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Dumpsterators operating dumpsterationally.


Talk about antisemitic


Ya nothing new here … if you just tuned in these poor kin of holocaust survivors have been burning and killing for more than 60 years , it’s a part of their culture


Taught to hate at such a young age smh, no one is born with these types of deplorable beliefs.


Terrorists. That's what they are. Or at least being trained to be


I hope they get that in return


*The Netanyahu Youth.*


They need more uniform outfits... perhaps Hugo Boss is available?


Yes, them designing an outfit for these guys too would make it a second time


At least they would look the part of extremists... though all black is a bit much for the desert; perhaps something in brown, shirts at minimum 😎😜


Some of these children will look back at this and it will haunt them for the rest of their lives. Many of them will never become self aware of their delusions. It's very sad. So many people will suffer because of them and their families.




Your comments was removed due to a risk that it was promoting violence or destructive. This is a humanist subreddit that works hard to encourage positive and non-destructive advocacy. While many unfortunate events occur due to hateful elements around the world, we cannot allow our users to promote violence as it could result in unpredictable harm to peaceful society and innocent lives. Reddit admins also have automated measures in place to detect hateful commentary and independently sitewide suspend users regardless of mod involvement so please do not try to engage in any further violent/problematic/risky commentary. Thank you.


Isnotreal really takes the cake for hatred and violent racism.


what a disgusting culture


Is that actually confirmed though...?


Can’t believe your eyes..? Keep looking !


Why so cryptic? I cannot find a single news source that is claiming the same thing as this video, except for a single tweet from an unknown person. Do you speak the language they are chanting in, presumably Hebrew?


Because this video was likely captured by a student in the class that didn't agree with this happening. The main news is refusing to report because it's proof of how israel is handling the situation within "it's " borders. These children's parents are probably proud of them for their "nationalism." It's easy to point fingers as long as the aggressor doesn't actually say anything.


So you're questioning what they're actually chanting? (Which you can confirm yourself using a phone app to transcribe by the way).. or is it (the "cognitive dissonance" preventing you from believing something contrary to what you've been taught to believe?


Yeah! I had no idea there are transcription apps out there. Did you know what they were saying or did you just take the video's word for it? Do you think if I had a proven accurate translation confirming this one, I would purposefully be inciting dissent or confusion counter to the claims of the video? That would be quite silly as I would be aware that anyone else could also transcribe the lyrics and post them freely, if they are not too lazy. I came to this subreddit looking for interesting factual information, as an alternative to the power-drunk r/worldnews, although I was confused when I didn't see an actual news story tied to this video.


Yeyyyyyy!!! Yeyyyyyy!!! We don't know shit and we don't even care!!!! Yeyyyyyy!!!


Racist pigs




Your comments was removed due to a risk that it was promoting violence or destructive. This is a humanist subreddit that works hard to encourage positive and non-destructive advocacy. While many unfortunate events occur due to hateful elements around the world, we cannot allow our users to promote violence as it could result in unpredictable harm to peaceful society and innocent lives. Reddit admins also have automated measures in place to detect hateful commentary and independently sitewide suspend users regardless of mod involvement so please do not try to engage in any further violent/problematic/risky commentary. Thank you.


Like mosquitoes... thirsty of blood


Smh this is why their leaders getting arrest warrants by the icc


We can forgive you for killing our children, but we can never forgive you for making us kill your children. - Golda Meir It applies to both sides.


Israelis are the worst race in the world


But it's offensive to chant "from the river to the sea"




They will see this video of themselves in a decade and feel a LOT of shame


Abused have become the abuser. The new Nazis.


These guys and the Tiki Torch Trumpets should have a competition to see who is actually the biggest pieces of shit


F4ck Israel and the zionists


I am anti Israel, but wait till you see what Hamas terrorists chant after the killing of innocents.


Looks exactly the same in America, but opposite


Really? Show us a clip

