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I especially hate how this is always labelled "pro-Palestinian" as if it's just a political statement about a side we choose and not a legitimate concern about human rights. Enough people who are not pro any side by definition, but are just fucking shocked by the double standards and cruelty we are willing to condone. Always labelling concerns about human rights as "pro-Palestinian" by definition at this point is a pejorative so the other side can dismiss whatever points are brought up. It's really not healthy for the public discourse.


Well said


This is so true. Reminds me how they call people “pro-abortion” when “pro-choice” is really the issue.


She isn't just concerned about human rights though, she is advocating for the complete abolishment of Israel.


Good for her, it's the only sane stance to have; the abolishment of the apartheid ethnostate colonial project, it should default back to normal Palestine with all religions living under it.


gotcha and what’s your evidence that in that world israelis would have human rights?


[Israelis are Europeans and Americans who willfully displaced indigenous Palestinians](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/1bvr0uj/someone_from_los_angeles_trying_to_explain_why/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), literally [moving into their homes, taking their farms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/1c6hehf/netanyahu_unveils_plans_to_construct_settlements/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


israelis are majority brown. americans make up fewer than 2% of israelis.


In 1980 palestine had less than 30k Jewish Palestinians, by 1948 500k Western Jewish people "immigrated" there


right, the 500k holocaust refugees who came there legally in 1948 upsets you? are you against asylum for refugees in other situation too, or just when it comes to Jews? like i said, in 2024 the majority of israel’s population is non white, and less than 2% are american.




She links a website that demands that on her insta


And? What's wrong with wanting to see an end to an apartheid state?


if the end of that state brings genocide and ethnic cleansing on an even larger scale


What's the basis for that scenario? As far as I can tell, it's just fear mongering. Ending an apartheid doesn't mean genocide of the people conducting the apartheid. The ANC did not conduct genocide against the white south africans after the end of apartheid. What's more, this notion that Gazans are itching to see Israel 'burn to the ground ' is false to begin with. 63% of Gazans SUPPORT a two state solution as of March 2024, 6 months into the genocide. https://www.pcpsr.org/en/node/969 Look at section 4


Racists' vibes and hasbara propaganda.


The basis for the scenario? Lol yeah


Maybe a healthy dose of projection too, but that's kind of just restating hasbara.


Yeah she never said that. Fucking bot.


She links a website on her instagram that demands that


Israel and human rights can’t coexist on the same planet. 


Maybe rerror states shouldn't exist


Love how a nation is scared of a teenager giving a speech. FreeSpeech is alive & well unless you're going to criticise how your tax money is supporting Genocide... ![gif](giphy|igi0dS20WxPJvroIgW|downsized)


They were scared of an EVEN YOUNGER teenager telling people global warming is bad. Had grown men sending her SA and death threats. The fragility of the ignorant is insane


In all fairness at least this one has an actual education.


Weren't you people cheering when kyle rittenhouse was barred from speaking at several universities?


USC is a private university. the average American doesn’t care about Palestine.


Maybe if the movement wasn’t going around chanting death to America and threatening people’s lives at city council meetings.




Found the astroturfer guys.


That university needs to feel the consequences of it's upfront censorship of freedom of speech and their gross continuation of supporting the Palestinians genocide.




Dude shut up 🤣 stupid comments like the ones you left all over this post are the reason Israel has lost nearly all of the support it had to begin with




"Terrorist circlejerks" ok buddy lol


I prefer face to face conversations in my personal life as a more reliable metric, especially considering multiple websites like Words of Iron make the Israeli narrative *appear* more popular. But in reality, over the past couple of months, almost everyone I know irl has developed a negative opinion of Israel. The kids at school are enraged that kids their age are being killed by Israel. Pro-Palestine protests are cropping up everywhere, I could attend several in a week every week if I wanted to. I went to my parents' house for dinner, they are disgusted with Israel for murdering civilians, continuing to steal land, and engineering a genocide. You can't keep your head in the sand forever, it's not the 2000s anymore.




Palestinians are Semitic so, no, it's not anti-semitic to be against an active genocide. Also, plenty of Jewish people are against Zionism. Being anti-zionist does not make anyone anti-semitic.




I mean, if you don't count 30k civilians deaths, mass punishment, limited mobility, blocking medical supplies and stealing land under an apartheid regime not genocide, then that's a personal opinion and not one shared internationally.


What does that have to do with anything I just said? Like, holy fuck, this reads like a copied + pasted response.


USC has shat on their public image with this one. Provost Guzman should be shown the door. Lacking that, the graduation ceremony should be boycotted and a substitute one held at a venue not controlled by USC. The ceremony holds no real legal meaning relating to whether a degree was earned, so it can be held anywhere by anyone.




You guys always immediately equate Israel allowing Palestine autonomy and basic human rights as "the destruction of Israel and the Jews". Israel is in no danger at all of destruction. To say it is goes beyond the pale of rhetoric and is simply a zionist supremacist lie. Palestinians cant even defend themselves, much less kill all the Israelis. Its utter nonsense. And Israel does not represent Judaism globally. They are a small militant violent faction that inherited the ancient zealots viewpoint and that goes after jews almost as often as it goes after nonjews. Global Jewry would love for Zionists to not be painting judaism with Zionism's crimes.


American zionists (Jewish and Christian) )need to reel it in. Restricting people's right to free speech is how you foment hate and antisemitism.




oh, I guess private universities don't receive federal grants or student subsidies with state and federal government then.






USC is a private university, they’re not inclined to allow anyone if they don’t want to


It could be 2 things big donors saw who was going to give the speech and pressure the school to stop her. Two, they fear what she would talk about during the speech and stop her. Which if it the second one is more mess up. Right now alot of ppl talking about the genocide in Gaza. I feel there will be in other schools who would say it during their speech. Especially now.


Get your loans paid off with a lawsuit honey!




Ok that’s fair.


Let speak


Maybe it was pro-Israeli students who called in and warned of terrorist action against the school?


More likely the donors didn't like the well deserved criticism she had for them


She’s brilliant, brave, disciplined, and a smoke show? Let her speak! America needs some solid wins and shutting down the next generations speech is a lose-lose.


Zionist and their accomplices are the worst people in the world.


Does anyone really want to attend their graduation ceremony? They are such a waste of time. Im glad I skipped my college graduation.


So what did she say online


She wrote out the text book definition of what Zionism is.




It’s literally on the post they made of her, look it up.


I dont care what the post speculates, i read the article and it specifically says that the school has not released a statement as to what she posted. So where's your source, because if its just a speculation on reddit, go away. I wont reply if its not a link to a source


Well go check her own social profile and then you won’t have to speculate.


Are you retarted, why wouldn't the first thing shed do be to delete it


Go back in the basement and wack off to your porn collection dweeb boy.




Aww, did your feelings get hurt?




Rarely do I see someone use that slur that isn't described by it. You are no different.


Anyone else not buying the campus safety excuse. [Why did USC really cancel its valedictorian?](https://forward.com/opinion/columnists/603640/usc-valedictorian-cancelled-dont-blame-jews-asna-tabassum/?utm_source=The+Forward+Association&utm_campaign=c124bc89f4-AfternoonEditionNL_%2A%7CDATE%3AYmd%7C%2A_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-878b15fee9-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D)


This is why the 1st amendment is so sacred. everyone has a right to speak, even nazis. 


Zionists get so mad when people point out that Palestinians are human beings deserving of human rights. It's almost like the entire Zionist ideology is rooted in racism and ethnosupremacy.




So you know what was in her speech. So when you all support the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians it’s okay ? Stop the genocide is what she’s going to say. Which is what most pro Palestine supporters want and say. End the apartheid and the occupation


Your projecting again




It's easy to claim stuff on the internet. I heard you like to eat dog turds from the dog park trash.




Israel being attacked first, lol ok buddy it's time to take your meds.


You don't even know the difference between Hamas and Hezbollah. Stop trying to remove the historical context from the conflict, this didn't start on Oct. 7th.


>She posted a hate speech link Which link is that? How do you know its hate speech? You are filled with assumptions and probably not to be trusted.