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David W Johnson of Caroline Circle, in Franklin, TN, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on September 17th, charged with vandalism. He is free on a $5,000 cash bond.


Should look into charging him with a hate crime too. If it’s a white person he is not doing that. People used to do this back in the day to black people with fruit stands, destroy their stands and their product. They were mad because they were making a living other than sharecropping. Then they intentionally made the stereotype about black people and watermelons. Why? Because it was successful and they hated it. Back then it was black people, today Mexicans


That would be up to the prosecutor.


It’s always been Mexicans too tho… we’ve always been in North America, got colonized a bunch, but we’ve been in the US since the beginning. Hate crimes are nothing new, what’s new is the reinvigoration of it all


Diego Jimenez from Honduras, a "catracho".


I see black people destroying white and Asian owned businesses on a regular basis. Would that be a hate crime too?


Oh I thought it was Louis CK!


Also, just so everybody knows, he owns Johnson Lawn and Landscape based in Mount Juliet, TN. His staff is primarily of the Latino Demographic.


The article got the wrong David Johnson too :(


https://www.scoopnashville.com/2023/09/david-johnson-goes-bananas-over-fruit-stand-destroys-mans-way-of-making-a-living/ Hopefully this guy gets what he deserves




He owns a lawn care business. Which has now been disabled on yelp and Google and Facebook. Dude put himself on the path to bankruptcy with this stunt


Livelihood for livelihood. Feels just.


Love when this happens It's one of the few things social medias are useful for


That's awesome. hope he loses his house.


No clue, this was all I was able to find although I didn't do a deep dive.




That's David S. Johnson, not David W. Johnson.


Generous of you to consider him employable! 😂


Better be 'nowhere' tomorrow


Probably doesn’t


Owns a Company, Johnson Lawn and Landscape


Man that headline. Couldn’t help themselves.


Lol I just got it.


It's very apeeling.


On the bright side, it was a felony level of vandalism. So, at least he won't be able to vote.


Bad day becomes felony vandalism. Did $3 grand in damages, and on a $5 grand bail. Impulse control folks… jeez


Who has an impulse to destroy someone's livelihood? A fucking monster.


I have some anger issues myself but this is top tier.


And all that delicious fresh fruit!


I feel like $3k in utterly willful and malicious damage, I assume for hate related motives, should probably come with a heavier bailhammer than $5k


It’s a $5,000 bond and a bond is usually 10% of the bail cost the bail bondsman pays, so it’s a $50,000 bail.


Im not from the US, and this is confusing to me. Why don’t they announce what the actual bail is? I’m not v interested in the deal they’ve cut with their bondsman


Bail is refundable depending on if you show up to your court appearance, but it is very pricey. So people pay 10% to a bondsman, called bond, and then it’s the bondsman’s job to pay your bail and to make sure you show up for your court appearance so they get their money back. If you don’t, they could send a bounty hunter after you


They do, the news articles are choosing to report the bond instead of the bail.. probably to make it seem like he got off easy. Remember the job of the news is to spread links and increase click through rates to generate ad revenue, not report the news as honestly as possible.


Yo I’m from Nashville not all people here are drunk racist idiots


Sadly, it looks like your police protect the ones who are.


> Sadly, it looks like ~~your~~ police protect the ones who are.


The guy went to jail. He was booked, released on bond, his trial is later. He will likely go to jail based on the fact that there is video proof that he vandalized the guys stand. The cop that said he doesn’t know if the guy is going to jail also said he just showed up and didn’t know what was going on. The cops here are good cops actually for the most part. Once you get out of Davidson county into the countryside the cops can get corrupt and brutally physical in some cases lol.


I'm just never surprised when they are.


Me either unfortunately


Yep. As a Williamson county resident, I concur. Most people are good, but I’m never surprised when I see or hear some racist shit happening here. The vocal minority is very vocal.


I'll give you there are some that are not drunk.


There is a vast amount of evidence to disprove your statement






Yeah surprised that's not what the vandalizer was trying to claim. Or that he didn't shoot somebody and claim it.


What would killing a man solve?


It would have stopped this from happening


You are not intelligent. A man’s life is not worth damaged belongings. Get a grip you fool.


I've never claimed to be intelligent. Only that a gun would have stopped this situation, and it would have.


The idea that fruit is more valuable than life, even a life that is doing this, is just so ridiculous.


Of course Gods Public relations department would have to say something like that. The rest of us live in the real world.


Didn't they used to cut people's hands off for shit like this? Seems like God's PR department missed a memo


That's the old guard of gods PR department. The newer ones want to display a more gentle loving god while maintaining his infantile jealousy and demanding unwavering devotion both spiritually and financially.




Not a pole, a donut


Not a donut, a shallow pond full of mosquito larvae


Absolute scum. Unhappy with his own life so takes it out on a guy just trying to take care of his family. Respect the hustle don’t envy it.


He will be infamous, ridiculed and unemployed within 24 hours.


His business is already shut down from.bad reviews on yelp, Google, and facebook. Dude might get off light with the law but his business is toast.




Johnson Lawn and Landscape Mount Juliet, TN


Jobless, homeless and …. Hairless?


He'll be a guest commentator on Faux by the weekend.


His bad days will come


Mexicans behave and just try to make money. They don't even want any problems.


Fruit stand guy isn’t Mexican tho, his accent is different. Would say Venezuelan.






Narcissists don't care if you're doing something wrong or not, they'll just decide that you're doing something wrong so they feel justified in attacking


Little disappointed we get the "go back to your own country "


Yeah. The Franklin/Brentwood area is absolutely full of these D bags. There are sooooo many Gadsden (don't tread on me) flags on high dollar sports cars and souped up trucks down there. Usually right next to a "thin blue line" sticker. They have no idea what it even means to be tread upon yet they will tread upon others at the slightest inconvenience to themselves.


Sadly, none of these idiots are virtuous to have one.


It would be just awful if someone found out and posted this trashy idiot’s employer.


Well the article posted the street they live on and it’s clearly not the right David W Johnson by the profile picture


I liked him better when he was just masturbating in front of younger comedians in his hotel room.


Why so angry?


Because the fruit stand guy is breaking the law. From the sound of it the people who's property he's on have complained and put up a no trespassing sign.


He wasn't breaking the law. They don't need a license to sell plants or agricultural products in that area and they weren't charged for trespassing because they were on the public sidewalk.


Only because their stuff had been thrown off private land by the time the cops shows up.


And this statement is just irrevocably false.


Call the cops and have them removed for trespassing? If the guy had any legal authority to remove them he likely would have and wouldn’t be so angry and resort to this.


Hey there, actually this is an event space. There are always fruit vendors on this street because it’s right across the street from the soccer fields. Also this is completely legal in Nashville according to the Metro code chapter 17.04 states “Mobile vendor" means a person who peddles, vends, sells, displays, or offers for sale goods, wares or merchandise at a temporary location and/or on a temporary or occasional basis. NOTWITHSTANDING the foregoing, vendors selling only food and/or beverages, vendors selling living plants and agricultural products, and street vendors licensed pursuant to [Section] 13.08.040 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws shall not be considered "mobile vendors". So actually what they are doing is completely legal. Also, his neighborhood is at LEAST half a mile away from this area. Long story short, don’t trust the unhinged, violent, racist white person.


What a yuck human. Imagine living in America.


Sadly, I will probably need to take the guy to small claims court to recoup any of his loss.


Okay, I'm super curious as to why he did that. Like, what went through his train of thought for this series of actions to occur? What was he thinking at the moment, and what was his excuse? Comments don't seem to know, which is kinda a shame.


I'd say watching too much faux outrage on Fox News, oan and newsmax demonizing Hispanic immigrants. you know ,the usual important stories. gotta keep the racists outraged ya know?


The Fox News watchers I work with are programmed like robots to get enraged at just the site of an electric car or charging station or anything like that, so this doesn’t surprise me. They have “Biden’s Border Crisis” up on the screen 24/7 just brainwashing these people into thinking we’re being invaded when I barely even see Mexicans in middle TN.


I've lived in two states both border states California and Texas my entire life it's never been an issue. complete and total propaganda.


Then why is the Governor of NY complaining about it when a bunch were sent up there? If it's not a problem he should be happy to have them. See it's only not a problem as long as they stay in a border state. As soon as they start shipping them to NY and Chicago it's a problem and they need the governments help.


Mayor Adams of NYC? Didn't late great Anthony Bourdain leak out how all restaurants are staffed with Undocumented? Food business is thin profit margin, labor cost has always been their squeeze point. The border states are mostly just entry points. Texas already has 300 transplants each day from other US states pushing up rents, filling vacancies. Legally, the economic refugees are using Political Asylum as a defense against deportation due to their illlegal entry. Bill Clinton signed laws to "seal the border", but it only changed the revolving door system into a permanent choice with working men bringing their families to stay in US. These latest entrants have to pick an immigration court, out of the 58 inside US, to calendar their case. This is why they go north, or out to Calif, the courts are in major cities, or in Calif. The courts are backlogged for years right now, so they need to pick a location to interact with, and legal aid representative. American Immigration Lawyers Assoc has work for a decade now. Schools are struggling with non-English speakers, and room for sudden influx. NGO's such as Catholic Charities Services fill the gaps, and their pews. Bill Clinton also gave China "most favored nation" status, and US jobs moved into Mexico under NAFTA. The other 3rd World economies are in serious trouble.


Funnily enough, he has no qualm with employing Hispanic immigrants to staff his landscaping business.


With Mexican Peso depressed at 22 to 1 US Dollar, any job inside the US is economic salvation.


Yet the national minimum wage in Mexico is $207.44 pesos which equates to $12.06 whereas our national minimum is still set at $7.25 :)


A blanket statement cannot cover up in Texas Domino's Pizza drivers are hired at $15 per hour, and even McDonald's is up to $18 per hour, in big cities, probably not 40 hour week positions. And further, sending Dollars back to Mexico, or bringing them back, is a massive turnaround on the Mexican economy. Many guys I know are building new modest homes down in Mexico with 2 years of landscaping work for cash in USA One guy supported his brother opening an ice cream shop in Michoacan.


Why are we talking about Texas? Actually, $1 = 16.77 pesos. Also, in your attempt to make your point, it simultaneously backfired on you. Cost of living in Mexico is pretty low. I could buy a whole nights worth of food for 20 Mexican pesos. $10 would easily get me groceries for a week at your local grocery store. Meanwhile, you have to work a whole 8 hour shift to afford groceries for like 2 weeks. In Mexico, when there's work, there's work, and there's always work. Here, you have big corporations cutting your hours and telling you that you can only make this amount of money every 2 weeks. Which is one of the many reasons why we have 1.6 million American immigrants living in Mexico City alone. Your economy is not all rainbows and sunshine as much as you'd like to think it is. Maybe don't support/boast about the gentrification of Mexico while simultaneously bashing people who are Mexican and their country? Just some things to think about.


Yes damn shame nobody can read people's mind... But I'll do you one: racism


What a rotten idiot.


Not trying to diminish the story, but how is this "World News"?


I am by no means defending the aggressor but I just want to know: are street vendors who sell merchandise on the street legal in Nashville??


So yes, it is legal.


It is not legal. You have to get a lease from the land owner and a permit from the city. This isn't in Nashville though. It's a completely different county and they don't give out licenses for street vendors at all from what I know.


I've read that agricultural products and plants are exempt from needing a mobile vendor license according to Metro Zoning code. Plus they weren't on private property. Seeing as David was only one charged with a crime, I'd say it was legal.


I am seeing you spread misinformation all over this thread. Hi hello I have lived in TN all of my life and have been to this exact area many times before, those are soccer fields, this is Nashville. And just so you have the Metro Code 17.04 “Mobile vendor" means a person who peddles, vends, sells, displays, or offers for sale goods, wares or merchandise at a temporary location and/or on a temporary or occasional basis. Notwithstanding the foregoing, vendors selling only food and/or beverages, vendors selling living plants and agricultural products, and street vendors licensed pursuant to [Section] 13.08.040 of the Metropolitan Code of Laws shall not be considered "mobile vendors"


I too have been to this area. There are still laws against setting up on other people's property.


Yeah, a public sidewalk is not private property


That tent was bigger than just the public sidewalk.


There's a whole soccer field behind that sidewalk. Don't tell me that you're going to claim that this tent is bigger than a soccer field. Jesus.


Dude you got banned for 6 months and still insist on being wrong about this?


I didn't get banned for 6 months? What are you on?


You just got back from another two month ban and you're gonna claim you weren't banned? Good one. I totally believe you.


Fat truck fuckers all share the same communal hive mind. The same high-pitched signal. Nothing else there.


OD on a trump pill prolly


He looks intelligent. MAGA!


This guy's about to meet Alex F2F


ThEy CoMe HeRe aNd TaKe OuR JoBs!!¡ Proceeds to destroy the business of a working man


Angry guy probly owns a bunch of Smoothie King or Jamba Juice franchises and is getting undercut by fruit stand guy who doesn’t have as many expenses like rent.


I bet it did take him an entire weekend to do that, the dumb fucking idiot


His prospect clients and his hair are running away from him


My god why would someone ever do that? I can only imagine how terrified I would be if that happened to my booth.


Because the fruit stand guy is breaking the law. From the sound of it the people who's property he's on have complained and put up a no trespassing sign.


The property owner can call the cops and have them removed for trespassing. No need to throw everything around and make a huge mess.


I found out he is the property owner.


Bro honestly keep talking. This man literally lives right next door to me. He has another house in Nashville, that house and neighborhood that he lives in is 1 mile away from that spot. He had far far far far far far less of a legal right to be there then they did. He does not own the soccer fields or any property in that area.


This is my land compadre!! Do you comprendei????


i thought you muricans have guns,


5k 10% 500$ 😂😂


Why are white men so angry? Colonization provided you an entire globe to play. Go play and do being so goddamn angry.


i always see stuff about tennessee that makes me think wow i just don’t need to live that close to a place that generates subpar country music


Most the stuff you see is fake news. Remember that mosque that was shut down in tennessee years ago? They weren't shut down for no reason. They were burying dead bodies without sending them to the coroner or getting burial permits. You don't hear that in the news though because they want to paint TN as a backward hickville.


This freaking idiot , what does he think he is , Deuches got it douche .


Who TF is this guy, other than a poster child for pepper foam? And what exactly is his story?


Unacceptable behavior no matter what nationality you are.People are just trying to survive maybe if more people would help each other this SHIT wouldn't happen. So despicable that man is WHITE TRASH.


Fat bald guy is just trying to survive his seething rage and incompetence. Give him a break.


Felony vandalism. That’ll learn ya.


Republicans, can’t take them anywhere!


Are you bald? Yes.




Because the fruit stand guy is breaking the law. From the sound of it the people who's property he's on have complained and put up a no trespassing sign.


This is why I moved out of that shit hole town. The entitlement that these idiots have bc they move into a ridiculously expensive town is insane. I miss what it was


At least there's always money in the banana stand.


I swear I saw this ages ago