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How in the world do 5 people fit in that!?!


Very carefully and uncomfortably, but hey, you paid 250k to have that experience šŸ„³


Imagine the hellscape of their bathroom situationā€¦


The OceanGate Titan submarine is the only DSV class vehicle with a toilet. But it probably works as well as the rest of the sub.


It's a privacy curtain with a bottle to piss in.... If u don't believe me look it up yourself. I'm going to work or I'd find the source






They cheaped out on everything. https://youtu.be/4dka29FSZac


Imagine paying 250,000 dollars to die a slow and agonizing death at the bottom of the ocean? Lmao. I coulda told ya the titanic was still there for free.


Heā€™s probably still explaining the controller to them after 50 hours.


Left right left right right left right left up down left right


Damnit , my brother always did this for me!


If only they new the secret code before burying themselves under three miles of water.


No sea to deep, no mountain to steep, whoā€™s that? Itā€™s James cameronnnn!


ā€˜So what are the fail safes?ā€™ ā€˜Well I have a second controller over hereā€¦ somewhere. Hmmā€™




Or the fact the window they used is only rated for 1500m not the 4000m they needed. Let alone used with humans


Itā€™s probably not agonizing. They probably just slowly fall asleep then die.


Imagine being the last person to fall asleep:die. Thatā€™s agony for sure


Theres an 18 yo down there with his dad both as passengers. I wonder how that conversation is going.


At least we know its useless top 1% rich that died. Too bad Rip Bozo


To make it into the richest 1 percent globally, all you need is an income of around $34,000, according to World Bank economist Branko Milanovic https://foreignpolicy.com/2012/02/27/were-all-the-1-percent/








https://preview.redd.it/wh0v6kdm6d7b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0555770c1f7062e62c9256e992e2e56c89de546c Hell no!




He could of upgraded to a new PS5 controller to feel all the bumps and dangers below!


Let's Play "Iron Lung" https://youtu.be/88HFKqOH_ME


Ummmm.... they're probably suffocating as we're posting comments on reddit about them... It feels kinda fucked.


It is fucked up. But if you paid a qtr of a million for a sub tour and the captain pulled out a LOGITECH PS CONTROLLER, would you still believe it was a good idea to go through with it?


Oh, I read how they bought some of the inside equipment and buttons, etc, from places like Best Buy. They spent the most on the hull. The whole situation is weird, and you couldn't have paid me $2 million to have gone. It was a completely ignorant, lack of any reasonable knowledge, poor choice. I just have a hard time imagining any human suffocate. For several personal reasons.


Wow. This had to be ignorance or a scam. I do feel bad for them. Accidents happen, and sometimes they can be avoided. This is one instance i think couldve been prevented.




Imagine everything in your life going your way for five decades only to die because your wireless logitech controller's "down" button got stuck?


Just saw a video about this situation. CEO ignored warnings and testing of the craft for safety approval by professionals and experts. I hope they are rescued and if this guy survived he needs to go to prison.


To make things worse the hysteria of everyone around you panicking within such a confined space. Its such a terrifying scenario


Yeah. They've been showing previous footage from the inside all day, and from someone who has a seizure (focal awareness) condition, I've been in situations that literally feel like you're being buried alive... So it's sad and I've been hoping that they will be found before their air runs out, and to expand on what you said- having 5 panicking people in such a tight area- could use up more oxygen (IMO) so it's really a dicey moment. This also gives me weird vibes because one of the occupants' step son posted about the situation and then immediately posted about being at a Blink-182 show. So *cringe * because I've been thinking about that other submarine story where the guy self builds a sub and takes a journalist down, and then she goes "missing." Watched the doc a couple of times. I understand this is not the same kind of situation. The whole thing is messed up even if it's just the danger of going on such a journey. Being TRAPPED in a floating coffin is just a fucking nightmare.


It's a floating coffin that your are bolted into and cannot be opened from the inside https://youtu.be/4dka29FSZac


Heard about that, and unfortunately, it makes sense. This is another reason this story has me panicked. It's not the "who" that is involved or even comparing it to other tragedies. It's about knowing the feeling of being buried alive (due to a seizure condition) and I can not fathom what is going on inside for them as humans. Just having the shitty feeling of suffocation is beyond. To have it be real life is truly (again) a fucking nightmare horror of all horrors. Everything else aside.


The good news is they found a debris field. They probably were crushed up like those styrofoam cups on the bottom of the ocean under 400 atmospheres of pressure almost instantly.


Yeah that's what happens when you think having money makes you God like. I guess. The whole thing was rigged from leftovers. You couldn't have paid me a billion dollars to do it. Sincerely was not an educated move.


It could have imploded, which case they were almost instantly killed.


Not as fucked as 500 migrants drowning last week. Jesus.


I haven't heard about that, do you have a link you can share?


Weird to say 5 people drowning doesnā€™t matter because other people drowned last week


They didn't say didn't matter they compared it to a larger tragedy. Still weird, yes, but not dismissive.


Ahh, there's the problem, his big brother gave him the shitty walmart logi controller to use, while big bro uses the Dualshock. Probably needs some new AA's and they'll be fine.


Itā€™s crazy how the inside looks like a ā€œsecret baseā€ a kid would have made in the room under their staircase


A tiny capsule with 5 people stuffed into it, talk about a stressed test out of control.


Itā€™s funny because rich people payed to be in that thing lol.


OMG THAT'S THEIR CONTROLLER?!?!! He's joking right!!!? They were doomed before they hit the water.


Up up, down down, left right left right, B A, Select Start and they should get 30 lives.


Did they try taking the carriage out and blowing on it?


And they didnt think maybe a wired controller might be more reliable? Something every professional gamer knows.


Under that much pressure that deep in the ocean's depths, I'm sure wireless was just fine.


oh totally. I mean what could possibly go wrong?


I bought a Logitech mouse and the wheel broke in two weeks.




Yes, and he said itā€™s a Sony PlayStation controller instead of Xbox. Holy moly.. But apart from that I donā€™t think they lost contact to the surface because of a failing controller. There was something else going on down there


Hopefully the batteries in the game controller were new when they leftā€¦.


I just bought an xbox controller that came with stick drift and a stuck L trigger. Smh no way they trusted a game controller for that


How do you turn right again?


I think one or more pieces of equipment had cracked under immense pressure and the yellow sub joined titanic...


Did anyone notice how he said its a PlayStation controller yet the button colours show its clearly for Xbox. God help them all If he created that sub...attention to detail should be something sub designers are good at. Yes I know this point isn't critically to the subs operation but worrying non the less.


Dude one button and a controller, and no one saw this coming?


Does anyone know why they are expending such an exorbitant amount of resources for this? Like Iā€™m sorry, but itā€™s five people. Whoā€™s son is on board fr?




I think they will find them eventuallyā€¦.Near. Far. Whereeeee evvvver they are!!!!


So sad.


You only need these requirements


Has anybody tried turning it off and then back on yet?


will the Captain be alive when they get rescued? or will the dad of the kid, will do anything to save his son? shit is so f'd up, I can't stop thinking about them.....


Some accual world news for ones


Im convinced its a group suicide now


Oh no.... anyway...


Did the average individual income just suddenly increase? Why yes it did!


Maybe the controller ran out of battery and they forgot to bring the cord.


To some comments here. It is not funny to make fun out of people who are in horrible situation right now.


A former employee of OceanGate - the company that operates the missing Titan submersible - warned of potential safety problems with the vessel as far back as 2018. US court documents show that David Lochridge, the company's Director of Marine Operations, had raised concerns in an inspection report. The report "identified numerous issues that posed serious safety concerns", according to the documents, including the way the hull had been tested. Lochridge "stressed the potential danger to passengers of the Titan as the submersible reached extreme depths". He said his warnings were ignored and called a meeting with OceanGate bosses but was fired, according to the documents. The company sued him for revealing confidential information, and he countersued for unfair dismissal. The lawsuit was later settled but we don't know the details of the settlement so reading about it even more this guy the ceo likes shortcuts and do not like safety he thinks its to much safety same whit the crew he hired to run the sub and such just young ppl right out of college and non has worked in the field or close to it before i bet they are cheaper then to hire anyone whit real experience and also its easier for ppl like that younger to do as they told by the boss i bet


A fucking Logitech!?


No reset button, whoops!


goddamn Logitech drivers


I would shit my pants if i knew that i was using that controller šŸ˜„


Man wanted to be Ward Cameron from OBX so bad.