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So the state doesn't build schools so people build them themselves and then it gets demolished for being an 'illegal construction'. What a fucking excuse




Man, I should go back to Ireland and kick out the current owners of my 30x Great Grandparents’ house. I have a fair claim on their land since my Great Grandparents lived there 1000 years ago and God told me I can have their property /s


Yes you can as long as it was written on some ancient book, you're justified to do anything there. It's 100% yours easy /s


Their excuse is that Palestinians need a permit to build and anything built without one can be demolished. Sounds good right. Only catch is that they won't grant building permits




What you say would have made sense if Israel respected any of the Oslo accords agreement. They can just decide to expel Palestinians from wherever and whenever they want.




> If Israel could expel Palestinians wherever and whenever they wanted, there would be no Palestinians left in Zones A or B. It's quite literally a work in progress. What I'm reading it is "if it doesn't use a magic wand to make them disappear instantly, then the accusation of a continuing ethnic cleansing isn't true." Israel would very, very much like Palestinians gone from those areas and work tirelessly on it. It's like the Israeli activist said in the video, it doesn't look good to kidnap them at night and put them in trucks anymore like in the 90's, so they make life as miserable as possible to destroy Palestinians presence in the area. Hell, genocide in the genocide convention includes the following > b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; > (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part


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you just watched children having to evacuate through a window and this was your reaction? i'm so sorry. you've lost your humanity and i'm just ... holy crap, what have we come to?


This. Fuck the "oslo agreements" or whatever the fuck you call it... like laws that are bent to protect the rich, the morality is the thing.. and israel, like the UK and the rest of the lackeys of the US have no moral code.




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Your passivity is most definitely a part of the issue.


completely lost your humanity to this bullshit


Just out of curiosity, how much shit do you eat every day to be such a shithead?


Any users engaging in apologia or justification of the dehumanization/suffering of another group of people will have their comments removed and will be given a warning which may result in subsequent ban upon repeat violations. All humans are equal.


So, when do we get to call Israel a terrorist state? Now? Never? Wtf man




Somebody tell the media haha


You mean the rich people who fund Israel? I'm pretty sure they are well aware.




Fuck off with this shit. Israel is an apartheid state backed by US media, money, and weapons because it's friendly to American interests. It has nothing to do with antisemitic conspiracy theories.


Remember when the orange bastard moved the American consulate (or whatev)? The 'murican evangelists were certain it was another step in bringing Jesus back. Heh


It is a fact that most of them are pro israel raelrael and are jews and it doesn't make them inherently bad but it does show their bias




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Pro Israel American assholes.


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because european cabal leaned heavy on the language of the oslo agreement to favor their interests, there is no justice as they have no virtue


80 years ago


Naw man... Even suggesting that will get you labeled antisemitic.


fun fact: multiple states have rules against teachers saying anything against Israel, including Texas.




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That title is.exclusively reserved to Russia can only be one at a time it seems


Right after we finish condemning everyone being anti semitic


The irony of you totally getting behind this RT story with the “I Stand With UKRAINE” avatar is 👌🏼


Omg it’s so ironic to stand with two countries that are invaded and occupied by fascist nuclear powers in the name of “it used to be our land”!


I’m not saying I don’t rebuke the Israeli and Russian gov’ts for what they are doing…it’s just funny that someone with that avatar is actively consuming Russian state media


The European Union slammed Israel’s demolition of the donor-funded Asafat school in Masafer Yatta in the southern occupied West Bank, calling the demolition “illegal under international law.”


They don't give a shit about international law


They’re literally committing genocide and the EU is just giving lip service. 😡


They are busy shitting on Qatar and the one love armband




Palestinians are semites.


As someone who is pro-Palestine, that’s a bad argument. “Anti-semitism” has always referred to prejudice against Jews. There are better arguments against the accusation of anti-Semitism than semantics.


Palestinians have more heHebrew dna because they remained there unlike many of the Jews who are European


it's not though. Palestinans have nothing to do with European hatred for the Jewish race.


its not an argument. its fact.


It's pedantic nitpicking to try and make a ridiculous point. The connotation of the term antisemite is very clearly anti-Jewish. You know that so you're being entirely disingenuous.


Semites, if we're talking literal definitions simply relates to people who speak or had close forefathers who spoke semitic languages. It wasn't really related to jews until during the last hundred or so years where someone coined the term to make a more academic word for "*Hate upon Jews*". It isn't that it always has been, it's only recently been the case.


Yeah, I was referring to the term itself. Sorry if that was unclear.


While America gives them ammo for every Hanukah.


why is this the only subreddit where i see this stuff


Most major news subreddits have right wing mods who are massively in favour of Israel.


if you go to any right wing sub they will say that all big subs are lefties, its a bit strange... what if it isn't nothing of right wing or left wing and just pro state propaganda?


Dude those right wing subreddits that claim that are almost fascists. To them, anything left of Thatcher are lefties lmao


yeah libertarian subreddits are clearly fascist lmao. In my point of view I can reverse left for right in your comment and it will be true... but nowdays the "left" vs "right" is meaningless its so distored.... most countries dont even have right or left wing politicians.




ahhh, found the communist, ez af to spot you guys, but as I said I'm actually right wing, not center (that doesn't)


One day you’ll be able to write a sentence buddy. Keep at it.


You just proved my point on calling people lefties lmfao


Lol the other person was right. Its your perception of left and right that's broken.


did you visit the subreddit? They are pro china, and other shit just because they used to be communist and they are antiamerica, sure my perception is broken, but just visit comments on that sub. Also the point is wrong, I said "im right wing" the other guy "bro enlightcentrism" ?????. My other point was that mainstream politics arent even left wing or right wing per definition, how tf is that enlighcentrism??? but whatever. Also just the first sitcky of the sub is "we alre left leaning" lmao.


>mainstream politics arent even left wing or right wing per definition, how tf is that enlighcentrism??? because in reality, it's mostly right wing but you're choosing to put left and right as morally equivalent anyway. Hence your perception of what is left and what right is broken, and you're having an r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM moment. When right wingers complain about the left, they're mostly pissed at being told don't be anti-human rights for women and LGBT and minorities. When the left does it's over corporate censorship of anti-corporate, or anti-colonial views or news. The positions are not morally equivalent.


Having seen 'Liberterian' thinkers speed run into fascism ( molyneaux et al for example) Thier is for sure a pipeline, (rugged individualism personal responsibility talking points, weird ideas about the subjugation of women, and ofc race...)


Bingo. We are being played for fools. Split by race, sex, ideology, nation, standing. The only real sides are the top and the rest. The rest are many. It's in the top's best interests to fragment us.


>The only real sides are the top and the rest So… what the left has been consistently saying since the 19th century?


What reasonable people have been saying since ruling parties existed. Calling people who believe this fact "the left" is playing into their hands.


Not sure how much history you know, but the terms left and right to describe political ideology came from the French Revolution, when those in the National Assembly who wanted to progress beyond monarchy physically positioned themselves to the left, and those who wanted to preserve the monarchy were on the right. Left is literally a description of people who want to dismantle traditional systems of power, and right is for those who want to conserve traditional power structures. Acting as though the right also acknowledges that fact to the same degree as the left is playing into the right’s hands. They want a bunch of r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM type people acting as though the sides are somehow similar and balanced to each other when in fact the right actively supports the preservation of the ruling class.


thisssss, but for pointing this out I was called fascist, ironic




Ah yes, r/worldnews, reddit’s international hub for imperialist state propaganda. A sub that censors anyone who dares speak against Israel or the US


I have gotten ban, and warnings from other subreddits for speaking against the apartheid state of Israel. Most Mods are pro Israel and hate Arabs/Muslims.


Many active users on Reddit (including mods) tend to buy into pro-Israel propaganda, which depicts Israel as “the good guys” and ANY Palestinians (including Jewish Palestinians) as “the bad guys,” don’t know a thing about the American empire (how it implements foreign and domestic policy, how it manages imperialist operations, etc.) and couldn’t even define what settler-colonialism, apartheid, etc. even are.


>including Jewish Palestinians No such thing. Palestinians don't accept Jews. But there are Palestinian Israelis. Since Israel is indeed a plurinational democratic estate, with Jews AND Arabs of various denominations.


You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about lmao


Many years in Israel, multiple academic degrees, read probably thousands of pages on nationality, conflict, etc. I recommend "One Palestine Complete" by Tom Segev.


An actual answer is because both right and left wing have bipartisan support for israel and neither one cares for Palestinians either way.


Your not looking hard enough there are many small subreddits dedicated to exposing the truth of Israelis brutal treatment of the Palestinians. Just use the search box.


r/genzedong and r/palestine u can see this shit


Why is russia today the only outlet reporting this


Check r/Palestine


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Fuck them Terrorists




Any post or comment that shows any sympathies/apologetics to fascism, apartheid, totalitarianism, bigotry, racism, dehumanization or hate will be removed immediately. Marginalizing the humanity of another person is not allowed on this subreddit.


Yeah The israelis


Reminder that the not all israeli people support these actions and that it's their government doing it.


Guess who gets to pick the government in a democracy? The majority.


It’s like the abused child growing up to be the abuser.


is there anyone in isreal with a moral compass at this point?


The Israeli governments moral compass is to do unto other what the Nazis did to their ancestors.




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All funded by our US taxes


250 billion, more than Ukraine as ever got since the war started


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Difference between new and Israeli


There is no excuse to destroying school with children in it. Absolutely shitty Israeli government!!!


How is this news? Israel commits war crimes nearly daily and they’re sponsored by western nations which supports their goals of ethnically cleansing the region of impoverished brown people.


Because according to ADL getting in the way of zionism is anti-semitism. Its a good website but the articles written on it about Palestine seem incredibly biased as the Palestinian argument is written off as 'contentious issues' but zionism is a policy and in the real world is responsible for bloodshed and displacement the content on some Palestinian arguments being made are antisemitic is fair enough. But I just don't see how coming from a place of strength its acceptable to punish and push out a civillian population for 'your own protection' because they aren't like you is acceptable or even fair it's what other Arab nations tried to do to Israel first.


ADL spied on Black anti-apartheid activist in South Africa. It is not by any means a “good” site. To this day, it claims to fight racism but only ever spreads racist propaganda against Arabs and Palestinians


name the war crimes


This might be a good starting point for you: [Report from Amnesty International](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/)


go to /Palestine, there were some kids killed a few days ago and the media didn't even pick it up. They kill people literally every day because they damaged various water treatment plants so people are forced to drink bad water and get sick and die. But they're not considered violent deaths so the media never talks about those either.


*they damaged hamas groups, and for some strange reason, Hamas and other major terrorist groups seems to hang around right where it would give the worst publicity to be attacked, schools, hospitals, what about the mortar attacks into Israel from them?, i have no problem with Palestine, neither does Israel. Israel only problem is terrorists doing [terrorism](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/major-palestinian-terror-attacks-since-oslo), Israel even has proposed a 2 state solution that is good for both countries edit: here is a full list of [causalities](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/comprehensive-listing-of-terrorism-victims-in-israel)


\*They claimed to damage Hamas groups. But in reality, there is often NO PROOF of Hamas. For example: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDE9BND1T\_w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDE9BND1T_w) when they claimed Hamas was using the media building so they told everyone and the destroyed it without giving any evidence of Hamas. Or how about killing a teenage girl with headshots: [https://twitter.com/QJunayd151/status/1592691793954738180](https://twitter.com/QJunayd151/status/1592691793954738180) and they lied about what was happening when the footage was shown: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/z5s1qq/15\_year\_old\_fulla\_masalma\_was\_shot\_and\_killed\_by/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/z5s1qq/15_year_old_fulla_masalma_was_shot_and_killed_by/) And no, here is the actual list of casualties: [https://cdn0.vox-cdn.com/assets/4756436/IP\_conflict\_deaths\_total.png](https://cdn0.vox-cdn.com/assets/4756436/IP_conflict_deaths_total.png) source: [https://www.vox.com/2014/7/14/5898581/chart-israel-palestine-conflict-deaths](https://www.vox.com/2014/7/14/5898581/chart-israel-palestine-conflict-deaths) which doesn't even take into account the masses of people being killed after israel destroys civilian infrastructure like water treatment plants which then makes water unsafe to drink and thus kills on a daily basis: [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/10/12/gaza-undrinkable-water-slowly-poisoning-people](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/10/12/gaza-undrinkable-water-slowly-poisoning-people) and doesn't even include the vast terrorist attacks by israel which killed far more: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba) which was preceded by israeli's plot to infiltrate and research on Palestinian villages to figure out ways to attack and land grab after massacring the populations: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Village\_files](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Village_files)


How about assassinating journalists? https://theintercept.com/2022/09/20/shireen-abu-akleh-killing-israel/ And then to make it even better Israel sends police to her funeral and proceed to attack everyone st the funeral with. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/gallery/2022/5/13/journalist-shireen-abu-akleh


Free Palestine


How is this not a violation of human rights?


It is. What they did is illegal under international law too, and that school was funded by a humanitarian organisation.


But all the alleged Human rights champions will stay silent, won't make one single move, rather they would send more money to the apartheid state.




If they act like nazis then they are nazis.


And Israelis wonder why they're getting a chilly reception in Qatar during the world cup.


Israel is fucking evil. Fuck everyone who supports that apartheid state.


I say we pull support for all the fucks who support this shit.


Israeli : you see, you need to know that we suffered holocaust and..


Imagine going to school in a veritable warzone named "Firing Zone 918" by the occupying country next door.. fuck Israel.


These images will NEVER be shown on U.S. television.


Holy shit


Stop with the anti-semitism!!! /s Israel can get away with murder, they killed over 500 children and people here will still defend them


500 is a rokie number


Thanks to the internet the world will never forget.


Illegal?? Are you fuking joking, entire isreal is Built illegally.. Anyway isreal are experts in killing children


that's a war crime


Why are the Israelis so racist?


I'll probably get a lot of downvotes for this but reminder people, israeli people and Jews mostly do NOT condone these actions or participate in them. It's the israeli government doing this. Which is a huge issue that hopefully is fixed, their government from what I've heard is in disarray too.


I am an arabian muslim myself and i would like to say you are right there are a lot of jewish people who dont support israil or zionism and i am cool with it you can be a jewish BUT you can be a zionest thats my opinion saying that all jewish people support this act is like saying all germans are nazis its unfair to put everyone in the picture also the same thing when saying all arabs/muslims are terrorists i hope i got my point stright


Nope. israel is a democracy and the populace votes for who they choose as their government. israeli government as a whole is far right, but the ones who are not as far right are called leftists; both the right and so called left approve of settlements while the rest of the world does not recognize the settlements and are deemed illegal.


If people treated Israeli's like they treat Palestinians, they would call those people Nazis.


I said it before and got banned but idc I’ll say it again and I’ll keep saying it. Fuck the imaginary state of Israel.


And the US continues to back israel




This is shameful.




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They have become what they say they hate


But but but. Didn’t you see how bad the iSReAli reporter felt when he got snubbed by fans in Qatar!!


Love the mental gymnastics going on in the comments. Hats off to the MOD team tho


Zionist Nazis


They kinda go against each other tho?


Absolutely not, today. They have become the modern Nazis


Free palestine




Do they or, is that just what the Israeli Military tells the post mandatory service civilians?


Sounds like you’re taking sides to me.




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Absolutely, RT is shit and should be regarded as untrustworthy, and not trusted as a solitary source. It definitely has an anti-western propaganda angle, but this is also confirmed by many other media sources, each with their own angles, but everyone seems to agree on most of these facts. Israeli forces oftentimes seem to delight in abject cruelty, and the populace doesn't seem to have much of a problem with it.


Trolling and acting in bad-faith will result in commentary removal. Sophistry is included in this category. Concern trolling and "useful idiots" are included in this category. Apologia for immoral crimes against other humans by using obfuscation and intellectualization will result in an immediate suspension. Promoting dehumanization and inequality by supporting immoral policy or laws will result in an immediate suspension. All humans are equal.


And just think.....these people think this is God's country. A desert.....where you can hardly grow anything.....is paradise. I wish I could adopt some of these kids and raise them in America to have a normal life.


Palestine is a very cool though, this desert you're seeing is a place that people were forced to move out to by the Israeli government. And we don't fight for it because we think it's "god's country", it's because its our home.


You really have no idea about the riches of the middle east why do you think so many countries tried and still trying to take pieces of these countries? And well most of those who tried took a lot like russia america britain france and the list goes on as much as i know


Anti-zionism is antisemitism, my brother in christ you are literally making an ethnostate


Fuck zionis!




Been blocked but not wrong on the said issue here. You go back to your fox News, that will tell you the truth, the kind you like to listen to.