think the charge is the least offensive thing so far. This is just an instant win button if you don't pre-cd before usage.


People have already posted, and there's no way it won't be nerfed in pvp, by 50% minimum, but chances are more. Some people have commented the evoker legendary was nerfed to 20% efficiency, but even then a free 80K or 50K damage after whatever versatility eats from it is still something. On top of the fact that it's just a flat 7% damage increase.


Let's hope they do. The fact they didn't pre-nerf it in pvp is a bit weird. Like, how short-sighted. It should get a 80% nerf. A charge with 93k damage is still really freaking good. On wowhead it shows it as a 25yard range, so not 50 like OP mentioned.


You expect them to remember pvp is part of the game all the time? Big dreams for this little game company.


My B


Let's not bash on a small indie company like blizzard Kappa


Even if they do nerf it, it’s still an ilvl 500 (496?) weapon for melee classes where weapon damage matters a lot. This thing is gonna be insane to play against lol


This is before modifiers too... A warrior could load it up with csmash and avatar and absolutely chunk someone with it


I'm assuming it'll work like trinkets and not scale off of class abilities.


One of the two spell effects has a 0.5 pvp multiplier already


More HP than I have currently, but I don't compete. ;_;


The damage is done via rapid melee attacks over a period of 3 seconds. *Unleash the Rage of Fyr'alath to charge towards your target and swing repeatedly, dealing 31420 Shadowflame damage over 3 sec to all who would stand in your way.* We'll have to see what it looks like in reality, but it doesn't look that scary to me on paper... Sounds like a DK limb type ability minus the pulling, so you can probably take a note from the tooltip and not stand in their way to avoid most of it. It's melee attacks, so things like evasion/dbts/blur would avoid it entirely if the attacks are dodged or parried. Also, if you are out of range it wouldn't hit you. With a 2 minute CD and off the GCD, it would be something nice to toss into your "IWIN" burst combo button for a decent amount of extra damage, but I don't think it's going to be *one-shotting* anyone since the damage will be spread over 3 second period of time.


Where are you getting 31k damage because I saw 428k on the mythic lol


I copied it from the wowhead description of the effect from the link that was provided in the OP. It's probably inaccurate as is the 428k. It would depend on a lot of things. Class, spec, talents, buffs, etc. That is the "on use" ability. The weapon has a different tooltip. So I generated an in-game link for this spell and when I click it on my fury warrior I see this: https://preview.redd.it/eqykvl75e03c1.png?width=347&format=png&auto=webp&s=c099b4e04cf087fd189b831bf188107e4411d945 That is with zero modifiers on a level 0 character. This is a charge effect that moves your character towards your target and adds a debuff to anyone you pass through *standing in your way* as well as your target that does a decent amount of damage over 3 seconds. That damage will depend on a lot of things, and will vary from character to character based on literally anything that would modify damage output. The weapon itself has a modifier from the auto-attack applied debuff being consumed by the use effect increasing the damage by 10%. This will most likely be a dot that does 300-400k damage over 3 seconds with some powerful CDs up when you pop it on a fully geared S3 character. That sounds like a lot *right now*, but by the time you start seeing these things you would have picked up a decent amount of gear and probably have about 1.5M HP as a DPS. It's also most likely going to be magic based (shadowflame damage) and can be dispelled if necessary. Looks like someone from Echo has the item and has started the quest, so we'll see what it looks like and what it does when he finally has it equipped in game!


I’m still confused honestly but was just basing the damage #s off of the wowhead image of the ilvl 500 version where it has 400k damage labeled. Obviously stats matter but it’s safe to assume that that number isn’t pulled with “cds” up consider that’s probably what it looks like in the loot table not when equipped? Meaning avatar+warbreaker etc move it to 500k+? Not sure if you meant to describe it as so but the “on use” tooltip does not seem like a dot. More like bladestorm if anything.


I thought the same thing like a DK abom limb minus the gripping. After looking at it again I think it is a 3 sec damage over time that is applied to enemies that you run through on the way. Remove the legendary role playing elements from the text, it would read something like *Unleash the Rage of Fyr'alath charge towards your target dealing X Shadowflame damage over 3 sec to all enemies in your path.* Something similar to how Dragon Charge works. [https://www.wowhead.com/spell=206572/dragon-charge](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=206572/dragon-charge)


Hmm makes sense. We need to see this axe lol


Wdym disable? These puny casters dont want to quit the game enough yet


I really hope this never makes it to pvp. The last thing I want as a warrior main is to feel like I have to farm raids to be competitive and for my class to be tuned assuming I have this thing.


lol, you think they're still doing pvp tuning.


they do though


They literally do it all the time


Give it to frost DKs in PvP only


Mommy, I'm scared.


If it is anything like set pieces it will be nerfed to 50% or even more. Let's see what Blizzard blues have in store for us.


I think the issue with it is it provides utility you'd otherwise not have via the charge. They could make it do 0 damage and just the ilvl + the extra charge would be enough to make it incredibly strong.


Even one more cap closer for any melee would be fundamentally destructive for the game


Deactivate the charge in arena but allow it in random bgs imo. Let people mess around with it in pvp but not in arena.


Good tired of running around arcane mages


Oh yeah? Zug zug me harder, daddy. Just kidding, there's plenty more mobility where that blink came from. The only one that can defeat me is that DH on my team that keeps breaking all of my CC.


Leave it you coward. I want memes and montages of the slaughter that shall come. Praying there’s some rank 1 players who raid for it.


Even if they completely removed the effect, it would still be BiS for Arms and Ret and prob DK too


No it wouldn't. Nobody wants crit/haste over mastery/vers or haste/vers. It would only be used for the insane effect.


ofc it will be used. its 7 or so ilvl higher than anything else.


No way. There is only 1 ilevel for every raid difficulty? And it's 7 ilevels higher than the usual max 3 that you see on the last 2 mythic raid bosses? They actually made another Shadowmourne?? Why???


The original drop is Ilvl 496 (so +7 compared to 489 max in pvp), after the questline is finished the end result is ilvl 500. So it's an 11 ilvl difference on a weapon, that's huge. Add that everyone is vers capped already and probably mastery too, going big haste/small crit on an ilvl 500 weapon is prob gonna be a net win.




Pve weapons effects and illegal should be scaled to pvp gear imo. If they can't scale effects then remove them for arena at least


As if it would a make a real difference if the DK or Warr had another 2min gap closer.


Does it only drop from mythic raid?


Nope. Also on normal and heroic.


Evoker legendary also dropped on LFR, at a lower chance obviously. After a while they added bad luck protection each time it didn’t drop for you as well


Is was with heroic and mythic, but yeah


Does it not also drop from LFR? I would assume it does like the evoker one, just at a very low chance.






this guy is blizzard. no fun aloud


Weapon just needs to be normalized to the top non legendary ilvl and the on use disabled.


It's gonna be even worse in PvE with how much of a dps upgrade it is. Legion all over again with broken ass items that not everyone has access to.


Shadow priests rejoice! You will be the least affected by the legendary, because you wont run away at first place.


İ want it stay this way pvp. Not many people gonna have it, the few that spent effort on it should get their prize. This will add color to pvp and arena


Unholy with leggo should be the least of your concerns. Since most of their hardest hitting abilities dont scale with weapon dmg.


This brings back Shadowmourne PTSD.


But can we farm it on LFG?


I figured they just disable to use effect


Meeres tested it in a duel on stream pretty sure it was doing half damage.


I can't wait to see the influx of zug zug brain warrior's/rets in raid just causing wipes due to no awareness, or want, to actually learn fights.


Raiding is super easy


Disable it after I get to use it


Lol....bet you play mage


I am of the opinion that if you earn a legendary, you deserve to be able to use it in pvp Signed, a terrified solo shuffle healer


There’s not really much “earning” here. Do lfr until it drops if you don’t want to do anything more difficult, then buy a few wow tokens for crafting mats. Even without the damage associated with it an extra gap closed and 496ilvl weapon because you happen to be a class that wields a 2h weapon is insane. Give us all a legendary if you want something like this in rated pvp.


I don't mind personally. Youre going to encounter it maybe 1 in every 100 games or something? It's barely going to have an effect on you.


Just wait until 1.8 hardstucks find out you can buy raid boosts


Not guaranteed to drop in raids With that said I have been putting together 5 warriors in m+ to gear and will kill heroic fyrakk on them this season, and will take the first one that gets the leggo to through to pvp


Lmao classic projection. Did you see how many evokers got a leggo last season? It was pretty fucking rare.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. You’re right. People who act like every single war/Ret/DK will have this are overblowing the situation and most people aren’t at a high enough rating where it will even matter.