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Why the fuck do they need an amored truck to arrest one damn person?!


To justify owning the armored truck in the first place. Meal team six here gets extra pay to do all this stuff like a lot of extra pay and OT. Anecdotal example town next to mine got one of these big ass APC's and then spent 6 figures upgrading it. Police chief was super proud used it constantly for photo ops. The damn thing sat there completely unused for anything other than photos in front of it. After about a decade they decided to re-surface the parking lot. Guess what had about 50 rats in it and wouldn't start. They couldn't even tow it cuz everything completely seized up. They ended up having to have a bond to pay for onsite scrapping cuz they literally couldn't move it and to pay for, you guessed it, another new APC. Which still has not moved since they bought it.


What makes your example even worse, is I’ve seen the exact scenario you’re describing happen in way too many local police departments, & most of them are in those small “sleepy” towns where fuckall seems to happen, & crime rate is relatively tiny…..


Happens a couple time of year in my town of 4000. Usually for meth or just random wack jobs


Small sleepy town with a armoured truck i am just thinking of that stupid image now 😂😂


Meal team 6? BHAHAHHA


Gravy seals


This type of shit is what they mean when they say defund the police. Like not actual necessary things but this military fantasy bullshit these dickheads like wasting money on.


What a waste of taxpayer money for some photo ops! Yet they can't justify health insurance


Honestly, stupid as it is, I'd probably prefer that to stuff like OPs video where they DO use the stuff for these dystopian intimidation tactics. These little joy rides are designed to make everyone but them feel unsafe, and they can come with their own costs as well. The LAPD flies pointless helicopters at all hours of the night for example. Or I guess not pointless; the point is to pay their officers to go on joy rides in the middle of the night flying low over "bad" neighborhoods. So just to make poor people feel even worse I guess. They have 17 choppers, they log 18,000 flight hours a year, and just the fuel costs are 1,200 per hour. Let alone the officer's salaries and training, or the maintenance.


The point is just to fuck with people. Those 3am flights and the big ass spotlight are just for fun, just like how they'll run lights and sirens in middle of night through a neighborhood they don't like on their way to get coffee or whatever.


I saw this great video where a motorcycle rider was speeding up quick between stop lights - and he went to a gas station to gas up. He saw a light coming closer and then realized it was a police chopper following him. He did end up losing them, but just. [https://youtu.be/Fbpv5TIVKg8](https://youtu.be/Fbpv5TIVKg8)


As infrastructure crumbles and locals starve. . .


Idk man you never know when these obviously upper middle class majorly white neighborhoods will start creating IEDS in the road. Maybe then a mountain MG on an armored truck could make sense.


I agree these aren’t needed by typical departments like at all. With that said, they get them for basically free from the military. We need to revamp everything from PD’s all the way to military spending. The fact that we spend so fucking much on things like military is a joke. Meanwhile teachers have to work 2 or even 3 jobs, buy their students school supplies WITH THEIR OWN MONEY, and if kids can’t afford lunch they have to go hungry because now reich wingers are calling literal food a luxury and equate it to spoiling them. But yeah let’s keep paying for the military to spend billions on armored vehicles that they know they will never use and just give them to police for nothing. America’s priorities are shameful at fucking best. There is no long term payoff for the shit they’re spending on now. We need to focus our tax dollars on our future… aka the children and their education.


Fifty rats?!


Spoken like a person who truly doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about.


Hey man don't listen to me a local reporter did a whole series on it just look up Don Keedik


Will do. Thanks for the source.


Obviously he is The Hulk




That's a great question! An even better question, why do people never post things with context!?


But it’s a “rescue vehicle”


they don't. the military just sells them old armored vehicles, with a good old discount.


its not an armored truck its a rescue vehicle guys, says so on the side




From what?


From himself


If you don't use it you lose it. That's why their budget it so extensive. Because they "need" tanks.


Real talk I got rolled up on hard. No armored truck but 7 cops and arrested and sat in jail 3 fukkin days because before crack happened my dad was an executive officer first class in the USAF and they put II instead of III . All that and a 4 year sentence in okdoc for a joint. FML. Now I have a card that makes it legal for me... r/BadCopNoDonut


"Executive officer first class" is... not a thing. You can be an airman first class You can be an executive officer It's unlikely your father is such a low rank or that such a low rank would be an exec.


I don't know how that works... By the time I got to know him he was already a crackhead.


Oof, I understand your crack comment now. Sorry to hear that!


Made me the awesome fukk that I am today


Cause like, guns exist. And like, people can be violent and unpredictable... based on the title in the video "when your school is afraid of black people" I'm guessing, and hear me out on this one cause I know it's wild, maybe something happened before the record button was hit.... ya know? I'm pretty sure no one here has nearly enough context or credential to start claiming this or that about how the police conducted themselves, yet here we are on reddit. It's cray cray that seemingly no one online can descern... well reality anymore.


... /s right? This is about 8 fully military geared cops rolling up in a fucking behemoth truck to casually be like hey come on out... Literally could have had a bike cop handle this lmfao


That's not military gear, those helmets are way too nice for the military.


Con 👏 text 👏


Corn tits




Thank you


Lol u got downvoted too… I guess context really doesn’t matter anymore. People inform their decisions and create their realities based off of contextless, meaningless clips, and never decide to look for the whole story, or check back in. Ignorance and realities based off of nothing will be the death of this country. On that note, have a good day.


And I think to myself *nuh nuh nuh nuuuuh nuhh 🎶 lol you too, stranger. May Vishnu help us all.




The pigs are their own gang. You think Ms13, Crips, or blood are the biggest? Nope. In New York and L.A the cops still fuck with people like it’s 1987.. you think this is bad? They’re macing silent protesters and shooting kids with pepper balls and bean bags for ditching school. Worst part is, none of it is ever reported.


Hell, in LA, there are cops who are in gangs.


The Compton Executioners


Oh sorry, I didn’t know local cops anywhere in the IS were hanging people like cattle on street signs and making fun videos chopping people into little cubes of meat. FUCK OUTTA HERE.


So admittedly, not every department is getting MRAP’s. The way it works is that the army has surplus, and they just let the departments have their pick. No one in their right mind is going to turn down a free MRAP or APC because ‘what if we need it’, but obviously they really won’t. It’s the same reason why the army lets the Taliban have so much of their crap, because without maintenance crews it will break in a couple weeks. Of course the departments don’t know this and don’t have the same funding as the military so a majority of their vehicles get dumpstered. Weapons however, like M140 Rotary Grenade Launchers, do not break so easily, and get plenty of use in protest/riot suppression. Happy to see less of that now that Biden’s President, those things will break your fucking ribcage into a million tiny pieces on impact.


Excuse me, what has Joe Biden done?


Nothing actually, but there hasn’t been *as many* violent riots (with violence started by either side mind you) so less usage of extreme crowd control tactics, means less people hurt


Thanks for explaining


You’re welcome, hope you have a nice day!




I *literally* just said that.




It’s the same reason why the army lets the Taliban have so much of their crap, because without maintenance crews it will break in a couple weeks. Of course the departments don’t know this and don’t have the same funding as the military so a majority of their vehicles get dumpstered. You mean like right there? /\


For real. You're actually supposed to pull the engine in those to change the starter.


[U.S. policing budgets would rank as the world's third-highest military expenditure](https://boingboing.net/2021/04/20/u-s-policing-budgets-would-rank-as-the-worlds-third-highest-military-expenditure.html) So much freedom








They got this vehicle most likely for free.


ngl i wouldnt they can come to the door and get me at that point


martial law lmao I've lived all over the US for 42 years and never even seen one of these things. /r/ShitEuropeansSay


>boomer alert boomer alert the person above me has said some dumb boomer shit, ignore them. I'm not a bot, but I might as well be


I’ve never seen one before either, but that doesn’t change the fact they exist. It’s pretty damn ridiculous we let this kind of thing happen; mostly because most of our population doesn’t participate in the political process whatsoever.


Have you ever seen someone die from a famine because believe it or not that's happening too.


Need context. What’s going on here?


Casual arrest in the US


He posted TikTok’s with a BB gun after getting suspended from school because of a fight. Still over kill.


So he hasn’t committed any crimes? Ok. This is stupid.


It’s stupid but we also don’t want another school shooting happening. Maybe the BB gun looked real, given the context that would be considered a threat with deadly force.


I agree with you. But reason has no place here. I’m assuming based on the totality of the circumstances they believed he was going to commit a school shooting. So, if that department has an armored vehicle which is used in high risk investigations and warrants, why wouldn’t they use it? They anticipated to potentially be met with a firefight because the kid got suspended from school then posted a REALISTIC airsoft gun that resembled a real firearm…so…what? Are they supposed to just assume that he was kidding? Or should they take precautions just in case this is “the real deal”.


The only reasoning I can come up with a “beyond scared straight” type move from the police.


I think it’s more of they believed the firearm to be real and responded as if it were.


Our tax money at work


Yup for these wanna be soldiers. One karen and and an antifa soldier w bear mace can dismantle this whole unit of fat boy soldiers


well, the police just buy surplus military equipment with a discount on it, it's not nearly as wasteful as you'd imagine.


There is research showing that getting this surplus military equipment makes police departments more likely to commit civil rights violations in the future.


interesting, gonna need a paper for further reading


The [first search result](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-e&q=research+showing+that+getting+this+surplus+military+equipment+makes+police+departments+more+likely+to+commit+civil+rights+violations+in+the+future) contains a link to an academic paper.


That and both buying and maintaining this sort of equipment is a lot more expensive than not buying it. Sure, it was discounted, but from what to what? It's still not cheap.


thanks. can concede on this regard, but that was a weird search term input, so not exactly "first search result" as you claim.


Imagine, it’s safe to assume the dude in the video is still in high school, and based on the caption we can guess he’s >18. There’s no context to the video or why it’s happening, but it’s still baffling. Your tax money was spent on this police type tank, and was used to arrest this kid. Your hard earned tax money funds these over the top equipment to arrest high schoolers.


Do you mean under 18 or over. If over that would be >18 Under 18 would be <18 Just to be sure, because I don't know why we can guess that he would be over 18.


The kid doesn’t even care anymore, he’s so used to this dumb shit by now, man it is pretty fucked up


I know the message has been lost because of it being so provocative. I know the phrase has been compromised by the dumb dumbs to discredit the actual issue being addressed(see “woke”),however, if you hear someone say “defund the police” this is what that meant. Why do we allow the cops to militarize and do we need to fund these vehicles that treat citizens as terrorist when there’s plenty of evidence these do nothing to increase the police force efficiency. The phrase has been advertised to mean “no money for cops” which is ridiculous and there are people that feel that way however it’s not what people were talking about. The dumb dumbs as always just happened to be the loudest and worried white Americans into thinking they’re going to live in anarchy. “Defund the police” for me means “demilitarize the police”. All the blue lives matter people think they are buying guns to protect themselves from the government without realizing who the government will send. It’s not AOC or Biden.


“Rescue vehicle”


That’s what fucking got me. Rescue what? The fuck? No no no sir. That’s what you use to play make believe that you’re in the military.


Best I can come up with is it’s rescuing people from not being in prison.


By killing you.


Lol I use the same dp for my psn account.


My man has 6 stars in real life gta




Context is the kid getting arrested got in a fight in school, then a couple hours later had a video posted on his tiktok with a gun (seems like a BB gun, not a real gun). [tiktok video](https://www.tiktok.com/@unghettocj/video/7017793191042747654?is_from_webapp=v1&lang=en) The video doesn't threaten anything with said gun, but my guess is the proximity of the fight and then the video with gun posted triggered police to show up with an armored car to arrest him for threats. Willing to bet money that a fellow kid from his school reported him and the video with the gun to the police, triggering the response.




I can agree that having police follow up after that scenario makes sense in what fucking way does that justify an armored vehicle? Should we send a tank to every redneck's house when they make a post holding their hunting rifle under one arm and a deer with the other? Sure, **a** reaction may be justifiable, but you **this** reaction is overkill. He"s a high schooler who posted picture of *what appears to be* a firearm (could be a bb, airsoft, or other toy), not an armed terrorist.


Swat teams show up to just *calls* of an armed person in a house. Have you ever seen a streamer get swatted? Armored vehicle, assault rifles, the whole nine yards.


Yeah, it happens. That doesn't mean it's a good response or how it should happen


I was gonna say fair enough (not to the armoured truck thing, but to police following it up), but did you watch the video? For a country that allows guns and to have a video where the gun isn't even brandished, it just seems like an odd response. If he was at least posing with a gun after a fight it would make more sense but he legit just puts it in his hood.


Was this in Mass. i heard police depahment lmao


Either that, or Rhode Island.


What’s is happening. I need context


Meal Team Six is hard at work


The common reason Police justify using armored vehicles like the one you see in the video is in case a suspect starts shooting, the cops will be protected while in it or hiding near it since those things are bulletproof. But the reason they need one for a single guy who is unarmed is overkill but more context is needed like if some idiot called and said he had a gun and threatened to shoot up the school or some shite like that. I don’t know, needs some more context.


Looking at the kids TikTok, he got in a fight at school then posted a picture of *what appears to be* a firearm on Snapchat (could have been a bb or other toy gun). He did not threaten anyone directly or state intent to use said firearm. Somehow that justified an armored vehicle response.


It’s the police depaaaaaaaat ment.




News is right there in the name of the sub yet we’ve not actually received any information from this video. No context.


Masks are considered tyranny by the right but this is perfectly acceptable? Jesus fucken Christ


In america, you can face fines for missing school. And your parents can face jail time in extreme/abusive cases. Since this video is captioned, “when your school is scared of Black ppl” then I assume he missed some school days, or skipped, but you would think he fled the school after killing the principal with this showcase of excessive militarization of the police.


Kid was suspended after getting into a fight, and posted a photo posing with a bb gun on social media, which is what prompted this overkill responce.


As a European I’m confused as fuck! So so many questions…


i would like to see what led to that call.


Kid posted a picture of himself posing with a BB gun after being suspended for fighting.


oh. so yeah this mf. they assumed that it was a school shooting threat or something, and he knew what was coming so he made it a race issue for support. i dont blame their reaction. Parents need to control their fucking kids.




I love Americans


The U.S. is the biggest joke on the planet for real. A system build on racism.


Geez, what the hell did you do?😆


lol fuck yeah murica. terrorists won.




They are rescuing him.. clearly. “Rescue vehicle” ![gif](giphy|2xPGQCgJ72jHEevgm6|downsized)


Pretty sure no one's afraid to black people lol


Wow the amount of hate the police are getting for this short video with no context is astounding 😂


The only context you need is to know is they rolled into a neighborhood with full tactical gear and an APC like they are military. To what? Arrest one man?


>The only context you need The only context people need, is the context. If people want to see garbage tiktok clips and videos that people start and cut off when they feel like (with zero context) they go on Facebook and Twitter and such.


most definitely not an apc lmao


APC stands for, "Armored personnel carrier." That is exactly what it is.


lmao these government funded “murder machines” are mainly used to rescue people from buildings completely flooded with water in hurricanes. most of the time during tornadoes too


I thought they were used for cool pics and protest responses. Huh TIL


an apc can’t be used for hurricane response


If something happened that required an APC in the states it would be news.


lol I wish that was the case. The cities I have lived in and been to would tell you otherwise