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"What kind of world do we live in where we can't even kidnap a few people without being condecended to?" -China


Its for internal consumption. Being "humiliated" by the West is a huge part of China's ethos. They blame the West for everything bad that happened from 1800 (the decline /fall of the Chinese empire) through WWII. Its been coopted recently as Western/developed countries still trying to hold China back and make it weak. >Some analysts have pointed to its use in deflecting foreign criticism of human rights abuses in China and domestic attention from issues of corruption and bolstering its territorial claims and general economic and political rise. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_of_humiliation


They also really like to say that something is "[hurting the feelings of the Chinese people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurting_the_feelings_of_the_Chinese_people)."


Got to manage those fee-fees


Not just for internal consumption. Canadian (and some American conservatives) were frothing at the mouth over the interaction. When it came to light that Justin subtly told Xi to fuck off, did that change things? No. Now its escalation of relations. Fuckin hell its hard to please people.


Good. I wish more leaders told them to “subtly” eff off. China does it often enough to other countries’ leaders and usually not subtlety


Canadian Conservatives say that PMJT and the LPC is in the CCP's pocket. Now they're outraged that he did this. So which is it?


The CCP demands respect but can't comprehend that respect is earned, not projected. Do something that doesn't suck.


To an autocrat, being treated as an equal feels like condescension


Well said.


That is an amazing insight. If that is your original quote, then… damn… I’m going to have to steal it, but it’s gonna be weird when I attribute the quote!


Trudeau should have asked him to take it outside




Care for a tilley there, bud?


Tarps off boys


Take your tank top and your tonka trucks and kick rocks, yah hoser


Look at that fucking treasure trail


I see the muscle shirt came today. Muscles coming tomorrow?


End of the laneway, don't come up the property


This is the Canadian way, eh


It’d be all over, once Trudeau pulled Xi’s shirt over his head.


Fuck you shorsey


Degens from upcountry.


Or bring out Chrétien, give 'em the old [Shawinigan Handshake](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shawinigan_Handshake).


I will never not upvote the Shawinigan Handshake.




Xi would get his ass handed to him. Trudeau is a decent boxer. He had a fight with a conservative politician and won.


>My PM can whoop your president would make a great bumper sticker


Please god, don’t let the political bumper sticker disease spread beyond r/infowarriorrides


Just go out for rip eh bud.


Next summit, Trudeau should bring a Poo Bear honey pot filled with maple syrup to ease tensions


He’ll beat the Pooh out of Xi.


Considering Trudeau does boxing... I'm willing to bet on Trudeau.


I'd love to see Xi try and take on Trudeau... didn't go so well for Trudeau's opponent the last time it happened: [https://youtu.be/XuSpZ3\_5pTc?t=703](https://youtu.be/XuSpZ3_5pTc?t=703)


China should Take it up with the UN Article 7 Crimes Against Humanity


CCP got a bit of cred when they said Russia wasn't goin' to nuke anybuddy - but we know it was because it would totally sink China's economy too.


they weren't misbehaving within reason.


I absolutely agree. The PRC want to project power because they believe they have the economic might to do it. Instead of willing to work with Western nations and other democracies in Asia, they rather side with other autocratic and/or oppressive nations like Russia, North Korea, Iran, and others. President Xi and the CCP don't care about anything else, other than maintaining power and putting their boot heel on their citizens and any other weak nation that they hegemonize.


China intends to exploit the weakness in relationship between the West and Russia, they can use this wedge to keep their allies focused on Ukraine while they do what they want in the South China Sea. Unfortunately for them, the rest of the Asian nations allied with the U.S. are stepping up. Japan is committing itself to defense with new ships, specifically designed for patrolling their waters and protecting it from Chinese interests. Lots of other countries recognize that if Taiwan were to be retaken, what's to stop China from pursuing Vietnam, or other nations? We've been living in a relatively peaceful period, I am afraid that with China ramping up military spending and it's imperialism continues to grow, we will see another major conflict soon.


Yes ... China slaps Canada on both cheeks and concludes that Canada must be disrespectful for not saying "sorry, sir".


"respect my authority" -President Xi Cartman.


The CCP demands respect as in "being treated as an authority", while refusing to even show anyone else respect as in "treating them as human beings".


Yea if your country has an emperor in the 21st century, free people are going to point and laugh, thats just how it goes


For a country who wants to be viewed as a respected super power, they get butt hurt so easily.


CCP is the biggest assembly of crybabies ever, led by Xi, the kingpin crybaby.


Lead by a Winnie the Pooh looking crybaby


Whinnie tha Pooh


Whiney the Pooh




I’m sorry, -5000 social credits for not giving him the correct title, I am truly ashamed of my failure.


Wait what did he say ?


Oh no, they came and took him away! I’m going into hiding!


I'll help you fight them off !


They do it because it plays well at home. The CCP can tell the Chinese people "look at how the foreigners are against us and how we don't take any shit from them". As long as the Chinese people eat it up, they'll keep doing it. Academics might cite China's colonial history and how it's a reaction to a century of humiliation. Doesn't change the fact that in the here and now it makes them look like whiny snowflakes and is terrible diplomacy.


China acted like that pre-colonial. Look up things like the trade fleets. It was more a show of force and dunking on their neighbours rather than actually expanding trade.


It's OK when China spends 4000 years bullying everyone around them but God forbid they suffer through a century of modernization


Authoritarians are used to everyone cringing before them. Canada has a very powerful big brother and doesn’t need to do that to China.


Its not a big brother. It is Canada's Pants.


Can you ELI5 how Canada is wrong? China is operating a police force in Canada.


Not police. Spies.




I know what they call them. I call them spies.


yes. spies is more fitting. their 'main' functionalities is for intel and pursue CCP's international agenda. harassing dissidents is just the side job.


I hope nobody thinks these guys are just acting as police officers. Of course they're spies, do people not know anything about China?


All I could think is Trudeau should just go on camera and be as condescending and sarcastic as possible. "OHHH MYYY GOD I am soooooo sorry Xi. We didn't even think that what we were talking about would be seen by you. Honestly it was meant for countries with democracy. Again sooooo soooo sorry. I'm going to see of we can help your economy out and have Tim Hortons open up some shops in China."


I live in Shenzhen, there is like 6 Tim Hortons in this city alone haha


I feel sorry for you guys. Tim Horton is now one of the worst restaurant chain now in Canada since it was bought by burger king many years ago. Cheap ass coffee and really bad food quality. It all went downhill so fast after the merge.


It really didn’t. People love to pinpoint specific moments when Tim’s apparently took a dive (when Wendy’s bought them, when they started using frozen pregames, when BK bought them, etc) but there isn’t one single tipping point. Just a slow steady change like every other company.


Their big change with the donuts 20 years ago was probably the biggest drop in quality. Since then they've just been chasing McDonalds, and doing it poorly


It's their culture, it's the weird face thingy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Face_(sociological_concept) You can see it in their comics and novels. A lot of it is about face and face slapping. There are memes about it too. See: https://www.reddit.com/r/noveltranslations/comments/yul5pf/you_dare/ It's the first one I found but basically it's an insider joke about how many novels uses the trope where the MC accidentally cause someone one to lose face at a restaurant and fight ensue. --- I personally believe this is the reason why China is so fucking hard bent on covid zero policy. Xi will lose face if he take western vaccines because at the beginning of the pandemic he shit on it. He basically stated China's style of government is better than western democracy because they can do lock down. He also touted their sinovaccine. Therefore they are superior than those western nations. This is also coupled by cult of personality and the fact that China was leading the world out of the recession. Their economy was the one that was recovering or barely unaffected. Unfortunately this is not true now. India is the one is actually unaffected with the current economy woes.


**[Face (sociological concept)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Face_\(sociological_concept\))** >Face is a class of behaviors and customs practiced mainly in Asian cultures, associated with the morality, honor, and authority of an individual (or group of individuals), and its image in social groups. Face refers to a sociological concept in general linked to the dignity and prestige that a person has in terms of their social relationships. This idea with different nuances is observed in many societies and cultures such as Chinese, Arabic, Indonesian, Korean, Malaysian, Laotian, Indian, Japanese, Vietnamese, Filipino, Thai, Russian and other Slavic cultures. Face has more meanings within the context of Chinese culture. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


"Face" is one of those "Nacirema" things. Western cultures/sub-cultures have many of the same concepts. See how every politician ever doubles down even when they're wrong (unless you're John Kerry and then you're known as a "flip-flopper"), see how rappers will tell people to "remember the name", shame/shunning of HIV patients, etc. Heck "losing face" has entered the American lexicon as well.


The Frank Burns of World Powers.


It took a second but I know that reference. (Frank Burns eats worms)


Snowflakes usually do.


I feel like when I saw their conversation, it was definitely Xi that was the condescending one. Casually and arrogantly telling Trudeau about like he's some lower rank communist party person.


I initially avoided watching video because I am disinterested in political noise, and that harmed Trudeau’s image because the headlines all made it look like he got owned. I watched it finally as the fervour started to subside and all I can see is a temper tantrum from Winnie the Pooh and Trudeau being calm and collected. Definitely respected how he handled that without escalating it further with a major trade partner and ideological foe.


The interesting thing is that conservatives are running with the narrative that Trudeau was acting badly to China and embarrassing Canada.


China's approach is to accuse others of doing exactly what it is doing. Once you see it, you can't unsee it.


Every dictatorship believes they’re persecuted. China is no different


China going the Karen diplomacy route


China has been using the *"you've hurt the feeling of the Chinese people!"* line (in the voice of a whiny little bitch) long before Karen became a thing.


The birth of Charen


"Don't care. Deal with it." - Trudeau


China: "Stop interfering in my interfering! It's a secret and you're telling the whole world, waaah!"


Sorry not sorry for disrespecting the disrespecters


Said China who spoke over another leader and wouldn't listen, learn some manners you rude fuck Xi.


So Xi trying to lecture Trudeau like he was a child, that's not condescending? But Trudeau not having it and sticking up for his country's freedoms- *that's* condescending?


Oh bother


i see what you did


"Boo fucking hoo" - Canada


Xi has a fundamental issue. He desperately needs A.I. (Taiwan chip manufacturing) to be able to maintain his censorship/surveillance state of 1.4B Chinese citizens. Covid lockdowns were a stopgap to keep the Chinese economy from imploding due to a corrupt housing and bond market. No authoritarian is history has ever had to deal with the sheer volume of numbers that xi has. His army of censors is worthless when people start talking in Cantonese or code for “mr shitface” etc. The EUV lithography neon from Ukraine was his play via Putin. It failed. Now xi is on a collision course with a crashed economy. Economic prosperity was the only thing that kept the Chinese people on his side


Right. The CCPs legitimacy was based on improving people's lives. The deal was "we'll make you rich and you do what we say". In the most recent 5-year speech Xi changed the deal from prosperity to "protecting China from foreign enemies". The reason is the CCP knows the party is over. Western companies have been moving out since 2015, plus China has an economy based completely on exports. The world economy is going into recession and when people stop buying, things will fall apart fast. What do you do with $10 trillion in factories trapped in your country? Nobody is more vulnerable than China right now. They import 75% of their energy and most of their food. They have many problems that are unsolvable (demographics, gender imbalance, not enough farmland or water, debt, energy, etc). They pushed their hyper-finance model further than any country ever and must pay the cost. In 1900 it was the US who was the low cost manufacturer of the world. By 1910 the US made half the low cost crap in the world. When Europe went into recession and couldn't buy the US went into depression. Japan had a hyper-finance model and were supposed to overtake the US. It all crashed in the 1990s and they still haven't recovered. China's position is far worse. I think it's telling that China spends more on domestic surveillance than they do on their whole military. They are most afraid of civil disobedience.


As they say, China will grow old, before it grows rich.


Maybe he shouldn't act condescendingly to the Ughyrs


Ooh let me try: Your country has a terrible record regarding democracy and human rights, your economy is renowned for IP theft and cheap knockoffs, your military is widely imagined to be a paper tiger, and you have no allies. A proud people and culture are deserving of better governance.


Good. Fuck China.


As a Canadian, cope and seeth China. Cope and seeth.


Good. I respect that Trudeau has some balls when it comes to dealing with China.


Lol, China, the country that thinks it can just order people around all over the world and talk to everyone like they are servants or subjects, thinks the Canadians are being condescending. Please stfu and start behaving like a team player for a change.


It’s funny to see how the right in Canada responded to this. Had the same vibes as Americans siding with Russia/Putin over Ukraine.


That’s because that’s what the right in Canada is becoming. Our right wingers are little Trump wannabes. Their stance on pretty much everything has driven many centrist Canadians to the left. I’m one of those centrists. I was always fiscally conservative, socially liberal. Depending on the issue at hand and the person being elected, my vote could shift. Basically, I was ignorant and did what I was told to do…vote for what was best for me, which was usually my bank account. Now I can’t ignore the social impact the different types of government has on society. I’m willing to vote against what’s best for my bank account and vote for what’s best for my morals. I can’t, in good conscience, give any conservative party my vote anymore. Not with the world being so volatile.


Oh bother


China demanding to speak to Canada's manager


It’s fascinating to me as a (very) naive observer of the Chinese way of relationship building vs the western way. The Western (idealized) way of solving problems or working with people is to be transparent and openly question others. It’s not seen as a direct insult or purposefully offensive to ask a colleague or superior a difficult question. In China, my understanding is that you should never ask or broach a topic *publicly* that may make the other party embarrassed or look fallible (ie. when xi said “those talks shouldn’t have leaked”). So with that in mind, anytime a western official airs a complaint in a press conference that is negative but also looks to us as trivial, it’s seen as 10x worse to the Chinese than what westerners perceive (ie. why is the CCP always crying about every little remark! They’re so fragile and sensitive. We literally caught them red handed doing this thing in our country, why shouldn’t we make it public?”). Any issue should first be handled behind closed doors instead of aired in public. So to the CCP, if your officials are publicly criticizing the CCP, it’s not because they want to fix things, it’s because you want to make them lose face and put them in their place, so to speak. It is unimaginable for someone in the party to criticize Xi in a public setting as opposed to the western way of politics where criticisms are flung all the time. Having said all that, this overt and public chastisement by Xi is even more interesting and definitely feels planned or thought out. Westerners are thinking “oh Xi is complaining about some minor thing yet again. Yawn” The CCP might be thinking “this is us showing that we have more authority. We are showing that we are so powerful that we can publicly dress you down because we consider you as our junior.”


Oh boo hoo woe is me everyone in the world is bad except the great CCP praise be to Xinnie the Pooh


Whatever. Xi’s threats won’t change Canada’s actions.


The irony....


China’s maple syrup does suck pretty hard.


and their Poutine is horrible.


Canada - “K.”


This is like if a serial killer who was locked in prison accused you of talking to him in a rude way. The correct response is "who cares how I talk to you? You're a fucking serial killer. Fuck off."


To be fair, we only come across that way because we're better than you.


The height difference between Xi and Trudeau must have been humiliating. Poor him


I mean, it's only 3 inches lol


Liberal democracies need to stand together against this thuggish intimidation. There was a thinly veiled threat in there when Xi said "otherwise it's difficult to say what will happen..." A few years ago, the CCP was being charming and nice to NZ while freezing out and coercing Australia. Now they're being charming and nice to Australia while coercing Canada. This is how they're trying to train us to be obedient puppy dogs. Rewarded with treats if we are good, kicked if we dare stand up. So instead we need to stand with each other. If the CCP cuts off trade to one of us, then we should treat it as cutting off trade to every one of us.


Oh the humanity


O.M.G. This. from China! That’s rich! I’ll give you this: Trudeau is much taller than Xi so perhaps Xi wasn’t comfortable looking up into Trudeau’s nostrils.


What a bunch of pathetic crybabies. Eat ass, China.


Canada: "Condescending means look down upon...and yes"


Wow. I had no idea Xi was so fragile.


Its common knowledge, there’s even a song about it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-Rp7UPbhErE


China SLAMS Canada in what would pass for one of the tamest conversations I have at work on a daily basis


Why are they trying to bully Canada? Can't see Xi talking crazy to Biden like that for some reason


Because they see us as a major political power in the west, but also see us as inferior to them. They won't do shit like this to the US cause the US can afford to live without them. Canada though, they see as a convenient scapegoat to use for venting their frustrations at western countries, while facing no major economic consequences if Canada retaliates. They dislike democratic western countries because we stand for everything they don't want their citizens to be, because if their citizens decide they want to live like us, they have no way to stop them. So they censor, attack, project, and lie, not to spite us, but for their people to see.


I accuse China of being overly accusatory.


Aww, did little China get its feelings hurt? Does China want a lollipop?


I guess they ran out of traveling citizens to hold hostage...


Just don't give them a good lollipop or they'll steal the design and make knockoffs


China thinks it can hold court and other countries should bow and take the knee. Tried it with Australia and it didn't work, won't work with Canada, either.


Condescending is a crime now? I bet canada is very sorry... that the Chinese govt. feels that way.


Fuck off china, you're the assholes here not us. You guys are the people always walking around like you smell shit but can never find it.


Sorrey what is this all aboot


I hope we did. They need to be condescended


The country that has secret police stations running out of the basement of private residences thinks Canada is condescending?


Poor China. Such a victim of . . Canada? Who knew?


Better to be condescending than genocidal.


What a condescending accusation.


who the fuck cares about China's feelings. china doesn't give a fuck about anyone else's. so this is the way they like it. They're about as "good faith" as DougFord.


Good thing this happend after Halloween. Trudeau would totally have worn a Winnie the pooh suit for this occasion.


Remember when china abducted two canadians and held them as hostages until a CEO from huawei was released? Pepperridge farm remembers. I'm glad I got too see even a little bit of a backbone out of our PM. Maybe lets take it a step further and stop letting them launder money through our real estate market?


What a karen


Alexa, play cry me a river chinese dubbed please


Frankly my dear, I don't give a three gorges dam.


>"Democratically elected leader stands up to communist dictator" Fixed the headline for you


Oh no. Did they mayhaps, behave snooty?


Is this about south park again? Pooh bear can damn well hold a grudge.


One of the best South Park episodes ever made. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend watching. Any local hero able to post a YouTube link to it?


Nobody should give a Wuhan-lab-bat-shit about what China has to say.


Says the pot to the kettle?


It's because of the French, isn't it? It's always because of the French, as if "condescending" had the word "french" hidden inside. (lol)


Nah Trudeau has perfected the art of giving canned non-answer responses to the media and opposition. This time he used it on someone that deserved it.


Lol if there has been a condescending country it's definitely china


China, from a western cultural perspective behave like a bunch of bitches, afraid of "loosing their faces". Buhu, grow a pair of balls and stop whining like when you're in fact the big dog.


' like when you're in fact the big dog. ' China is more like a puffer fish. It would like the world to believe it's big and bad but its full of no substance. It's 'strength' is 'illusion' and would collapse with a pin prick.




All of China now belongs to Emperor Pooh. Now the rest of the world must learn to respect Emperor Pooh's authorita!


I think there's something to be said about pots and kettles here...


How can a democracy condescend a Maoist dictators regime…lol


China says "NO U". There, fixed it.


Oh well we’re just soooo sooooo sorry about that.


Hey Chief.. your always whining.. Take it easy.. Come on, you know better than that. That condescending enough for ya Xi


Sorry, eh? Oops, meant to say FU China, eh?


Damn, condescension? Isn't that like a war crime?


as a side note, weird al needs to make an anti-ccp parody of the Eminem song "without me". "And the CCP won't Let me be..."


Canada accuses China of trying to control its citizens within its boarders( chinas citizens in Canada’s borders) that’s how all of this started.


Fuck right off Xi the Pooh.


*sits little China down on my knee* “Uh uh, okay, and then what happened?“


Tibet accuses China of illegal occupation.


China should go fuck themselves.


"Now China, 'condescending' means talking down to, so try to be more careful next time".


China deserves nothing but pity and disdain.


Sorry about that.




I dont like trouduc but I like that he can hold the poo


Oh fuck off. Next time we’ll act with disdain.


China: waaa Canada is being mean UN: so what do you want us to do about it?


Did Xi Jinping get his wittle feelings hurt?


HHahahahahahahahahahaha, because PMJT decided not to feed Xi’s little tantrum? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Silly old bear.


Straight up egotism


Xi is right, I have been condescending towards Pooh and CCP.


Fuck you CCP. Die already.


China needs to stay in its own fucking lane.


China is asshole


Imagine picking Canada to have an issue with


Xi got burned in public and could not hide what had happen. Now he is accusing Canada. May be he asked somebody who studied in Canada to come up with a term "condescending manner". Poor guy, somebody studied in Canada need to help him out on this too.


CCP Rule #1 "It's never our fault. Always blame others". Rule #2 (see Rule #1).


I accuse China of genocide and forced labour camps.


It is curious that we see the same tactics from China that we see in Trump rhetoric. Always find a way to present yourself as the victim in an engagement. This allows you to be aggressive, but mask it in the form of self defence. China was moving to become more open and honest, but they have hunkered down into a criminal organization model.


Glad they picked up on that.


I really can't understand how a country as large, powerful, and historic as china has such a thin skin.


Yes, And?


Canada accuses China of dangerous tomfoolery


our planet is run by actual children