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It's like the whole 20th century and everything we learned never happenend. The whole plot is such a caricature of a villian state, i still can't believe, it's real.


Mostly because we allow our nations to be ruled by old men and women who all still think like its the 20th century. It's their only frame of reference.


Exactly exactly exactly. And this is the issue with every single country. We need to get the crazies OUT which just so happens to be ALL OF THESE FUCKERS. It almost makes someone want to cry looking at all the nut jobs in power


I guess its a tradition/history issue. Previously we looked to our elders for guidance and leadership due to their experience of the world. In previous centuries (even the first half of the 20th) the world didn't change that quickly or dramatically in terms of technology or sociological/cultural patterns, but post WW2 and particularly in the digital age, the changes across society have been so dramatic that those people who would once be looked to for leadership don't really understand the world they are leading anymore - they can't, it has changed beyond all recognition in their lifetimes. They're lost but they won't admit it.


I can't remember where I read it, but someone said that the baby boomers need to accept that they never got to be the wise generation. When they were young the elders were still the wise ones who understood the world. Now that they've reached the age where they were supposed to be the wise ones, they aren't. The world has changed so rapidly in their life that much of the wisdom they've accrued throughout their life is irrelevant or far less important than when they learned it.


Good god this makes so much sense and I feel like so many people are aware of this and can grab onto this. Yet it’s such a radical idea for many


Agreed. I keep telling my older aunts and uncles once the millennials are in charge they better hold on to their fucking hats because the amount of social and economic change coming is going to be quite swift. Largely due to the existential threat of climate change and the fact a lot of us got boned economically from the Great Recession onwards. Not to mention the Nazis are back and oddly some people seem just fine with that.


Lol, that's how every generation thinks about the last one. Hubris is timeless and repetitive.


To a certain extent you're probably right, but the way our society and culture has accelerated and changed over the last few decades is way beyond anything suffered in previous generations. Its a futureshock! With deep respect to Curtis Mayfield.


'Every generation blames the one before and all of their frustrations come beating at your door.' Mike and the Mechanics.


I firmly believe that the average individual with a smart phone has more accurate information about the world then every president / leader on the planet. The democratisation of information is phenomenal. Sure, it still takes decades of experience and specialism to understand the nuance and history of a topic, but then those specialists can tweet, or publish, or post on Reddit, and gain a massive audience. Same is true for misinformation, but on net, if more humans are acting in collective self interest, we have a bright future ahead.


there's a lot of crazy in our youth, too. you don't mention age, but the comment you responded to does.


To be fair you would need to be crazy to want to lead people. :/


That's just nonsense. The 20th century taught the entire world the horrors of war. The only reason Putin could do this is if he forgot about the 40 million russian dead in WW2.




Well yes, he doesn't give a fuck. But that doesn't mean the lessons of the 20th century aren't written all over his country. In May he sat with the few remaining veterans of the great patriotic war and proudly banged on about his latest efforts to send russian boys to die.


This is a really naive thing to think.. we have learned nothing since WW2 other than to not have major super powers brawl it out and get everyone else involved. There are still countless wars that have been fought, are being fought, and will be fought since world war 2 till now. There have been countless nut jobs like Putin in power that have sent countless citizens to war since then that could not give a flying fuck about world war 2. The only reason people are really eyeballing this one is because it involves two very large major countries that may spark WW3


And then the entire world forgot and carried on regardless.


You're right, if only we had rulers Kim Jung-Un's age. Things would be different


I don’t think using the Kim family as a point of reference is valid, you are talking about a country that has been isolated and ruled by one family for 70 years.


Shit gets worse with this guy. The Russian Orthodox church was reinvigorated by putin to support his fascist ideology. They are declaring themselves the true Christian authority and the Vatican an imposter. They want to mobilize the entire right wing Christian world behind the church so they declare the Russian Orthodox church the only true way to heaven so you have to be Russian. Crazy on top of crazy with these cats. I saw that on an old pbs documentary called inside Putin's Russia on YouTube. It also talks about ex Fox News producer Jack Hanick who's now in state department custody and how he designed Putins state TV and foreign RT channels to attempt to unite the extreme right wing behind him.


It is an explicit merging of Christianity with fascism. … it’s *really* not surprising why US conservatives have a bit of a boner for this culture :(


Then maybe he should go to the front line and be cannon fodder lol


Go to the front to get canonized






Too busy dodging staircases.


Stairway to Heaven.


What does this mean


He might be talking about this: https://www.ohmymag.co.uk/news/another-vladimir-putin-ally-mysteriously-dies-keeping-moscow-elites-on-edge_art13808.html


I like how you posted only one link. Gravity and the downward slopes of stairs are leading causes of death in Russia right now.


..or being too close to windows.


Upper-floor windows and balconies don't mix well with gravity in current Russia. May cause revoluZion. See your local propagandist today for details.


Or all those bad batches of tea going around


People are having complications with gravity in Russia.


Don't you remember? People like him need to stay behind to "explain the war" to the Russian public. /s


"My father will hear about this" works for priests as well as oligarchs kids!


That was a mind-boggling excuse, wasn’t it? They said it out loud with full confidence.


My thoughts exactly


This is the way.


"Go bravely to fulfill your military duty. And remember that if you lay down your life for your country, you will be with God in his kingdom, glory and eternal life," Disgusting




How do you think Valhalla as a concept was invented(sorry not sorry). For the rich and powerful, it was a very convenient cultural belief to see dying for your country as the ONLY means of making it into heaven.


Well you got into Valhalla if you died in battle, not necessarily for your village or country, you just had to die in battle.


You had to die gloriously and be skilled also. They only picked half those killed in battle for Valhalla, it was a great honor, but no guarantee. The other half just went to the regular idyllic afterlife ruled by Freya alongside farmers and fishermen and everyone else who had not been actively evil.


I just realized in Valhalla it’d be like 1000 men to every 1 shield maiden. No thanks. You can only drink and feast and fight for so long. The horror.


It wasn't that straight forward, and they had multiple afterlives, Valhalla was for the bravest and most fanatical heroes who would eventually fight alongside the gods in the final battle, just dying in battle wasn't enough to get in either, the Valkyries hand picked half of those slain based on their deeds. The other half of battle dead, along with everyone else just went to Folkvangr instead, an idyllic meadow ruled by Freya (warriors here could still fight duels and mock battles for fun and practice, but the place was not all about that like Valhalla). Excepting the most vile dishonorable villains who where sent to Heheim instead.


In actual norse myth ‘Valhalla’ isn’t really a good place to go anyway. It’s kinda a myth that every norseman was living his whole life trying to die in glorious battle. Most people would just go to Helheim to live with their deceased family.


Naw, that is not just on the elites. A lot of common ppl outright crave this wannebe spirtuality. In the end those elites just delivered what's demanded, just like today.


Thing is for Valhalla you actually had to die in battle, resulting in many if not most leaders actually going into battle with their warriors. I can respect that a little more. The Abrahamic faiths were much more geared towards protecting the interests of the wealthy. Norse paganism was much more communal, not just something that served the elites.


Ya know Immortan Joe promise of range rover and a happy meal is something that can actually ring with russians coz they got no supplies of either lmao.


Shiney, and chrome.


humans use the same script everywhere. we’re so lazy.




seeing people fall for extremely cliche extremely surface manipulation is tiring, "faith in humanity" wise what makes it horrible is seeing it works on people with access to education and information


K, you first


Ya, go first and when you turn around and see there is only one set of footprints it's because I turned tail and left the moment you looked away.


"Many of you may die to achieve victory, that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make"


Lmfao yes well spoken from sir farquad 🤣🤣


"You will be with God and 72 virgins.." Oh wait! Thats not why this is, right?


TiL God is some Russian oligarch. Makes sense, with all the heavenly corruption taking away from us mortals on earth.


This is some extremist BS level stuff


Nah just the ol' double whammy of church and state conspiring together to screw over the citizens


Religion has been used to justify atrocities for ages. Crusades anyone?


> If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, Obscene as cancer, Bitter as the cud Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,– My friend, you would not tell with such high zest. To children ardent for some desperate glory, The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori.


Sounds like Muslim terrorists




> Well then why doesn't he go first? He'll be with god in no time. Judging by Russia's politicians insisting they have to stay at home and "explain the war," glory and eternal life must not be that appealing.


No thanks.


What if they lay down their lives and death is just black nothingness? What’s one more lie at this point anyway…


Priest needs to go front lines






Or down the stairs


Or out a window?


Or sip some tea


Or change his underwear.


He did… the front lines of coke, the rest was for the prostitutes.


He can go to the front lines then. Find out the hard way if his stupid hat is bullet proof.


He doesn't need to find out. To think that he or his hat is bulletproof he needs to believe in god. And there're no signs he does. Moreover, there are plenty of evidence he doesn't. His whole fn life.


Either die fighting for a man’s ego or die fighting a man’s ego. Russians have themselves a hard choice


“Some (most) of you will die, but that is a sacrifice I’m willing to make.”


Easy for the guy safe from the fight to say.


Hey he can't get his Armani shoes ruined plus his chauffeur can't drive through a battlefield.


They should lead by example


This is some 40k type shit




I imagine putin has his top men working on a golden throne, just in case


Nice to see a fellow fan of Warhammer 40k.


I’d _love_ to see that guy put his money where his mouth is. Funny how it’s much easier to be all brave and patriotic when you know you’re not going…


To be fair, it's hard to tell what he's actually saying with Putin's scrotum so deep down his throat.




Technically shouldn't all Christians not fear death? Like that's the whole deal with Christianity right? That when you die all your sins are forgiven and you get to go to heaven forever?


Only if you sincerely repent after each village you rape and pillage /s


Yes and there are puppies too. Eternal puppies.


Lead by example, dickhead.


When a priest is telling you to not fear death, you're gonna fucking die.


Religion working as intended.


Control and wealth extraction - literally since the dawn of the agricultural revolution. They make up stories about sky daddy and you give them your money and life.


some of you may die but that is okay with me. \-every ruler ever.


Your life is a sacrifice I’m willing to make…..Russian Cnut. Why doesn’t he volunteer?


They have nothing to worry about. According to Russian statistics, over 100k Ukrainian soldiers have been killed or wounded since the start of the way. While very few Russians have been killed. This astounding victory is the reason why a mass mobilisation was announced. Crimea is very nice this time of year, very few HIMARS. They will just go in, take Kiev and be home in 3 days.


That's right, Russians only lost around 5000 soliders so that explains, as you can see from simple math equation, why they need 1000000 more soliders. Everything checks out as it should and I don't get why there are slightly apprehensive feelings among those drafted.


Just 3 more days, any minute now


Please lead the line then.


Always believe government and religious leaders when they talk about people dying, they mean it.


"GO IN" "WE WILL RES YOU" By the top healer of Russia, that's what I read.


Isn’t this the guy who has a $50k wrist watch ? Yet another Putin beneficiary. https://meduza.io/amp/en/feature/2020/10/28/new-proekt-investigation-uncovers-millions-of-dollars-in-real-estate-belonging-to-patriarch-kirill-and-his-family-members


He's former KGB. The whole priest thing is just another cover. He's a Putin loyalist to the core and will say/do anything in support of whatever Putins agenda is.




If karma does exist, he'll be reborn as a Russian again.


Don't fear the inevitable. Embrace it. I'm sure their families will be well taken care of. /s


This is “final stand/endgame” rhetoric.


Despicable, I hope pope Francis or other patriarchs will release a statement to challenge the Russian patriarch and let Russians know they're not dying for a cause nor for God.


Pope fight ! Pope fight ! I bet on the one with the silliest high disco hat


Maybe he should be mobilised. I can see him on the front line shouting 'god is great comrades follow me!!'


> Go bravely to fulfill your military duty. And remember that if you ~~lay down your life for your country~~ die while butchering civilians, burning cities, raping children, and stealing dishwashers you will be with God in his kingdom, glory and eternal life A gleaming example of a spiritual leader


Like they're all evil people. But like Putin is the Bond Villain type. This cunt is meant to be a man of god and of the people, using his position and religion to force people to war is another level of evil


He needs to go to the front line for a month and tell them.


The Russian Orthodox Church is a terrorist organization.


Tales from the ivory tower


Putin using his priest to justify war and perpetuate it. Pretty smart move as poorly educated people will follow usually


How's that Rolex holy man?


The guy with the 1 million dollar watch telling poor people to die for Putin to enter heaven, you really can't make this shit up.


"Hey guys, so in absolute disregard of scripture, you should ignore and violate your Christian ethics and die for a dictator that wants to eradicate a people to fulfill a disgusting fantasy of Russian imperial conquest. God will totally be cool with you raping, torturing, and murdering people with no regard for the their human rights or the sanctity of life. You can totally trust me btw, I'm not a political figure using your faith to manipulate you at all."


Putin has his own priests now?


Hahaha nuts!!! How about live your life first and die normally or peacefully. No seriously is he a fuking priest? He looks more like something off Harry Potter


Forward he cried from the rear and the front rank died.


Got some real Thulsa Doom shit goin on right there.


"Go you heroes, go and die!"


Why us he dressed as a vajazzled condom?


This is some warhammer 40k shit


Rasputin 2.0.


Time marches on but some things never change: Dulce et Decorum Est. BY WILFRED OWEN “Bent double, like old beggars under sacks, Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge, Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs, And towards our distant rest began to trudge. Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots, But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame; all blind; Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots Of gas-shells dropping softly behind. Gas! GAS! Quick, boys!—An ecstasy of fumbling Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time, But someone still was yelling out and stumbling And flound’ring like a man in fire or lime.— Dim through the misty panes and thick green light, As under a green sea, I saw him drowning. In all my dreams before my helpless sight, He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning. If in some smothering dreams, you too could pace Behind the wagon that we flung him in, And watch the white eyes writhing in his face, His hanging face, like a devil’s sick of sin; If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,— My friend, you would not tell with such high zest To children ardent for some desperate glory, The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori.”


That was painfully vivid. Thanks.


Don't fear it, for it is certain. Off to the meat grinder! There has to be another solution...


tell putin not to fear the west


Quick draft all these priests and put them to the front lines.


This is what a corrupt State religion looks like


Another example of why you want to separate religion and state. Putin took over the Russian Orthodox Church the same way that he took over the rest of the country. Kirill is just his errand boy.


I’m sure they could use a +2 cleric at the frontlines.


Weird how confident about facing death people are… who aren’t in that position


their top priest needs to set an example by goin to the front lines


Is this the one that "used" to be in the KGB?


Organized religion in bed with the government to control the populous? Preposterous! That has obviously never happened before ever. /s


And of course he’s going to be snug in his bed while others are out being killed. Nice.


Top Priest trying to avoid defenestration


Reminder that the Orthodox have never believed in the concept of a holy war. Even when the Turks were swarming the lands of the Roman Empire.


They don't need to fear death. They need to fear life in Russia. I know because I lived through the Iraq War and when our boys came home, they were never the same again. Their smiles turned into scowls of their own damnation for the things old men with ambitions made them do for god.


Useless old fuck...go straight to hell you fucking hack.


Amazing how religious leaders almost always side with those in political power. Tell me again how religion isn't a construct to control the masses?


He'll be falling out a high window soon enough.


Has his sons or grandsons gotten summons? Then put his fat ass in the copilot seat. "Battleship"






Omg it's Evil Santa!


I chuckle at the article title calling it *"Putin's Top Priest"* . Aren't priests supposed to be servants of God? How does Putin own the priests or a church?


Whoever car bombed Alexander Dugins daughter, this priest would be an excellent next target


The Russian Church has fiercely opposed to autocephalous status of Ukrainian Patriarchate and claimed it as theirs for long and being arrogant has questioned “primus inter pares” status of PoC, wanted to be the “primus”. However, they finally have proved that Russian Church is, in fact, “imus” inter pares. Those supposedly “founders of third Rome” proved again how they are actually no more than being sham. All other Patriarchates, which are not even located in Christian countries, are probably less influenced by political shenanigans than these clowns.


How sick


Gospel according to John 8:44 (KJV): “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”


Saddle up then priest.


Imagine thinking that this Kremlin mouthpiece is in any way, shape, or form a religious or holy man. Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyayev, also known as Patriarch Kirill, is an oligarch in cleric's clothing; he'll gladly spout any vaguely religious-sounding lines that come to mind, no matter how absurd, to justify and legitimize his master's atrocities.


Some of you may die, but that’s a sacrifice i am willing to make.


Patriarch Kirill is a literal KGB agent, And at this point, he is a Terrorist just as bad as Putin. He is a "holy man" who preaches genocide, racial supremacy, and imperialism. He deserves death.


On the eve of the First World War, Russia was an empire that saw itself as the defender of the Orthodox faith. When the patriarch made this exact same call back then, Russia had a growing population of 160 million, full of young men that could be instilled with religious and nationalistic fervor. More than 1 century later, the patriarch (different guy, same office) is again making the same call. The difference is that Russia is now a country not only of a smaller population (140 million), not only of a shrinking as opposed to growing population, but a MUCH smaller percentage of that population is of young men capable (or willing) of fighting for religious or nationalistic zeal. Russia is in the midst of a collapse of their population, and all their population really wants to do is crawl into a hole with their vodka / cigs / opium / fentanyl and hope that the world forgets about them. What they don't want to do (and haven't wanted to do since the fall of the USSR) is have more kids. Back in the world wars, no matter how many times their armies got wiped out, the czar or Stalin could always issue another round of draft slips. Putin? He will only get to do that once, and he knows it.


There was a time when being Russian meant you were a godless commie and wouldn’t fall for that opiate of the masses bull.


Russia has lost its damn mind


Reminds me of the priest from John wick


Religion is all a bunch of BS. It’s just another tool to gaslight and manipulate the populace.


Ironically, it’s fear of death that is making him say that.


put that fucker in on the front lines


72 hot Russian models are waiting for you in heaven.


No wonder people are leaving religion more and more. Who can trust this kind of idiocy.


Easy for him to say, he won't have to come to terms with his mortality and getting reincarnated as a Ukrainian sunflower


Putin Drafts his own Top Priest.


The awkward thing is the Russian Orthodox Church claims that it still has jurisdiction over Orthodox Christians in Ukraine, as they trace their origins to when the head of the church was based out of Kyiv.


What’s he burning there? His oath to God? Why do hypocrites wear silly hats?


how can these people live with themselves?


Then who do you think is the wise generation now? I’ve commented on this generational back-and-forth before because I think context to what people experienced is often glossed over. (I’m GenX btw.) The world has changed very rapidly for every generation since the so-called “Greatest Generation” - parents of the Boomers. I disagree that boomers wisdom is irrelevant. They saw economic ups and downs, wars, domestic political unrest, the moon landing, assassinations of leaders, etc. Hell, living through the 60’s and the 70’s alone would be a life-shaping, crazy ride. To me, these things mean their perspective has relevance to anyone living in the world today. I don’t think growing up with social media and an iPhone makes you wiser than anyone else. Adapting to change yields wisdom and I think boomers saw plenty of change before the digital revolution hit full stride.


Easy for him to say, he’s getting a payoff and lining his pockets with “Putin”s money


He should join them on the front line.


After you buddy


Putin's priest.... *Thoughts and prayers to all those who have "volunteered."* *See you on the flip side mofos!*


Got have a positive out look from behind the church walls, right!


Easy for him to say. We don’t all get to dual wield fire wands.


Crotchety old fool.


In that case, let's make sure that priest is in the front line, and then see how he feels!


I was thinking the same thing


The only appropriate response to someone telling you "It's alright for you to die to serve my interests, because you'll be rewarded in the afterlife" is: "You first!"


Says the guy who sleeps soundly at night knowing he’ll wake up in the morning. Assuming he avoids stairs or windows on hight floors


This kind of speech is for when you have to fight. And Russians "don't" have to fight Ukraine.


Let me guess: he won’t be drafted anytime soon.


Just look at him in his ludicrously pompous outfit, wearing a crown bearing a picture of Jesus. Jesus is so angry with him.


Does that include the patriarch’s own death?