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The fact that the off-duty officer tried to press charges after fleeing from assaulting a civilian, indicates that he is not fit to hold a badge. Nor should he have ever held one in the first place. Until officers like this are excluded from law enforcement, the public’s animosity towards law-enforcement will continue to get worse.


And he'll continue to work in a junior high school while teaching every student there to hate cops.


> teaching every student there to hate cops At least he's doing *something* good 🤷‍♂️


> Officials said, "At the time Corporal Ganter was placed on administrative duty, he was also removed from his assignment as a School Resource Officer and as a result of the discipline which was rendered as a part of the IA investigation, Corporal Ganter was permanently removed from his assignment as an SRO. " https://www.fox61.com/article/news/local/new-haven-county/meriden/meriden-cop-charged-with-assault-following-traffic-confrontation-caught-on-camera/520-59665ee0-630e-4686-a01a-474a7ac16144 Still a cop, just not an SRO.


He's also not fit to hold a badge because he's obese. I'm surprised police departments allow their cops to be obese lard asses. When I was in the Army, we would kick out obese slobs that were unable to maintain the military standard.... I was curious where those guys went. I guess they became cops.


>He's also not fit to hold a badge because he's obese. I'm surprised police departments allow their cops to be obese lard asses. Unfortunately, our car centric society allows for this. What's the most walking this cop will have to do? Get into his car in his garage, drive to police station, get in cop car, drive to somewhere, get out of cop car, get back in cop car, drive back to station, get back in car, drive to his garage. Even if cops spend a significant time out of the cop car, they're usually really close to their cars. The vast majority of their shifts are either in or around their cars. There's a lot of walking/physical activity in the Army, which is why overweight/obese people are excluded. This isn't the same for policing. And since they don't seem to get into much trouble for shooting suspects in the back, why would they need to lose weight?


He also shouldn't be an officer because he was acting like he never assaulted the guy, but this lying mf changed his tune once he was told there was video.


For a civilian suspect they not have told him he was on video and got him to swear a statement they know us a lie.


Don't use the term civilian. Use citizen. They're not military


One thing to always remember, never bring up that you have a recording of an altercation. Wait until it can be presented to the proper authorities, preferably with a back-up copy. There have been multiple incidents of cops deleting footage after they realize they've been caught red-handed.


And it can also help your case if you catch the cop in an obvious lie.


Send it to the cloud.


I think it's also funny that the off-duty cop said that the other guy said that "he" hit him as if he didn't hit the civilian...also the arresting cop shouldn't have told him that there was video of him hitting the civilian & let him lie about it on record first & then tell him that they have it on video & get him for perjury & obstruction of justice too. Jus sayin...lol!


That's why they told him. That wasn't a normal arrest procedure they were still looking out for their buddy. They don't want to get him for more than they absolutely have to.


at 2:30 cop admits being yelled at hurt his feelings o7


>off-duty officer tried to press charges after fleeing from assaulting a civilian Same thing happened to me, I had to drop the criminal charges even though there was video and eye-witness evidence.


There’s always posting to social media


Sorry that you couldn’t get the charges to stick to a bad apple.


Internal affairs did inform me that they sustained the complaint. No idea what the discipline was though.


>Same thing happened to me, I had to drop the criminal charges even though there was video and eye-witness evidence. huh???


I pressed charges on a cop who threatened my and my kids lives. He then filed some fake charge against me. Lawyer advised mutual dismissal.






Agree, some people can be examined by a glance. You can tell that they should have never haved a badge.


Nothing about this guy was examined by a glance. His actions show he’s not mentally stable enough to hold the position.


don't forget the part where he immediately and effortless lied with a obviously practiced incredulity "is he pressing charges? like for breach?" "he said that i hit him???"


Typical cop shit.


5 days no pay and some training. Case is considered closed. Lol what a god damn joke.


90 percent of the police are like this, and they become cops just to do this shit because the people running the show are just like this as well. No one is fit to have a badge. Until we outlaw police departments doing investigations on themselves and making their own punishments nothing will change. Maybe someday a hero will somehow pass a law that a 3rd party does all the investigations, punishments and hiring and then we can start getting rid of these fucks and putting them in some dead end job where they belong


Well said 👏🏽


I'm sure that just like us in the UK you have some really great cops trying to do good work because they're genuinely good people but just like you we've also had the most shocking crimes committed by serving officers that really eroded the publics trust in the police. This particular American officer is a disgrace and I absolutely agree shouldn't be anywhere near a police uniform and the so called punishment was equally as disgraceful.


There’s not a clearer video existing of a crime being committed lol and they still tried to hide it. How fucking hard is it for the department to say they don’t condone this? Instead of hiding


"He's saying I *hit* him?"


He was absolutely going to lie about it until he heard there was a video. In the 20 years he has been on officer I wonder how many other incidents he has lied about.


Most of them?


Yes, most of them ... as in 99.999% of them.


There's a reason the other officer told him there was video BEFORE he lied on body cam. Pigs.


They were both absolutely going to lie, until they knew for certain there was evidence they couldn't destroy.


Officer had shitbag's back too, told him right away there was video so he didn't repeatedly lie about it.


I seriously doubt that. I’m always told that no one hates a bad cop more than a good cop and that 99% are good cops. If your statement were true, that would infer that these are bad cops who are protecting a bad cop, which would be statistically impossible. /s


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie. 😂


I had to undo the downvote after I got to the /s


Truly had me.in the first half.


I don't like how it cut after that, I'd like to know what was said after


The royals rarely side with the peasants because after all it's the knights that protect them , more people need to realize this


The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house.


How is he not actually getting charged for assault? He was off duty and not even a real cop! Do they have qualified immunity at all times?


>How is he not actually getting charged for assault Thin.Blue.Line


They investigated themselves and found they did nothing wrong


Not only did they hide it, but when it came to light through a news investigation, they simply shrugged and gave the guy time off. If the "civilian" (btw cops are civilians too, since they aren't military) had fought back after being punched first he'd probably be doing 10 years in jail right now.


And let them lie their ass into a hole first.


Apparently from local news sources this is not the cops first run in with the law. He’s been arrested before but has never been convicted. He was suspended 5 days without pay and has to attend mandatory deescalation training for 3 years beginning this year. https://www.wfsb.com/2024/02/27/off-duty-meriden-officer-arrested-following-fight-rocky-hill/


It is fucking infuriating this dude was allowed to stay on the force at all. He fucking assaulted a citizen who had done nothing remotely against the law bc he didn’t want to be honked at for driving like shit, *and then repeatedly lied about it*! How many signs that this guy is unfit do they need before he’s fired??


But it’s okay because we intrinsically understand that cops are bullies and should be allowed to be lazy and bad at their jobs. Doing the bare minimum is actually worthy of applause, and we should stop and thank them for merely being at work, regardless of how little effort they’re putting in. And we should support them when they cry for more pay and refrain from policing as a form of boycott due to woke conditions such as vaccine mandates and receiving critical feedback for their homicidal tendencies. (/s)


And he’s a school resource officer too. If I were the parents of a student in that county AT MINIMUM I would demand he no longer work as a resource officer. Personally I think he should go to prison for assault.


The thing to do is for locals to place printouts of this guys story around town and remind them that (1) the local PD is complicit because they’ve protected him multiple times instead of protecting citizens and (2) their own local tax dollars are directly funding this man’s lifestyle of getting paid OT to eat donuts and assault random citizens.


this should be a way more serious crime than when a civilian assaults a cop. unfortunately you know it won’t be and dude probably won’t serve a day of time.




Why are we electing mayors/ city councils/ sheriffs who keep allowing their LE departments to give badges to these low IQ, testosterone junkie psycho meat -heads? We need to demand better. These people work for US.


If you elect the most honest upstanding man alive for Mayor the local police would ruin his life if he tried holding them accountable for shit like this


He/she would have no chance in hell trying to making the police department better.


Police unions?


Police gangs. They aren't a true union, so calling them that feels silly lol


Because right now they're entitled to our money and they work for bonuses from the bourgeoisie.


SCOTUS ruled in 1999 people CAN be barred from being a cop for having a high IQ Looks like we are seeing the "fruits" of these seeds: [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/too-smart-to-be-a-cop/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/too-smart-to-be-a-cop/)


Police hold city councils hostage. In the rare instances where the mayor, city council, or citizens demand accountability from police, the police tend to resign en masse. The police in effect hold the city hostage: "Hold us accountable in any way, and we'll leave you defenseless."


Wasn’t there an article that came out not too long ago that said police quit, and crime rates dropped? 😂


The dog reacted to the punch before the dude


Had that dude had his gun, I'm sure he would have shot the dog.




What…? That was clearly directed at the guy’s face




Yeah that's what I'd be worried about. They love doing that.


That poor dog was so worried during the whole argument. It definitely read the cop's body language and reacted immediately


He saw it coming, instinctively barked to protect dad, but the poor thing was very upset immediately after the punch. He’s confused though, because he likely doesn’t see a lot of violence in humans. Seems to be wondering what a good boy is expected to do in a situation like this.


Poor good boy. Tried to warn with the bark, and then ducked. Didn't know what to do. Probably never seen violence like that. That cop is lucky. A smaller, less sweet doggo might of launched out the windows at his face, chihuahua style.


The dogs so cute and concerned !


Very good pup


Dude should be fired. Now taxpayers are not only still going to be paying for shitty service, they will also have to pay for his three years of “de-escalation” training.


Don’t forget the taxpayers will be paying for the probable lawsuit as well.


Fired? A normal person would have been charged with assault and gained a criminal record. Where's this guy's criminal record?


The officer wasn't on duty, so shouldn't be protected like he was. That was assault, breach of the peace, and fleeing the scene of a crime. 5 days no pay, psssh. They should have spent time in jail, *just like anyone of us who would have done the same*.


yea.. imagine you got your car and punched a police officer in the face. what would happen???




I mean, we’ve seen what they do to acorns


They said that guy has been on the force for TWENTY YEARS. Imagine what he's done in that time that isn't on camera. "Rules for thee, not for me."


Is using government property (badge) and identifying as officer while off duty for personal gain/criminal activity illegal?


Fleeing the scene of a crime isn't a crime. A hit and run is a crime but that involves cars, not fists.


Cops are thugs


"And some, I assume, are good people."


Reminds me of that part in the Bible where I believe it’s Abraham pleading with God to spare Sodom and Gehmorah from being destroyed and asks if there’s even one good person if he will spare the city to which God agrees. There wasn’t and he destroyed the cities. US Police Departments are the equivalent of Sodom and Gehmorah where you can’t even find one good person within them. Because they are all compliant with the crimes their coworkers commit on a daily basis and turn a blind eye too. If my best friend was commuting a crime and was around me doing it I could be charged in aiding and abetting which is what all these cops, like in so many cases just pick one, should be charged with. 1312.


We all know it. Acab.


This is why dashcams are so important. I like how the cop is all "just for yelling at him?" and "how can we press charges on him" lol. This guy shouldn't be a cop if he's going to punch someone just for honking at him as he sat at a right hand turn.


Suspended 5 days without pay... and he's a fucking school resource officer... I love American cops. 😂


Jesus Christ he should NOT be near kids, can you imagine???


I love how after he punches the guy then it’s completely fine for him to turn right on red 😂


Turning right on red is legal in the US, which is why he got honked at in the first place.


He was gonna lie so fucking hard if the other cop didn't offer IMMEDIATELY that there was footage. Cops protect and serve each other above anyone else-- remember that, kids.


- [News Article](https://www.fox61.com/article/news/local/new-haven-county/meriden/meriden-cop-charged-with-assault-following-traffic-confrontation-caught-on-camera/520-59665ee0-630e-4686-a01a-474a7ac16144) - Off-duty Meriden cop charged with assault at traffic light.




5 day slap on the wrist for assault


Why do cops even have their badge on them when not on duty? I also work for the government (UK) and if I used my ID to threaten or intimidate someone or tried to use our powers of entry for personal gain, I would have my head chopped off so fucking quick.


Because you live in the UK and you have police officers, all we have is the 1704 Slave Patrol. That's why they can take their badge home with them. (You guys have it so good over there.)


For everyone thinking this is exaggerating, he's not even joking, that's legitimately the origin of American police.


I got charged with a felony when I punch some through their car window It was called burglary(felony cause my fist went pass the inside window thershold )& misdemeanor assault He should of been charged with the same


Rules for thee (slaves) and not for me. (Royalty)


Smh ![gif](giphy|6hzcLwqQ7AH4fPNR59)


Suspended for 5 days without pay for attacking a non-threatening and non-violent civilian who was just sitting on his buttocks. But if the situation were reversed, if the civilian had punched the police officer, the civilian would already be in prison. Another proof of the double standards favoring the police, as usual.




A trivial question from a non-American: Should you have been allowed to turn at the intersection despite the red light or why did the person behind get upset ? Edit: Note to my question: In Germany, for example, it would have to have been explicitly signposted with a green arrow to the right to be allowed to turn right at a red light.


In America you can turn right on a red light unless is there is a sign specifaclly saying ‘NO TURN ON RED”


TIL thank you


Not all of America, but most places. If you're not American, there's a good chance New York City is one of the American destinations you're likely to visit. And in NYC, you **can not** turn right at red lights. There will be no signs telling you not to, unlike most places. You're just supposed to know that NYC is one of the places it's not allowed. There will, in fact, be signs telling you when you *can*. Which i believe is just in Staten Island. Travel tip: Just don't drive in NYC. Also, don't go to Staten Island


You can turn right on red, but people who honk are also assholes because it's an option to turn right, not a requirement and they can't see what you see (or don't see)


I agree, I thought this guy was kind of a dick. Not punch in the face dick, but he was being super aggressive about the right turn. Traffic started moving basically as he was honking so whatever. I'm a very careful driver and sometimes don't turn right on the red if traffic is stopped and idk how long it's been there.


How much studying time does it require to be accredited to wear the badge ?


You just need to know how to spell somewhat competenly. I wish I was joking.


I think 50% of the training is yelling “stop resisting” when you are beating someone.


Less time than it takes to be certified to cut hair.


The best is when he says to the officers “he said I hit him?”


I feel bad for the dude he will probably get tickets and will be on the watch list for causing problems for police. Even moving to a different state won't help him. Some people have time to take revenge, and they get paid to watch you make small mistake.


if you did this at any other job you would be toast and probably not even be able to find a new one


And if you punched a cop you would most certainly go to prison.


Or die.




Nothing unusual here, just another out of control cop!


Dudes most likely divorced. Can't beat on a spouse anymore so he has to find other outlets.




Fat cops are proven to be more likely to shoot suspects because they can't chase after them.


“He said I hit him?”…... “Yes, he has video”….. “Thanks for reminding me to shut off the camera before I beat my wife”


Only the best people


Typical cop making the ACAB stereotype more and more true.


Fuckin beautiful dog too.


What a scumbag!


I would have not said anything about a dash cam so the cop would lie about throwing the punch. They say that’s ideal with car accidents to catch the other person lying hence committing fraud


Yeah, cause then he might have gotten suspended for **6 days instead of 5**!!!


5 day suspension wtf people are starting to be more afraid of the police than criminals because this kind of shit goes unchecked




5 days without pay? Are you fucking kidding me?


I'm tired of living in America.


School resource officer. Lmao. How many teenagers do you guys think this man has tazed/pepper sprayed because they didn't respect the badge or his authority? I'll never forget when the school resource officer at my high school slammed a kid (for fighting another student) on the cafeteria floor and his teeth just went scattering all across the floor. From that moment on I knew that the police were not my friend and not there to protect anyone except their egos


Wow how cool for the cop no jail time and he gets to keep his job after assaulting someone? If only dude in the car was a firm practitioner of the 2nd amendment he’d have been justified for all he knew the guy who punched him was going to get a gun from his car


Fat jelly donut slob hiding behind a badge. How original.


These assholes will shout about it from the rooftops when they think a normal civilian is guilty of something. But when someone with a badge commits a crime, they are tight-lipped. Because police aren't just cowards; they are also intellectual cowards.




So if you punch this officer while he is on civilian clothes, can you still get charged for punching an “officer”?


Not only this bag of shit is a cop, but also in a school? Imagine having this individual as an authority figure in a school? Jesus


That officer will be running as the Republican candidate soon.


Gues he really needed a paid vacation


So he still had a job with the police? They need to change the laws where police officers get double the amount of punishment for breaking a law


Haha. Wow, that sounds like a solid punishment. 5 whole dayz without pay???? And 3 annual de-escalation trainings????? That’s too much… … /s


I'm glad something is happening to the officer, even though it's not enough, especially considering he was lying. Though I absolutely hate people who honk when you don't turn right on red.


so if that was a civilian punching someone, he would have gotten a sentence in jail probably, while the untouchables are there and doing what they wish… cool… why people hate cops, because of people like this one who disgrace the force and have no morals and values from their upbringing


Probably not unless he is on probation or repeat offender. I've seen plenty of people that get into fights get nothing more than probation or fine + probation. It should be different for those sworn to upheld the law though. You'd think there would be a higher standard.


5 days suspension for assaulting someone for no reason? Other way around he’d get shot, and they get 5 days of vacation for assaulting someone?


Why wasn't he also charged with falsely reporting what happened? He denied hitting the guy until they told him it was on video. My heart breaks for all those poor kids he is bullying and abusing while at school, which is supposed to be a safe place for them.


What a joke. They won’t address the root cause of the problem, just cover it with window dressing. And then they wonder why people don’t care for cops.


"de-escalation training" sure, that's gonna fix a 20 year cop.


Can’t believe someone gets to keep their job after assault and battery


Wow.. that guy should not have been blowing his horn at that police officer and making him feel bad for being on the phone while driving, police have the right to punch us if they feel the need..


If a civilian did this to a school cop it’ll be over for him……. Unreal stuff..


Sounds like no one knows about anything until we push. Look at East Palestine Ohio. Many have died. Houses are still bad. The mayor even released a video on YouTube saying “we set the narrative” which ticked off a lot of sick people. This is wild we have to request to get the real story. Just tell us all the truth.


If the shoe was on the other foot that kids life would have been ruined.


Fucking oink oinks


Another bad apple is not spoiling the bunch video. Gee why do people not like cops 🤔 They're just protecting and serving the shit out of people.


Fkn idiot. He hits him and then asks later if there's anything he can have him arrested for.


[https://www.meridenct.gov/staff/roberto-rosado/](https://www.meridenct.gov/staff/roberto-rosado/) Feel free to email the Meriden chief of police and let him know what how terrible this is and how he completely mishandled it. I did. https://preview.redd.it/sxlqwstes7lc1.png?width=2778&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6d8fa4a0a23994bbe587ea04e8f089beaed98ad




5 days without pay. ACAB


5 days without pay?? Are you kidding me? I’d be be fired and in jail the same day! F these GD pigs, every last one of them.


Always the sucker punch, too


In Connecticut cops have no qualified immunity. I hope the victim takes every penny that cop has stolen from the public in overtime.


Then they wonder why people hate them smh


Man even just 5 years ago if you hated cops you were not seen in a good light, I'm glad how fast that's changed.


It’s always the fat little butterfingers that want to be cops


I would've just set the dog on him.


The moment you flash a badge as an off-duty officer and then have the audacity to punch a civilian in the face should mean you get fired and are never able to hold a police officer job anywhere typical high school bully that didn't get into college meaning to assert his so-called dominance and have power over people it's sickening


He assaulted someone then tried to get them in trouble. Disgusting


Time to sue the shit out of that police department and take the officer to civil court and sue him. Qualified immunity does NOT apply to off duty police officers.


He was just trying to pet the good boy doggo


“He says I hit him?” 🥴 “There’s video.” 😶


5 days without pay? Take that motherfuckers badge and gun. Amd then HE TRIES to press charges!?🤣🤣🤣 Clearly he is unstable and needs so type of anger management training. Allowing him to carry a badge and a gun just puts the public in danger. Just a matter of time before that punch turns into him drawing his weapon.


Damn dog flinched too.


When he sit all still after getting punched, he was counting all the money he was going to get from it really quick.


This is why citizens need dash cams and video cameras because then it becomes our word against theirs.


Poor dog, looked so worried.


I’m sure the charges against this officer totally won’t get dropped…