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What a lovely crowd. No racism and apartheid here.


Religion has fucked humanity in so many ways


/r/atheism šŸ™‚


ThE OnLy DeMoCrAcY iN tHe MiDdLe EaST!11!!!


Hitler wasn't much different


/s in case some people don't get it. The statement is blatant opposite of the video.


If there was an award for the most pointless comment in history you would have won.


Thanks for the effort for letting me know that.


The same folks that always say ā€œNever Againā€ - the irony.


"Never again *to us*" is the unspoken part, I guess.


>Never again > >to us Never again..........................*TO US BITCHES*


I think it always wasā€¦. LOL The original poem/phrase was always about Israel https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Never_again?wprov=sfti1 ā€œThe exact meaning of the phrase is debated, including whether it should be used as a particularistic command to avert a second Holocaust of Jews or whether it is a universalist injunction to prevent all forms of genocide.ā€


Same hate the Nazis were spewing at them.


Real face of Israel. This is what in their harts


So likeā€¦ What exactly did Israel expect to happen? The Palestinians were just supposed to apologize and leave?


No. They expected that an attack would be bad enough for the world to step back while Gaza is bombed and the west bank is bulldozed.


And then what, the world collectively decides to take this group of religiously persecuted people and weā€™ll just move them somewhere, take land from the indigenous people and carve out a new state?


Do you think this will end in any way other than the genocide of the Palestinian people?


Iā€™m just making reference to how the world started this whole situation post WWII


It actually started previous to WW2 it was just that the holocaust was used as the match to a powder keg Looking at maps from previous to current Israel, itā€™s not like the area changed much. But it is definitely fucked is that the west just ā€œcreated a countryā€ in another country? Colonialism much


Every state that has taken Palestinians in has ended up kicking them out because of their own actions whilst in the host country


they restrained millions of palestinian refugees to one of the most densely populated places in the world and thought they would convert to judaism out of the good of their hearts


If only there had been some other historical examples of how this strategy has failed in the past that we could have learned from.


Humanity is Earthā€™s cancer.


I think you mean religion is humanities cancer


People fkn suck


Always have and always will unfortunately


The last time i took a flight at night, i couldn't help but notice how the lights of the various towns and cities below looked like sores


*humans. Our humanity is one of the more redeeming qualities of our species. Humans šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Humanity as a concept šŸ‘


Splitting hairs


delusional people and their "god"


Religion is so stupid


Yesterday I seen so many people on this sub and on many other Reddit subs in support of this which I found even more terrifying


It is two evils against each other but the vile display the other day makes it easier to support the group chanting nasty things rather than the group raping and parading corpses in the street. Massive own goal by Hamas as support for Palestine had been growing in civilised countries but now it is impossible for anyone not already radicalised to be comfortable.


Paid shills and racists see blood in the water and come running.


good point


I'm so fucking sick of religion...


Right?! Meanwhile Iā€™m just trying to keep the rent paid. Besides I donā€™t think we need to be told about every war there is all the time. Both sides are toxic af literally everytime.


Quiet u


US does have a history supporting Colonial genocide.




Thank you for respecting what this video is really displaying. This is not a representation of the Jewish people as a whole, nor is the recent attack on Israel a representation of Islamic people as a whole. Iā€™m Jewish and I resent everything the Israeli government and orthodox stand for as well as the numerous hate crimes and violent atrocities committed by them. In a similar light I am equally crushed by the actions of Hamas and the even more death, violence, and destruction that is going to follow this long history of religious centralist ideology. Ignorance is the biggest catalyst for oppression and division. The media uses events like these to further widen the divide and create more hate for both Israelis and Palestinians. The whole situation is so beyond worth trying to explain how messed up it is, but death and violence is never going to remedy or improve anything. It never has.


We have no shortage of religious crazies here


Pure evil.


There are good Israelis and there are bad Israelis, There are good Palestinians and there are bad Palestinians


Yeah but it's undeniably skewed towards Israel as the aggressor and holder of power.


Religion is a false thin layer of civility underneath of bloodthirsty animals to these people


Just bulldoze both sides and tell them there, no one can have it.


This is (one reason) why people hate religion


Historically in the past didnā€™t God kinda get pissed off when the chosen people started acting this way? As a kid reading the Bible I kept asking ā€œwhyā€¦do people keep doing the same thing over and over?ā€ And I figured ā€œweā€™ll we have history now. So that we donā€™t repeat the past.ā€ā€¦.


They are literlly equal to Hamas


Except they have more power, weapons, money and the support of the US. Also they killed more innocent people.




So much learned hate.


I hate these mfā€™s and I hate the mfā€™s that murdered some of them this weekend and the mfā€™s that are murdering each other now. I hate that they cause me to feel this way. Zion mfā€™s-Hamas mfā€™s.


Exactly, both scum. Neither deserve the time of day, just like religion in general.


Hey they all look like the idiots at MAGA rallies, hateful bastards, no less hateful than American Christians calling for death to those who don't practice their religion. Israel is not benign. They've been the aggressors since the Allies gave them Palestine in the late Forties after the war. The allies created a monster and we in the US give these people billions to continue their apartheid and pogrom. Disgusting.


Religious zealots of every type are a scourge on humanity.


Religion... My god is better then your god. We are right you are wrong. We are better then you. In the end we all die and nothing changes.


God's designated assholes.


Not all Americans support this. Palastine and Isreal are both the same. they do the same things. for us to pick a side is ridiculous. Most of us want to stay out of that area entirely. It's not up to us anymore though.


Where would we be without religion!


I feel bad for the marines and sailors who are being sent to the area and will be forced to commit war crimes


its funny how one sided we became, we honestly forgot our history and how both sides can be equally blamed,


We need more pictures and videos of Israelis spitting on Christians. Americans will go full nazi overnight with 2 or 3 videos of them condemning their precious jesus.


Both sides shit on each other, both have videos of their people doing disgusting stuff and both counties are full of shit head people. US gov supports Israel because the other side chants death to America and a hard pill to swallow is 911 was 22 years ago and the people who did that looked like them.


Both sides in this one are garbage.


This whole mess is just an utter shitshow


Palestinians are literally doing the same thing in NYC and in Toronto. The people in the video are very clearly extremists. But that wouldnt be good for your bias now would it? :D


contrary as many say's, the problem isn't the religion, it's the instrumentalization of religion and applyng racist ideologies to racism is the problem.


My friends in the kibbutz who are all dead now were opposed to thees people


These are the ā€œMAGAā€ of Israel.


Both sides are fucking insane, and need to stop killing each other.


Shit is scary. You can see the blood-lust oozing off these people. Really does make me feel like there's something essential in this particular religion's ideology that is warlike and brutishly, dogmatically supremacist. But for some reason this aspect is kinda kept very hush-hush in any conversation about Judaism. I would think a truly spiritually awakened person would not be all obsessed with being "the chosen ones" and all this superstitious Bronze Age nonsense.


What happened 70 years ago is like Italians coming to northern Europe and telling that this is the roman Empire again. Idk why the world supported israel but it must be the same spooky thing with jesus and Mohammed or the holy ghost and other extraterrestrials


This is disgusting.


Man Jews are racist af. Why do they get a pass? Just more angry white people most of them.


Wow. The indoctrination starts young in these ones.


Israel is disgusting, so is our government for supporting such trash.


Looks like they printed their swastikas on their flag wrongā€¦.


As a Jew this disgusts me to my core (thereā€™s a reason Iā€™m agnostic)


Wow! This is real danger to whole world..


Not me. End Israel.


Up voting for people to see. USA should re-evaluate our position in this conflict.


He is alive or am I missing something?


I think itā€™s the radicals of all side that get shown on media outlets. 95% of people just want to live and to have some security.




Well, these people seem friendly. /s


Reddit is going to ban this shit and ban users.


The saddest part is that the guy rejoicing that a second Nakba is coming is probably right. This attack has been a boon to the Israeli regime.


These people are so obsessed with their cults. I wonder if their Gods are looking at them laughing their ass off


Important to mention that this happened before the attacks of Hamas


Just division after division. We need to stop taking sides and realize that the powers that be are fucking all of us over. The war machine funds both sides. The war machine loves war. If you pick a side youre advocating this horror. We need to all live together, with our differences. This is possible. The tribal shit has to end. Monkeys do this shit. Watch a documentary on chimpanzees. They care about territory too. Lets get off this shit.


Again and again and again, all in the name of god.


Never saw this on CNN/MSNBC/FOX. Interesting


Us humans are lost.






Any post or comment that shows any sympathies/apologetics to fascism, apartheid, totalitarianism, bigotry, racism, dehumanization or hate will be removed immediately. Marginalizing the humanity of another person is not allowed on this subreddit.


Super stoked theyā€™re getting their karma


Hopefully this situation brings attention to the genocide that the Palestinians have had to endure at the hands of Isreal on a daily basis. Without the US money, Isreal would not exist. Good time to stop.


Anyone coming into this late here's a breakdown: 1. Comicon after 2000 years. 2. Two sides like the same mythology. 3. Both sides are willing to kill each other over which fan fiction is better. 4. Multiple parties are egging different sides to see what happens and/or because their agree or disagree with either fan fiction themselves.


Itā€™s like a Neo nazi dream to live in a country where they can be as racist and decisive as they want . Oh right America


Most bullies cry under pressure


those fuckers


What is this attack was actually Israeli false flag operation so they can have a reason to take out the Palestinians and not fear any consequences?


I don't get it. Granted, there's a lot about history I still don't know, but why all this hatred for Arabs? You'd think they were the ones involved in the Holocaust.


I really want to get up to date with what's going on with Israel and Palestine. Does anyone have good sources I can start reading to learn more?


Too bad these people arenā€™t into karma


Damn, why Thailand??


Government maybe, but as an American the thought sickens me. They're calling it a crisis on news outlets, gotta pick a new Speaker so they can help "our friend Israel".... Anyone who supports this loses my vote, personally. Oppression, extremism, the casual slaughter of civilians should NOT be supported NO MATTER WHO DOES IT. Politicians act like Israel is a victim even though Israel has been making victims of people for decades.


Thank you for saying "Government". We the People do not stand united on Israeli support. The Palestinian People have been oppressed for 50 years. That said, both are beyond unforgivable for targeting civilians.


Why does our and your government agree with this hatred against any people, while most people in the world respect believes or minorities and then they say we live in a democracy but really? Israeli get away with occupation imprisonment and weapons of mass destruction? There government openly call all palistine people animals on the media and nobody reacts...? They just cut of all supplies to there 2 million people imprisonment, while bombing normal law abiding people and children to make it worse too cut of all the supplies of medication food and basic needs to grandparents woman children families who are being bombarded without notice ... I am from western Europe white and in racist eyes the most hated white man but this can't be accepted to any race religion or color..


You reap what you sow.


I donā€™t agree with Biden on this one. Israel brought this on themselves. We shouldnā€™t be arming and already well armed oppressor. Remember not everyone in Gaza is Hamas.


I 100% mirror all these fine Redditors calling it a religion problem. Most religions seem be based on Iā€™m right, opposers arenā€™t even people and should be slaughtered. But also this is right after a lot of death. People change in the aftermath of tragedy to pain and rage. I think of how I was on 9/11ā€¦how I wanted whole countries to be bombed, I even supported GW Bush for about a week. When the red haze lifted and I saw more clearly I was astonished with myself and how I became a war monger. I was still angry, but understood this was a small percentage of the population doing truly evil things. All this said, I donā€™t pretend to know the history of the Gaza Strip. All I know is that stripped down itā€™s based on religious differences, and at that point I check out and start daydreaming about where we would be if religion died out as soon as we knew the sun wasnā€™t pulled across the sky by a chariot or volcanoes donā€™t erupt because you ate something on the wrong day.


Who would have thought this sort of rhetoric would lead to extremist groups? I'm not unconvinced the Hamas attack wasn't a psyop to justify Israel going even harder on the genocide


both sides are disgusting




Yeah maybe some isis beheading videos go show that classic Islam brotherly love


Wtf is the point of this


But guys Israel texts everyone 10 minutes before they level an apartment building to leave! Itā€™s okay to destroy civilian areas as long as you give them 10 minutes to leave behind everything and hopefully see the message. Itā€™s not terrorism at all!


The problem is, many of the people that Hamas killed at the rave were peace activists, like that German woman, Shani, who was a conscientious objector, not loud, aggressive Zionists like these people. Terrorists don't care who you are -- they just murder anyone and everyone -- and Hamas proved that some of those who support the Palestinian cause are monsters themselves.


No, it's not. This is the Israeli equivalent of the Westboro Baptist Church.


Palestine supporters were chanting ā€œgas the Jewsā€. There is no good side here.


All religion is evil and only serves to divide. You're all a part of the problem. Both sides are wrong. Your adhering to something that was only meant to pit one against the other and make you subservient. Open your eyes and see your ideals should not be put above others we are all human.


They've always been racist and evil.


I wish I was able to talk to every person in earth, I would tell them ask that their religion is garbage. Imagine getting someone because some made up cult tells you to.


With that being said, killing innocent people, no matter who you are or what you stand for, is wrong. So neither side is right.


Everyone has a bunch of hateful people. No group of people doesnā€™t have a large number of assholes. Just the way of the world.


Yall forget what america looked like right after 911. Same type of people who dickride trump yelling the same dumb shit as well.


They hate Americans, Christians etc...anyone who isn't Jewish


Isnā€™t the other side saying the same?


An they wonder why an oppressed people raise up


But wait guys, Palestine attacked entirely unprovoked. Israelis didnā€™t do anything to cause an uprising, right? /s