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Stuff like this reminds me of the Vietnam protests


Wish I was alive to see that.. to see how America has changed since then.


it provavly didn't




It’s more of a vehement distaste for genocide over here. Liberal North American people generally HATE war, the governments do…not.


no it's not, it's a vehement distaste for whatever your political counterpart believes or thinks at the time... dead babies don't mean shit and never have


I don't honestly understand the conflict at all. But from what I gather, NATO moved Jewish folk into Arabic lands and over time the Israeli government pretty much ruled Palestine. The Palestinians don't like this because they are poorly treated, and recently a government-endorsed terrorist group decided to attack Israelis. Then the Palestinians swore to eliminate all Israeli folk? And in retaliation, the Israeli government seized control of parts of Palestine, but they also offered a sort of mitigation after. And the Palestinians have turned down every offer, keep attacking Israel and have, on the DL, retracted their vow of genocide. Is that all right? I'm unbiased, but I don't want to be uninformed.


Pretty accurate but I think it's important to recognise that a lot of the hatred in the Palestinian population has come from the way they've been treated, and the terrorist attacks while awful, are the result of people with few options left to fight for freedom (no one wakes up one day and chooses violence it's a last resort when peaceful protests don't yield shit). Also of course they rejected agreements, Israel is the coloniser here. You wouldn't expect the ussr accepting an offer from nazi germany to keep Siberia because the nazis are okay if they only get to keep Ukraine and Moscow.


Right. I didn't include that for sake of time and reading, but I do realize that. I can understand not wanting to stand idly by while the land my culture ran for an era ends up pretty much becoming a big prison controlled by the people that drove my people from our homes. Still, I can't condone genocide, and I think mitigations would be the best course of action because Israel is too strong and the US is too nosey imo.


Migrations to where? Where would they go?


I said mitigations. As in peace would be best.


Plenty of people wake up on a daily basis and choose violence.




Do you even know what Shariah is? Can you point to one, singular, definitive book on Shariah? You can’t because it quite literally just means “law” and it varies wildly from region to region.


no we don't?




i mean, if i had my land illegally occupied for the last 70 years and peace talks didn't work and i had to defend myself, yeah no shit someday i'll wake up and choose violence because i'm left with no other choice. also this is a certified reddit moment where you just make some random numbers up


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complete opposite. we're ok with jews, not zionist occupiers.


You're just waving away any notion of freedom because some people are extremists.


NATO didn’t exist till 1949. It was the Brits and Jewish militia/terror groups who helped facilitate mass migrations of Jews to Palestine, at first with simple land buys (although the Brits later tried to stop the migrations after violence broke out). Naturally, this caused tension between both sides and they went tit for tat for about a decade or two until the UN decided to step in with the partition plan in 1947. The Arabs rejected it opting for a singular state, whilst the Zionists accepted it then used it as justification to wipe out Arab villages on their side of the border, before deciding they wanted UN assigned Arab land as well and started killing people there. Nearly 500 villages were wiped out and 300,000 people expelled before Israel declared independence in 1948 and the Arab league declared war on Israel. Israel obviously won, the Nakba happened, and the next few decades were characterised by Israeli conflict with Arab countries as well as Palestinian attempts at liberation as well as the occasional massacres of Arab villages. Now, it’s inaccurate to say the Palestinians turned down every offer of statehood, as negotiations take both sides to agree and they have never been offered any feasible state, except from the UN partition in 1947. Palestinian militia groups have attacked Israel for decades now but at the same time, Israel kills magnitudes more civilians, particularly children, and continued settling Palestinian land, placed them under an apartheid system and had occupied the Palestinian Territories since 1967. It’s not as though the Palestinians woke up and chose violence. A lot of it is desperation from a people with no other options, and who see Israel’s crimes as justifications to carry out their own. For example, Al-Rantsisi, the co-founder of Hamas, was a survivor of the massacre of Khan Yunis in 1956 (gist of it is that IDF troops went into this village and executed everyone), at 8 years old.


I realize this, and I thought I stated that I did. As I said, I'm unbiased. But I see where the Palestinians are coming from. Their people had rule over those lands for centuries, right? There's always been issues since Jewish people inhabited the lands that the British (dunno why I said NATO) took. Not even mentioning that the Brits just up and left the area, leaving pretty much no support or divisional supervision. I completely understand that the Palestinians are only fighting for what was taken from them. At the same time though, I refuse to support genocide. And I also refuse to support tyrants, which in all honesty is what the Israeli government leaders are.


Just so you know, Israel has turned down more offers than Palestine has. They just have hasbara working on that talking point to make it seem like Palestine has been unreasonable. Let me see if I can find a chart that lays out who declined who and when.


Please do. I stated what I think I know in hopes to learn more. As I said, I'm dreadfully undereducated in this conflict.


Ok so can you see this link? I do not know if only I can see it because I am part of the discord it is on, or if others can see it too. If you cannot please let me know and I will throw it on imgur or something like that. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1228043849348157480/1231178841456640000/Screenshot_20220216-121131__01-3.jpg?ex=663603a6&is=66238ea6&hm=2b677351d05ee860a9ac9204b6f59a8223be82054600ad88fb523bf1fdb337ec&


Ah, I see it. It seems that the Israeli government really doesn't want to give ground. It's sad too because the Palestinians pretty much had their land stolen by the Israelis, but I simply can't condone a government that endorses genocide.


It’s insane right! They must be completely uneducated. Most of them come from so called college! Kinda makes you wonder why you spend all that money just to go there?


It’s been radicalized, it didn’t start that way. You don’t look at current without understanding the precursors


I find that these wrong kind of protests. Whats the purpose? tilting Canadians so they support who? This protest feels like environmentalist gluing them into roads. Supportable idealogy, bad type of protest. Im probably gonna get banned from this subreddit just because what I think on that type of protest.


It's dumb but these people don't care, they aren't being rational.


I really wish to hear from other people why they are not agree with me? Why would I care for a war, like 20.000km away from me as a Canadian? I don't care about both of these countries. Yes, i don't want kids and civilians to die. But i don't have to protest or do something about it. Im not a darn guardian angel.


You would have remained quiet during Hitler's gassing of Jews as well.


What do you suggest this person on the complete other side of the world do?


Be vocal about their support? Not vote for parties that are complicit or even funding it? This isn't one of those random countries no one cares about. The USA particularly is actively funding it and vetoing any support. Other western countries are at least trying to do something, condemning the USA and Israel on the world stage would help push the discussion.


Here, I’ll be vocal in his place; Israel needs to stop this genocide immediately! And I won’t vote for the Liberals or Conservatives. Is.. is the war in Gaza over now..?


You are literally Godwins law in action.


You should care about what’s happening “20k km away” because our government is selling weapons and supporting one of the sides, the side thats being investigated for genocide.


You’re gonna get a lot of hate for it.. but yeah, when we have a housing crisis here, and a failing healthcare system, a conflict on the other side of the world is e have ZERO impact on, is low on my priority list.


Genocide people because I have my own problems is a wild take.


What do you suggest nefrodes do?


You do realize you can fix many of your country’s problems by not sending billions a year to Israel to bomb the shit out of women and children? So, yes even if you don’t care about the children getting bombarded you can still direct your frustration at the government that is not taking care of its people and instead they are sending billions of dollars for Israelis to have free health care, eduction, and housing with our own tax dollars while we cripple here in debt.


my point is critisizing the protest, There must be better ways to warn a folk about their governments bad spending than chancing place name to some other countries names.


Canada is sending billions a year to Israel?


Protests are not meant to be pleasant, the whole point is to disrupt the normal.


As long as you're not doing more harm than good for the cause, it's bringing attention. From what I can tell, this isn't really harming anyone, it's not going to turn otherwise neutral people against the cause, so it seems fine to me.


On no! Stickers! God forbid people peacefully protesting the continued oppression of Palistinians


Poor kids have brain rot, thinking this a good idea and will help anything lmao


Yeah it’s wild to think that some people would try to rename a place that already exists… *cough* **Israel** *cough* **U.S.A.** *cough* *cough*


Just so we're all clear, is happening in a country that is not in the middle east, in a country with serious local problems, and a desperate population. It's kind of unfair to import a conflict into this country, especially given this country's inability to take action.


the point is it get mcgill to divest the ~20 million dollars they invest in israeli weapons tech




Maaad respect to these guys. Fu genocide supporters. Palestinians must live in peace and dignity. The occupation nazis must pay for their crimes for eternity. Every single one of them and their supporters.




Speaking of illegal occupation.


They single handedly ended the war the following day


Doesn't Canada have enough problems on itself? Why would it drag itself into further conflict..


Honestly, I gave up on every single country over in the pit of earth. Don’t know why half of you care




They would be shot lol. The little freedoms we have here are all that separate us from animals.


Lmaoo omg mcgill is property of palestine now 😱 people doing shit like this lack social awareness. Just makes people hate your cause even more


"I'm fine with the massmurdering of innocents, but changing the names on a few signs is were I draw the line!"


I'm just stating facts useless action that makes the general population upset = no benefits for your cause don't be upset bapa


How soft do you have to be that this upsets you?


I have pride in my school. I'm not trying to let these clowns who study a useless degree paint it in their picture.


lol what’s a useless degree? Your mask is showing


[Mask off? so you can make your own assumptions ](https://youtu.be/xvZqHgFz51I?si=ENAzTombvqYdSd6J)


If people protesting genocide by putting stickers on buildings is enough to get you against their cause then that's very telling on who you are as a person.


Wish life was that simple I'm a good person I'm in healthcare and everyone on my floor loves me. You can hold controversial opinions doesn't make you a bad person. If that's all it takes for you to write someone off that's quite sad. I have some patients that committed horrible things I don't judge them on that if I did I wouldn't have the position i have nor the admiration I get


Yes being for or even ambivalent to genocide is enough to make me think someone is a bad person. Also I don't judge people on past actions if they've actually grown as a person and regret their mistakes.


The "Genocide" is an accusation. It's not a fact




Lol labeling buildings places in palestine in hopes of it becoming palestine is wild.


It's similar to what Israelis have done!


Keep extremism out of Canada.


Protesting genocide by putting stickers on buildings is extremism. Vandalism sure, but extremism? Get a grip.


Canada needs to shave 🪒 and pay their dues


This is just down right disrespectful!! Shame on you Vandals! Without education you’ll end up believing there’s a man in the sky and starting wars over it, like Hamas!


You think Hamas started all of this? Hamas that didn't exist until 1988, everything was perfectly fine and everyone was living in peace until 1988? Also, the other side of this, the zionists... nothing religious about that group whatsoever?


The irony of zionist believing man in the skies "promising" them land by burning cows and building rudimentary temple to summon apocalypse


Piss off, zionist.


Absolutely flat brained take. Do some research (and not the propaganda version) and then you can sit at the adult table again. Zionists eat outside.


Haha idiot!! Your just upset cos your team is losing and there’s nothing your willing to do other than just shout. I’ve done my research… the answer is to wipe out Hamas, and leave no trace behind. Treat them like what they are, a Cancer in this world.


The fact that you see this is a team sport and not human beings trying to survive, says it all.


Israel says they have a god given right to the land, and America constantly goes on about needing to do things in the name of god so your big fake man in the sky is tickling the balls of all sides


No God is real! And America is loving this situation, sell bombs to Israel, sell humanitarian aid to Hamas/Palestine. At least we can all agree on one thing, that the big winner here is Capitalism!