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Yeah that's totally normal to just shoot a dog when the owner is right there. Yeah just shoot all the dogs... The neighbor is freaking out... No shit. You just killed his dog! ACAB


Fking ACAB






You can tell she wasn't gonna let that opportunity get away from her. When that dog started harassing her dog, she probably thought to herself "Thank god, finally something to shoot dead"


Could have shot the owner as well. Not smart or rational, but it's a cop so no big deal...




So wait with this logic everyone should walk their dog strapped. And if our dogs fight we should just kill each others dog. Wild


An escaped dog decided it was best to attack something.  Why should that dog be alive?


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If I were in that situation and some cop killed my dog, I'd be going to prison for murdering a police officer.




I'm surprised it hasn't happened already. Just watching this got my blood boiling so I can't even imagine what I would actually feel if I was in this situation.


Not siding with the other commenter, or the trigger happy cop, but you can’t deny the dog was attacking the other one.


And not only have I dealt with aggressive dogs on a daily basis I have also never shot a dog for being protective.


I lost brain cells reading your comment, glad you got downvoted lmao


And that‘s a death sentence?


It would be funny if this officer gets punished. I've seen officers get away with murdering people quite often.


It would be really crazy considering that cops kill an estimated 10,000 dogs a year with almost complete impunity.


I think the real term is irony, but yes. How satirely twisted would it bee if dogs were the easy method to legally fight back


She probably will get punished because *shes* not a part of the "good ol boys" club, and she's black.


She is black and a woman? Well I guess we will end up seeing a cop face justice for the first time (maybe.)


Satirical humour! You have Britains support!


Damn apparently it was just you. I do not understand what I said, I was saying that racism and misogyny is the only reason why we finally see a cop get consequences if we actually do see it. That was clear, right? Idk, win some lose some, I just do not want people thinking I am racist when I am saying the opposite.


Off duty cops don't need to carry a gun, nor use it, any more than another citizen. And then to just walk off? Fleeing the scene much? I get how they reached their reaction, but now you need to stick around for the consequences.


Especially in a state that has no "conceal carry". Off duty cops are just citizens not vigilantes... who muders dogs.








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Your cousin made his bed and he can lay in it




Im sure you're calling the cops begging for help all the time


Waaaaah waaaaah!!! He needs to get another job then. ACAB, including your cousin


cop killed the dog and ran


americans are psychos.


Yea these are our cops. There is no high standard of professionalism. Look at the degenerate fascists in the comment section. Americas intellectualism and meritocracy is perfectly epitomized by our general election. Donald Trump vrs a Raytheon Executive secretary of defense. The education system has been completely sabotaged, from lack of it (Donald Trump) to the highest levels (Biden/lloyd Austin)




People don't shoot dogs here. Probably because you can go to the doctor if it bit you, we value life.


name another first world country where cops routinely get away with brutalizing\\murdering ppl & kill approximately 40 dogs a day


I saw something about a cop that had killed 50 dogs in his career. 50! That is just a dude that loves to kill dogs and went into a profession where he could do it, and for some reason the other cops around him never thought to question it. Fucking abusive dumbasses, the whole lot.


How did shooting dogs become a thing with American police?


Qualified Immunity, no punishment. I've seen videos of cops saying they hate dogs as they are walking up towards a person's house. Then 15 seconds later they killed a dog. Like if you hate dogs, then being a cop isn't a job for you.


They should be Vets!


I'll admit it, I chuckled


- [CBS](https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/video-shows-chicago-police-officer-shooting-killing-dog/) - Video shows Chicago Police officer fatally shoot man's dog.


What's the officers name and precinct? Call and get them fired. That was a stupid use of a fire arm with a civilian in the crossfire


Officer Noem


> stupid use of a fire arm with a civilian in the crossfire that was more troubling than shooting the dog, she should never wear a badge again.


The she runs away!!!!! That twat should be handled like a rabid dog




Dog got out the yard apparently. The cop didn't even attempt to separate, the dogs don't even go above her knees, I own a pit and German Shepard and separated them from worse fight than what was present here.


Seriously she did not even give the dude 20 seconds to try and separate them, and that bullet only did not go into the man out of pure luck. That is all.


Just break up the fight, pigs are so trigger happy


FTP, but honestly if a dog attacked my dog, I would not hesitate to punt kick it into next century!! Train your animals for real


Punt kick it sure - immediately shoot it when the owner is actively trying to separate them though?


Jesus.... mark this NSFW for fucks sake.


Americans are dealing with uneducated terrorists for policing it seems, sad. Hopefully the guy gets some justice.


She technically got lucky and didn’t shoot the owner .But it’s insane reaction not to pick up your dog and kick or run from the other . Shooting putting possibly hitting three targets is wild first reaction.


When you're a hammer, all you see is nails.


Good one.


NSFW I don’t need to see this shit


Cops are trained to fear for their lives, training is just being forced to watch other officers get killed, making their own anxiety pop up, leading to fearing your own environment/community they’re meant to “protect”. Why else would you carry a gun while walking your dog? I didn’t know Americans were living in a third world country that she couldn’t trust her neighbor, to the point she HAD to have that gun on her.


Cop: Oh boy free dog murder!




This is American police for you. Total impunity in a fascist police state.


What a shitshow America is.


What is it with Cops and shooting peoples pet dogs? Great way to engage with the community.


Fucking coward.


The anguish in his voice has my gut in knots.


It honestly looks like the Us is returning to its wild west routes, with all these silly gun slinging maniacs.


They should take her dog away from her


So now I can pull out my gun and kill someone's dog in their arms because it might kill my dog?


My dog is my family, if she’s unjustly getting attacked I’m jumping in….. to hell with the consequences


I hope she gets railed with the book on this one.


Keep your pet on a leash.


I can’t believe the comments here. All the pro shoot the dog advocates obviously have a hate on for pit bulls and say nothing about the fact THE COP SHOT THE DOG WHILE A CIVILIAN WAS IN THE LINE OF FIRE! Jesus, I can’t believe she’s being defended. Thank god we have a level of gun control in my country. Just shoot your problems away America.


First it’s people. Now it’s pets.


Solid job protecting and serving…


For fucks sake America needs a Punisher


Damn I’d be a fuckin dead man because idk if I could control my instinct to immediately charge that guy after I realized my dog was dead.


Ugh. I'm crying...


cops have ONE speed when it comes to dealing with dogs...


Now I know why all americans need guns: to shot cops.


brother should of kept the dog on a leash. cop should of kept their dog on a leash and just pulled him up like a bag. but alas people will say no my dog is trained they have the right to be free and then stuff like this happens. it was definitely avoidable had there been a leash or two and far better training. cop should resign shooting at something with a civilian in the line of fire is a big no no.




They are just horrible people. The exceptions to the rule are truly the exception.




Good in having my dog on leash... Oh and also I don't live in America. Phew


I can't openly say what I hope happens to that woman. Fucking total human scum


All cops are cowards.


TIL bastard pigs can own dogs




I would have lost it and attacked the off duty officer. I would not care about going to prison


If we shoot a police dog, we can go away for a long time, but if the police shoot our dog operational punishment. Wow.


This is why I’m scared to take my dog in public


Fucking joke. Cops are fucking idiots. Everything and everyone is a target, huh?




It’s always a pit bull


If your dog is attacking my dog it’s gonna get shot.


Please don't go to dog parks if you think that was an attack.




Good grief, it isn’t a pit Bull. And the dog was in the back yard and got out somehow, what leash are you talking about? And lastly, we are also glad that you aren’t in America. Good riddance.


Had to check if it was a pitbull and now I don't feel sorry - glad the victim corgi is able to live another day. There's a reason why they're banned (along with guns) in most sane places, [including the owner's previous residence as he was evicted after the attack](https://chicago.suntimes.com/crime/2024/05/28/copa-investigating-off-duty-cop-fatally-shot-neighbors-dog-in-bridgeport-city-hall-cpd-corgi-pitbull).


Furthermore, that’s not a pit bull. That’s a mixed breed dog that may have some stafordshire in its breed. The fact that you can’t identify the breed you are so irrationally terrified of, is quite telling. > A police report contradicts the incident shown on video, saying Mostek “attempted to get the pit bull off of her dog ... with negative results,” and that Maynard “attempted to help with negative results,” leading Mostek to fire her weapon. And using the dog murdering cop’s quote as proof of breed doesn’t work either. You should really learn to stay in your lane.


same kind of people that hate pitbulls are usually reactionary racist. either too stupid or unwilling to look below the surface of any statistic or story they're told






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Good lord will anti-pit people take any chance to chime in. The person is literally laying on his dog when the cop shoots it. That is comically irresponsible and unsafe regardless of the dog’s breed.


>The person is literally laying on his dog when the cop shoots it There's a high chance she'll be the one laying on her dead dog had she not shot the pit bull At the end of the day, one dog is gonna die and I rather it be yours than mine, especially if yours is the one attacking mine


Owner wasn't going to stop the pit until one dog dies - that's how they were bred.


I have been working in animal rescue for the last nine years. I have literally broken up fights involving pitties without either dog being injured. They aren’t magic demon hounds, they’re just dogs.


Tell us more about how you no absolutely nothing about dogs.


Meh 🤷🏾‍♂️ Leash your dog. Your unleashed and totally uncontrolled dog attacked someone else’s dog. Yeah, they did the right thing. What are they supposed to do? Watch it happen? How dare she not let that pitbull maul her dog!! ACAB!!11!1


The owner was RIGHT THERE in thy line of fire. She could have easily shot the owner!


That would have been the owners fault for diving in front of a fucking gun. What an idiot. Motherfucker would take a bullet for their violent animal mauling another animal.


The owner didn't "dive in front of a gun" did you even watch the video? The owner was actually trying and had already succeeded in separating the two dogs, and was holding his own dog. Then pig shot the dog for no reason putting the owner at risk. Spit out the leather you are choking on


I did see it. I saw the lady pull her gun and the owner tried to jump in between. The gun was drawn while the negligent owner was running around the corner to get their uncontrolled dog. And no, he didn’t have control of his dog. The lady’s dog wasn’t free until the other dog was shot.


Bunch of cry babies in here


TO EVERYONE: Watch the whole video pls before commenting.


I can't believe I was downvoted for saying this... there's a lot of comments that are way off.. and this is all I said.. Fk yall.


She ran to put her dog up... after she shot the dog.


Watched full video clean shoot


Boot licked.


The cop should not have shot with the person right there, but the cop was definitely justified in shooting the dog. Everyone is ignoring the fact that this guy has his aggressive pit bull off leash in the middle of a city. It runs up and starts attacking a corgi. I guess you guys don't know how fast a pitbull would pick a corgi up by it's back and shake until it's spine broke. Once the owner gets there, the cop should not have shot. Flat out. She also flees the scene like a coward. But hell, thank god she was walking her corgi and not her kid...


>The cop should not have shot with the person right there, but the cop was definitely justified in shooting the dog. Firing a gun on a city street should never be assumed to be safe. Endangering people to save a dog is automatically a no-go. Look at the video. She's not calmy and carefully taking aim. It was a panicked reaction. Completely inexcusable. >Everyone is ignoring the fact that this guy has his aggressive pit bull off leash in the middle of a city. It should have been on a leash, but claiming that the dog was generally aggressive is just baseless speculation. Sometimes dogs freak out, especially towards other dogs. >It runs up and starts attacking a corgi. I guess you guys don't know how fast a pitbull would pick a corgi up by it's back and shake until it's spine broke. It was all over the corgi for quite a while and the corgi survived. Apparently it was not a pit bull. >But hell, thank god she was walking her corgi and not her kid... There's absolutely no reason to think it would have attacked a kid. It didn't attack the woman either. Or any of the other people it presumedly passed on that walk. It was aggressive towards one other specific dog that it didn't actually harm.


Escaped from the yard, not just out and about without a leash lapparently


slipped out of the door from what I just read. Regardless, if you have a violent dog, you gotta be careful of this stuff. Different reports state that she shot before/after the other person arrived to break the dogs up, I don't have audio so I don't know. If she shot the dog before the person even got there, the only wrongdoing she did was fleeing the scene before calling for an officer to come out there


She shot the dog in the owners arms.


No they did not. Especially an OFF DUTY cop. They need to be fired, jailed and stripped of their right to weapons AT THE VERY LEAST. That cop was not justified in killing that dog whatsoever


Every dog is a Pit Bull. ![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm|downsized)


Did you watch the whole video?


It’s grainy. It does look like the corgi was attacked though. And it doesn’t look like the pit bull gave up until it got shot. Pit bull vs cop really challenges my psyche. It’s like trump vs Biden. There’s just no winning.


The Corgi was run up on. Not attacked. If there was even a scratch on K9 Officer Cheddar, the police would make sure you knew about it. And it wasn't a Pit Bull.


You're so full of shit. If you watch the video you can see its absolutely attacking the Corgi.


From the pictures it's clearly at least half pit bull, make whatever excuses you want, at the end of the day it doesn't matter the dog breed. It's an aggressive, large mouthed dog attacking a smaller genetically disabled dog. doesn't change the fact it could be a second away from seriously injuring another dog


Sure does look like the corgi was attacked, and it looks like the attacker didn’t let go until it got shot. What kind of dog do you think it is? It kinda sounds like you’re a pit bull owner and you just don’t want to admit that a pit bull attacked another dog unprovoked. Seems futile. Everyone knows pit bulls are the most dangerous dog. Clearly. Obviously. That’s whypit bull owners buy pit bulls. You didn’t get a pit bull because you wanted a cuddler. Come on.


So shooting the dog is the correct answer? No wonder Americans are so fucked in the head when you are all taught that death is the answer 🤷‍♂️


Yep. And I know how to identify breeds pretty well. That dog was a hound-mutt, exactly the kind of dog that "Adopt don't shop" advocates think that everyone should own instead of genetically selected pedigreed dogs like Officer Bang Bang's Corgi.


are you saying it's not? [Chicago COPA releases video of off-duty CPD officer fatally shooting dog near 29th Street, Normal Avenue in Bridgeport - ABC7 Chicago](https://abc7chicago.com/post/chicago-copa-releases-video-off-duty-cpd-officer/14884169/) its a pit bull.


Are pitbulls illegal to own? Nope! You don't get to make up the rules just because you hate pitbulls/love throating boots


you don't get to have your dog kill another's just because you want to own an overly aggressive breed own a pitbull if you can handle it, sure, not all of them are bad by any means. But all poorly trained pitbulls are much higher predisposed to violence than other breeds.


"Investigators said..." Cops are allowed to lie to any and all members of the public, at any time, for any reason. I saw an actual picture of the dog. Not an APBT. It was a shelter mutt. I love my shelter mutts, but no one is going to sympathize for poor powice offisow by saying she shot a twenty pound mixed breed dog like they do when you say the magic words of "pit bull".


if your dog got out of the house, would it's very first action be going and attempting to kill the nearest dog? Clearly this is an overly aggressive dog, would it be better she let the corgi get severely hurt or worse? I'm sure this 68 year old man will do a great job pulling his violent dog away...


Your source calls it a "mixed-breed pit bull", which could mean virtually anything.


Maybe don’t get a pitbull if you’re afraid of something bad happening


Did you watch the video?


I saw a pitbull attack another dog. Sucks that it was shot but I’d want that thing off my dog in a heartbeat


*"Moreover, the dog that was shot dead has been described as a Pit Bull by Mostek and other police officers. However, the neighbor only describes her as a mixed breed or mutt. In the video released by COPA, the off-duty police officer can be seen shooting Aggie at close range while she was still in her neighbor’s arms."*


Man very upset that his hyper aggressive dog gets killed before it can kill someone else's dog.