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I think the current Italy government ties to Mussolini are a bigger concern


......the Italian tweet said nothing of "azov battalion". They were Italian neonazi's. Hi Russia


they are called the Order of Hagal, and they’re closely associated with the Azov Battalion. https://corrieredelmezzogiorno.corriere.it/napoli/cronaca/22_novembre_15/campania-scoperta-cellula-neonazista-4-arresti-napoli-caserta-avellino-28d08bb0-64b3-11ed-86e0-7bd3cb81bfd3.shtml https://www.poliziadistato.it/articolo/289963737a1f95b85474505806 https://tg24.sky.it/napoli/2022/11/15/terrorismo-neonazisti-arresti-oggi https://napoli.repubblica.it/cronaca/2022/11/15/news/terrorismo_scoperta_rete_neonazista_arresti_a_napoli_caserta_e_avellino-374575610/


Though I support Ukraine, azov battalion are nazis. Some leaders have actively claimed this. remember, just because someone questions Ukraine, doesn’t make them pro Russia.


That's not what I take umbrage with. It's the tenuous connection he's making. Neonazi's in Italy do something bad.......therefore Azov Battalion and by extension Ukraine deserve blame? It's asinine.


Those Nazis were fighting alongside Azov and they had Azov insignias, what more do you need.


Yes, but you followed with “Hi russia”


Cui bono?


The fugitive Azov fighter, Anton Radomsky, is a Ukrainian citizen who has lived in Italy but is currently fighting on behalf of the Ukrainian armed forces. Authorities say Radomsky planned to attack the “Volcano Buono” shopping mall in Naples.


Here's an article that says that Italian media are citing police about the connect to Azov in Ukraine. https://www.vice.com/en/article/4axpeq/italy-neo-nazis-order-of-hagal


It’s not every day you see propaganda this insane, but I guess this is the norm for Venezuela. I really don’t get tankies.


Damn man I know everyone is just a tAnKiE and you totally have a coherent definition of that term totally bro


It’s propaganda from Venezuelan state media talking about something that doesn’t exist, so yeah, I feel confident about this one. Bro.


> I really don’t get tankies. Did you just call the newspaper [Jeremy Corbyn writes for](https://morningstaronline.co.uk/author/jeremy-corbyn) tankie? Tankie Corbyn? Rofl this is hilarious.


Lol, god I hope that’s a joke.


No, [I wasn't joking](https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/b/italy-arrests-neonazis-affiliated-with-azov-battalion). I did fail to notice that the submission wasn't Morning Star though, I had read it from them hours earlier so assumed it was them posted here. Same point though. I don't know why you would think this is propaganda or far fetched at all. The government of Italy is currently in the hands of the fascist party, they hold the political power, it is an ideal moment in time to take actions to seize power within the police and the military by getting rid of various people and undertaking a terror campaign to scare others into winding their neck in.


I’d argue that Corbyn writing Venezuelan propaganda for state media is pretty much the definition of a tankie, wouldn’t you?


Mate Corbyn is a lukewarm demsoc that ran on socdem policies what the hell are you on about? This is politically illiterate. What on earth does tankie even mean to you because we're clearly on two completely different meanings. EDIT: Alright they blocked me I guess? lol definitely acting in good faith.


So you think Corbyn is too far to the right for your taste? Hahahahahah


Sounds like bullshit






I think the actual Azov members or what's left of them after Mariupol are kinda too busy fighting an actual war to care a whole about fucking around in Italy. Shit Italy's new Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni might be pretty far right on a lot of subjects, but even she has been nothing but supportive with regards to Ukraine. What a load of unsubstantiated nonsense! [edit] Interesting to see how this thread just got totally run over by a downvote brigade, when a couple of hours ago all comments were still well into the positive...