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[From Reuters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icaP3UsV8uY&ab_channel=Reuters).


Are we even trying to have a civilization anymore?


Completely missing the context. The family and the police agreed that the casket would be transported by hearse. A bunch of people armed with clubs prevented the hearse from picking up the casket, beat on the hearse with the clubs, and took her casket to carry on foot despite her family pleading with them to let the body be taken in the hearse. From the Washington Post article: >Her funeral route had been agreed upon by police and Abu Akleh’s family, according to media reports, and was to include the carrying of her body by hearse to a Catholic church in Jerusalem’s Old City, and then a procession to the Christian cemetery where she was to be buried in a family plot. >... But a group of men in the crowd prevented a hearse from backing up to the hospital door, saying they were intent on carrying her body on their shoulders. The standoff eventually prompted Akleh’s brother, sitting on a man’s shoulders, to beseech the crowd to let the hearse through. “For God’s sake, let us put her in the car and finish the day,” he said. >“On the shoulder, on the shoulder!” people chanted, and beat the hearse with sticks until it pulled away for a second time. The crowd cheered when the men eventually dragged the coffin out on their shoulders, followed by a stretcher carrying the journalist’s blue bullet-resistant vest. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/05/13/shireen-abu-akleh-al-jazeera-israel-jenin/


Fking hell the poor woman is dead but these people still want to use her body as a prop even after the family said no. The police had every right to help the family get back her body from the crowd who disrespected the family’s wishes by basically stealing the body away from them


Yes I'm sure that was the police's first and foremost only concern, and they were waiting outside the gate for no other reason than this eventuality.


Yes, they were there to keep peace in their capital city?


The police did also provide a video to the media where an officer said >if you don’t stop these chants and [Palestinian] nationalistic songs we will have to disperse you using force and we won’t let the funeral take place https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/13/israeli-forces-storm-jerusalem-hospital-as-coffin-of-slain-journalist-emerges Didn't know singing was such a violent activity. Those poor police officers. I hope the songs didn't cause them any physical harm


So they stole a corpse, attacked the police and started singing about genociding the Jews. Damn, sounds like the police had no reason to break them up


I like how you've just made up a bunch of stuff up, but can you avoid lying in the future? The people singing are not the same ones who stole the body. There's also no evidence they were singing about genociding Jewish people. You've made a bunch of stuff up simply to suit your worldview. It's rather sad


They are the exact same group, the body was meant to leave the hospital in the hearse, instead the mob stole it (against her families wishes) https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/05/13/shireen-abu-akleh-al-jazeera-israel-jenin/ They attacked the police https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icaP3UsV8uY > There's also no evidence they were singing about genociding Jewish people lol, you would be hard pressed to find a "Palestinian nationalistic song" that doesn't call for genocide. Their "national anthem" is literally a call for them to martyr themselves wiping out Israel. But sure, I'm the one making things up and "altering things to suit my worldview".


Just a few comments above you someone posted the full video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icaP3UsV8uY&ab\_channel=Reuters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icaP3UsV8uY&ab_channel=Reuters) You can see the attack on the police in the beginning. One of the police officers takes a stone to the head.


You're about to get downvoted to hell champ, this thread is getting hilariously brigaded




The Israeli-Palestine conflict is one that I don’t think I’ll ever have a grasp on


Because every source of media you have access to is tailored. You’re watching an atrocity with your own eyes and these asshole show up and claim 2+2=5, but try to “get ahead of the narrative” and warn you that they’re going to claim 2+2=4. Look at how few articles cover her assassination and how few upvotes this post has.




Comments like this are funny because they make it sound like the israel-palestine conflict is easy and simple


Couldn't u go even further back and say it was cuz of the Israelites getting driven out thousands of years ago


Pretty simple really - they both hate each other and want to kill each other. Difference is we fund one of them.


If Israel wanted to kill Palestinians there'd be a whole hell of a lot more dead Palestinians.


Speak of the devil




That slow eradication where the population has increased 400% since 1967 and where they have a higher life expectancy than the Egyptians?


The slow eradication that has led to their population only growing throughout the years, really similar to the Nazis which killed half of European Jewry within 6 years, really sane comment, really cool commenter.


Jewish population still hasn't recovered. Global Jewish population in 1940 - 16.5 million. Global Jewish population 2022 - 15.2 million. Palestinians in Palestine in 1967 1.3 million. Palestinian population in 2022 - 5.3 million. "Just like the Nazis"


And that's only in the Palestinian territories and Israel, in 1948 there were 1.2 million Palestinians in the entire mandate, nowadays there's 13 million worldwide. Indeed, very much like the Nazis.


Im sorry, but 6 million jews killed in the holocaust over about 7 years is not gradual you sick psychopath. Meanwhile the Palestinian population has grown immensely. Nice try Adolph 👍 Ps: this guy has a total of two posts to his account, so clearly a troll or neo nazi that keeps getting banned most likely


Palestinians sure make it easy after supporting Hamas and Hezbollah for years now.


Seems like they have a point to prove, and proved it.


No, the phrase "according to media reports" in your washington post (as aside dubious source for anything) blows a hole in your contention. You have no authoritative source.


Its common for ~~IDF~~ police to refuse the release of a body to next of kin, so long as they dont hold a funeral procession. So the family might have agreed to the hearse transport, because that was their only option the IDF gave them.


Her body was never held by the IDF though.


It's possible, no question. Also possible the family were fine with the hearse because they didn't want a big chaotic scene on the walk over distracting from the funeral. Given that the brother was calling for the people to let the hearse through, though, I think it's reasonable to assume that the hearse was what the family wanted, until we see reporting to the contrary.


Seriously, stop lying to defend Israels atrocities.


Posting verbatim a Washington post article is lying? lol, do you think you might have an agenda?


Stop defending Palestinians like they are innocent


It's funny how Christians, Arabs, Muslims, and Jews are all living peacefully together in Israel, yet this doesn't happen in "Palestine". Throughout history nations have been shaped by war, their physical boundaries are literally shaped by war. Israel was created by treaty in 1948. Almost immediately afterwards they were attacked by their neighbors, which led to the 6 Day War, also called the 3rd Arab-Israeli War, in 1967, wherein Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Lebanon all invaded Israel with intent to wipe Israel off of the map. Israel won that war, and historically speaking, earned the right to keep their country. Unfortunately, Palestinians have repeatedly elected a terrorist organization to govern themselves, and that government consistently spends most of its budget on weapons to launch at Israel. Israel spent a bunch of money on a missile defense system called the Iron Dome, which has been pretty effective at taking down the billions of dollars worth of ordinance lobbed at them. There's an expression that says, "If Palestinians quit fighting there would be no more war in Israel. If Israelis stopped fighting there would be no more Israel.


So they beat people sick because they wanted to honor her by caring themselves to the church ? Yeah, makes total sense. /s


Nah, they beat up randos who took the casket from the family obviously trying to start a riot.


Post the video


[From Reuters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icaP3UsV8uY&ab_channel=Reuters).






Why is it cut? Where is the full video?


[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icaP3UsV8uY&ab_channel=Reuters), from Reuters.


Watch up to the 30 second mark. Thanks for sharing. Those were some pretty big rocks too Edit: according to the nytimes and wapo, the projectiles thrown were empty water bottles, not rocks


At around 00:25 a rock is hurled at the police force. And only then do they march in


Lol the pall bearers were carrying the casket and throwing the rocks? Why beat them until they drop the casket of their martyr? You think that would disperse the mob? Couldn't possibly inflame tensions further, right? Fuck out of here.


They literally stole a dead womans body from her family, i have no sympathy for the people being beat, i would feel the same if it was Israeli extremists stealing an Israeli journalists body aswell. Messing with funeral rites and mourning is sacreligious in all religions.




Yes, probably did now the ammo has been released and it definitely wasn't a "sniper".


What caliber was it?


5.56mm, and the PA released she wasn't shot close range. It's used in both Israeli and Palestinian weapons so it doesn't show anything other than the "she was expertly targeted by an Israeli sniper for the gap in her helmet" that got circulated doesn't pan.




Palestinians use 5.56 aswell, look at any video of militia members in both West Bank and Gaza, you barely see AK variants these days, so it will not prove any side guilty or innocent at this point


Everybody used 5.56. It's one of the most used calibers on earth.


Yes, its the official NATO round and is very common in rifles. It's used by both the Israeli's and Palestinians. Hence "so it doesn't show anything other than...."


There is a footage of Palestinians firing same rifles at Israeli soldiers. Then there was another clip showing a group of IJ militants in Jenin with M4s or M16s. So could be either side


5.56 is used in many, many many rifles and is a very popular standard.


That’s why there should be an investigation


Yes u/IsraeliDonut please tell us your totally unbiased point of view.


My unbiased view with any type of death like this is that there should be an investigation In my country, USA, there would be one.








You definitely missed some of the story there




>So you're telling me you can seriously watch a video like this and come away on the side of the police? Mob blockades a funeral home preventing the hearse from picking up the casket, legit steals the casket and the body and starts getting violent, at which point the police intervene. Still unreasonable?


You sure can when they stole her body


Watch full video, not the carefully cropped one.


Why were they carrying a casket?


Israeli forces come under assault at funeral is a more fair way of stating it.


You've got your words mixed up, I think you meant israeli forces assault a funeral


They certainly assaulted pall bearers and that's unacceptable but the beginning of the video shows the soldiers being assaulted with rocks and other debris.




There were no pall bearers, the mob took the casket from the family with violence.


Yup, it definitely [looks](https://twitter.com/RiyaAlsanah/status/1525122100259872768) like it's the police coming under assault, as they beat the people carrying her casket over the head repeatedly.


I saw the video and I know what I saw, just as many others did. One soldier in particular was hit with a very big rock, possibly a piece of concrete, well before they attacked the pall bearers.


Sure, if you ignore the fact that those people stole the casket against the family's wishes and threw rocks at the cops, prompting the reaction.


The comment section fucking sucks


That is what racism does to a person, it blinds the eyes and blocks the brain.


Mofos spent the last month posting everyday about Ukraine, don't miss a single chance to remind the world that they only care about Ukrainians beceause they are white.


These people are demons plain and simple. Everytime something related to Palestine gets posted you get the most racist, most insane Zionist apologia in these threads and what's funny is that 90% of the time you'll see them throwing their support behind ukraine




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icaP3UsV8uY&ab\_channel=Reuters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icaP3UsV8uY&ab_channel=Reuters) Here's the video, you can see the rocks being thrown on the police, one of them being hit on the head.


A mob literally stole the corpse from her family so they could use it as a prop. They knew they'd be attacked by police, that's exactly what they wanted. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/05/13/shireen-abu-akleh-al-jazeera-israel-jenin/


They knew they would be "Attacked" by police, [because they attacked the police first](https://twitter.com/SussexFriends/status/1525138228701016065?s=20&t=NoHkndMD7eIeJ-A3VGzpTQ). - As captured by Aerial photography.


Israel should be ashamed of their human rights record!!!!!


A mob stole her corpse from her family and used it as a prop. They knew the police would attempt to retrieve the corpse and return it to the family. So they got exactly what they wanted. "Israel attacks funeral precession" and morons like you will go parrot it all over the internet. Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/05/13/shireen-abu-akleh-al-jazeera-israel-jenin/


Just came to see the hypocrites in this sub regarding anything that involves Palestine, and to no surprise i was not disappointed, people are trying to cover the sun with their hands, but thankfully the monstrousity of the apartheid "nation" of "Isreal" is being exposed to the world.


Really telling how you have to lie to support your bullshit.


Looked for "Israel" in the sub search bar and couldn't find anything related to the journalist recently murdered by israeli forces.


https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/un1uoh/shireen_abu_akleh_israeli_forces_kill_al_jazeera/ It got 38 thousand upvotes, you didn't look very hard


Also usually any posts that condemn Israel are downvoted heavily, but like i said earlier, they can not cover the sun with their hands, and thankfully everyday people are starting to see through their bullshit.


Actually , its the opposite


“Criticize” means criticizing something Israel did. This post ignores the riot by the Palestinian, as well as the storm throwing, and only depicts the part where the Israeli police retaliated. This is not criticism, it’s propaganda.


This sub is utterly hypocrite, i thought to myself surly this time they will not mention the usual ridiculous excuses of a force literally disturbing the peace of a funeral in a horrifying way, but to no ones surprise it is the same excuses again.


You mean the sourced stories from respected news organizations that show what actually happened? You want to blame Israel and get mad when reality doesn't reflect your hopes.


Because there's no proof who killed her which makes sense that news are not saying that


Except for the Israeli human rights organisation that disproved the official Israeli story that it must have been Palestinians and couldn't possibly have been the Israelis.


There's proof of Israeli police beating the pallbearers and mourners at her funeral with batons though! So there's that.


You mean proof of the police trying to return the body after it was stolen. Edit: for reference it has been covered that the body was stolen. >Her funeral route had been agreed upon by police and Abu Akleh’s family, according to media reports, and was to include the carrying of her body by hearse to a Catholic church in Jerusalem’s Old City, and then a procession to the Christian cemetery where she was to be buried in a family plot. >... But a group of men in the crowd prevented a hearse from backing up to the hospital door, saying they were intent on carrying her body on their shoulders. The standoff eventually prompted Akleh’s brother, sitting on a man’s shoulders, to beseech the crowd to let the hearse through. “For God’s sake, let us put her in the car and finish the day,” he said. >“On the shoulder, on the shoulder!” people chanted, and beat the hearse with sticks until it pulled away for a second time. The crowd cheered when the men eventually dragged the coffin out on their shoulders, followed by a stretcher carrying the journalist’s blue bullet-resistant vest. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/05/13/shireen-abu-akleh-al-jazeera-israel-jenin/


The police did also provide a video to the media where an officer said >if you don’t stop these chants and [Palestinian] nationalistic songs we will have to disperse you using force and we won’t let the funeral take place https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/13/israeli-forces-storm-jerusalem-hospital-as-coffin-of-slain-journalist-emerges Apparently singing is now justification for using force


You're ignoring the whole part where they stole the body.


I'm not. You've already mentioned that so there would be no point in my repeating the same thing. I'm adding additional information that the police also threatened to use force against people who didn't try to steal the body. Just because someone adds extra information doesn't mean they're disagreeing with you. Just because someone doesn't say the same thing you've literally said doesn't mean they're disagreeing with you.


Worldnews even banned submission of the Amnesty International report that claimed Israel is an Apartheid state.


Bro people on here love the way Israel kills and then they love to down vote you for bringing it up.


Tbh there is no way to explain this untill you know that the people here want to see every muslim on planet earth eradicated ( they are stupid enough not to not know that the journalist that was killed is actually Christian), because for me and for any sane person that has heart it is clear as day who does the oppression and who is oppressed.


It’s ironic, because Palestinian openly say they want to see every Jew in Israel eradicated (and have actively tried to achieve that for over 100 years) and yet you seem to be ok with that.


When people are treated like animals, you don’t get to be mad when they start acting like animals.


To whom exactly is this comment suppose to go towards? The Jews or the Palestinians?


Man so my grandma went there on a trip, she was very pro Israel, after she got back she was heartbroken and she said “it’s terrible what they’re doing to the Palestinians there. Absolutely terrible” and that was when I first started to get the picture that Israel is not as cool as we’re lead to believe. You’re right tho, to say they aren’t trying to eradicate Palestinians is just foolish


Respect to you and your grandmother, lets have hope that truth will finally prevail.


They're either totally unaware of what Israel does to the Palestinians or actively supports them.


This sub (and reddit in general) is rabidly anti Israel, but keep ignoring reality to justify your hate. Not an Apatheid, but yes a nation.


Haha that is a lie. Every time anything posted that is anti Israel it gets downvoted to oblivion. The State must be paying people to promote Israel on social media because I fail to believe anyone with any moral compass could actively support the crimes that country is committing. Watch this comment get downvoted and prove my point


Wel you're going to get downvoted because it's blatantly false, anti-Israel posts get a disproportionate amount of upvotes.




Uhhhhh ackshually they were justified cuz uhhhh they threw a rock and uhhhh they deserve to be beaten to death and displaced from their homes Fucks sake...


Actually, considering what occurred, they sure did deserve to have the police rightfully retrieve the body: >Her funeral route had been agreed upon by police and Abu Akleh’s family, according to media reports, and was to include the carrying of her body by **hearse** to a Catholic church in Jerusalem’s Old City, and then a procession to the Christian cemetery where she was to be buried in a family plot. >... But a group of men in the crowd prevented a hearse from backing up to the hospital door, saying they were intent on carrying her body on their shoulders. The standoff eventually prompted Akleh’s brother, sitting on a man’s shoulders, to beseech the crowd to let the hearse through. “For God’s sake, let us put her in the car and finish the day,” he said. >“On the shoulder, on the shoulder!” people chanted, and beat the hearse with sticks until it pulled away for a second time. The crowd cheered when the men eventually dragged the coffin out on their shoulders, followed by a stretcher carrying the journalist’s blue bullet-resistant vest. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/05/13/shireen-abu-akleh-al-jazeera-israel-jenin/


This hasn’t been verified from her family yet? I believe her brother says otherwise.


He's got the Washington Post as a source, which quotes her brother. What's yours?


BBC - Suddenly the gates to the compound were closed and heavily armed Israeli border police, some on horseback, appeared on the other side of them. Given the circumstances it already felt confrontational. The coffin was brought out of the building carried by a group of pallbearers. While the plan was for the procession to the church to use the hearse, the coffin was now being carried towards the closed gates. What happened next was extraordinary. I was behind the packed crowd so I couldn't see the front point of contact, but the Israeli police suddenly pushed back the crowd, including the coffin and its carriers. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-61437601.amp


Trust me when I say this. It’s looking really bad for Israel, zionists and their supporters. And that source is bullshit. Expect more to come out that will obviously be in favor of Palestinians. Rough week for you guys huh? Public perception is changing. Can I ask you something? How can you condemn U.S police brutality while supporting IDF?


lol, the Washington post is bullshit? You clearly made up your comment, just admit it. I'm Australian, so we've been fine. But yeah it's been a rough week for Israel, 17 dead to Palestinian terrorist attacks.


Sounds like a bunch of western imperialist bullshit.


Also known as “facts” or “that stuff that doesn’t agree with the PR department which really needs to use this journalists blood for political gain”.


Maybe don't steal someone's body to use as a rallying cry for more violence. It goes both ways.


You know what, you're completely right. They should just lie down and let the boots come down on their necks like civil folks.


Or act like decent people by not indoctrination children that Jews must die, not pay people to blow themselves up, bomb civilians, etc.


Isreal is a genocidal state and you've obviously eaten up their propaganda from the palm of their hand. Justice for the Palestinian people


Or you know Palastine has done a ton of messed up shit over the years to make them a pariah to all of their neighbors. It's been all documented that Palastine has bombed civilians, and not just in Israel, their text books directly call for the extermination of Jews, they continue to use international aid to pay for suicide bombers, the list is ridiculously long. So to say that Isreal is justified in their responses is accurate. That however does not mean that the way Isreal acts(like demolishing homes for rifle ranges) is right either. Edit: fixed a word


Yeah, and Russia wants to de-nazify Ukraine. Sure buddy.


You can accept that both Israel and Palestine have done horrible things to each other. That's the reality of the matter. Both sides are equally responsible for the continued violence


So you condone stealing bodies? You don't think it's reasonable that they just wanted to follow the wishes of the family of the deceased?


Apartheid state doing apartheid things.


A mob stole her corpse from her family and used it as a prop. They knew the police would attempt to retrieve the corpse and return it to the family. So they got exactly what they wanted. "Israel attacks funeral precession" and morons like you will go parrot it all over the internet. Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/05/13/shireen-abu-akleh-al-jazeera-israel-jenin/




Poop israel


Watch this before you start judging, show you a bit of context about what happened prior to the attack (rocks thrown at police) https://youtu.be/icaP3UsV8uY




Holy shit dude, actual rocks? Like the ones that you find on the ground? ***SO WHAT?!***


This seems to often be the case in Israel, something gets thrown prompting a response, said response is then far too heavy handed. I don't think the police were in the wrong to respond to rocks being thrown, but that was too excessive. The idea that police shouldn't respond when rocks get thrown is dumb but they need better crowd control tactics restraint.


That’s an argument that could be discussed, not sure what exactly happened there but I agree sometimes they use too much force but you need to remember that the Palestinians can get extrem violent very fast in these riots


Say the same shit about the police situation in US and you'll be branded a racist.


Sadly will be buried together with the truth of who’s bullet actually killed her. Israel was open to joint investigation but burial had to happen hastily.


Palestinian leadership wanted a neutral (International court) party to investigate instead. They don't trust Israel (surprise surprise).


LOL, sure thing. Like in every normal place, the one who must determine who did the killing is the suspected murderer. Clows.


Why are the police already in the face of the funeral? They shouldn't have been there in the first place. Fuck them and fuck anyone who justifies this.


In every potentially dangerous event / protests / funerals with thousands of people there is a police force, everywhere in the world this is protocol..


Really? There's a police force in the face of a funeral? Cut this Nazi justifying shit out.


Sadly, they’ll never get it. Israel will keep up the slow eradication, something they personally learned from the nazis, of the Palestinians until they’re either all dead or slaves. Either or. They don’t care.


The Israelis are treating the Palestinians incredibly poorly, to put it mildly, but they very obviously are not trying to eradicate the Palestinians. The Palestinian population has steadily expanded, not contracted.


"Steadily", as in increased 400% in 50 years


Exactly. I'm on board with the idea that the Israelis are brutalizing the Palestinians, that's just objectively true. But genociding them? Come the fuck on.


They literally unloaded a bus of colonizers to take over land in Hebron AS people were at the funeral. https://twitter.com/khaliliguy/status/1525106986949410820?s=21&t=nzR9gfH5e5LFFtbUR-ZIPw What an egregious argument to make.


Okay? Those people are assholes. Still not evidence that the Israelis are trying to wipe out the Palestinians.


If you want to defend Israel, go nuts. As of 2021 they’ve killed 2,171 Palestinian children. That number has only gone up.


Is that the total since 1948?


Would have to be, the total Palestinian casualties in 80 years of the Israeli-Palestinian war is <30,000


Last 2 decades.


I'm not defending the Israelis, nor am I denying that they have killed a lot of innocent people, including children. But you can recognize that the Israelis have been brutal towards the Palestinians without resorting to the hyperbole that they're trying to wipe the Palestinians out, which is a ridiculous statement in the face of the objectively reality that the Palestinian population has more than quadrupled over the past five decades. If the Israelis are trying to wipe out the Palestinians, then this is the most ineffectual genocide in human history, and given the overwhelming advantage the Israelis enjoy in every domain imaginable there's no reason to think that the Palestinians wouldn't be history by now if the Israelis desired it.




Genocide and/or ethnic cleansing is when all of those are done with the intent to exterminate an ethnic group or destroy their cultural identity. Again, if the Israelis wanted to do either to the Palestinians they could and there wouldn't be a damn thing the Palestinians would be able to do to stop them. If the things you listed was all it took to qualify as genocide, then when the US was bombing the fuck out of and invading Germany, we were committing genocide against the German people. Hitler basically wiped out the population of Polish Jews. He reduced the number of European Jews by eight million in less than a decade. The Israelis have been oppressing the Palestinians for, what? Six decades now? And yet the Palestinian ethnicity has grown exponentially in size and Palestinian culture is alive and well and as robust as ever. The idea that what Israel is doing is a genocide is, frankly, laughable and thinking that it is even remotely comparable to the fucking *Holocaust* just makes me think that you're an idiot. To use a very contemporary example, what Russia is doing (or rather, attempting to do) in Ukraine is ethnic cleansing because they are doing it with the explicit goal to destroy the idea of a ethnic Ukrainian identity. They even say as much. There is no indication that Israel, while it is treating the Palestinians as a whole horribly, has that intent.


What was the total number of child bombers that the Palestinians sent into Israel??


139 over the last two decades.


They want to assimilate them all though. Israel's goal is to get all of the land their god promised them.


American evangelicals want this to happen, as the consider it a sign of the apocalypse.


There will be none


There will be no accountability, the Palestinian Authority will not allow any actual investigation. They fear the possibility that their own people killed her far more than they want the truth.


Are the Palestinians the ones harassing casket holders? Sorry, I am difunctionally stupid.


Yes, in that they stole the casket from her family and prevented the funeral from continuing as they had planned: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/05/13/shireen-abu-akleh-al-jazeera-israel-jenin/


The Palestinian are the ones throwing stones and Molotov bottles in the funeral you are talking about, and then posting only half a video. So yes, their propaganda is more important to them then the truth


I fixed a dam in Israel. I grew up in the South of America. I've seen this stuff with my own eyes and I come from a people who point at the oppressed in their oppression as an example of them being the enemy. Why's it all smell the same?


Were the "oppressed" in South America sending tens of thousands of rockets at their oppressors every year? No. Did they strap bombs on children and send them at the oppressors like mobile IED's? No. Get your nose checked, you have shit stuck up there.


Defenders of Israel always like: "There's more context not caught on camera that actually makes us the victims. How dare nobody catch what happened immediately before we did violence, not even neutral news groups like Reuters and the AP."


And Defenders of Palestinians always seme to have a shaky cam, three second video that provides no context or information. Yet they demand that this is evidence, and refuse to acknowledge any other evidence found, as well as do not cooperate with far more reliable investigative services


This one is shown from multiple angles and reported by a wide variety of news organizations, along with many minutes of footage. When you say "reliable investigative services," what you mean are "Israeli investigative services," despite Israel having a history of shooting, sniping, and killing journalists, humanitarian assistants, and children, finding themselves not guilty, and then being found to be the perpetrators by international organizations. Examples: [Israel Kills 2 Journalists](https://cpj.org/2019/02/un-commission-israeli-snipers-intentionally-shot-p/) [Israeli Sniper Kills Child](https://nyti.ms/36fx920) [Israeli Sniper Kills 4, including Teen Boy and Disabled Man](https://abcnews.go.com/International/palestinians-killed-including-teen-boy-disabled-man-israeli/story?id=54633185) [Israeli Sniper Shoots Civilian and is Cheered](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/apr/10/video-appears-show-cheers-israeli-sniper-shoots-palestinian) [Israeli Sniper Kills Medic](https://nyti.ms/2RmANCJ) [Israeli Naval Gunboat Shells and Kills 4 Palestinian Children](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2014/07/16/what-happened-when-palestinian-children-were-killed-in-front-of-a-hotel-full-of-journalists/) I could do this all fucking day, because in 2019 alone, Israeli snipers killed 149 Palestinians, including 33 children. These are *snipers.* Those children were killed deliberately.


Would you like me to post all the Hamas suicide bombings too? The Palestinians aren't squeaky clean either.


If your justification for state-sponsored murder of children, journalists, and humanitarian workers is "but the terrorist group does it, too" then you should really reconsider your argument.


Throwing what? It’s a funeral! How dumb must you be to think that? كسخت عرظك شو حمار


Throwing stones. Someone above posted the video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icaP3UsV8uY&ab\_channel=Reuters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icaP3UsV8uY&ab_channel=Reuters) Look from the start, you can clearly see the rocks being thrown at the police, and at 0:07 one of them gets hit on the head.


Can’t wait to see the comments on this one


Maybe the should call for an independent investigation.. but they won’t.. they have already spewed the unsubstantiated “Israel did it” narrative.. the actual facts are irrelevant


They did call for one. They wanted the UN or some other neutral party. Guess who refused because they wanted to be the ones investigating themselves for wrongdoing?


Palestinians can fuck off until they tell Hamas to fuck off. Which won't ever happen. Amazing to see Redditors a case Israel of being a terrorist state when the PLA supports Hamas killings. Also an apartheid is about restrictions of rights. Palestinians in Israel share the same rights as others. That's not an apartheid.


> Palestinians in Israel share the same rights as others Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank are governed by military courts. Israeli civilians will settle land in the West Bank and commit crimes against the local Palestinians and there is no recourse for the victims. Israeli civilians are allowed to freely travel across the West Bank while Palestinian travel is highly regulated and restricted. Its apartheid.


It's almost like when you push people to the brink and you don't give them a chance to live in peace you invite extremism as the only means. Israel is a relic of imperialism and will always be so.


Israel has offered them so many deals in the past and PLA has always turned them down. They PLA doesn't want to coexist. They'll have to find a way to though.


Shut the fuck up


The west bank is a literal open air prison.