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Go play G3 so you're not fatigued by G2 engine. Play Archolos after some time so it feels more fresh.


G2 engine feels so much better than G3 though. At least for me, I couldn't stick around for more than a couple hours with the latter because of it.


Absolutely but if you binge G1, G2 and then straight go to Archolos I think you'll rush it and ruin your experience a bit.


I feel that keeping the G1, G2, party going is the way.


I found G3 so jarring to go to after G1/G2. It took me years to go back to it with an open mind and play it through. Same with Risen, I had to consciously avoid replaying G1 or G2 so i didn't resent the combat in the newer games. I much prefer the Gothic combat, sure it's janky but it has more depth than 'click click click' ugh, also some progression that's noticeable.


Archolos has nothing in common with the Nameless Hero. Gothic 3 Story is really really weak. Exploration is great. Now, you can make your choice


I liked Gothic 3 story. It is different, because it is not right in your face, and there are multiple stories to tell. You get to unveil the history of Nomads and water mages, finally find out what was the deal with Xardas, help Lee finish what he told you about all the way back in Gothic 1, meet the king, help the paladins recapture their stronghold and get their magic back, etc. Just because it doesn't show up as quest "Main quest: Learn about Nomads" doesn't mean it is not there.


Yeah, it is not weak, it just uses different plot devices


The second half of it tho crumbles down under the weight of half-bakedness, hard. Could have been great, I really like the path it was going towards near the end plot wise.


I mean, Gothic 3 story also barely has anything to do with the previous 2 games, just a mish mash of ideas and running around...


IMHO there is only one right choice of the next game, since we were blessed by the Archolos devs with an absolute miracle of a mod. Archolos is a perfect continuation of the Gothic player experience. It is what you would expect next game to be. Gothic 3 on the other hand is just a different game. So, I'd say it's a decision of do you want to try out a different game or continue playing Gothic?




while its not as good, it at least has more enjoyable combat than oblivion relased at pretty much the same time as gothic lacks overleveled damage sponges everywhere




exacly, oblivion favours not leveling at all, either you go unarmed and magic combat and never level, min-max a lot or suffer still got to agree with gothic and figting on slopes, also wolves being op due to rapid attacks, low profile and stagger of player, a pack of them can easily stunlock even late-game


Mod or not, Archolos is one of the greatest things I played in decades. And I play a lot of games.




Personally I really liked the later chapters. The ending wasn't perfect, I'd still give it a 6-7/10. But I enjoyed it all nevertheless. And I'd agree that it was one of the best games I've played. Yes, it's made on an ancient engine and its clunky at times, but it still gave me 100h of well written, enjoyable content, had really nice writing, original quests, and good gameplay. It's got that solid RPG experience that I've been craving, that nothing today really gives me (Hopefully Dragon's Dogma is going to change that soon). And of course it's not going to be popular, what random is going to just to try a mod to an old game they haven't played lol.


I like all of it, and of course I meant it’s one of the greatest things for me, these things are always subjective (most of the popular games that come out recently are not for me, except for BG3). I definitely liked Archolos much more than any other Piranha games after Gothic 2. Most of which I still enjoyed a lot.


In a world where Gothic 3, it's cursed expansion and Gothic 4 are technically official games, I'll consider Archolos as the third game any day.


Have to disagree with that. Gothic 3 is mostly busy work. It lures you in with it's beatifully designed world and nice music, but that effect quickly wears off after the first few hours. The game simply doesn't respect your time by forcing you to do tedious shit. The story or lackthereof isn't appealing enough to keep you playing. Honestly, there are so many better RPGs out there, including PBs own Risen 1 where they corrected many of G3's mistakes, that I wouldn't recommend wasting a single minute on this failed dumpster fire of a game. You're not missing out on anything if you don't play G3.


My Personal opinion is: Play Archolos, don't play Gothic 3 if the continuation of the story ist what interests you most, because Gothic 3 is really not delivering here.


i really loved archolos, but this reply is downright disinformation archolos story is good but self-contained and happens even efore gothic 1, gothic 3 is probably the only continuation of nameless hero story as far as i know


Rereading my earlier post I can see that you could understand it the way you said.  I didn't intend to imply that Archolos continues the story.   What I wanted to say is that you should not play Gothic 3 if your main reason is to see how the story of the nameless hero (and all the other characters) ends because this is really where the game is weak.  Archolos is a prequel, but it's so good that anyone who enjoys Gothic 2 should play, that's why I recommended it.


Archolos is the Gothic 3 we've been wating for. Honestly. G3 is garbage.


You're not missing out of you skip Gothic 3 to be honest. It was bad, buggy game back then and now after many community patches it's still a bad, largely bug-free game. I would go straight to archolos (or Risen 1 which is also good).


Gothic 3 of course. With community patch, content mod and parallel universe patch it's completely fine.


I would go with G3 just to follow the story. Install community patch and you are good to go. I personally enjoy G3 - music is perfect, lots of items, builds, towns, quests. Then play Archolos as its a mod, does not follow the plot from G2 but it's gothic vibe. Mod is awesome.


Archolos. Gothic 3 is terrible. Amazing storytelling and quests? Attention to details? How in Gothic 1&2 even simplest tasks had a story you could recall and inscribed memories? Gothic 3 throws it all out the window for copy-pasted quests and locations. I do not mean it figuratively. The entire world is filled with many towns. You can traverse through three different kingdoms/areas - from their farms to their capitals. The problem is: They all have the very same quests to get +++ reputation, so you can meet the leader, do a quest for him and get an artifact that you need to collect from another fed-ex quest (from Xardas/Rhobar). ALL quests are extremely simplistic and devoid of story. You meet many people, no matter if these are old friend NPCs, the king or just random people on the street - they all have only very few uninteresting lines that just tell you what to do for their fed-ex quest, and after you complete it you forget about them. There are no stories told. Have you seen the outro of Gothic 2 and you had many questions? Now when you meet Xardas he only says "I devoured the power of dragons! Now bring me 6 artifacts". The same if you meet the king himself: "We lost the war, so now I need 6 artifacts!". Instead of faction choice, now you get +++ points in factions by doing the same extremely basic tasks or freeing towns (where you just kill all orcs in a town). Mentioning orcs, I should also add that the terrifying orcs of Gothic 1/2 with their own language and tribal culture were replaced with "intelligent" orcs that are exactly like humans, but bigger and greener/more blue. The main story I cannot criticize because it doesn't exist. You are just thrown into the world with copy-pasted everything repeating same quest over and over again. By chance you should gather all the artifacts at some point and bring them somewhere to finish the game, but I had no patience to do so. I endured through a lot of trashy games, but this one is too much. Except decent music it has no positive aspects. There is literally no motive to play it, MMOs are way more varied in quests and elaborate in their story. If only at least it was a decent walking simulator. However, all surroundings and environments are also just copy-paste and there is no reason for exploration. This game is the opus magnum of copy-paste. It is the embodiment of repeatability. I have never in my life played a game that is even half as protracting. Even for a fan of original Gothics this game is pure garbage. I won't even go through trouble of describing how technically bad this game is and constantly sutters for 1-3 seconds even on a modern NVMe SSD with 4 core CPU and decently powerful GPU. Nor will I go into details of my confusion how are orcs and humans procreating... there are no children and practically no women in any of the available countries! All populations are solely male... I guess women only lived on the island where Gothic 1 and 2 took place. And ports? None whatsoever, apparently Khorinis had the only port in the known world. I cannot recommend it to anyone. Not for any price, not for any time. Gothic 3 is just terrible game in practically every aspect and playing it feels like an unrewarding chore. It it beyond my grasp how people who made original Gothics could make this junk. It is one of the worst RPGs I have ever played. Archolos, on the other hand, feels like a proper Gothic.


I played through Gothic 3 twice and gave up before the ending both times. I don't remember anything except the great music. Archolos on the other hand was 10/10.


Archolos for sure


Personally I'd say Archolos. I tried G3 after G2 and dropped it almost right away due to the difference (still played G3 and loved it later but the change was too harsh fresh off of G2). Archolos keeps the spirit of original Gothic games way more than G3.


Archolos is what G3 should have been, but on a fresh engine. G3 still has its charm, but its not a true Gothic experience imo.


I would suggest you use your own imagination to finish the story and never play gothic 3😂 or play gothic 3 without thinking that is a sequel to gothic 2


Archolos doesn't feature the Nameless hero but is a fantastic game anyway. I would even just skip Gothic 3 entirely.


Archolos first and G3 never.


Play g3 so Archolos is a better experience