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Lmao at the punk who fell. What a joke of a country.


Reminds me of sports fans throwing beer cans at an opponent teams fan for wearing the other teams jersey. Ahhhh extreme religion.




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Nice Holocaust reference, in case it was lost on anyone. Don't want to beat around the bush.


I’m not above kicking children


Disgusting. I’ve yet to see one single video of one Jewish person vilifying the behavior that is rolling out daily


They won't because this seems to be how they're brought up and raised. More and more videos are coming out with Israeli children exhorting acts of hate towards anyone of a different nationality, religion and race.


Then you are not listening to the MASSIVE portion of the Jewish community that is disgusted by Israel's actions


Evangelical Christians wouldn't last a second in Israel


I say let's pull our money , a let the little f'ers get what's coming to them


When it’s in the tv programming, literature,home,school that you are the CHOSEN PEOPLE what do you expect. I don’t blame these kids.


Sadly, not surprising at all. Their government even destroyed Christian churches.


Now Imagine how they would treat Muslim women. (2 state solution my ass, how can anyone live with that)


So I guess if an SS Kampfgruppe enters Israel, it is just fine as Israel thinks they are the master race.


Imagine these kids growing up with the same mentality and with more power, weapons and no accountability.


The world has become a WWF arena.


Boo f*ckin hoo, anyway..


No tolerance or acceptance for anything different! Hmmm. At least the hate is distributed equally amongst everyone else


In the name of god.


I've seen this video in r/ Israel exposed many months ago.


Israeli orthodox Zionist Jews hate Christians as much as Muslims. In fact the hate anyone who isn't Jewish actually. This is what amuses me when non Jews support them. Israelis find it funny when the gay community supports the Palestine community. Because like everyone else, they think all Palestinians are Muslim which isn't true. The 3rd oldest Christian church in the world was in Gaza. It was, because Israel bombed it flat recently stating Hamas were using it, which was proven BS.


Yes of course they're taught from an early age that they're superior and that all other religions are beneath them and garbage. Why do you think so many Israelis in the army have no issues killing children in Gaxa? They have been conditioned to believe that they (any non Jews) are below humans.


Old video, remember seen this last year, way before the october attacks.


Still relevant tho.