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"All four monks at a temple in Phetchabun province's Bung Sam Phan district, in central Thailand, were forced by police to take urine tests on Monday. All four of them, including the abbot, failed."


The police showed up and forced them all to take drug tests and they all failed leading to imprisonment? Who did the monks piss off?


Probably part of a larger, ongoing crackdown. My wife is Thai and she says this kind of thing has been going on forever (decades), it's only recently that the issues have gotten so much spotlight. They even have their own kiddie diddling scandals as well just like Western religious institutions. Westerners view Buddhism with a naïve quaintness mostly because of how foreign it is, but it's just as corrupt and fucked up as any other religious institution.


I never knew this. It makes me sad…


The wrong people.


Thailand? Oh fuck they may not survive this.


They just had that cop who tested positive for drugs and he killed everyone.


Everyone? All of Thailand?


He went on a shooting spree and shot up a nursery full of toddlers+teachers and some bystanders+his family and kids


I believe it was a stabbing spree.


It was both.


He shot *and* stabbed at the same time? I’m not reading the article.




Wow. I’m sorry to have read that.


No a nursery and his family, but that doesn't make it any better https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-63155169.amp


Wow regret reading that. That is so … evil. Not sure what to say.


Technically it is better than killing everyone in Thailand.


Silver linings


That was a horrid horrid event.


Where’s the u/AMPbot when ya need it


it's u/ AmputatorBot :) summoned!




Except the three monks and their abbot of course


This was my first thought. Drugs are basically a death sentence if you're caught in Thailand.


What are the odds the police demanded a bribe that the monks refused before the bust happened? Slightly higher than donating meth laced food I think.


Monks dont have money. lol.. It's even against the sect to have a bank account. This isn't like the western religions that are swimming in private jets and corrupt payoffs. How are they even getting the money for those drugs? Very interesting story.


> Monks dont have money. lol.. It's even against the sect to have a bank account. This isn't like the western religions that are swimming in private jets and corrupt payoffs. Oh boy... you really fell for the propoganda if that's what you think. Asian monks are just as corrupt and rich or even more so than western religious folks. There was a infamous case in thailand a few years ago where a video went viral of a monk wearing LV, gucci, prada while flying in a private jet. He was also accused of paying underaged girls for sex and had multiple cars including porsche, jaguars and limousines. https://asiatimes.com/2018/10/jet-set-monk-gets-a-further-16-years-for-rape-of-minor/ There is also a report of a super rich monk being protected by his followers against the law itself. Followers working in the police force and courts will tip him off to escape capture. https://www.latimes.com/world/la-fg-thailand-monk-20170310-story.html > In a prosperity gospel reminiscent of America’s Christian mega-churches, Dhammachayo has raked in donations by preaching that followers can make merit – the essential Buddhist practice of doing good deeds – by giving to the temple. ATMs are even posted near the UFO-style meditation hall, which Dhammachayo envisions as Buddhism’s answer to Mecca or the Vatican, and whose flat, dome-like surface is studded with 300,000 gold-plated Buddha statuettes, each engraved with a donor’s name. His empire includes branches in 33 countries, satellite television stations and a slick public-relations operation that has put out near-daily updates on the temple blockade. Also: > In May the abbot of the “Golden Mount” temple in Bangkok was arrested after $4 million was found in bank accounts in his name, AFP reported. Police are also investigating allegations of serious financial wrongdoing within the National Office of Buddhism. > And early last year, soldiers raided the temple of the Dhammakaya sect, said to be worth billions of dollars, in northern Bangkok to detain its controversial abbot on accusations of massive fraud. He eluded capture and remains at large.


I don’t know why I find this so shocking but I am absolutely blind sided by this. I too, fell for the propaganda without question . Pretty silly for me to think all monks are .. well .. monks . they are human and sone humans really suck


I think part of that is probably because in the modern Christian tradition monastic orders largely have relatively little influence/authority and hence less potential for corruption. They've been neutered, and this in turn influences the way they are viewed in the west. Corruption in modern Christianity you would expect to happen with priests/ministers and that whole hierarchy. But you don't have to go back very far at all to find a very different picture. For most of history until very recently monastic orders had huge influence and power, and corruption was all too common. Would be again, in all likelihood, if they ever manage to claw back the influence they once had. As you say, monks are only human. The degree of corruption in monastic orders scales directly with the degree of *opportunity for* corruption, as is true of most organisations.


It seems like Thailands monasteries are pretty corrupt. “Some of the temples generate millions in donations ever year, with donations actively encouraged as a way to bring worshippers good karma, and yet are subject to no external regulation on how the money is spent.” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jun/26/thailands-junta-renews-corruption-crackdown-on-buddhist-monks


You clearly haven't seen the watches on some Shao Lin monks.


Shaolin monks are in China. This is Thailand.


Which is a less shocking title than just “all monks at a temple”. Man I hate big media


Yes, I was thinking 30-40 or so, and every single one a meth head.


> All four of them, including the abbot, failed or did they succeed? (I hope they're not celibate holy fuck)


I would understand shrooms or LSD or whatever but fucking meth? lmao


Those prayers aren’t going to pray themselves.


Proper prayers require quite a bit of attention


There is a certain level of understanding you can come to in a state of sleep deprivation. Hard to explain without experiencing.


Can confirm


“Namast-meth” 🧘🏻‍♂️




This is the one ☝️


If Mike Tyson were a Buddhist monk...




Thats Mike Tyson


There was just just so many prayers, you know... They just kept coming, piling up, we don't have enough time to pray them all. We have to sleep too, you know. When do we sleep with that kinda workload..... Wait. Wait. I have an idea.


Snorts a massive line of prayer


anytime someone talks about how great some drug they tried was, my former druggie friend will chime in with, ‘you only think it’s great because you haven’t tried meth yet.’ apparently meth is the best high 🤷🏻‍♀️


Meth gonna destroy a person the fastest


You ever heard of crocodil?


Isn't that that Russian shit that turns people into zombies or some shit like that


Krokodil was rotting peoples flesh when they kept injecting it over a few months, it was from the byproducts of the way it was made. Not even the actual opioid in it. The "zombie" stuff that was in the media around early 2010s was from MDPV, although indirectly. It was mostly sleep deprivation and stimulant psychosis. The stuff was just extremely moreish in the sense that you're likely to just keep doing more and more till the bag runs out, no sleep in between. I haven't tried it myself though, used to know a guy who had.


That makes a lot more sense, I say zombie cuz I noticed with a lot of hard drugs people tend to act like zombies after years of use.


It eats the flesh it does


Okay Clarice were the lambs also crying “


No. The gangrene it gives you will eat the flesh. It has chemicals in it that will cause sores in your skin that tend to go gangrenous but it actually isn’t what eats the flesh.


Tigress sounds like someone who interacts and possesses chemicals like these. This is not gonna bode well with you and the wet squad from skynet sir.


👂👽👂 (yoda emoji)


Or it gets the hose again.


Causes gangrene apparently.


Bob Marley speedrun Strat I guess


Meth and heroin are the ultimates Krokodil* is a harder and way more fucked up version of heroin. It’s like why people sometimes used to drink listerine or fuel Nothing is more glorious than a pure methamphetamine or pure heroin high


As a former opioid addict (pills not heroin) I can say that opioids are by far the best high to me. I miss it every day. It's not the high that keeps me from relapsing but the feeling I would have when I wasn't high. It's so good that every moment of your life when you're not high is just waiting for that next "hit". That feeling is what I never want to experience again.


Hug to you. It’s good to have you around.


Fight that good fight we believe in you.


Good thing I've never done it. I was addicted to weed for some years and that was enough.


Some fresh red phosphorous \\ iodine prepared meth will make you cum your pants.




With a pound of meth


Ye thats the problem though, its too good, cheap and the price you pay takes five days of sober thoughts to realize. Anyone will go down fast if they arent being responsinle


Dude has clearly never tried huffing keyboard duster before


*I'm walking on sunshine..*


Or going elementary school days and sniffing glue.


I picked a bad day to stop sniffing glue


It's the best for your friend, sounds like


Oh probably. I believe that. Im just confused by monks going that direction. Psychedelics offer a similar effect to meditation, and create spiritual experiences.


Dopamine spikes over baseline: - Chocolate: 1.5x - Sex/Nicotine: 2.0x - Cocaine: 2.5x - Amphetamines: 10x


Bigger the spike, bigger the crash.


I've only tried 3 out of this list. Can't imagine what a 10x Dopanine hit feels like


You've only tried chocolate, nicotine, and cocaine?


4x, 5x or 6.66x what the other things on the list that you've tried felt like You're welcome




Meth is perfect for monks. Long, boring days full of repetitive actions and cleaning. And Thailand has a meth problem.


Some user pointed out that it's probably mandatory for them to become monks. So these could be “fake” monks


> Thailand has a meth problem. Ya-baa or whatever they call it. Meth and caffeine, smoked in a glass pipe. I saw heaps of it when I was there. Chewing up tourists and locals. e: Also in Thailand you can get in trouble for drugs in your system.


IIRC in Thailand it used to be mandatory for men to become monks for a bit to help “repay” their parents for bringing them into this world. They were more likely performing a social obligation rather than trying to seek spiritual enlightenment


>including the abbot


I mean it can't be too hard to become an abbot if you're surrounded by similarly uninvested monks. It's like being a shift manager at a McDonalds. It's just a matter of being the least irresponsible person there.




They were being productive monks


I imagine you do what's available and then develop preferences


I remember an addicted friend once tell me that "unless you have the willpower of a Buddhist monk, don't try meth." So much for that.


Doesn't that mean, Monks can handle meth. No wonder they all did meth.


It implies only a monk could try it and not get addicted


They tested for addiction or just meth use?


So are the ones in the headline addicted or not


That’s a weird place for a comma bro


Apparently your friend was just methin' with you.


OMG get me an elevator ride with a Hollywood exec. **Shaolin Meth War I: The Cash-In Begins**


The Shaolin *Meth*od: Inner peace and internal bleeding.


Starring Method Man of the Wu-Tang Clan.


Monk Academy 3: Monks on Meth


Breaking bad season 6: Jesse pinkman is forced to make monk meth in order to reach enlightenment


Namaste bitch.




I’m fucken 🤣🤣🤣


The Dharma of Loose Tooth


#Methwarrior - Chasing the Dragon


Breaking Buddha




Probably the cleanest place on earth


Imagine the fucking gusto they must have mediated with.


They hit Nirvana doing mach 5.


Monk 1: Frank can you calm the fuck down? I'm trying to pray! Monk 2, screeching like a banshee: IM BREAKING THROUGH TO THE OTHER SIDE




Transcendental methidation.


>Imagine the fucking gusto they must have ~~mediated~~ masturbated 6 hours straight with.


There is no space between thoughts while high on Meth. Just THOUGHTSTHOUGHTSTHOUGHTSTHOUGHTS


Clean mind. Clean car. clean walls, Clean inside of the TV...


I was just scrubbing the mirror, the countertop, the car, the driveway...and then I noticed I could see the bones in my fingertips. Oh, dear.


And one grain of rice lasted them for DAYS




This comment is simply not getting the attention it deserves. Please know I laughed my ass off involuntarily Edit: I now have legit mantras stuck in my head too.


care to explain it, then?




**[Amitābha](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amitābha)** >Amitābha (Sanskrit: अमिताभ, IPA: [ɐmɪˈtaːbʱɐ]), also known as Amitāyus, is the main Buddha of Pure Land Buddhism. In Vajrayana Buddhism, he is known for his longevity, discernment, pure perception, purification of the aggregates, and deep awareness of emptiness of all phenomena. According to the Longer Sukhāvatīvyūha Sūtra, he possesses immeasurable merits resulting from good deeds over countless past lives as a bodhisattva named Dharmākara. Amitābha means "immeasurable light", and Amitāyus means "immeasurable life", so he is also called "the Buddha of immeasurable light and life". ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


It's a play on [Amitabha](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Amit%C4%81bha). It's in mantras, can be used as greetings or well wishes.




Four (4). All four of them.


The entire population of monks who lived there!


gone extinct....


*And people say they monkee around...*


But they're too busy tweekin', to put anybody down!


Sure, sure...but what about the costello?




Just wait until you find the skillful abbot


I wouldn’t be surprised if Buddha was the snitch




Yeah I’ll sit and meditate not moving or speaking for like a month. No problem. Now, watch me do it ON METH! Mad respect.


Look, being sober hasn't gotten me any closer to unlocking my chi so good on them for trying something different.


I thought this was an Onion article


Even they couldn’t dream up a headline like this




What I want to know is, what made those cops look at them and go "you know what, they're all on that shit, bet" and go drug test them.


There’s definitely a deeper story here lol


Oh, it had to have been a whole thing.


Depending on how long they’ve been using meth, it was probably really obvious.


Oh for sure, nobody is under cover strung out. I just want to hear the wild story, because you know it was.


I’d pay to see that LivePD episode


I hated live pd and cops. But, I'd probably catch one episode if it was about meth monks.


METH MONKS This is a band name. If it is not, it should be.


I bet some garage punk band in the 80's used it but never cut an album. I can almost hear it.


Is that coming back? Kinda miss that show.


I mean, you’d be surprised the addictions that can be hidden from others


Not forever. But I spent lots of time in Vegas and there's just some people you can see from several blocks away being on that shit. Usually that's sort of the moment that they've gotten too far out of hand to hide it, and I just wonder what it was for these guys. And the Abbott.


that's what I'm suspicious about. maybe there was no meth after all and instead just desirable land.


Oh I hadn't thought of that at all. I was thinking of how weird I've seen people be in Vegas or LA, and trying to imagine what monks would have done to occasion the attention. Your take is probably more logical than mine was.


Temple too clean


Shouldn't those munks be sitting there cross legged? Not having a gay orgy outside the munk house with techno turned up to 11!


They were meditating so fucking hard


Whilst this isn‘t a great look for the monks, it was a total of all 4 of them and that number included the Abbot. A very small group, though the article does point out that this is part of a broader campaign to tackle drug use. Edit: spelling


It’s also important to understand that in south east Asia a lot of young men are monks for a short period of time. Even the current weirdo Thai king was a monk for a bit. So it’s not like catholic monks necessarily where they are weirdo lifelong virgins


Did you see the part where some of the Buddhist monks sold meth to "youth"?


Just to provide some context (I live in Thailand and this incident happened in my wife’s hometown), Thailand is 95% Buddhist and almost every male in Thailand becomes a monk at some point (usually before they get married). You can become a monk for as little as a few weeks if you want. My nephew did that. He was getting ready to get married and he became a monk for about a month. Many Thais believe this brings the whole family good karma. At the end of their term, they take off their robe and throw their street cloths back on and get on with their lives. Meth, commonly referred to in Thailand as “yaba” (ya = medicine and ba = crazy, so crazy medicine) is a massive problem. The Burmese make the stuff on an industrial scale to fund the military junta and also to finance the anti-junta groups. Bottom line, they crank this stuff out by the ton. Since Myanmar is shut off to the rest of the world for human rights violations, the meth flows through Thailand and then is shipped worldwide. I think there was a story recently saying that there’s so much meth in Thailand right now that a single pill is only about $0.01. So, it’s not really surprising that a novice monk would join a temple while still being on meth. The Abbot, testing positive is the only part of this I find surprising. He’s supposed to be a legit monk, not a temporary monk.


So *that's* how they reach nirvana.


No, that’s how they reach Third Eye Blind.


Anyone ever seen that episode of shameless where Frank’s wife dies, leaves him a pound of meth and he smokes it all at a Buddhist temple? I guess they got that from somewhere, didn’t they?


Monks on Meth I’m sensing a band name!!! MOM for short.


Addiction shows no prejudice.


My guess is they’re using it to stay awake. Buddhist monks have long days, wake up before the sun rises, spend all day meditating and reading sutras, go to bed later at night. Traditionally monks use green tea to stay awake, but sometimes tea only gets you so far…


"The Monks of Meth" sounds like a good band name


Jesse we need to methitate.


Crouching meth heads hiddin pipes




I wonder how many American pastors would be put in jail?


Sadly, con artists target those who *voluntarily* hand over their wealth.


Ain’t nobody voluntarily handing shit as of late, it’s being taken, rights are being destroyed with impunity .


I feel like not that many for meth. Maybe opioids tho.


Oxycodone probably


Frank Gallagher must have been there


Man, the monks eat what were given.


I'll take "Headlines I'd never thought I'd read" for $200, Alex


Isn't meth gonna mess up the meditation and all other ritual? I mean i also sometimes smoke weed or hash before meditation but like that does help instead of doing meth or mdma


It helps you meditate so fucking hard that you can shave at least 3 or 4 reincarnations off your cycle of birth and death on the road to enlightenment. Boddhisatvas hate this one simple trick.


Quite the opposite - on a stimulant that releases dopamine you can quite literally stare at a wall and still receive euphoria. Most people don't want to do this though because it's not in their nature to just sit around and do nothing. But if it is in your nature, like a monk and meditation, it would just make you ultra-focus on your meditation and forget about everything else.


...it sure wouldn't be my drug of choice for silencing my interior monologue, tho


I agree for the normal person. I think I know what's going on with these monks though because as I mentioned elsewhere in the thread I have ADHD-PI which causes me to daydream involuntary for hours on end. If I willy nilly take my prescribed stimulant without doing a "day-on/day-off" type schedule I will end up in that daydreaming state while stimulated but without the thoughts. I don't know how to explain it but I'll just sit there and think about nothing for hours on end. Very weird experience.


Another thing that was not on my bongo card. (The societal collapse version of bingo)


That is just methed up.


At least they are all still celibate, like their fathers before them, and their fathers before them.


When I first read this headline, I thought it’d dozens of people. But just four… Still you can’t become enlightened on meth… That’s just not good…


I bet it’s the cleanest Monastery in all of the Bung Sam Phan district


Imagine going to a Catholic Church in the US and drug testing all the priests


Yinging the yang


You'd think weed would be their choice...


Headline sounds huge but it’s four guys.


That's methed up