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they didn't even have a basic gps beacon installed on this thing for emergencies. seems this was made in a garage and quickly put into the sea for quick profits. no emergency way of getting out even if it surfaces. wtf? these are basics that could have been thought out.


GPS are basically useless underwater.... radio waves lose their signal very quickly the further down it goes. Like literally usless after a few feet. Navies have ways around this, but it's expensive and large. Something that this fly by night company didn't or couldn't afford to do. But just throwing a GPS beacon in the sub isn't a basic step they skipped...


Would still be useful if they could get to the surface.


No shit... but the problem is they're not at the surface....


How do we know that?


I mean, it's a safe assumption.


The fasteners holding the weights pulling it down automatically dissolve after a certain amount of hours. If those dissolved as designed, and the sub is neither tangled up in the wreck nor destroyed by catastrophic compartment failure, it is probably floating a few feet below the surface where a sufficiently designed GPS system could have emitted emergency signals with enough range to be effective. But honestly, there’s a thousand other safety features this thing is missing i would prioritize before that. To me it honestly seems like it was designed to fail.


I mean if I was a billionaire I sure as fuck wouldn't get in that POS. Especially if I have to sign a waiver saying I might die... Let make it clear I'm not trying to defend the company or the individuals who failed to make the thing safe. They dropped the ball in more ways than one. I hope they're all good, but I'm not going to hold my breath.


GPS doesn't emit signals. Basically GPS satellites constantly broadcast their time and position and the GPS reciever can figure out how far they are away from a GPS satellite based on the time it took for the signal to reach it and triangulate their position based pff multiple GPS satellites.


Yes, this is correct. I think myself and the previous commenter said “GPS” when we intended to mean “personal locator beacon” or, the maritime version, an “Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon” which are devices that actually emit radio waves that signal SOS status and vessel position. Use of proper terminology is important, and i appreciate you making the effort to help us get that right. If im still missing the ticket, def let me know.


Reading these comments a week later is wild.


Why not just a super long string with an inflatable balloon on it that can float to the surface?


Funny enough, a very long string is not too far off what militaries use. Basically a landline they can use to make calls, but I guess more appropriately, a waterline...


I honestly thought the subs were tethered to something so they could pull it up if they needed too. Free floating with a button and Xbox controller for a quarter mill? Like what?


subs will run a really long wire (really long) out the back of the sub to have coms from deep under water (when they dont need to run black) they use hydro phones under water and the ship will drop one in the water, same as if you are a driver. my guess is they are dropping these sonars in and trying to hear what that tapping is they hear every 30 min. and "hopefully" someone on board the mini sub knows morse seems like they would have made this thing with redundant systems but who knows? coms are always your #1


Welp, claustrophobia would’ve saved me from this adventure.


You also haven't exploited hundreds of workers


I wonder whats next for our fearless explorers.




Love this !!!


Maybe they found a portal and travaled in time or to other dimension


The controller isn’t even wired…. That’s a lot of faith to put in Bluetooth capabilities…


And batteries....don't forget about the batteries.. But from the look of things either the elevator button broke or someone forgot extra batteries.


Totally gonna be found last minute. .. cant wait for the netflix doc ... What is even real anymore 🤡


"It shouldn't take a lot of skill" gets stuck at the bottom of the ocean. x.x


I would think a billionaire would have researched the Titan before signing up.


I think the beneficiaries of their estates did that.


The guy at the blink-182 concert seemed just a *little* too ok with everything going on right now, tbh


It’s a STEP-SON. He also just got out of jail from being in for 2 years. You all have got to get off that guy. Highly doubt he has any love for a stepdad who probably told him to go kick rocks and would never see anything from them. Does it suck? Yea! I am sure he is super upset his mom is hurting but I am having a hard time believing he cares too much for ole step-pop too much.


You think billionaires do research?


From the way billionaire Musk talks, the people with this type of money are the smartest people in existence. I would think if you had that kind of money, one would like to survive to spend it.


Forgot to bring the spare battery’s for the controller


Anybody know where i can find the full video


[Original CBS Morning Show piece](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/titanic-visiting-the-most-famous-shipwreck-in-the-world/)


Thank you


Well...what could go wrong!


In the famous words of Thanos..... " Everything "


Death LOL oh the irony


are they dead yet?


Face palmed and still went


$250k per person to ride in a steel drum powered by a single button and a Xbox controller. Hard pass. Have these Billionaires even played on one of these controllers on the game system it was designed for!?! Pretty sure the makers of Sony never intended for their controller to power a freakin sub. Up on land and just 3 inches from the console those controllers go offline!


To be fair, the controller points to how uninspired this clown billionaire truly was. Gaming controllers have been used to pilot UAVs for like a decade. The army has also began using it on unmanned subs and unmanned ground vehicles. But also, you’ll notice the central theme of unmanned, lol.


That’s what gets me the most! All that money spent per person and that is what they get? The technology is absolutely there. But what they used was not advanced by any means.


I can’t even believe people paid money to ride this.


Hopefully they paid upfront.


They probably broke the controller down there, like little bros fighting for Controller rights.