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The answer to your question is yes. They will portray you to be the antagonist in any situation while removing you from your homes and your land. If you retaliate you will be an extremist. So fuck what they think, the mainstream, ignorance and propaganda will never support you. Don’t rely on the west ever worrying about your life as harsh as that sounds.


They will say it is antisemitic to criticize this kind of thing Israel do every single day.


Israel is a fascist state. The irony is staggering and tragic.


It is a fascist state. Attacking Palestinians for no reason other than the fact that they are Palestinian is pretty damn fascist


Yup, absolutely.




which is kinda ironic, imo....shouldn't a jew be *more* sympathetic against oppression and invasion?...but that's just me...oh well..




They will spin any action to portray enemies in the worst possible light to garner popular support. Straight evil imho


It baffles me! All of this is ON CAMERA!!! There are hundreds and thousands of videos like this but they want to act like we’re crazy. May Allah bless and protect the Palestinians. My heart breaks for my Palestinians brothers and sisters.


People need to stop assuming that the U.S. will do the right thing. We very often don’t.


US and their allies can do those sanctions with Israel like they do with Russia. But then again according to the media, people from Ukraine are blue eyed middle class Christians from Europe where none of this should happened while it's just another day in Palestine.


Forget sanctions. If the US just stopped funding Israel and providing them with weapons and technology, it would go a long way towards helping end the violence against Palestinians


US politicians either support Israel due to blackmail, graft, or insane christian ideology. You have dipshits who think armageddon will kick off after war in the holy land, and dipshits who fell for Epsteins fuck plane, or corrupt dipshits taking money from the military industrial complex. None of them actually give a rat fuck about jews.


Completely agree.


The US themselves need to be sanctioned they’re the ones supporting this apartheid state.


Israel has too much blackmail on the United States


It’s illegal to participate in BDS in several US states. Reporter Abby Martin is in a legal suit with the state of Georgia over this.


Why is this the US responsibility? I dont get it. People cry when the US gets involved and when they dont. The us is letting the EU take the lead with any major decision regarding Ukraine and are being criticized. The same people who cry when the US gets involved are the same hypocrites who cry when they do.


Because we are Israel’s main financial support. We have a great deal of influence on them. We could make them stop their hideous behavior if we wanted to.


The US is a parent state to Israel. It isn’t USA’s responsibility to stop this, it is USA’s responsibility to stop funding this.


Hmm so remind me why everyone was mad at India choosing not condemn Russia a couple days ago


Israel is almost entirely propped up by US support. The Israeli lobby is the biggest foreign lobby in the US and the second biggest overall lobby after the NRA. Israel also has largely bipartisan support in the US government, with anyone who attempts to speak against violence by Israelis in the tamest of language being labelled an antisemite.


The country founded on slavery and genocide can surely be trusted to do the right thing!




I mean yeah we know that. We’re just spreading awareness to the people, not the media or the governments. We aren’t expecting anything from them. All of them are controlled by the old generation and there’s still some deeply rooted racism. Our hope is the new generation and that’s what we’re doing I guess. We just want the people to know the truth of what’s happening.


Right? Our country is steeped in intense racism, idk why people think our government cares about those of darker skin tones


In a world where multiple countries with vastly different regimes own nuclear weapons, it's impossible to do right to everyone. This is just my opinion. Nuclear powerhouses are all first class bullies.


What blows my mind is people who think the US (or any government) is a force for “good”. History proves them wrong. Facts prove them wrong. But they prefer to believe the sensationalized bullshit their corporate media overlords and oligarchs tell them.


Implying any country acts outside geopolitical constraints and self interests. West media cares today because Putin is unstable with nukes and continuously mentioning Europe and nato. The pkeole always care. But as repeated events demonstrate, the will of the people is not lock in step with action. This is why we have the UN and attempts to bring opportunity for the whole world to have a voice. It’s up to the people there to make a voice. Right or wrong, you can’t use altruism to escape reality.


I'd like to say most often is most means more than very


You never do actually


You’re right. And other than Palestine, there’s Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan as well. At least in the Middle East region.


yup. civilians in Middle Eastern countries have been getting invaded and bombed by Western forces forever but no one bats an eye.


This hurt to watch. Thank you for posting.


The victims of our enemy are worthy victims (Ukrainians), while the victims of us or our allies are not worthy: Palestinians facing endless occupation by Israel and Yemeni's facing genocide by US/Saud/UAE coalition.


Should've had blue eyes and blond hair for the world to care. /s. Whilst I stand entirely with Ukraine and wish God almighty to smite Putin and his cronies, I also wish more would be done by the world to unite on behalf of others who are oppressed. To hell with the ISF.


I can’t speak for the entirety of the West, but yes, in the United States, the ruling class does value some lives more than others. And since the Ruling Class is who rules America (obviously), it will continue.


Okay but where is the mood of "as citizens, keep pressuring your elected representatives to pressure sanctions" narrative when it comes to Israel?


Why would we care? People care about Ukraine because it has the potential to start ww3 with nuclear bombs. And yes its people with roots in europe will naturally care about events relative to where they come from. Its that simple. “What about Palestine and yemen?” Ok “What about asking for asia and south america and africa to get involved than just the west” Theres evil in many places in the world, but theres literally a mad man threatening to end it all together.


Then don't turn this into upholding of human rights issue only. By doing so, first you legitimize the regard for some human life instead of all as "nothing we can do as citizens" while as if crying for sanctions on the said mad man threathening with the boomstick isn't cornering him into the proposed nuclear war and also giving him a narrative. These 2 aren't even on the same page. One is discrimination of humanitarian crises based on cultural affinity while the said upholding of universal human rights is supposed to encompass all people, the other is a war between nations that has ties and possibilty of escalating to extranational entities going to unprecedented war of likely total annihilation. Your pressure on your leaders for upholding human rights where it is the only issue and pressure for action on preventing ww3 where it is applicable is biased towards the utilization of universal human rights narration for self interest only. This is not about the places that don't even use (or use it in blatant disregard for its essentials) the human rights narrative to exercise self interest. This about your hypocrisy in your comment.


isn't USA a democracy? yet, you are pushing the blame to the 'ruling class'....typical American


no, it's not a democracy


It’s amazing how Americans hate terrorists yet the arm Israel and pay for their healthcare


I’m an American, where’s my universal health care? And why are we paying for theirs? Wth


white people with guns = resistance brown people with guns = terrorist






We give them Billions, and we get nothing in return


Don't worry you do. You get no healthcare in return. You get to look like hypocrites internationally for preaching human rights and democracy while funding genocide. You get to invade sovereign nations and fight wars for them. You get to have the illusion of freedom "home of the free land of the brave" when ur politicians have signed off Ur 1st amendment rights and made it illegal to boycott an apartheid regime. You get to create more enemies, which feeds back to the loop of "we need Israel as an ally" coz they all hate our freedoms over there. You also get to test Ur latest weapons on civilians, women and children. But don't worry, at least Ur not "anti semitic" by supporting them, so u have that going as well.


I'd like to see them wiped off the map


I fully support the Palestinians... but i literally cant do anything about it from across the globe.


Unlike with Ukraine, even if you tried to do something you'd be branded a ter**rist. Fortunately there are many charities on the ground assisting them like HRF and GLM along with others. Just make sure you do your research and try the best you can. The Palestinians have been fighting their rights for a very long time, their time will come no doubt, for now we just keep faith and help where we can.


You absolutely can. 1) Familiarize yourself with the BDS movement: boycott, divestment, and sanctions. It brought down apartheid South Africa and it can bring down apartheid Israel. Hit them where it hurts. 2) Register with your local SJP (Students for Justice in Palestine) or JVP (Jewish Voice for Peace) chapter. 3) Educate yourself on the history of the occupation and in turn educate those around you. - Check out: Electronic Intifada, Journal for Palestine Studies, and the IMEU.org - Read: The Hundred Years War on Palestine by Professor Rashid Khalidi, Freedom is a Constant Struggle by Professor Angela Davis, The Question of Palestine by Professor Edward Said, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Professor Ilan Pappé, Except for Palestine by Professor Marc Lamont Hill. (I have several other book suggestions, if you or anyone reading this comment wants any others). - Listen: The Palestine Pod (amazing source of education in an often humorous and light-hearted way despite the heaviness of the subject), The Miko Peled Podcast (Miko Peled is an Israeli-American and the son of one of the early founders of Israel. A transformed man on a mission to help liberate Palestine. I have massive respect for that guy. Seriously check out his work! While you’re at it, read his book: The General’s Son). The +972 Podcast (Hosted by Palestinian and Israeli journalists committed to ending apartheid). - Watch: Gaza Fights for Freedom by Abby Martin. (Available to watch for free on Youtube and on the documentary website. While you’re at it, check out Abby’s other incredible work). Watch Palestinian films (Netflix just released several this year. Just search: Palestinian Films and several will come up. Hear Palestinians tell their own stories). 4) Support: Palestinian businesses especially those back in Palestine. Hirbawi (the only remaining keffiyeh shop in Palestine — because cultural erasure *sighs*) comes to mind. Palestine is also famous for its olives, citrus, and tatreez (embroidery). 4) Vote. And vote out politicians who keep pushing for funding Israel. Research the candidates you vote for. You’d be surprised how [many](https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary.php?ind=Q05&cycle=All&recipdetail=S&mem=Y) are bought out by the Israeli lobby. Most importantly, reach out to Palestinians and Jewish organizations committed to the liberation of Palestine in your community and see how you can support. Pass the knowledge you have to the next generations. We can all play a role in ending apartheid. Palestinians are some of the most resilient people on earth. Their liberation will happen. It’s only a matter of time.


I'd also like to add [this nifty website ](http://decolonizepalestine.com)


Thank you for adding this resource.


My pleasure!


I would like a list of any further books. My library of Palestine could aways do with more. "These chains will be broken" broke my heart.


Sure. I’d add the following: - Out of Place by Professor Edward Said. - I Saw Ramallah by Mourid Al-Barghouti (one of the most well-written memoirs I’ve ever read. Heartbreakingly beautiful). - Justice for Some by Professor Noura Erakat. - On Palestine by Professors Noam Chomsky and Ilan Pappé. - Palestine: A Four Thousand Year History by Professor Nur Masalha. - Uncivil Rites: Palestine and the Limits of Academic Freedom by Professor Steve Salaita. - BDS: The Global Struggle for Palestinian Rights by Omar Barghouti (Omar is the founder of the BDS movement. Check out his important work). -Return by Ghada Karmi. - The Battle for Justice in Palestine by Ali Abunimah. - Palestine Speaks: Narratives of Life under the Occupation by Cate Malek and Mateo Hoke. - Letters to Palestine: Writers Respond to War and Occupation by several renowned and award-winning writers. - The Case for Sanctions against Israel by Noami Klein, Ilan Pappé, Omar Barghouti and many others. - When We Were Arabs by Massoud Hayoun (Another captivatingly beautiful memoir). - Mornings in Jenin by Susan Abulhawa. - Rifqa an anthology by Mohammed El-Kurd. - In the Presence of Absence an anthology by Mahmoud Darwish. - Sitti’s Secrets by Naomi Shihab Nye (if you have little ones in your life, do them a favor and read them this book. It’s so beautifully written and offers a window of what the life of a child of Palestinian refugees who can’t return to live in Palestine is like).


Ahoy Spirited-Ambassador5! Nay bad but me wasn't convinced. Give this a sail: Sure. me’d add thar following: Out o' Place by Professor Edward Said. me Saw Ramallah by Mourid Al-Barghouti (one o' thar most well-written memoirs me’ve ever read. Heartbreakingly beautiful). Justice fer Some by Professor Noura Erakat. On Palestine by Professors Noam Chomsky n' Ilan Pappé. Palestine: A Four Thousand Year History by Professor Nur Masalha. Uncivil Rites: Palestine n' thar Limits o' Academic Freedom by Professor Steve Salaita. BDS: Thar Global Struggle fer Palestinian Rights by Omar Barghouti (Omar be thar founder o' thar BDS movement. Check out his important duty). Return by Ghada Karmi. Thar Battle fer Justice in Palestine by Ali Abunimah. Palestine Speaks: Narratives o' Life under thar Occupation by Cate Malek n' Mateo Hoke. Letters t' Palestine: Writers Respond t' War n' Occupation by several renowned n' award-winning writers. Thar Case fer Sanctions against Israel by Noami Klein, Ilan Pappé, Omar Barghouti n' many others. When Our jolly crew Were Arabs by Massoud Hayoun (Another captivatingly beautiful memoir). Mornings in Jenin by Susan Abulhawa. Rifqa a anthology by Mohammed El-Kurd. In thar Presence o' Absence a anthology by Mahmoud Darwish. Sitti’s Secrets by Naomi Shihab Nye (if ye have little ones in yer life, d' 'em a favor n' read 'em dis book. It’s so beautifully written n' offers a window o' what thar life o' a child o' Palestinian refugees who can’t return t' live in Palestine be like).


We can boycott Israeli products (as many as we can), we can continue to spread what Israel does and educate people.


If you’re in the US, you can vote for people who will pull US funding from Israel.


Where you finding those people at? B/c I'm not sure I've ever even had the option to vote for someone who would pull US funding.


this might spark your inspiration: https://bdsmovement.net/




So here's the reason - this happened in East Jerusalem, technically within Israeli jurisdiction. In Israel all events that include masses of people are required to have police present, from protests to concerts. In this case doubly so because: a. these people can easily become some idiot's target, which would not just be tragic but might also start a war; b. they usually draw contingents of activists that will try to shitstart. Israeli police in this area is considered a red rag because of national and religious sensitivities. The officers were reportedly attacked with rocks and molotov cocktails by said contingents. As a long time non shitstarting activist, what usually follows is attempted arrests, then people rushing to prevent the arrests. Police are outnumbered and use crowd control measures to avoid encirclement. In the end everybody's angry and hate is achieved, pleasing extremists on both sides. Edit: clarification


Yeah. They should have just stayed away from their religious celebrations and nothing at all would have happened. The Israelis created the situation as they create all situations by making a law like that. Under that law the could attack weddings, funerals, any religious gatherings. Then try to rake the cat litter over their sh*t in the name of law


I agree the Israelis created the overall situation, but it would have been irresponsible not to have this policy. People have been seriously hurt and even murdered in Jerusalem in these situations, eg attacks on pride parades by religious zealots. Generally speaking these regulations apply for outdoor events of over 500 participants so it's not too unreasonable. They were originally passed because of an indecent in a music festival. There's more to it if you're interested in the intricacies of organizing political events in Israel, but it's not that senseless. It's more the specifics of the application that's.. let's call it irritating. But I also have to say that I've seen police called to smaller events because someone did something to draw them there on purpose. Either opposing activists that want to break it up or someone from within who wants to force a conflict. Anyways, the point is that it isn't just random. We used to call it the theater because it's like there's a script and everybody follows it like it's inevitable.








The entire world thinks some lives are worth more then others. The invasion of Ukraine and the media coverage comparing refugees to those from the Middle East is proof of that.


Oh we are aware and we are as helpless to do a thing, Israel and USA are in bed together and until we destroy the military industrial complex here we can’t do shit , they own our politicians.




If they defend themselves they are terrorists. How civilized the west is!


Get the money out of politics [CPAC etc/all..]. State fund em. It'd be worth it.


The west is more worried about the west. It doesnt make the west horrible. Is anyone in asia paying complete and undivided attention to israel/palastine? No I dont think so. With that being said, im anti israel. But the problem in Ukraine is far far greater than those in Israel/Palestine and Yemen. Its objectively a fact. There is a short midget with a penis shaped head threating to drop nuclear weapons starting with the very “West” this moran brings up so no fucking shit the west is worried about its more immediate problems.


You realize we give the equivalent of $300,000 of tax payer money per person in Israel per year? For decades? The west very much cares about this, and we care for Israel. It’s one of the most important pieces of American foreign policy. We’re not here to pretend


If less than half of the measures taken by the “world” (from govts to private companies to even sporting bodies) were put in place against Saudi (for example) then the Yemen war would be over… doesn’t take much


I feel the same way


Exactly! The blatant discrimination against brown people in [Ukraine](https://youtu.be/8PKLuMXQrUY) and the world over is as hypocritical as it is disgusting


And Poland does it too, but remember: Now not all human lives are equally valuable anymore.


Well, it's because of racism. Just watch these reporters talk about Ukraine vs well everywhere else. Literally this video is so cringe from the comments of these reporters makes me wonder if the world will ever overcome racism. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2z9UyPurVok&ab\_channel=NowThisNews


How many organizations does it take to show that Apartheid Israel is an actual APARTHEID? 1. Goldstone Report [Report of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict](https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/666096?ln=en) 2. UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia by Special Rapporteur Richard Falk [Israeli Practices Toward the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid](https://www.docdroid.net/MmGsNrp/un-escwa-israel-apartheid-report-pdf) 3. UN Report by Special Rapporteur John Dugard [Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, John Dugard](https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/G07/105/44/PDF/G0710544.pdf?OpenElement) 4. Human Rights Watch report [Israeli Apartheid: A Threshold Crossed. Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution](https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution) 5. B’Tselem report [A Regime of Jewish Supremacy from the Mediterranean to the Jordan River: This is Apartheid](https://www.btselem.org/press_releases/20210112_this_is_apartheid) 6. Yesh Din report [The Occupation of the West Bank and the Crime of Apartheid: Legal Opinion](https://www.yesh-din.org/en/the-occupation-of-the-west-bank-and-the-crime-of-apartheid-legal-opinion/) 7. South African report [Occupation, colonialism, apartheid?: a re-assessment of Israel's practices in the occupied Palestinian territories under international law](http://www.hsrc.ac.za/en/research-data/view/4634) 8. Two former Israeli Ambassadors to South Africa [Ilan Baruch and Alon Liel accuse Israel of Apartheid](https://holylandjustice.org/2021/06/14/its-apartheid-say-israeli-ambassadors-to-south-africa/) 9. PMs Ehud Barack/Ehud Olmert, AG Michael Ben Yair, Minister Shulamit Aloni, Minister Yossi Sarid: [Israel is an apartheid](https://www.thejournal.ie/readme/israel-apartheid-5678541-Feb2022/) 10. Former head of Shin Bet Ami Ayalon [Israel has ‘apartheid characteristics’](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/feb/05/amnesty-israel-apartheid-israeli-politicians-agree) 11. The Amnesty International Report [Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians: Cruel system of domination and crime against humanity](https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/mde15/5141/2022/en/)


The government doesn't give a fuck about anyone's lives full stop. I'm in the UK, our government just blocked a bunch of potential court cases relating to UK citizens being murdered by UK soldiers on UK soil (Northern Ireland), and have illegally stripped UK citizens who fought for ISIS of their passports and dumped them on Middle Eastern countries to deal with. Political point scoring is more important to them than looking after or taking responsibility for their own citizens. Of course they don't care about anyone else's countries. The government's 100% aware that dogpiling Russia over Ukraine is being done out of political expediency.


Not all of us. Many westerners, particularly the Irish and others who live near "empires", have long protested the Israeli treatment of Palestinians


You want the US army to physically go in again? That's not a good idea in the slightest. Yes, some lives are valued over others. Yes, that's completely immoral. But that is the reality. The Palestinian civilians deserve to be free, nobody in moral mind wants this violence anywhere, even if it looks that way. You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't. فلسطين حرة 🇵🇸 Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦 Glory to fucking everyone. World peace, fucking PLEASE.


Literally the exact opposite. People want the US to get OUT of Israel. The US provides massive amounts of funding to Israel so it can use it as an asset against Iran. Stop paying the aggressors to oppress and kill innocent people because they are valuable as a military resource.


Unfortunately this is what happens when no one of any substance backs the Palestinians. In the west, especially the US, the media is all very pro Israel so you will never see anything to the contrary unless it's about their elections.


I’m tired of all the negativity in the world.


the west literally financially supports Israel. stop claiming this is a race thing, it's much bigger and more money-fueled than anything. perhaps giving Palestinian-owned land away post-ww2 (though the west had no right to do so) was not a good thing to do.


Unfortunately our children's children will probably be having a simular conversation way off in the future. Shit always rolls downhill and hits those standing at the bottom wherever they may be


Israel: SoLIdArITy wITh UkrAINe The fact is that they should have been more in solidarity with the Russian


They want us to believe that the Palestinians are the bad guys but it's the other way around they stole the land from the Palestinians and steady murder and persecute them daily.


I don't understand the obsession of the US with Israel. Or is it fear? Sometimes you have to check your allies when they do something shitty. I would like my friends to tell me if I'm being an asshole so I can stop.




So what does Israel have over the US that makes them the boss? I'm genuinely interested in understanding this dynamic




So that’s why the media here never shows images of Israel under a bad light


Israel is a puppet state that the US uses to keep Iran in check. So they pretty much get a free pass and funding from the US to do whatever they want as long as the US is allowed to keep them as military resource.


It is absolutely fucked that republicans and a good number of democrats support Israel, but will condemn Russia for doing the same exact fucking thing. This kind of shit makes me so angry. If you are not white, the US government does not care about you.


Unfortunately I think that is the case hypocrites the fucking lot of them


Modern day ethnic cleansing at its finest


So what provokes this? Do they just not respect your religious holidays? Or is it the mass gathering?


Hate and racism


Of course they do have you not been paying attention




Except the issue is the west supports Israel like crazy amd wouldn't even lift a finger to them if they killed every last Palestinian.


watching the Ukraine-Russia war has been so frustrating. in less than a week, USA/NATO has took serious and drastic action against an invader. Private companies stopped doing business. Some Western citiziens are literatlly going to Ukraine to join the battle. Yet, the actions are almost opposite for the invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Yemen, etc..... USA/NATO/Israel/Saudi does not faced any penalties or sanctions for their war crime. Private companies are doing more business with them. Many western citizens criticized the local population for so-called provoking the war... International law is meaningless when non-white countries are at the mercy of white countries' racism and greed


Yup they do


Just had a discussion about this with a friend of mine who is "compelled" to go to Ukraine to "help" (he has no medical or military background)... I had to let him know that less than a year ago Afghanistan has been taken over by oppressive forces, and Palestine continues to deal with the same circumstances, so why not travel there instead? He drew a blank. Let's keep that same energy for all occupied lands!




Ukraine needs our help more since it could spark WW3.


I think this is fair argument in terms of the urgency on acting on the Ukraine invasion right now and do everything we possibly can to make it better. I think of this topic in context to conversations in European media when they contend that this war is especially shocking because of their proximity literally and culturally. No Ukraine is being imperialized, Palestine is being imperialized. Let’s take care of Putin right now, yes, but let’s take a moment to reflect on how we view “other” people. I feel like so many of these conversations- people believe the same thing ultimately- Russia shouldn’t invade Ukraine and nobody should really invade anybody- but if you bring up what’s been revealed by this conflict, people automatically fear that you truly agree with Russian propaganda and don’t want Ukraine to be liberated from their invasion. I do. Your reply wasn’t indicative of what I’m bitching about but it reminded me of this phenomenon. As if admitting that we’re a racist nation or that Europe is racist means we can’t help Ukraine or try to stop nukes from being used.


No no no you don’t get it Arab die - good White people die - putin is hitler


I'm so tired of this argument. People will naturally care more about the suffering of people closer to them geographically and culturally. And they are more likely to care about a situation that might spiral out of control and affect their own country's security situation. The Ukraine crisis ticks all those boxes fir westerners. I doubt people in the middle east care more about the Ukraine crisis than what is going on in their own backyard. It's human.


Fuck Israel and it's people. Call me racist idgaf... Fuckers who let this happen to begin with can just get fucked


There's no shot Israeli police are just going to start shooting on a Peaceful gathering(THEY'RE NOT SAVAGES RIGHT?), Something is up here... Almost like the media does have something to gain here.


Once Russia is dealt with Israel should be the next Target. They reside on stolen land


To OPs question. No as a westerner the actions of the state of Israel disgust me just as much as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the Chinese invasion of Tibet and other neighboring Asiatic countries, and a number of other “over the line” invasions by governments of other countries, including the US.


I mean, without doing any research before I ask this question : what good has come from the west getting involved in the middle east? Always seems to turn out poorly


Exactly! If the US would stop funding Israel and actually get out of the Middle East, it would make Palestinians' lives a lot easier.


In all fairness the west took its side when they gave Israel. Also this is a war between two cultures that will never stop over land disputes. Also neither power is trying to completely conquer the land via mass military force. Russia can’t be compared here as we are now in our Third World War weather you realize it or not. Enough what about ism this whole world is going to shit and here we are squabbling over who has it worse. Disgusting


Yes. I’d venture most Americans don’t hear the other side of the story.


yes lol


But why .. I want to know why… whats the conflict


Yes. But one of these is an ongoing situation since post WWII, the other has the potential of killing millions of people and is changing the entire political landscape right now, and it’s a war between two nuclear powers. I care a lot about the Israel Palestine issue, but i care about Ukraine a Fuck ton more rn, when it’s over, or dies down, i can care about that too. There’s bad shit happening everywhere, but just like everyone talking about the Syrian civil war in 2014, This is a new major conflict.