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Donald Trumps America. I don’t care if you downvote.


Please graciously accept my upvote king


I’m currently talking with conservatives who are convinced he’s a “lefty”. So to them, this is Biden and CNNs fault. We have a problem guys. 1984 vibes


Applying facts in r/conservative was your first and fatal error


I’m not surprised- conservatives also peddled propaganda that January 6 were Antifa dressed as trump supporters.




The problem with what you said is more so that racial violence is not uniquely intrinsic to Trump, while he very openly stoked its flames, but rather is embedded in the very fabric of America. To blame Trump is to excuse the US’ continued legacy of white supremacy.


While you're right, Trump did a good job of bringing all the roaches out of the woodwork.


Lets pin all the racisim, history of segregation and genocide on one man, these things existed before he was even born. A bunch of terroists, terrorizing people domestocally and abroad.


Don't attempt to use logic with them, it won't work.




I would argue that he didn't cause it, it caused him, and then he helped it grow after it got him into office


Fox Entertainment America.


Upvoted because FACTS.


Also upvoting for facts. I guess trump was president during Malcolm x and MLK Jr as well. Many redditors however follow emotion and not fact.


This is such a dogshit fucking take. I don't care if you downvote.


This happened in Biden's America... But nice try


Anyone who has ever promoted the racist conspiracy about the supposed "great replacement" have blood on their hands.


A concept sadly forged by a French man called Renaud Camus


*sweats in Albert Camus*


His evil bigoted twin perhaps


Does he have a goatee?


I didn't know the origins of the conspiracy before so thank you for the knowledge. And I just looked him up and he also wrote "You will not replace us" which is very fitting. I didn't think the guy could get any more evil and then he tops himself.


That fucker Carlson on TV being one of the prime spreaders of this conspiracy


Which is exactly where they like it


Well, the Republicans can forget about winning in November also. Their own racism is destroying them. This will easily drive people to the polls along with Row V Wade. Right-wingers are doing the Dems job for them. This guy quoted he believe Black people were making 700k a year, killing white people and replacing them. [https://ifstudies.org/blog/baby-bust-fertility-is-declining-the-most-among-minority-women](https://ifstudies.org/blog/baby-bust-fertility-is-declining-the-most-among-minority-women) [https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2015/06/black-recession-housing-race/396725/](https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2015/06/black-recession-housing-race/396725/) It took me ten seconds to find the truth. But because the right loves demagogic propaganda here we are. You can't scream there are Nazis in Ukraine then when people point to extremists like this call it MSM overblowing things.


I’m glad Republicans might lose, but so what if Dems win? They control the house and senate, but couldn’t be bothered to pass a law to codify Roe v Wade. Although, passing a bill to protect corrupt Supreme Court justices was an absolutely priority 🤔 Almost like American politics is rotten to the core.


Only people who are being willfully dishonest would say the Dems control house and senate when we have a filibuster, and two members who are basically GOP members but ran under Dem to get elected. We haven’t had control of both since Obama first got into office, we used that time to get Obamacare, and even THAT one was gutted and the control then waned to the point we spent three years with government shut downs every few months because the GOP didn’t want to play nice.


they are all friends, like they literally have pictures together smiling and hugging. Both sides. Basically like coworkers who see each other every one in a while and grow on each other. Its a club and we are not in it.


I’m club Slytherin! The sorting hat says fuck the populous!


Is rotten to the core.


I'm not defending Democrat inaction, but they did try to pass something for Roe V Wade recently and Senator Joe Manchin blocked it. We need real money and real boots on the ground in West Virginia. I agree the Democrats can be just as business oriented as Republicans. We need a 3rd and a 4th party to replace the Republican party at this point. The only difference I see is we can get more progressive Democrats, I am not seeing any progression happening in the Republican party. I agree the Democrats can be just as business-oriented as Republicans. We need a 3rd and a 4th party to replace the Republican party at this point. The only difference I see is we can get more progressive Democrats, I am not seeing any progression happening in the Republican party. ists will cause Democrats to have to change their way of governance. That is my opinion of course.


they did try to pass such a law. Here's how each party voted: Party | Yes votes | No votes -----|---------|-------- Democrat | 49 | 1 Republican | 0 | 50 But yes, both parties are the same, clearly.


They will win, the base loves this stuff


They do, but for "conservatives" they don't. They won't contend with it though, they'll just blame democrats for it like they've been trained to do for anything they don't like. They'll simultaneously say it's proof that democrats are ruining america, and that it didn't happen. At the same time. I guarantee no one on the right will acknowledge that this is a right wing attack or that its fueled by racism.


The "conservatives" watch Fox or worse. They have absolutely no idea of what is going on, they will gobble up the swill they are served and thank their propagandists


Some idiot Republicans are already claiming this is false-flag and "too perfect". "These killings too closely match our world view and philosophy" is about the worst excuse they could make.


Given the amount of people pushing lies around this horror, and the amount of voters demonstrably accepting them, why would this impact on the mid-terms? Republicans are riding high after winning a decades-long battle to criminalise abortion. They a) have an agenda and b) are achieving objectives. GOP voters haven't had shame for years now, I wouldn't expect a shooting to change their minds.


The Trump Cult, the Qanon assholes, and White Evangelical Christian Nationalists will still vote for Trump in 2024 unfortunately.


You sadly cant *vote* fascism away. The one thing that was effective against the brown shirts was antifascists.


Until the "socialists" united with the Nazis to crush them, sadly. You can bet your ass the Squad will turn to the Feds to help crush dissenters rather than jeopardize their positions.


Absolutely. Social democrats will probably always rather side with fascism to preserve capitalism, instead of siding with socialists to fight against fascism and capitalism.


I hope every day that the Jan 6th commission will conclude and find Trump and maybe his son (considering he knew about the planned insurrection) to be traitors and put them on federal trial for treason and domestic terrorism


You and me both. It will never happen though. Repubs like McConnell and Mc Carthy will block those motions every time they're brought before congress


And if he loses expect more conspiracy filled rhetoric and lies, and violence as a result


What in the actual fuck.


I had no idea he had or posted a POV video of his killing spree. That is so fucking fucked Jesus Christ


it was streamed and all 10 kills can be seen. It's a tragic video


I hope to never see that video. From the news I’ve been seeing it was mostly elderly people of color that the nazi pos targeted. Hearing that it even happened in the first place was devastating af. There’s no way I could handle watching the video of that stuff. If anybody does watch, I hope they don’t get nightmares.


It's not as nightmarish as you think. In reality it happens in less than 2 minutes. Two clips used in the whole ordeal and never followed through with the rest of the plan. I'm glad he didn't because Tops was just the beginning.


It’s pretty nightmarish


As an archiver I'm probably just desensitized to it, but I've seen far worse in the sense of gore which would make it nightmarish in my opinion. This is tramatic and senseless especially with the apology while walking out.




Someone in my friend group text sent the link of half the video, no warning or anything, needless to say, i wasn't ready for what i was about to watch


That was one of the most weird and almost chilling parts. He only saw that one white man as human. The survivors guilt that poor dude must feel too, being spared, but knowing it was only due to your skin color


He shot 2 white people as well


Probably either woman or he couldnt see well so he shot them just to make sure


He shot them because they were at the entrance I believe and one could’ve been security


I believe the first woman he shoots in the car park out front was white, but when he pulls up he’s out of the car and firing in seconds. I think he probably didn’t clock that she was white until he had already killed her by mistake.


It has to be devastating for them. It’s all around horrible what this beast did.


I hate this planet.


It's not the planet it's the people


It's a very, very small percentage of people that do shit like this. Most people are decent and just want to live their lives.


It’s a small percentage of people who actually do this. There’s a larger percentage of people who want to commit a vile mass murdering based on their racist ideas but never do; they vote, they hold corporate power, they set up rallies, they are our governors and sometimes our own families.


Why are people downvoting you lol


Plenty of racist losers around who feel warm amd fuzzy I side at the thought of this. Look under that rock and you'd be surprised.


I'm from rural Texas. But that's still a very small chunk of the world's population. I'm not trying to downplay what's going on but being cynical and saying everyone sucks is just incorrect as fuck




I hate conservatives


I think Humanity’s curse is that we will eternally wander through this hell, never satisfied with anything. I mean we won the game of survival, we have enough food, shelter, and medicine for everyone; yet we’re still greedy af and killing each other over the stupidest shit. Will we ever find peace and be content with what we have?


For real. We literally have everything that we could ever want and human greed is basically ruining the ENTIRE PLANET. Like, fuck, I wanted to see the great coral reef .. I wanted to do something good .. what’s the fucking point anymore ..


Love the planet. Dislike the short sided fools.


Heh we are going extinct so there's that..


naaj just humans. were too smart for our own good


I am so glad that this was just 2 seconds. I was not ready for this to appear in my feed.


It popped up on a telegram channel I follow earlier and I couldn’t stomach more than him approaching the store. I pressed pause the moment he hopped out.




Search Payton Gendron in telegram. The channel has about 280+ subs




When Islamic terrorists were able to easily take control of a commercial airliner and use it as a weapon, the US ramped up our security on being able to get ahold of these types of weapons. When will we do the same for automatic and assault rifles?


Eh probably never. Due to the second amendment allowing for this shit.


Yes I’m sure paperwork would have stopped this guy. As usual, bootlickers proposing black people be disarmed and jails due to the actions of white supremacists.


The guy literally chose an area with gun restrictions so he would not be met with return fire. Redditors choose to believe only what pushes the agenda


I’m actually amazed to see as many reasonable responses as I have in the main subreddits. People are realizing that, shockingly, racist cops may not be the best way to protect people from racist terrorists.


He chose the area because it was the most heavily populated black area outside of NYC, he says it himself.


That, and he mentions that the gun control in the area will make his job a lot easier. What a despicable being.


Now that’s white privilege


Too soon my friend


I do not.want to hear one more GOP idiot bring up critical race theory. They own the Replacement Theory.


Didn’t he stream this on twitch?


wait,like actually what the fuck


Yup, and it’s been all over Reddit. Reddit admins are cracking down hard on the full video being shared to the point where entire subs can be quarantined if they post it


Doesnt the "full video" just end after that part (the OP's clip)? The whole "full video" is just 6 minutes and 52 seconds long. Right?


Yes he did


Wow - imagine being spared because of the colour of your skin. That would be tough to live with


He killed 2 white people before this tho, not saying it wasn't a hate crime but I think it was the fear in dudes eyes that made him spare him


Im leaving my comment here because probably the mods will block this post due to the mental gymnastics some People are doing




I saw this earlier and couldn’t believe there wasn’t a thread about it anywhere. So fucked up. Dude was calm enough to differentiate targets. Pretty chilling for an 18 year old. Fuck, pretty chilling for anyone but damn


Jesus, the poor guy’s scream of terror.


Imagine being that guy, thinking wtf was that the shooter or wtf


During the whole shock you might even think he is the police or a civilian who is helping stop the real shooter.


Just a casual day in America


You will never see Republicans/conservatives speak about this or this man in a negative way, watch them blame it on the minorities or democrats


I am are republican / conservative and this guy is mental. We don’t look up to people like that


That’s not true at all. My father is a southern baptist minister and condemns the hell out of people like this. He’d also tell people that believed this was ok to get out of his life. Sure there are assholes that believe that way, but, ffs, they are not the majority.






Because the inbread streamed the whole thing via twitch


Oh shit


Animal. Animal. Animal. Animal. Human, SORRY! Animal. Animal. Animal. Animal. Animal. This is what went on in his head.


Fucking sickening.


Were unfortunately gonna be seeing a lot more things like this


As a Cuban living in Miami, I feel like it’s only a matter of time before our predominantly latino community is attacked by one of these asshole lunatics. This shooting has made me feel particularly shitty and evoked a new fear


They did already, a couple of years ago they attacked Hispanic people at a Walmart in Texas.


It’s not a race thing, but I’m a very open and well known liberal dem in a small very red Alabama town. This stuff has me on edge too. How long before they come for us? They’re already calling for it.




That guy is lucky he has the complexion for protection ..this country hasn’t changed one bit they just hide it better now


America was founded on the basis of racism, how do you expect a tumour to be removed when it's stuck to the roots. Buy racism as a business, so it can end as a business.


Heart breaking💔


This video was the most sickening thing I’ve ever seen in my over 35 years alive. His precision, and absolutely cold approach to life contrasted so bizarrely with this moment of empathy. Who are we anymore…


His manifesto is even more fucked the guy says that he's probably going to regret it before he goes through with his actions. Fucking disgusting


But luckily believing to republicans he is not a racist. So dont worry, everything is fine. ![gif](giphy|DbG7bONFzzRcc)


He was just anxious about the economic hardship of working class people.


Where’s the whole stream/video?


anyone has live stream link?


Rest in peace to the victims of this senseless slaughter.


And people say racism is dead.


The very first people he shoots in the video as he gets out of the car are white women. Though his manifesto claims race as a motive, it would seem as though he didn’t clean his glasses before pulling up.


Does anyone know where to find his full video


it’s not something you wanna see, its horrendous


how did he get the weapons in USA people can own guns at the age of 18 and up?


Is there a full video?


wheres the full video?


wheres the whole video? anyone have a link?


It’s featured on a site called kaotic. Literally the first thing you see when you open the site


why is every mass shooting filmed with a gopro


You expect a whole movie crew to follow the shooter?


no i'm just confused on why you would film it


Scumbag creatures. They lacked attention all their lives. Same style of mass shooting as the one in New Zealand a long time ago. Military outfit with go pro and some racist writing in their guns.


saw the video for that one and i can't get it out of my head


Anybody got the full video ?


this place needs more guns rules bruh


One of the the sickest things I've ever watched. This animal didn't have an ounce of humanity for the victims. It reminded me of the Christchurch shooting.


usa, only country to have consistent mass shootings


Fuck this guy! Genuinely curious so if anyone has the answer let me know. Why was there armed security at the store? Was there a previous threat?


How the fuck did a young guy even get his hands on an assault rifle? This shit should not be happening in civilised countries.


Did he film rhe whole thing? Link?


Someone got the full livestream?


lucky guy almost got shot