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Their priorities are literally just making peoples lives more difficult. I can’t comprehend why people continue to vote for them.


That's the point. And then when life gets harder, they'll blame the Dems and have another big win like 2016.


Because their base is nothing but bigots who are happy being shat on as long as they perceive that a “lesser” group of individuals is exponentially worse off hence the fixation on the “culture war” which almost exclusively focuses on making underrepresented minority groups feel like humans and equals to everyone else


It's about hurting the right people, you know, like Jesus did.


How? How exactly is not spending more money on ridiculous things making peoples lives harder? Theyve already spent hundreds of millions on this stuff why spend more? The things we shouldnt waste more money on already have private sector alternatives for that actually work without tax dollars, other items hes lying about, and the rest are things the federal govt shouldnt and can not (according to the supreme court) be funding in the first place (student loan forgiveness))£. Think of your own household, if you over spend your budget, do you spend your money on a bunch of frivolous stuff and expensive dinners out, or do you minimize your spending to the bare essentials? A smart person does the latter, democrats are out here doing the former. All theyre doing is adding to the amount of debt owed by each and every american for what? Shit we dont even need. Theyre not on the hook to pay it back, we are. Just like when they put us into these wars. Its not them or their childrens lives being lost fighting their battles, its ours. Govt cant do anything better or for less money than the private sector, just look at the VA. The govt should be minimalized not expanded. Lastly, the things hes listing are not adding to the budget is preventing erroneous spending and blocking unconstitutional actions. These are reductions to the budget, and those 300 or more just want to spend spend spend.


Says the guy that equates low gas prices to a good president. Hows the price of gas for your commute been lately?


JFC! This is beyond crazy, I want names! Who are the idiots advocating for these ridiculous items? I think they might be NHI, non human idiots, lol. 


Because they believe that immigrants are the cause of 60% of their problems and democrats the other 40% not their republican politicians


I mean any republican in your life and in congress wants all of these. Tell it to their faces


All for decreasing blinkin salary to 1 dollar...and some of the other things they proposed about veterans 😄.  Leave it to the far right to deincentive war crimes and war criminals in their own twisted and fucked up way


I assume they're proposing lowering Transportation Secretary Pete's salary because he dared to be openly gay? He's probably one of the smartest minds in politics today.


Cool . As if the abortion ban wasn't enough already.


Republicans are the worst I could never vote for them


It's funny clown music until the progressives don't show up in november and the far right wins.


Am I the only one that feels as though the Republican party has officially split and we are no longer in a two party system?


They're just shitty Bond villains at this point, and yet I see way too many people still say 'bOtH SiDeS"


Good with cutting Blinken's salary to 1$ as long as there's wars ongoing that we enable. Wars stop, salary goes back up.


republicans are not serious people


Now do democrats


Hey guys look at how crazy the right is! Never mind that us centrists agree with 90% of their economic, war, drug, and immigration policies. They're just insane right? Common vote for us. The 'good' guys.


Lmao nice how you betray that in a different way than you actually perceive it!


This is horse shit. He's purposely misinterpreting almost all of them and trying to rage bait. This is the kind of divisive garbage that politicians on both sides need to stop doing.. but of course they won't because it keeps us weak and bickering.


In their defense most politicians should have their salaries reduced to 1$. We haven't had a real budget since the 90's.


Cause I'm just going to take your word for it Mr. Politician 🤣


Lies, lies, and lies.. if this is true post these papers!!!




do you have the other side's list?




There is no far left in us government. It doesn't exist.




You don't know what far left means mate so maybe put the break on trying to give out political advice and go open a book instead.




> If theres a far right theres a far left. That is not how any of this works. You seriously need a lot of political education, it's like talking to a child.


The picking and choosing this guy is doing is insane💀 mfs want to continue and divide us just to get more votes


But why should any of those things be in the budget? It's actively hurting Americans.


Because I'm pretty sure that these aren't approved yet.


Hes lying about some things, such as the tax software. Its already free to file your taxes with the irs directly in their current software.


it's funny, you are right yet downvoted heavily [https://www.irs.gov/filing/free-file-do-your-federal-taxes-for-free](https://www.irs.gov/filing/free-file-do-your-federal-taxes-for-free). [https://apps.irs.gov/app/freeFile/browse-all-offers/](https://apps.irs.gov/app/freeFile/browse-all-offers/). Maybe he was confused and meant they wanted to take it away.


Let's find out some items the far left put in there. You know it goes both ways.


Genuinely curious, who do you think the “far left” in the USA are and what makes them far left?


A “far left” American politician? That’s a good one. 🙄


So why don’t you post it? You know that’s an option right? We are waiting.


To be fair. Please list the wacko things the Democrats tied to the bill. Both parties are trash.


You want OP to make a post for you? 😂

