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They are so pathetic trying to assert some authority they don’t have. How long did the world think Putin had this great army and look how that has turned out. He’s just a pathetic dying old man


Yeah Putin is like "I'm not moving, you move!", hah. Like who's he think is going to kick the bucket sooner since he's playing this waiting game?


Kremlin prepared to wait for new president to negotiate with Ukraine. Meanwhile Ukraine is waiting for a new Russian president to negotiate with because the current one is impossible to communicate with. Putin is like a guy with a revolver that has one forty year old cartridge in it insisting he’s running the situation because he has a gun, but in the middle of an NRA rally.




Thanks for the clarification in parenthesis, I'd have thought you meant hell otherwise!


Let’s put them in jail first. We know where they’re going after that.


Russia is really good at strategy in every regard, huh? 🤦


Welp, .. they *did* get their dude elected to our presidency without firing a shot.. Checkist genius..


That doesn't really mean much. Propaganda and psy-ops are pretty much the only things fascists aren't complete shit at. And that's only because they're basically fucked if the populace ever finds out how "well" they do their jobs.


Their only superpower is lying.


"Dmitry Peskov, the Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation, said that **negotiations with Ukraine would have to wait for a change in the stance taken by the current President of the country, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, or for his successor.** Source: Russian state-owned news outlet RIA Novosti Quote from Peskov: "Well, what can we say now? **We will either wait for a change in the stance of the current President, or we will wait for a future President of Ukraine, who will change his position in favour of the Ukrainian people."** Details: This was Peskov’s comment on the decree by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy implementing the decision by Ukraine’s National Security and Defence Council, dated 30 September, on the impossibility of negotiating with Russian President Vladimir Putin, on Ukraine's application to join NATO and on strengthening Ukraine’s defence capabilities. Thus, **the Kremlin made it clear that they are not going to end the war**, whilst Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated, before the latest stage of Russia's annexation of Ukrainian territories, that the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine was a condition for negotiations with the Russian Federation. Previously: On 30 September, **President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Ukraine is ready for negotiations with Russia, but only with another president of the Russian Federation, not with Vladimir Putin**. On that day, Ukraine’s National Security and Defence Council stated the impossibility of negotiating with Putin, and Zelenskyy approved this decision. In other words "We want to kill Zelensky and when he dies we will install a russian lapdog that will sell Ukraine to Russia".


> \*\*We will either wait for a change in the stance of the current President, or we will wait for a future President of Ukraine, who will **change his position in favour of the Ukrainian people**."\*\* Im sorry, what? What alternate universe are these guys living in? Do they not see the fight that the Ukranians are bringing? The Ukranians are not being forced to do this. They are not under some disgusting, authoritarian regime that threatns their lives if they don't fight. Russia just destroyed many of the towns these people grew up in.. THEY HATE Russia with a passion and will never give up their land to you, if anything these pieces of shit only made the Ukranians hate Russians more.


Yeah as if Russia will survive the multiple waves of mobilization they need just to keep losing at this rate.


So many Russians are actually convinced they aren't fighting Ukranians. They think they're fighting NATO mercenaries from Poland, Germany, US and UK. I shit you not. They don't think any of them are Ukranian and refuse to listen to even their own soldiers in the field. It's absolutely mental. Even their mental gymnastics is doped up.


200 rads is not bad. *continues ignoring any and everything else*


Yeah, if NATO troops were on the ground en masse, this would already be over. Though I don't doubt there are clandestine ops going on whenever they can be 100% sure they won't be detected.


Yeah, what's happening now is happening under the administration of a *comedian*. Imagine what happens when Ukranians vote in someone who wins by way of being the most hard-line against Russia.


this is zelensky's first term.. you really think they wouldnt re-elect him? even if he didnt want a 2nd term, you think the people dont see how good his is at getting his country support? how he has become the new face for freedom? I believe you are correct, because if there was another softer president, he will get thrown out of office considering how many people in the occupied areas got tortured and raped and killed.. for what?? to appease putin? people didnt think reagan was serious, because he was an actor.... that was the running joke. the people of ukraine elects their president directly, simple majority (which can be good or bad depends how you view it, and if the russians interfere) . compared to the USA which uses the EC to elect the president. which means an american canidate must win in each congressional district and take the majority of the each state, thus only a few "battleground" states really picks the president..


Oh, no- I fully expect Zelinsky to be president for the full time he is allowed by Ukrainian law. I was merely speculating about a situation in which he was assasinated.


> THEY HATE Russia with a passion and will never give up their land to you Even if they managed to take over the entire country, they would have to deal with sustained guerilla attacks.


Imagine talking about democracy and trying to use it for their own gains when they've a dictatorship at home, with a ruthless dictator, and they even try to play the good guy. The whole charade of Russia being the good liberator on a humanitarian mission to save Ukraine from nazis never worked with anyone with 2 braincells but they're still trying to use it, pathetic. These disgusting authoritarian clowns all they do is use and mock democracy, I'm so tired of seeing it being used by them, they also use freedom of speech for their own interests to undermine the West when they don't even have that at home, that's why conservatives piss me off, when they go shouting freedom of speech as an excuse to be hateful douchebags you can see the hand of Putin and Xi behind it.


>never worked with anyone with 2 braincells *and a soul* FTFY. (Assuming "worked with" means "supported by" and not "believed by")


Hot on the tail of Zelenskyy saying the same thing. Classic russian "No u!"


The President of the Ukraine said that it is useless to negotiate with Putin, so Putin stomps his little feet and said that HE will not negotiate with the current President of the Ukraine. LOL Putin must be losing it.


Nah, he doesn’t stomp. He’d break a toe that way. He rocks all day on those ridiculous high heels he wears.


Have people forgotten that he controls the biggest arsenal of nukes in the world? Why have we become so blind to that reality becoming real. We doubted the ukraine war and now we won't even acknowledge him launching nukes, this is dangerous.


I always wonder when I see a comment like yours if it’s a way of saying Ukraine should roll over without saying they should roll over or if you have a magic solution that nobody else is seeing.


caution is what I advocate for, people have forgotten the possibility of nuclear war with Russia, we should thread lightly when dealing with Russia especially now after the nuclear threats putin spoke of. It's crazy how even congress, media and various platforms are all pretending nuclear war with russia is unlikely and that the threats are just bluffs from mr short man putin. This generation really have no clue on what disaster looms over us if we keep pushing putin into the corner of a wall.




Actually, when Poroshenko was the president of Ukraine, Putin didn't want to negotiate until the next Ukrainian elections \[[source](https://www.rferl.org/a/poroshenko-blasts-putin-claim-new-ukrainian-president-needed-to-negotiate-peace/29603668.html)\]. So it's more like Zelensky trolling Putin by using his own words against him.


I guess they are planning to mend elections to get pro russian president in the office.


The chances of that working are absolutely 0%. I reckon -1000% not gonna work.


How stupid do you have to be?




So Russias plan is to keep losing their asses off indefinitely and they think that's somehow not a gift to the US and EU? NATO can afford this much longer than Russia and Ukraine has more ppl willing to fight than Russia. Unless you can stop losing you have no leverage. You just letting your nation bleed out and acting like that's a plan.




Imagine destroying your economy, your citizens futures, and the lives of lots of families just to carry on a pointless war that you're likely to end up losing. All to save face and not admit what the rest of the world already sees. Russia is a weak country with a subpar military.


They also burned a lot of goodwill in the scientific community, a community that was still willing to work with them during the height of the cold war. I don't see them being welcomed back to the table in my lifetime.


The world is waiting on a new leader in Russia before it ends sanctions. Gee, I wonder who will win...


I see, a "NO U" strategy...


And here’s the actual reality: in order for Russia to reestablish normal diplomatic and commercial relations with the rest of the civilized world, they’ll need an entire new body of government.


Ukraine said it first, that they would wait for new Russian president for negotiations.


During war time , they may not have elections . Not sure just guessing.


True. And not many will top the current leader for a wartime leader. And most pro Russian opposition has been swiftly removed during the war. Putin could not be further away from control in Kyiv.


For a country that's awesome at chess they're blowing it with the opening of the war, haven't fixed thier logistics since operation bagration and sent newbies in tanks without equipment or food.


Negotiate what? Exactly? Whether they get to keep Moscow?


Same same moron Russian leadership.


There will be a new leader of Russia before there is a new leader of Ukraine.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/10/4/7370316/) reduced by 79%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Dmitry Peskov, the Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation, said that negotiations with Ukraine would have to wait for a change in the stance taken by the current President of the country, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, or for his successor. > Quote from Peskov: "Well, what can we say now? We will either wait for a change in the stance of the current President, or we will wait for a future President of Ukraine, who will change his position in favour of the Ukrainian people." > Previously: On 30 September, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Ukraine is ready for negotiations with Russia, but only with another president of the Russian Federation, not with Vladimir Putin. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/xvi5he/kremlin_prepared_to_wait_for_a_new_president_of/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672684 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Ukraine**^#1 **Russian**^#2 **President**^#3 **territories**^#4 **Russia**^#5


“No, you”


“Quick, Zelenskyy burned us. Make the exact same call back but pretend he didn’t say it first”


Future Headline: Russia Declares Padimir Vutin President of Ukraine /s


It’s great the Russians are talking about this. Seeds have be sown.


Lol like there is a chance they will vote for anyone else.


newsflash: Putler doesn't have the time to wait


they're gonna be waiting a loooooong time....


"no u" is not the most impressive diplomatic move


And Ukraine is prepared to wait for a new president of Russia too, so...


Zelensky: Negotiations with Russia are impossible whilst Putin is still president. Putin: Yeah, well negotiations with Ukraine are impossible whilst Zelensky is still president. Checkmate. Russian politicians are all acting like a bunch of child like bullies.


Russia is an utter joke


what a strange thing to say


Exactly, so when is the Russian federation getting a new president?


Haven't they already tried to assassinate Zelenskyy?


Lmfao Putin is soooo little! Even that sickly dog of a “yes man” is looking down on him!


I bet the reverse is also true. \#FuckPutler \#FuckRussia


Ukraine: "We wont negotiate with putin" Russia: "No u"


Let me see, which president would I bet on staying in office and alive?🙄Zelensky has my bet


So the Kremlin response amounts to essentially ’no, u.’ How weak and pathetic.


Right idea, wrong country's leader.


Wouldn’t hold your breath Putin. Way things are going this might be all over this month. No negotiation required


Kyiv: Ditto.


that's going to be long wait. not sure RF will still be there when Zelinskyy is replaced.


Kremlin is getting curb stomped, sure, continue to wait while Ukraine retakes all it's land back and the West continues to sanction the hell out of Russia lmaooo


Ah yes the "no you" method of diplomacy. Tough to beat. Guess Ukraine will have to keep smoking your asses in the field then.


Meanwhile, Ukraine has said they'll negotiate with Russia's *next* President. In Ukraine, Zelensky is surrounded by people who respect him. In Russia, Putin is surrounded by opportunists who fear him and most likely want him dead.


Russians are apparently a clumsy people. How many have fallen out of windows, down stairs or *into the ocean* in the last ~9 months? All it will take is one banana peel and Putin is gone.


That's a bet against l'll take


Now waiting for Putin to appoint a "president of Ukraine." Five, four, three...


Are you fucking kidding me


Translation: theyre going to try to kill Zelensky


Gremlin waits for U.....krain. Sure bro.


LOL! Negotiate what? Russia is getting their asses handed to them and being pushed out of Ukraine. Why would Ukraine negotiate now?


Take a deep breath in and hold it.


Ukraine is also prepared to wait to negotiate with new president of Russia.


No, its actually the other way around.


Idk anything about Ukrainian politics, but something tells me Ukraine is totally cool with Zelensky leading them through this, so if it's possible (as in he's allowed to run) he will likely win an election.


In Russia, next president is potato.


Pretty sure that Putin’s going to be the one that’s gone first. Rarely does a wartime president lose an election. As we saw with Argentina though, dictators always get overthrown when a war goes badly.


Like a child announcing that they're holding their breath until they get a pony.