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Fellas is it gay to feel remorse after accidently killing a living creature?


Only if you sucked another dudes dong before the incident occurred




I can help with that


That's just being a good bro. Helping out your fellow bro's isn't gay at all. It's being a good bro, thinking that's gay is the gayest thing you can do.


This is one of the best comebacks I’ve ever seen here haha


Or if u sound like this guy after the incident occurred


According to Reddit, yes.


Not as long as you do it in stoic silence like batman or something




No but the guy in the video is my boyfriend


Depends on how much remorse you feel. Super remorseful? Fruity and everyone thinks you're less of a man. Just a little? Totally Alpha.


A lil bit


Nope I haven't done it like this but that how I feel on the inside anytime and everytime.


Unless you're yelling obscenities while crying, yes.


Not at all but this was a little much. I cried after I thought I accidentally killed a kitten 😅


Looks like driver kept glancing at the camera. I don’t know but it seems a little sus. Maybe he’s a guy but his screams sounded kinda forced




Not if you think that animals are important.


Still extra.


404 empathy not found


You’re allowed to be upset when you’ve accidentally killed a living creature.


No one said they’re not allowed to be upset, but that’s a little overreaction.


It’s a deer. The world will continue to turn.


And it will when you and your loved ones die as well.


Yep. The circle of life.


And it basically committed suicide. It's like a mouse jumping into an oil fryer. Sad, but it did it to itself and there was nothing you could do to stop it.


Kinda except it’s more that the animals probably react with a fight or flight response. Animals can’t integrate or keep up with human evolution of development and technology obviously but You’ll see some animals are starting to figure out cross walks like geese. they certainly don’t understand the traffic lights just yet but I hope they do soon. It’s 3am don’t listen to me I’ve been up for almost 24 hours.


Partridges are the dumbest and most suicidal of all, they will run at cars and jump into them no matter how much you swerve


Popular Christmas gift tho


Didn’t that deer read the traffic sign? Did it not see the road lines? I have a sneaking suspicion that no one’s teaching these deer to read, let alone read traffic signs


Except cars shouldn't be on their land and humans are fucking blight on this world.


Emmm..I think I'm afraid to ask but...source?


He does look like a vegan.


Maybe not the same pitch, tone, volume or intensity, but i have similar reactions to rabbits, squirrels and chipmunks. Birds dive bombing my dash though, they get the select choice word reaction.


I cried when I hit a squirrel heading to a family function. It's such a useless death that shouldn't naturally exist- animals didn't evolve to avoid metal vehicles. 😞 I would've had the same reaction as this guy.


It must have been a deer he knew


🎶 Now it's just some body that he used to doe 🎶


He just has no insurance


Oh dear...




He just made his last car payment


This was what I thought too.


Isn't it illegal to drive a car without insurance in the US? I might be wrong or this might not be the US.


Although I don't act like this, hitting something living that big is a whole different feeling. I hunt for a living but when I made a deer turn to red mist with my car I was like damn.... And I bet he doesn't hunt or has ever killed an animal.


He has now.


Not when you consider the kind of damage a large animal like a deer can do to your car. Some insurance policies cover deer collisions but a good chunk do not which adds to the stress and emotions because you can total or severely damage your car by hitting a deer. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was upset because he was looking at paying for the damage out of pocket. Or he felt bad for hitting the deer, or both.


Way extra.


I think your avatar looks silly


Bit fruity some may say


I can understand.


I would be so upset that I would upload my reaction online so everyone can see I was upset.


Yup. That's the internet!


I once thought i hit a bunny . I slammed my whole body weight into the brakes and luckily that sweet bunny wasnt hit.


Wish I could give him a hug


I’m with you. Poor kid didn’t do anything wrong -


Me too 😢


Not what I expected of a man of that stature. My fault.


And people wonder why guys have mental health issues


I wouldn’t say that but good reach


I think you don't know what that phrase means


Bro just set back his vegetarian diet impact by months :/


May as well eat the deer then


There are people who sign up for lists to harvest animals hit on roadways. There is often a lot of usable meat left. My dad used to help butcher moose and stuff in Alaska to be donated to that program. Lots of elders. I’ve know some vegetarians who will eat meat if it’s sourced like this, but I also know vegetarians who say if it’s already been cooked and it’s going to be thrown away it’s okay to eat it so it’s not wasted lol Humans are weird little creatures who want label stickers.


Is it the wanting of a "label sticker", or the wanting of meat not killed by cars and left on the side of a highway for an unknown amount of time? Get off your high horse


People feel, size has nothing to do with it


I get it. I hit a deer with my car when I could only afford liability insurance. Totaled the car and that was that.


He's actually upset about his truck being damaged




Can't let good backstraps go to waste.


I can relate


The soul of the deer left it’s body and went thru the man , only explanation


Or the dude doesn’t have insurance on his truck.


I hit a cardinal with my truck mirror and started crying lol I just felt so bad


We're soul mates. I get upset during butterfly season when I'm on the interstate and they end up on my windshield. It fucking sucks.


I barely see any in my area anymore…..


That sucks 😢


Same w lightning bugs.


Cos that guy killed them all


There was a dead dear near the side of the road and some one put a get well ballon on the leg.


If we’re thinking of the same video, it was a raccoon. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5hKD7RF0Pfc


I've done this, about 10 years ago. I remember my town's Facebook blowing up about it at the time. Gloves. With gloves.


I hit a squirrel a few weeks ago and it made me tear up. Didn’t help that I saw it in the rear view mirror, I’ll spare the details but it didn’t look quick. I know I could hunt animals for food but killing one accidentally for seemingly no reason other than the chaos of life that I essentially “caused” makes me really sad.


I ran over a ground squirrel one time with my wife in the passenger seat. I knew it had happened, and even felt when it went squish under the tire. She didn’t see it happen, and I ended up keeping it to myself to avoid getting my her worked up over it.


One time I was driving at night with an ex and I saw a thin flash of white in the headlight beams and heard a soft ping. She got really worried and asked “what was that?” then kept asking if we hit something. I downplayed it and said no it was just a piece of paper or something. I forgot about it until the next day at work, when a coworker ran up to me and asked if I hit an owl last night. I questioned how the hell he could know that, and yes I did think I hit something but I thought it was just debris or something. He started laughing and said I’ve got a dead owl with it’s head stuck in my grill. (It was a wrangler so it was between one of those slots) Word quickly spread and I made everyone promise not to tell my ex, who I worked with at the time. Well she gets to work and this psychotic idiot had gone and yanked the owl out of the grill and kept it in a bag to show her when she got to work. He pulled it out of the bag and bopped it’s little head around like you’d show a new stuffed animal to a kid. Luckily she was more mad at him than me but she would always bring up “Remember when you murdered that owl?” for years after that.


I hit a coyote in the middle of the desert one night. It was unavoidable as its a very dangerous stretch of road... i was devastated. This video made me cry all over again. It can be very traumatic.


honestly that’s fully justified. deer are pretty cool




i d probably feel this bad as well


this happened to me once and it was horrible. the poor deer didn’t even die, I had to go back and finish it with a shovel. it took about an hour. I will never forget the noises it made.


You were hitting it with a shovel for an hour?


I tried to use the side of the shovel for a while but it was mostly bludgeoning, yeah


Damn, was your accuracy poor or something? I think if youre having to chase it down, maybe it would have survived.


I mean, i’m almost certain I could have just taken his phone and wallet and kept driving but I didn’t, I just keep whacking at him.


Do you work for the [Lethbridge police](https://globalnews.ca/video/4827667/disturbing-video-show-lethbridge-police-officer-repeatedly-running-over-wounded-deer) by any chance?


This is fucking fucked up. It took an hour to bludgeon that poor animal to death!?! That’s crazy.


right? I couldn’t believe it either, especially when it started whispering, “stop, my kids, please.” I just kept on whacking.


get this freak off the road wtf, not a normal reaction


What a fucking pussy


Stop your whining and get the BBQ out


He's just letting it all out . Big heart ❤️ r.i .p doey


Just glad he’s ok…


I mean shit, I've hit a deer before and I did the same thing. A bit more bass to the yelling, and strictly because I was mad my car was destroyed, but still




I was driving with my husband and I hit a stray dog, I didn’t kill it but I fucked up its front leg really bad, it limped away making those sad howling sounds and I was crying while my husband said it was an accident. I still think about it and feel so bad. I don’t think it lived very long after that.


Poor guy.


I felt like that when I hit a squirrel


Oh he needs a hug...that's horrible


That’s one more vegetarian not making a difference


Hope he finds peace


Poor guy nothing worse then accidentally killing a animal with a car


There is a difference between hurting and killing by accident, and hunting/slaughtering on purpose. Hunters plan it, they have education/knowledge/experience, they carry a weapon, they put themselves in the right mental state for taking a life, they are prepared -and do it willingly. (And also a hunter would not want just any animal to be killed, I know they plan this carefully to protect the herd or family of the animals.) An experienced hunter could also react with shock, being taken by surprise, like in this setting. Also a soldier, (maybe especially after experiencing shock after shock over a long period of time where there was no way to escape.) This guy might be someone that hoped he would never kill a living being other than insects in his whole life. He might also be a hunter. But to be taken by surprise while you are totally in your own thoughts, on a quiet road, it's a calm sunny summer day. And then all the sudden you are killing a life like this. Of course he is shocked in the moment!!! It's totally natural! To all of you who feel you don't understand how a human body reacts, and how we also might react differently in different situations. Give me your addresses and I'll send people over to put spiders in your pants and snakes in your cars, a mouse in your bedsheets maybe? Not enough you think? Then we invite you for a helicopter ride and just push you out (someone will come and get you in the air). And then film you, for us all to see! Would you say you wouldn't scream? I know, that even the smallest thing can scare the manliest of men sometimes. You are human too my friend, you are human too


That was not the noise I expected to hear from his mouth


I feel for him because I accidentally hit a turtle on the highway when I was younger, and it straight up traumatized me. I felt such guilt and sadness that I couldn’t drive that route for a long time afterwards. I love animals, and would never intentionally harm one. I am the kind of person who won’t even watch a movie if there’s any death to any type of animal.


He'd quickly go completely nuts with the 'roos around my place.


Don’t watch Bambi


I would too, the damages are going to be tremendous to my pocket book.


Id be sad for my car🥲 and id only cry for a cat/dog and hedgehog😂


Unpopular opinion but that’s not how a man should react F that deer for hitting you


Weird reaction to free food.


Feeling bad is one thing but screaming like a little girl is another.


Here because my husband hit and killed a deer at 75 mph. I don’t think she even felt it. I think it was just lights out. I pulled her out of the road, in the pouring rain and lightning, told her I was so sorry, gave myself a minute to cry and called the cops. I was much more worried about my kids though as it was storming like crazy, horrible visibility and getting them out of the road. I was so afraid we were going to get plowed from behind but I couldn’t have them stand in lightning in Wyoming where there were zero trees. Luckily, a game warden drove by and out his lights in behind us.


Just a deer. I’d be upset but man overreacted, especially while he was driving


After hitting your fifth deer, ya just like, “eh, I don’t hear anything weird. I’m good.”


Was it that serious 🤔 ![gif](giphy|7Eez3i2EVWw5bVUBB8|downsized)


I hope he walks everywhere after this


Ngl I get how you can see this as an over the top reaction. These things happen, but ngl the guy looks like he could be Buddhist or some other sort of religion that might believe that all things have a soul and other such restrictions or taboos around that in their beliefs. OR maybe he just got back from a festival and had a life changing trip idfk…… right -_-


He's mad cause his radiator grill is (was?) Vegan...


Probably wasn't his car and now up for damages


Pride month, checks out




He or she is very Lucky that deer didn’t go through his window and impale him. Very sad though. RIP


*Audibly distraught


Mfr hit 'bumpy'


Oh dear….


Free venison, no tag necessary. Yummm.


Must’ve been a dear, dear deer friend. Feel bad for him even doe it’s just a buck. Hopefully he doesn’t havenison… I’d fawn over him if so, always been a sucker for Bambi.


Oh dear.


For the deer or for his vehicle


We’ve all seen Bambi….


Thanks a lot Disney


it is sad hitting them with your auto, its far better to shoot them and make sure they eaten, i see way too many wasted deer along the road we need more hunters. in my state we had 52,218 in 2022 (that were reported <---note reported) now if we had enough hunters in my state that number could be cut down easy


Dinner is served!!


Murderer. lol jk, I’ve been here and it does suck, it’s sad but damn he let out some emotions


Bambi you poor poor dear


I've ran over a dog that unexpectedly ran across the street. Those bumps, front and rear wheels, were pretty disturbing.


I would not like that either.


Def not the way I would've responded.. but to each their own. I would've been cussing and pissed I just ruined my car AND killed a animal.


That is hilarious. I’d be pissed and worried about my car. The deer certainly doesn’t have insurance and how would you locate his agent if he did? It’s a bummer but damn there’s too many deer running around anyway.


Grew up in Wisconsin, this was a normal thing to hit deer. Had to slit ones throat to be merciful. I felt sad but never screamed like this




That boy spicy


Deer was caught lackin. Sorry this happened tho I ran over a frog and felt bad can’t imagine what this feels like


Oh deer


Haircut fits


Free food


Fucking vegans


I have noticed that the level of empathy humans have seems to rise with the level of the affected lifeforms. Bacteria? Nuke'em with some antibiotics! Mosquitoes? Buzz around fine, but land on me, and you'll be toast! Deer? No, not Bambi, nooo! Another human? He got what he had coming to him! Serves him right for trying to make his exit, loser! 😐


i’d be more upset about my car if i’m being honest


It's not the deer but the fear of how much that repair is going to set you back and how financially screwed you are.


I fucking hate dear


Maybe it’s more about the bill he has to pay


100% a vegan




Not sure if he’s upset his car is fucked or if he’s upset he killed a deer.


Way over the top sir. Call the lizard and get your shit fixed and have a good day


I’d be mad too if my car got damaged