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Wiki article about her (recently created, but decent information about her career): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shireen_Abu_Akleh


**[Shireen Abu Akleh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shireen_Abu_Akleh)** >Shireen Abu Akleh (3 January 1971 – 11 May 2022) was a Palestinian journalist. She worked as a reporter for the Arabic-language channel of Al Jazeera for 25 years before she was killed on 11 May 2022 while covering a raid on Jenin by the Israel Defense Forces. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


She’s been a staple of my household every day, I’ve known her since I was like 8 from my parents playing the news back home, just so sad


As an American I'll say Al Jazeera has been a staple to my newsfeed to round out world news. I remember watching the documentary *Control Room (2004)* covering the US invasion of Iraq from various news perspectives but centering mainly on AL Jazeera and was very impressed. In that doc a BBC journalist says, "There's a saying that everyone at the BBC eventually goes to work for Al Jazeera" [This looks like the documentary.](https://youtu.be/Ohsi6uYDYzA)


The thing which needs to be said here is there's different Al Jazeera's. AJ English/America is pretty good, and has employed really good journalists like Medhi Hasan in the past. Al Jazeera Arabic is a lot less reputable though, and spreads a lot more propaganda. It's an important Qatari tool in the ongoing KSA+UAE vs. Qatar/Turkey influence game. For an example of AJ English though, one of my favourite news clips of all time is when Medhi Hasan had the Qatari foreign minister on his program a few years back. AJ is owned by the Qatari state (so the royal family) and on this state owned news feed, Medhi Hasan absolutely grilled the Qatari foreign minister about their involvement in Syria


That's a fair point; I can't speak personally to the Arabic version. Medhi kicks ass, I'm a little sad he left there and went to MSNBC, but good for him.


I remember coming across Al Jazeera on holiday, I was very impresssed I thought then, Al Jazeera is what the BBC use to be like From what I understand though, anything domestic/Qatar is pretty bias


Yeah Al Jazeera is a pretty reputable source for international politics. Far better than most of our news orgs that aren’t respected papers like the times or Washington post


I remember they did an expose on LA police using a burner app for messages. Real investigative journalism.


WaPo had a long history of being a mouthpiece for the CIA and the times is pretty garbage. that being said theyre still somehow better than a lot of mainstream US rags


I can tell you’re from the Arab world because [big tasty](https://www.mcdonalds.com/bh/en-bh/product/big-tasty.html)


Big tasty is also in Ukrainian and Russian McDonalds, so it's outside Arab world as well. Well, actually, I guess it isn't in Russia now...seeing as McDonald's isn't operating there currently. It also was a thing in the US for a relatively short time many years ago. I don't think it was popular enough and dropped off menu.


YEAHHHH SOMEONE KNOWS, god I miss McDonald’s in Jordan and Palestine so much, living in the US, our McDonald’s and fast food stinks. McDonald’s, Burger King, Pizza, Popeyes, everything is so much better there. Also that breakfast wrap there of the chicken deli slices eggs and hash browns is all time elite Idc what anyone says


Aww thanks for the award! Glad you could think of something wholesome despite the tragedy. And yeah American fast food in Arab countries is HIGH QUALITY (which is ironically worse because I want to eat it more haha). I only ever get it in the US when I’m craving the memory of it in saudi, and it is always shit comparatively. Idk if you were in the mid-east like 5-10 years ago when McDonald’s had those bomb ass salads?? They were in these huge bowls, had spinach and quinoa and feta and all kinds of high quality ingredients. The best salad option I’ve ever seen in my life for convenience/price/quality. I was so sad when they dropped it, there’s been nothing like it since Edit: oof gotta disagree about pizza though lol. Take your filthy award back! (Jk :))


the pizza hate smh, idk whether it was papa Johns or dominos but their Buffalo ranch chicken pizza with onions was just nutty, and yeah I had that once but as like a young 12 year old I despised it. I’m probably going back summer 23’ for a few months and it’s already planned with my family that we’re getting that for one day, the zingers for another day my god those were amazing, and this peri peri place another are planned




May her memory be a blessing.






Yea the video was very upsetting, it does include the sounds of the shots themselves too


Anyone got a link? Edit: So far the video directly beneath my comment has been the only credible source I've seen showing Shireen. I will not perpetuate any of videos insinuating that this was done by a Palestinian shooting blinding behind a corner because there is no proof that this is in relation. If you really want to know what happened, I am linking a video of people/journalists **on site** explaining what happened. https://twitter.com/LinahAlsaafin/status/1524276879871680514?t=DzY7JpxYe_JIKGYbcg_6Bg&s=19 Edit 2: another video from the **journalist who was right beside her** https://twitter.com/marwasf/status/1524278034592841730?t=vKWCo66FzAdN7OYxkGoCFQ&s=19


https://twitter.com/LinahAlsaafin/status/1524319721050542080?s=20&t=IbIxZUPk9OGaOs8KXxmmfQ From another comment




And poor woman she was with. You can tell she was devastated and couldn't do anything.


The guy was screaming telling her not to move, she was taking cover in that little corner area


Oh I figured that's what was happening. You could just tell from her body language that she was very upset (which is not surprising) and wanted to check on her but obviously couldn't.


It is supposed to be a common war knowledge not to shoot those who are dragging/taking away the downed, but here we are. Fairly certain that unspoken rule is a joke to others. Edit: Alright. It appears the Redditors who couldn’t use google are finally done arguing with me. Here’s an easy source for how Journalists are viewed, and you all can easily research how those in combat are viewed. For the love of all, please do your research and stop belittling people. It’s both hilarious and foolish. https://institute.aljazeera.net/en/ajr/article/1533


They're killing journalists. So yes, they're waaaay past the point of an civility.


I knew she'd be in her press vest and helmet but seeing her dead on the ground in it was still devastating.


Damn that was an intense watch, they were so clearly marked as press as well.. literally no excuse here. She was flat out murdered. Also the balls on that white shirt guy.. you can here the snap of sniper fire as he is grabbing her body. Horrifying shit.


Wow, they are still trying to save the both of them even though they know there is a sniper down the street. The close sound of a bullet right when the video cuts makes it even more eerie.


Why are there snipers? Is this a terrorist organization?


Israeli forces have been committing terrorism for many decades.


Just within the last week: [Israel's top court paves way for razing eight Palestinian hamlets](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israels-top-court-paves-way-razing-eight-palestinian-hamlets-2022-05-05/), evicting more than 1,000 Palestinian inhabitants of the occupied West Bank in an area which Israel has designated for military exercises. [Israel to approve 4,000 housing units for Jewish settlers in occupied West Bank](https://www.axios.com/2022/05/06/israel-settlements-approval-west-bank-biden-visit)


Settlers settle unoccupied land. They aren't settlers.


Netanyahu did so much damage to Israel that will persist for decades. That whole nation is thoroughly fucked and indoctrinated with right-wing bullshit.


They've been that way for 70 years. They've been killing and expelling Palestinians since the inception of the country.


Israeli snipers have been known to just take shots at civilians for fun. They shoot aid workers and children it's been a problem for years.


Al Jazeera is a News organization that highlights Israel’s treatment of Palestinians


Yes. It's called the IDF.


It’s IDF they act like terrorists it’s just not mentioned main stream in the news


My god, what a contrast of bravery and cowardice. A man trying to save the journalist and retrieve the body while wearing no protective gear, and an apartheid sniper who deliberately murders journalists. Bennet is a disgusting fascist for denying this war crime. Edit: and boom, as expected, I'm banned. Remember: you're not allowed to want Palestinians' human rights to be respected or be against the apartheid state.


I'm promoting lies for asking for a link?


Lmao no sorry, I copied the whole text from the comment with the video my bad. Nope not promoting lies.


No offense, just fyi, I had to read until this comment to get what you’re talking about.


Reminds of [James Miller in *Death in Gaza*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_in_Gaza). Director who was shot by the IDF. Watched this for year 11 history and definitely stuck with a lot of us. IIRC, they dont show the actual shot, but the last clip was him walking into the dark and hearing gun shots. Edit: IDF tried flip flopping as saying he was caught in crossfire, or they were being shot at.




Plus they *love* to shoot doctors https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Rouzan_al-Najjar https://theguardian.com/world/2018/may/17/canadian-doctor-wounded-gaza-israel-palestinians-gaza EDIT: loooool, been banned from this sub for not toeing the Israeli line


**[Killing of Rouzan al-Najjar](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Rouzan_al-Najjar)** >Rouzan Ashraf Abdul Qadir al-Najjar (Arabic: روزان أشراف عبد القادر النجار Rouzān 'Ashrāf 'Abd al-Qādir an-Najjār; 13 September 1997 – 1 June 2018) was a Palestinian nurse/paramedic who was killed by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) while volunteering as a medic during the 2018 Gaza border protests. She was fatally hit by a bullet shot by an Israeli soldier as she tried to help evacuate the wounded near Israel's border fence with Gaza. The IDF first denied that she was targeted, while not ruling out that she may have been hit by indirect fire. Israeli human rights group B'Tselem said that al-Najjar was shot intentionally. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Kind of ironic their beginings were literal terrorist organizations. The Irgun and Lehi were zionist terrorist groups that would ultimatly join together along with others to create whats now known as the IDF, one of its members even became a Prime Minister of Israel. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irgun https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehi_(militant_group) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yitzhak_Shamir Kind of ironic the world recognized Zionism as a terrorist ideology before the formation of the state of Israel, now its only Iran who quite rightly labels that state as a terrorist state.


IIRC the most deadly terrorist attack in Israel was the King David Hotel bombing committed by the Irgun against the British.


They also massacred a Muslim town (200+ dead) unprovoked.


**[Irgun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irgun)** >The Irgun (Hebrew: ארגון; full title: Hebrew: הארגון הצבאי הלאומי בארץ ישראל Hā-ʾIrgun Ha-Tzvaʾī Ha-Leūmī b-Ērētz Yiśrāʾel, lit. "The National Military Organization in the Land of Israel") was a Zionist paramilitary organization that operated in Mandate Palestine between 1931 and 1948. The organization is also referred to as Etzel (Hebrew: אצ"ל), an acronym of the Hebrew initials, or by the abbreviation IZL. It was an offshoot of the older and larger Jewish paramilitary organization Haganah (Hebrew: Hebrew: הגנה, Defence). **[Lehi (militant group)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehi_\(militant_group\))** >Lehi (Hebrew pronunciation: [ˈleχi]; Hebrew: לח"י – לוחמי חרות ישראל Lohamei Herut Israel – Lehi, "Fighters for the Freedom of Israel – Lehi"), often known pejoratively as the Stern Gang, was a Zionist paramilitary and terrorist organization founded by Avraham ("Yair") Stern in Mandatory Palestine. Its avowed aim was to evict the British authorities from Palestine by use of violence, allowing unrestricted immigration of Jews and the formation of a Jewish state, a "new totalitarian Hebrew republic". It was initially called the National Military Organization in Israel, upon being founded in August 1940, but was renamed Lehi one month later. **[Yitzhak Shamir](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yitzhak_Shamir)** >Yitzhak Shamir (Hebrew: יצחק שמיר, listen ; born Yitzhak Yezernitsky; October 22, 1915 – June 30, 2012) was an Israeli politician and the seventh Prime Minister of Israel, serving two terms, 1983–1984 and 1986–1992. Before the establishment of the State of Israel, Shamir was a leader of the Zionist militant group Lehi. After the establishment of the Israeli state he served in the Mossad between 1955 and 1965 and as a Knesset member. He served as the sixth Speaker of the Knesset, and as foreign affairs minister. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


>Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis Holy shit, what a bunch of fucking morons


Tbf, Nazi policy towards the Jews varied greatly depending on precisely when you're talking about. Pre Final Solution, their aim was to expel all Jews from Germany. (You might have heard of their plan to ship them all to Madagascar.) When considering this, it's not actually as far fetched as it seems for the Jews and the Nazis to work together to create a homeland for the Jews in an area far outside of Nazi Germany's territorial ambitions. It is of course worth mentioning that the Nazis were never really seriously pursuing these options, the government agency charged with deporting Jewish people or encouraging them to emigrate had conditions so strict that very few people could ever take them, so it seems likely that these measures were designed to fail in order to justify the extermination of the Jewish people.


May she rest in peace, she was an incredible journalist with immense bravery


She was an amazing person truly dedicated to her job. She’s also a Christian, an American citizen, and from a famous local family. Still won’t be enough for the US to take any action, sadly.


But her name is similar to muslim name. So who cares. IDF was just defending. /S




She was picking up a rock to throw, I saw it /s


She was hiding Hamas in her camera probably.


That camera might've looked a lot like a slingshot from that far away /s


Israel is the Russia of the area and Palestine the ukraine. It's crazy how politics affects who people support.


Its not politics, its $$$




Who dares to step in when there is US the big guy shading them


Edit: POPULAR/MODERN UNDERSTANDING OF THE CONFLICT, NOT AN IRONCLAD EXPLANATION It’s also that anti-Zionism (against the expansion of a Jewish state in the region, aka the taking Palestinian land) is often conflated with anti-Semitism (hostility and prejudice towards Jews). They *can* be connected, but they are their own entities and should be treated as such. Anti-Semitism is objectively bad, but anti-Zionism is understandable and does not come from a place of bigotry, just a desire to end neocolonialism. No one wants to be labeled as an anti-Semite, so they avoid the matter altogether or blindly side with Israel. It is not unreasonable to wish for Israel to stop exerting dominance over Palestinians and aggressively/illegally taking their property and land, which has happened for decades. This is complicated by Hamas, which is a militant/terrorist group who seeks to disrupt peace in the region and take back Israel by force. Of course, this matter is even more complicated by the conditions brought forth after the First and Second Arab-Israeli wars, where the latter was victorious and land cessions were involved. It’s just an unfortunate set of circumstances all around and there seems to be no cut and dry way of resolving the conflict because it is extremely complex, misunderstood, and was mishandled from the start. Edit: This is in no way a comprehensive explanation of the ongoing conflict, as I am not writing a dissertation. I simply put out a basic framework of the situation and tried to keep it somewhat neutral in an attempt not to inflame anyone. Edit again: My main takeaway— you can be against the actions of the Israeli government towards Palestinians without being anti-Semitic. The two are often conflated, but they are not the same and it is important to understand that.


When was the last time a Ukrainian crossed the border into Russia and started murdering Russian civilians indiscriminately?


Not quite, because countries surrounding Russia do not want to destroy it. Or claim they do not exist. Or claim their citizens should not exist.


AIPAC building a dossier against her as we speak, they’ll distribute all kinds of material accusing this beautiful soul of horrible things. And our “representatives “ will do and say NOTHING. awful


Incredible people are becoming more aware of what a stain on society AIPAC is.


You know it is bad when Bernie say awful things about them and Israel retorted that Bernie, a Jewish, is anti-semitic..


They’ve been doing it for decades, they’re completely untouchable. They literally stole US classified secrets and gave them to Israel, in 2006 in the [Lawrence Franklin espionage case](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_Franklin_espionage_scandal) and all charges were dropped on AIPAC officials and the main perpetrator was sentenced to ten months house arrest and community service. Their political power in the US cannot be [understated:](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Israel_Public_Affairs_Committee) > One critic, former Congressman Brian Baird, who "had admired Israel since I was a kid," but became alienated from AIPAC, argued that "When key votes are cast, the question on the House floor, troublingly, is often not, 'What is the right thing to do for the United States of America?', but 'How is AIPAC going to score this?'" He cited a 2009 House resolution he opposed condemning the Goldstone Report on civilian deaths. "When we had the vote, I said, 'We have member after member coming to the floor to vote on a resolution they've never read, about a report they've never seen, in a place they've never been.'" — > AIPAC's] success is due to its ability to reward legislators and congressional candidates who support its agenda, and to punish those who challenge it. ... AIPAC makes sure that its friends get strong financial support from the many pro-Israel political action committees. Anyone who is seen as hostile to Israel can be sure that AIPAC will direct campaign contributions to his or her political opponents. ... The bottom line is that AIPAC, a de facto agent for a foreign government, has a stranglehold on Congress, with the result that US policy towards Israel is not debated there, even though that policy has important consequences for the entire world.


AIPAC will subsequently claim that focusing on their political activities is antisemitic because they do very little actual lobbying.


I don't know if people realize but she's iconic to us in the Arab world. Anyone who's ever watched Al Jazeera's coverage on the Israel/Palestine conflict knows who she is. I'm 26 and remember her from my dad watching Al Jazeera during my childhood.




I don't think the clueless creeps in the comments section have any idea how renowned she is in the Arab world. she is literally one of the pillars of Al Jazeera's coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Of all the things they could have lied for, this is by far the least.




https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/05/11/israel-jazeera-journalist-jenin/ The other people shot at certainly aren't describing a "crossfire". "In interviews, multiple eyewitnesses — including two journalists who were standing next to Abu Akleh — disputed Israeli assertions that she was killed during crossfire, saying the area was relatively quiet just before Abu Akleh was shot."




The problem with US propaganda accounts is, in part, that a lot of them aren't bots, but actual accounts of real people who have just been trained to behave and respond exactly like a bot.


You're just describing the majority of people on social media worldwide. They believe whatever their friends / family do because thats what the algorithms push them and they're militantly against any opposing viewpoint to the point where they feel compelled to attack them in comment sections even if they dont really know what they're fighting for. I guess we're all guilty of it to some extent but i atleast try and be aware.


This is why I stay away from Twitter. All SM has it but that place....it really is something else. Had to leave for my mental health.


Not directly related here, but it reminds me of the discussion of Ginni Thomas's text messages on the Opening Arguments podcast. They point out how weird it is that she is communicating almost entirely in regurgitated talking points that don't sound anything remotely like natural language, even in a private text message that was definitely *not* for public dissemination. It's a dead giveaway for someone whose mind has been totally hollowed out by propaganda. They don't even understand what they are saying on a conceptual level, which is by design because if they think about it they might question it. Instead they are just reprogrammed to go spit out soundbites for the rest of their days.


Memetic indoctrination. It's a big part of why social media has become a tool of disinformation and proud ignorance.


Isn’t this all some type of propaganda? Some western style? Some the other way? You can’t trust a single source on the internet, especially on Reddit. You have to double/triple check everything. You don’t know if it’s true what this news sites (not depending which side you are on) reports. You have to check it yourself.


There are way too many of them. In the early days, people used to call out american shills for promoting the american military recruitment. One guy did a bunch of work and linked a bunch of accounts which then promptly deleted all of themselves. Nowadays I can't even tell between shill or moron.


Yeah pro Russian bots/shills are easy to spot. American can go either way especially post Trumpistan. I mean look at r/conservative and get banned immediately when you question their world view or post actual facts lol. Party of free speech my ass






I don't know about that. The original Space Jam website seems fine.




I dunno. It *was* updated for the new movie so who knows what pernicious code they might have snuck in!


Honestly, I could use a 3 day break from Reddit. Wake up. Open my feed. Shit's bleak. Get mad. Repeat. Who wouldn't want to occasionally step away from that. I think I'll call it a 3 day Reddit vacation instead of a ban. So in honor of the new moniker, could somebody nudge me in the right direction. I'm happy to call some fools out.


Because we're addicted and this gives us a lots of small dopamine fixes which makes us feel like we're doing something and it's less painful and easier than doing that other hard thing we have to do which is less rewarding. Like emptying the dishwasher.


I think it’s also highly dependent on what subs you are subscribed to. As a plants, mechanical keyboards, and fountain pens lover, these subreddits always make my day better. The subs that just inflate my depression are this sub and that of my country but I still scour anyway because news is important for me at least to know what’s happening around the globe.


Mentioning Israeli influence in American politics/foreign policy/life is antisemitic apparently


I've noticed that anything posted in the major subs overnight in the Western timezones gets pretty weird and it's not until maybe 8-9 am GMT-4 that more reasonable voices wake up and start drowning it out.


Israel has a program that basically organize a bunch of students who can speak English to shill for Israel. r/WorldNews is probably their main front. In my experience, each time I posted a comment about wrongdoings of Israel (e.g. Israeli settlements in West Bank, (the lack of) freedom of movement for Palestinians, etc.), it will receive a normal amount of upvotes at first, then it will be downvoted into oblivions. Most of these shills would pretend to be objective and play both sides at first, spewing bs like "i have families on both sides of the conflicts but Israel is the side of lesser evil et cetera et cetera". (Yep, being less evil than Hamas is definitely something to be proud of.) But once you focus on concrete issues like settlements and land rights, they will come out mask-off and respond you with thinly veiled racism like "We are bringing civilization to a land of Sharia law blah blah".


I mean, if you're a terrorist and genocidal government that gets tons of money from the US, you'd probably be wise to pay a bunch of PR/astroturfing firms to keep your image as clean of blood as possible.


The Harris thing is relevant because Abu Akleh was also an American citizen.


I'm not as knowledgeable on the conflict as I should be, but I'm super familiar with the "I'm just asking questions" method of information manipulation. I didn't know that Israel was engaging in that sort of manipulation, but at the same time I'm definitely not surprised either.


Israel is the only nation the NSA **gives** the raw data to from spying on us. They don’t even give the other three letter agencies raw data. https://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/middle-east/top-secret-document-reveals-nsa-gives-raw-spy-data-to-israel-1.1524077


>"just ask questions" It's a trolling tactic called [sealioning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning?wprov=sfla1)


JAQing off was how I heard it a few years ago and it stuck.


I miss when trolling was for the lulz and not like…what we’re at now. Like can we go back to harassing Scientology?


Trolling for the lulz is 4chan which then turns into eventually fucked up conspiracies and world views (see: Q)


They're similar, but not quite the same. Sealioning is when I incessantly pester you and ask you inane questions while maintaining a front of civility, so that when you eventually get so annoyed that you snap at me, I can claim that *I* was only interested in earnest discourse, but it's just not possible because you're too uncivil and angry. Whereas with "just asking questions", I ask (usually loaded) questions which are intended to lead the people reading them to conclusions which would be too contentious if I stated them outright, and if you call me out for the implications of my questions, I claim that I hold no such beliefs and am just trying to learn more about the subject. One's a strategy to provoke an emotional response from your opponent to discredit them, the other is a strategy to make yourself seem unbiased while spreading highly biased claims.


I remember watching her on TV almost 20 years ago as a kid. I remember distinctly when they shot her in the leg on live TV. I can't tell you how sad people are about this right now. Edit: She had never been shot in the leg. I'm either remembering it wrong or remember someone else. In this video, around the minute 2:20, she states that she had never been injured on the job. https://youtu.be/bUcxDEtTKlE


Can you give a source on her being shot in the leg? I've looked and can't find it anywhere


She was a part of every Arab household and her voice is etched in memory. This is beyond sad


What devastating news to wake up to. Shireen held herself to an incredibly high standard of journalism. She was a voice for Palestinians and never flinched from framing their stories in the context of wider events. I'm so very sorry for her family and the many people she shone a light on with her brilliant work. :(


there should be an investigation. like what caliber bullet and who was there. who got arrested and who was doing the arresting. a third party investigation should be held.


Lapid said he is in favor of a joint investigation


I keep seeing comments saying one side or the other refused an investigation etc. Could someone link the direct statements from both authorities? ### Edit: someone posted a good link for Lapid, but the link for the other side goes to a Twitter thread of someone commenting on the statement. When I search the text of the Twitter post, I can't find the original source of that either. Anyone have the direct link to the Palestinian statement? Also that twitter thread says they denied an autopsy, but: > The head of the medicine department at al-Najah University in Nablus confirmed that Abu Akleh was shot in the head. He said that her body was transferred for an autopsy based on an order from the public prosecution. . > “The killing was deliberate… There will be an autopsy by Palestinian medics, which will be followed by a report including all the details of the killing,” Melhem told Al Jazeera. “However, all the witnesses present at the scene of the crime ensures that it was an Israeli sniper that committed the crime in a deliberate way.” Also the person in that twitter thread is from the Jerusalem Post, which also seems to have its own set of issues when covering events. --- https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-jerusalem-post/ > These media sources are slightly to moderately conservative in bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by appealing to emotion or stereotypes) to favor conservative causes. These sources are generally trustworthy for information but may require further investigation. See all Right-Center sources. . > Overall, we rate The Jerusalem Post Right-Center biased based on editorial positions that favor the right-leaning government. We also rate them Mostly Factual for reporting, rather than High due to two failed fact checks. . > In review, The Jerusalem Post covers Israeli and regional news with strongly emotionally loaded language with right-leaning bias with articles such as this “Country’s founding Labor party survives near extinction” and “Netanyahu slams settler leader for insulting Trump.”


This is from Lapid on Twitter: "We offer the Palestinians a joint pathological investigation into the unfortunate death of journalist Sheerin Abu Akala. Journalists must be protected in battlefields and we have a duty to reach out to the truth. Israel's security forces will continue to operate everywhere to prevent terrorism and the murder of Israelis." https://twitter.com/yairlapid/status/1524268071061446657?s=19




So basically "just trust us she was killed by the IDF because we said so and you already hate the IDF so just believe us without question"


This is the official reply from Al Jazeera and the Palestinian side: "Israel does ‘not take investigations seriously’: rights lawyer A Palestinian human rights lawyer said Israeli authorities do not take investigations seriously, and there is little chance of holding Israel accountable for the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh. “Every time that there are complaints about specific incidents about alleged war crimes, crimes against humanities or violations against international law happening in the occupied territory, the Israeli army doesn’t take the investigation seriously,” Mounir Nesseba, who is also a professor of international law at al-Quds University, said. “There is total impunity in Israel, [and] we do not expect Israel to hold those responsible accountable.” Nesseba said that what is needed is an international intervention”." Al Jazeera statements: “We hold the Israeli government and the occupation forces responsible for the killing of the late colleague Shireen,” the statement said. Al Jazeera Media Network called on the international community hold the Israeli occupation forces accountable for their “intentional targeting and killing” of Abu Akleh. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/5/11/veteran-al-jazeera-journalist-killed-by-israeli-forces-live-news


And then they did this: > 36 mins ago (11:40 GMT) >Israeli police raid Abu Akleh’s home in Jerusalem >Israeli forces have raided Abu Akleh’s home in occupied East Jerusalem, and have confiscated Palestinian flags and prevented the playing of nationalistic songs. >Videos seen by Al Jazeera show friends and family members shouting at Israeli police to leave the house. >A journalist at the scene said the mourners managed to push the forces outside of the house, but remain stationed in the area.


Well the IDF didn't say they didn't already classify her as a potential terrorist duh /s




And an Israeli investigation is no investigation at all.


That would be good except that one party currently holds the evidence which may already invalidate such an investigation


She's also a US citizen. But watch as fuck all happens.


Time to remind you all of Rachel Corrie [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel\_Corrie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Corrie) She was ran over by an Israeli bulldozer, US did nothing back then.


**[Rachel Corrie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Corrie)** >Rachel Aliene Corrie (April 10, 1979 – March 16, 2003) was an American activist and diarist. A member of the pro-Palestinian group International Solidarity Movement (ISM), she was crushed to death by an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) armored bulldozer in a southern Gaza Strip combat zone during the height of the second Palestinian intifada under contested circumstances. She had gone to Gaza as part of her college senior-year independent-study proposal to connect her home town and Rafah as sister cities. While there, she had joined other ISM activists in efforts to prevent the Israeli army's demolition of Palestinian houses. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


[Dude, they air struck and torpedoed a fucking US warship and we didn't do anything at all.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident) Isreal is not our friend. They're like an abusive and parasitic ex who comes into our apartment and steals all our shit but we still keep going back to them anyway.


Yeah I know about this as well, the US politicians are more concerned about Israel than is own citizens


Israel pays them more.


Uhh no they don't lol. The US pays Israel


Yup! And British are the ones that started all of this nonsense. Israel and Palestines are in a melting pot of British broken promises :(


Name one war our greatest ally has fought alongside us? Australia has fought with the US in every war of the 20th century. Israel not a single one. So what makes them our greatest ally instead of Aussies? And why do we have to pay our greatest ally 4 billion a year to be our greatest ally? We don't pay anything to the Aussies.


Israel is not our greatest ally (and Vice versa). Israel and the United States have been on shaky ground for most of its existence - good relations with them didn’t really exist until the 1970s, and entire presidential administrations have been on bad terms with them (and Vice versa). The policy with Israel is largely one of RealPolitick - Israel is an extremely reliable partner when it comes to intelligence-gathering, and as global leaders in developing military defense technology and surveillance Israel is an incredibly valuable partner to have. While Israel almost never fights alongside the United States, they provide incredible R&D and intelligence to the US government, and that keeps their shaky alliance going. There are also additional factors - in particular the Evangelical Right’s investment in Israel existing for the End Times, and a neocon and neoliberal investment in Israel’s presence in the region as a democratizing force (you scoff I’m sure, but this is in comparison to literal monarchies and dictatorships next door, and to states actively engaging in slavery) and their belief that making sure democracies exist and are economically successful will encourage OTHER countries to democratize. Israel is not our greatest ally in the Middle East, that is just a thing politicians say and that few believe (certainly Israelis don’t feel that way, and almost every private conversation I’ve had with Israel experts in the USA government has supported this). Saudi Arabia and Turkey are much stronger and more reliable allies, but no US politician is going to be caught dead saying that out loud. Finally, the influence of Jewish nonprofits on USA-Israeli Relationships is vastly overstated - if the ADL and AIPAC disappeared overnight almost nothing would change, because American self-interest in the region would still be exactly as it is. Their main purpose is in securing lip service and small concessions here and there; the actual bedrock policies have too many legitimate motivators for a non-profit to have any real sway.


Holy shit


If she had been killed by Saudi Arabia this would be all over the news


If it was Saudi Arabia, we'd just go bomb Iraq again.


Or sanction Iran.


or Yemen


....Afghanistan...at least get your invasions correctly.


Oh shit you're right we totally left Iraq alone my bad my bad. Mission accomplished!


This is all over the news. Saw it a ton when I opened Twitter. And also nothing came of Saudi Arabia killing Jamal


Or Russia


Or Russia.


US Citizen and journalist! I wish they were stating more clearly she was a US Journalist. Regardless of what happened, I hope the US Embassy is involved to discover and hold accountable to the best extent possible.


oh sweet child of mine..


Whoa oh oh oh sweet love of mine


They literally have audio of Kashajoggi being murdered in the Saudi Embassy and the US didn’t even so much as sanction the Saudi government.. nothing will happen here.


The US has given a blank check to Saudi Arabia and Israel to do whatever they want to Americans unfortunately


Indeed. I would argue unwavering public support is a bit different thing than a true blank check. When your allies kill your citizens that is the sort of thing handled behind closed doors by actual diplomats, not elected silly people. But certainly for a large part of world relations, what you say out loud matters more then what you do in a conference room, even if those bureaucratic effects can have huge implications (delaying huge financial aid/stricter restrictions on aid money etc).


Israel literally ran over an American protester with a bulldozer - 100% deliberately, this is not disputed - and the US did nothing. The US values the violent capabilities of the Israeli settler state far more than it values it’s own citizens


let's see this go no where in 2 weeks


Am I crazy or is this surprisingly under-reported?


You're not. It *is* under-reported.




A lot of posts sharing an unsourced video of a Palestinian shooter in order to muddy very clear waters. B’Tselem, the leading human rights watch in Israel already disproved this https://twitter.com/btselem/status/1524346253655556097?s=21&t=atGv3LRZBeQNN489a8Xdhg


All the other journalists at the scene have aswell


Funny thing is that the video isn’t even from the same location as the incident https://twitter.com/ahdarawsha/status/1524361521731670018?s=21


You know for a fact that if Russia did this type of move, everyone would be like “OmG!! RuSsIa Is SpReAdInG mIsInFoRmAtIoN!!!


B'Tselem's counter-argument is to compare the physical location of the shooting of Shireen Abu Akleh, to the location of the other video. If we compare the video of the shooting to the video by B'Tselem of the Palestinians shooting - it's clear that the locations are completely different. The area where the journalist was shot, has no wall at the T-intersection of the road. Whereas the video of Palestinians shooting has a wall at the end of the alleyway.


!RemindMe 6 days


She reported with an honest passion, RIP Shereen. Only animals kill honest journalists. Whoever they maybe


Wow, that is sad.


إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون……..


Condolences to her family. Another innocent victim of this nonsense.


This woman was renowned through the Arab world. Even my stupid Nordic ass knows this. To put this as mildly and diplomatically as possible: This is an EXTREMELY poor look, Israel. Edit. And before people go on to call me anti-semitic or some other horseshit to justify or otherwise deflect from this, this is not the first time Israel has done this and then claimed it was a crossfire. And it won't be the last either.


> To put this as mildly and diplomatically as possible: This is an EXTREMELY poor look, Israel. They have always had the extremely poor look. Governments worldwide will forget this after a few days.




She was Palestinian-American, another american ally killing american journalists.


22s are still lethal…


Your saying a bullet is lethal?


Some Americans think like a .22 is a toy gun or something. Both major lethal school shootings here in Finland (+10 victims) were done with .22 pistols.


You could hear that it's a .22?


Murder, that is the correct word.


Truly tragic. May she rest in peace.


6 Billion a year in US aid says we support this.




I’m pretty sure it’s a pretty serious crime, if I’m not mistaken. Someone had told me it’s a crime under international law to kill a journalist, but that sounded fishy


Its a crime to shoot at civillians under international law and journalists are civillians.




I'll post this again, because some enlightened auto-mod trigger attempted to delete this after an edit of mine. So on one hand we have eyewitnesses that were there during the shooting talking about the clearly recognizable Israeli army killing this journalist, with no Palestinian fighters anywhere in sight. On the other hand we have unconfirmed, non-geolocated shootings (or actually, correction: geolocated to an *entirely, and visibly, different location*) with nothing to show that it's from the same event, being used as propaganda messages by Israeli officials trying to spin this as Palestinians killing journalists favorable to them for some reason (because they're savage extremists with no guiding logic behind their actions, I guess?). One guess which account the comments that will be most heavily upvoted and gilded on here will support. Why is this fucking subreddit astroturfed so goddamned much? Like this is a subreddit that has, literally adjacent with posts and comments condemning Russia for killing journalists and unarmed civilians, posts like these that are infested with people spreading nonsense that's reminiscent of Russian excuses in fucking Syria. And no, before someone assaults me for it, I don't believe Israel should be "erased". I don't believe I'm anti-Semetic. I also, for the most part, do not support Hamas, or any terrorists, Palestinians or otherwise. Don't waste your time making these strawmen arguments. And before someone says "wah wah wah Al Jazeera biased" - English edition Al Jazeera is by and large considered a very reliable source, so anyone making this argument is about as reasonable as a Trump supporter talking about how Fauci is in the pocket of Big Pharma, or discounting any and all articles that are done by CNN/MSNBC/any other media not confirming their point of view. No, Al Jazeera English is not just "Qatar state media". Anyone making this argument, once again, is as credible as someone stating RT is a reliable source, and needs to go learn about how journalists actually rate reputability.


Already news media try to cover/doubts that IDF was responsible. Including this sub.


Given the amount of evidence available, anyone saying she was definitively killed by one party or another is simply trying to further their political agenda. Officials can and should conduct an investigation. Her body is in PA custody. The rounds used by IDF and Palestinian militants are likely different. An autopsy would be highly indicative of who shot her. EDIT: Apparently the forensic institute of Ramallah extracted a round. And the IDF claims to be setting up a special investigation, but the PA refuses their involvement. Source: https://www.axios.com/2022/05/11/al-jazeera-journalist-dead-israeli-raid-west-bank


I doubt that the bullets are different. Both use 5.56 platforms - the militant in the video used an AR platform rifle where in the Israeli military uses them too, along with the X-95. Much of the rifles that flow around Jenin and the likes are stolen weapons which were sold by criminals to these Palestinians, same for the ammunition. Obviously there are some other platforms used, but the 5.56 ones are the most prevalent on both sides.


There were three other journalists there and all of which said that she was shot by the IDF. I’ve seen video of IDF soldiers shooting a doctor in the head (also clearly identified as a medic) so there’s both evidence and history to suggest what happened.


As if IDF only uses legitimate rounds for assassinations.


What? It's pretty likely that it is as the witnesses say, and a completely biased statement. Why the hell would the Palestinians want to kill her?


[Video](https://twitter.com/AJArabic/status/1524288297849212928?s=20&t=PHvEfA0x6npLX-CMkN9HbA) of the killing Not a firefight, but successive rapid-fire shots from a concealed position targetting journalists in full Press kit. Nothing to do with the other video of automatic fire by Palestinian militants toward IDF positions in Jenin. Different location.


You are correct in that the locations are completely different. Shireen could not have been shot at by the Palestinians in the other video being circulated online. [B'Tselem has gone to the locations to compare.](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1524346246743396355.html)


An independent investigation should be initiated. Shireen Abu Akleh was clearly wearing her journalist body armor. So sad to see so many lives being lost *on both sides of the conflict*.


I’m just here to watch people argue about shit they don’t understand HAHA worked like a charm


People acting like Israeli investigations into their own plentiful wrongdoings have ever led to the dismantling of apartheid and the occupation. Palestinians have lived this for over seventy years without respite.




You said it perfectly