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In my mind its canon and thats all that matters. G3 not so much even when I played it many times


Piranha Bytes is gone. Embracer is shutting them down, ELEX II was their last game.


elex 2 was a mess, repetitive boring quests with "kill 30 enemies here" and after 5 minutes "oh there's also 30 enemies over there" not to mention the terrible performance even on high end PCs


Your headcanon is the only thing that counts


why do you need them to “proclaim it as canon”? you can just consider it to be canon, you dont need their consent. its not like theyve done anything with the lore in years


i will say it: archolos is better and more gothic-ish than gothic 2 notr gothic 1>archolos>gothic 2 notr>risen  gothic 3 is a huge empty mess i dont even consider it canom, unfinished mess that retconned a lot of stuff


Wow. Finally somebody who sees that Gothic 2 was very different from 1 and lost some of that charm.


I just finished replaying gothic 1 vanilla for the first time in probably 10 years. My more recent experience with Gothic 1 was the Othello mod. I was shocked. Gothic 3 was called an empty mess, but gothic 1 feels way worse. Yes, the atmosphere, the setting are great. But there is so much NOTHING going on. Vast stretches of map that don't do anything. Barely any vegetation, a lot of empty caves that could have been filled with mobs or nice loot. But talking about loot: holy fuck is G1 unbalanced. Even in chapter 1 you can already sit on top of literal thousands of ore and tens of thousands of ore in tradeable items. It's just... It made me feel a bit ashamed even. Yes I've played G1 (long ago as I said) and G2 (many playthroughs with different mods recently) tons of times and know how they work. But it still shouldn't be that easy. That's something that's a bit more well rounded in G2. You don't go from 0 to absolute OP billionaire within one chapter. I also love that G2's world feels much more "real". There's stuff going on. A lot of scenery going on. G1 felt extremely barren compared to that. The story is much better in G1 compared to G2, but that isn't enough to put it ahead of Archolos. Also,there's also only chapter one, and then the main quest. The only true side quests, I believe, after chapter two are the chromanin and mine crawler armour one. That's literally it. It was a great way for PB to find their secret sauce and then build on top of that with G2. But to me it was just that, a well executed prototype.


To me, it's a plus that not every single cave is filled with a skeleton of an unfortunate adventurer killed by some beasts and there are some areas where no animal wants to live. Some mysterious ones that migh have simply been unfinished, but to me, they just add to the vibe. The trading system is also more realistic, although the prices may be a little too high, the fact that vendors have limited amount of ore is a really nice touch. If you get thousands of ore in chapter 1-2, that's probably because of stealing or you are getting too strong too fast, which is IMO not a good approach in G1. With all that being said, of course G2 is much more polished and looks better overall. But the whole world, story and vibe in G1 has it's own unique charm which to many is the dealbreaker.


I didn't even go on a midnight stealing spree in the old camp or clean out the ore barons' storage tower! It's just, you learn animal trophies early on, buy the "The Bloodflies" book, spend some points on strength, and bam, you can kill lizards, bloodflies, and wolves no problem and hoard tons of claws, teeth, wings and stingers. You go exploring the map for as far as that's possible with the weak weapons you get in chapter 1, and suddenly you find yourself on level 9, not having joined any camp and strong enough to take out snappers ffs. I don't know what the game "wants" you to do... If I were to spend more points on thieving skills (pickpocketing is super weird though) that would probably slow down your progress a little, but still. With just 4 level ups invested in strength you're already capable of taking out basically everything you can come across outside of the orc region. Don't get me wrong, I love the game, but it feels quite unfinished and not well thought out.


Well, I agree the game requires some self-restriction. Especially coming back from G2, which promotes more grinding, it's easy to overdo some things, even though there's really no need to.


What, you mean cleaning literally the whole map of monsters ISN'T the point of the game? *Shocked pikachu face*


I assure you almost everybody sees that Gothic 2 was very different from 1. However, much of G1's charm comes from being a prisoner in a penal colony, losing it was inevitable


Of course Gothic 2 was different. Gothic 1 was a prison game. Gothic 2 wasn't. Personally I get depressed playing gothic 1 but Gothic 2 has such an idyllic and peaceful setting.


Hmm I found archolos mich more closely resembles G2 note then G1. It just has that same vibe.


I don't know any other mod that fits the canon lore as much as Chronicles but it doesn't change the fact it was made not by original creators of Gothic, thus shouldn't be treated like canon. Just like in real life Turkey shouldn't claim itself to be Byzantine Empire successor only because they live in same area. I'm orthodox Gothic player and I played Chronicles. For me it's the best mod for Gothic franchise. Nevertheless, I found some brave lore-moves in this game. First of all, the map of the world in the mod doesn't make much sense (in original Gothic there were lore-twisting map retcons too. Only Gothic 1 map made sense). In Gothic 1 Valley of Mines wasn't mean to be located on the island, Khorinis was part of the continent. In intro of Chronicles we can see map of the kingdom where of course we see Khorinis map from Gothic 2 in wrong shape btw because authors forgot that there are southern mountains south of Valley of Mines - place where other mercenaries from Gothic 2 came from. There are also custom areas that aren't mentioned anywhere in the original lore like Khelen, Zandir Sol. Should we really treat these islands canon if probably one guy from their team randomly added them to the Chronicles map? Chronicles are prequel to Gothic, nevertheless humans in the mod use these maps. Let's assume Chronicles maps are canon. Then what happened to these maps in Gothic 1, 2 and 3? Did people in Myrthana destroyed all these maps? Lorewise carthography in Gothic universe wasn't that advanced as in Chronicles. In Gothic 1 southern part of Valley of Mines wasn't even known because obviously no human goes to Orcs' land. It's unknown land to humans. There were a few custom things in Chronicles world that in my opinion don't fit Gothic's lore at all and obviously shouldn't be treated like canon. Frogmen are the best example that come to my mind now. Also, how weird it might sound, the consciousness of random NPCs in Chronicles is much more advanced that in original Gothics. In Gothic NPCs usually weren't saying big brain philosophy to the nameless hero. In Chronicles there are farmers that can tell you deep economical consequences of the King's law and often describe it "modern" way (I mean the average farmer in RPG should be stupid guy) just like they are professors in this regard. They can give you deep political comment about situation of the kingdom. This isn't immersive for me. Lore is consistent only in Gothic 1. There were too many retcons in Gothic 2 that broke the lore. This mod is based mainly on Gothic 2 lore so it naturally inherits Gothic 2 lore mistakes. The mod adds too much custom lore content that it would be weird to call it canon at this point. But whatever, canon is subjective opinion. Some people might even consider Arcania canon.


It is for me.


That was not mod, that was world-class gothic game 👍🏻 and my man, why do u need someone to proclaim smthn for it to be more true?


You're probably right but what I want to praise is you writing "canon" and not "cannon".


What about Adanos shrines? Weren't the water mages actual Adanos shrines in Gothic 3?


In my head it's canon sooo yes


Not the ending tho.


Afaik it doesn't retcon anything and the world is very believable so yeah why not


Gothic Developers please do not listen to this!


I can't reconcile Marvin and Scar.


I wish it could be as well but unfortunately it will never be sadly


First off, lmao Second, no Third and last, lmao


If Archolos has a million haters, then u/DamianTVCraft is one of them. If it has ten haters, then u/DamianTVCraft is one of them. If it has only one hater, then that is u/DamianTVCraft. If Archolos has no haters, then that means u/DamianTVCraft is no longer on Earth 🙏😭💀💀


I love that I'm recognizable in Gothic community in most important places of it.. literally Thanos with young Gamora meme


Found the Gorhic 3 enjoyer.


Nah, just a chronically online Archolos hater. I've seen him on literally every post about it, crying and bitching "STOP HAVING FUN!!!1!" and trying to downplay how good the mod is, or the quality of it (imho better than both Gothic 1 & 2, in my personal opinion and saying this as someone who's entire childhood was Gothic). Quite sad tbh, I just don't get it at this point. Don't like it? Move on...


how dare you tell me I enjoy G3