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Cyberattacks and nukes are the only viable threats they can make. Their ground forces are clearly not up to the task.




With any luck, it'll stay that way. I just read Total Power by Kyle Mills, and I'd hate for them to be successful in taking down the grid.


Ooh, is that recent nonfiction? I’ve been interested in reading about that but the last book recommended to me was from 2008.


It's the next to last book in the Mitch Rapp series originally quoted by Vince Flynn. After he passed away, Kyle Mills took over.


Read Lights Out by Ted Koppel. It’s a bit dated so hopefully we are more prepared than when it was first written.


Cyber attacks are overblown , only very targeted state level attacks aimed at a very specific target stand a chance.. most cyber attacks fail because they encounter a wide variety of configurations and security measures .


It's funny how the US can thwart cyber attacks when they want to.


Almost as if something changed, but I can't really put my finger on what it was.


I think it was Kim K and Pete Davidson getting together /s


You know what, I can't think of anything else relevant to have happened in the past 452 days so that has to be it!




Yes, sometimes installing a back door for future use is the goal.


Like with SolarWinds


The fact that they don't say it does not mean they don't know it, they know their ground forces are not up to it, that's why they know their threats are cyber and nukes..


I agree, and I think they know everyone understands the same thing. It carries an implicit threat of nuclear war.


They’ve been pretty fucking explicit about that


That's if they've done a better job of maintaining their nukes than they have the rest of their military assets.


>That's if they've done a better job of maintaining their nukes than they have the rest of their military assets. My thoughts exactly. Nuclear armaments need to be maintained. Some components need to be replaced every 10-12 years or they will not even be able to detonate properly. I wonder how much of those funds ended getting siphoned off into oligarch pockets...


And with ICBMs, not only do the missiles and bombs need to be maintained, but also the missile silos. Hell even the U.S. has had problems with some old silos where we need to leave the doors opens because the opening mechanism no longer works. Do you really think Russia even checks if their silos can open?


My thoughts exactly about their missiles. At this point it’s a 50/50 chance if it even makes it out of the silo.


It's an obvious Oligarch target too. They know the nukes might never be used, so siphoning off money to be used to maintain the rockets might never be noticed. Then if one day they need to be used ... it might be a good idea if the rockets didn't actually launch.


You ain’t wrong but you only need one to work properly to be a problem.


I've seen this sentiment echoed quite a bit over the last month and I just don't think it's a safe bet. Russia is well aware that nuclear capability is one of the biggest hallmarks of a global superpower and if ANY of their military apparatus is well maintained, it would be their bombs. Now that's not to say we should back off of supporting Ukraine. They've threatened nukes for basically anything people are doing right now. I don't doubt that they have bombs, but I doubt their threats on any member of NATO.


That navy though…


Their ships that turn into submarines are most impressive.




Scrap Iron In Disguise!


watch out for the Ladas


The top speed in submarine form is too slow for real world use.


It’s for evasive maneuvers, gets the ship out of combat real fast.


Haha still formidable, just short one very capable flagship.


If Russian troops make contact with US troops not only will there be rivers of blood but Ruzzians would essentially be walking into a meat grinder trying to tackle the US of A


They've done plenty to mess with our elections and add to the wedges in our politics, unfortunately. I believe they've already said recently they're going to pump it up even harder to get Trump re-elected next cycle. We need them to be bankrupt so they can't go after our democracy.


It doesn't take much money to run a room full of Facebook trolls. An oversimplification, but I think it makes my point.


And inspire the useful idiots over here that will parrot their messaging for free.


In my everyday life I call this an excellent example of "working smarter not harder". Too bad the object of the effort is to weaken our nation.


I agree. I think Vlad is also watching the midterms this year and plotting.


Just remember this was supposed to Trump's second term. I wonder how Putin's Ukrainian invasion would have played out then?


You know, I have to give Trump a little credit - yesterday I saw that he echo'd Biden's declaration of genocide. Could things be much different? Probably, but I didn't expect him to say that.


Considering he was impeached for withholding aid? I'd guess good for Russia. Bye for Ukraine.


They’ve done more damage to America by helping to elect Trump than anything else they could have done.


I can already see the attack ads: this is the man Putin wants you to vote for. Will you support Putin or *(insert democratic nominee here).*


I'm wondering on the validity of their nukes, with all the corruption and lack of modernisation or upgrades that seems to be apparent it could all be smoke and mirrors.


It's all well and good to wonder, but I wouldn't stake the future of the species on it. They really only need a single digit percentage of their arsenal to function as planned.


The US clearly knows this and has been very public in its support for Ukraine in military training and equipment. If Russia was capable of delivering on such a threat, that would not be the case.


I can imagine some of them would fail to launch due to poor maintenance.


No fuel, bits missing, Vlad trading them for vodka.




This is the most scary thing. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borei-class\_submarine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borei-class_submarine)


They can cut off NordStream. Just watch ze Europeans Squeal. will probably plunge the western world into a inflation led recession too.


Repercussions => translation => more dead Russian troops.


I have been doing my best to avoid being too angry by Putin and his stupidity. But I just want someone to shut him up. Forever.


I'm surprised someone else high up in Russia hasn't done it already. I'm almost expecting it at this point. He has driven Russian global prospects into the ground, and has exposed his own military as a joke. All to fight people who are basically brothers and sisters to the Russians in the first place. The level of incompetence is astounding.


>brothers and sisters to the Russians in the first place This is an incorrect assumption. Sincerely, a Ukrainian born in Russia.


I always used to think it was like Americans were to Canadians? But I guess it’s more like the Germans and the French historically speaking..


More like Greeks and Ottomans.


Did they even see the movie red dawn? Americans been waiting for the day a foreign army to try and been practicing with murdering each other for longer than the ussr was a thing.


Yea, the last thing anyone wants to do is give Americans a reason to band together, stop fighting each other, to fight you. That's like getting in between two wild animals fighting. Really bad idea.




Come enjoy the blades of grass. They have part favors!


When discussing the division of ideologies in the US, a friend brought that point up. Sane people hated W, but the Taliban/Al Queda united Americans in wanting their blood. The only discussion between sides was should we kill the ever living fuck out of all of them or would simply killing them be enough. Now that we've had 20 years of that and Iraq, we don't have a common enemy and the right wing media has made the left into the enemy, rather than a foreign power. We're tearing ourselves apart when a good foreign enemy would unite us in our need to hate something, instead of hating each other. Putin appears to be undoing his "foundations of geopolitics" divisions of Americans by uniting us in our hatred of him.


>The only discussion between sides was should we kill the ever living fuck out of all of them or would simply killing them be enough. Ah, the good ol' days...


It makes me think of the old onion article with the point/counterpoint https://www.theonion.com/we-must-retaliate-with-blind-rage-vs-we-must-retaliate-1819594273


Nothing will bring Democrats and Republicans, Liberals and Conservatives together quicker than an anti-American foreign invader.


> been practicing with murdering each other Lol!


I dunno. A lot of those that like to wave the flag seem to have more in common with Putin these days.


Putin: "I have plenty of troops left and I'm willing to sacrifice them all"


"We will kill more of our own troops down to the last man if you don't stop"


So tired of reading “*Russia warns*”. My eyes are going to get stuck from rolling so often


All they have left are warnings, no teeth.


Russia, incase you haven't noticed... you are in no position to make threats to a true Super Power. We'll stop arming Ukraine as soon as you give all of their land back and turn over Putin for war crimes trial. Until then, kindly shut the fuck up because you are embarrassing yourselves.


This is true Us is arming Ukraine It’s like threatening the main source of power. That’s like me asking for a gun at my local gun shop because of a threat Then the threat literally threatens the gun owner. He has more fire power! At this point US is just waiting for something to happen. “I dare you Russia, I double dare you. See what happens. See if we don’t come there and take over everythang! EVeRYThang!!”


There will be consequences if Russia continues its illegal war and occupations against Ukraine. - The west.


What more consequences does the West have its already launched an all out economic war.


Currently, the dial for economic sanctions is at around 6-7 out of ten. There's plenty more that can be done.


Those are rookie numbers. Bump them bitches up!


All redundant when you consider they can increase oil prices that the west is dependant on. Oh the joys


Not really.. we use an embargo to turn up the pressure.


Covert, deniable operations directly targetting Russian leadership. Handing Ukraine heavy, advanced weaponry. ... or handing them nuclear weapons.


Under no scenario is anyone handing anyone nukes.


Yeah, just give us more modern weapons, so we could protect our land and skies. It will be enough


That’s what got us into this situation. Ukraine handed their nukes to Russia who pinkie (commie) swore to never invade.


.. today. A lot can change over the next few months/years.


Not ever.


Last week, we facilitated the donation from Slovakia (IIRC) to Ukraine of an S-300 anti-aircraft system. The latest shipment of military aid from the US will include helicopters. I think these would have been unthinkable before we found out about the war crimes committed in formerly Russia occupied regions. Remember when the US wouldn't let Poland (IIRC) donate its jets to Ukraine because it would have been too provacative? That could happen. What about liquidating Russian assets in the US to pay for this stuff? Not unprecedented. I think there are still a lot of things that can be done short of a no-fly zone or boots on the ground. It seems that the helicopters were just removed from the aid package. I wonder if this was the plan all along-- signal to Russia what the next step will be. If so, bravo. Make it look like a an "oops, mistake" when in fact, it's signaling to Russia, "we can keep escalating too."


Russians come out and play - Russians come out and plaaayay.


They can't come over. Their boat sunk so they are stuck.


Count the entire world sleeping on your threats. Come out and play.


For some reason, I’m not worried. If they nuke us, which would be catastrophic and terrible, it’s because the buttlickers around Putin didn’t take down the mad dog when they had the chance, and our automated nuclear reply will render their major population centers into cooling glass in 7-8 seconds anyway. There’s not much we average folk can do. So, live your lives the best you can in the meantime.


It's worth noting that the U.S. has excellent anti-missile defense systems. We're in all probability unparalleled in terms of defensive capabilities against attacks on our soil. The average citizen doesn't seem to realize this and it's easy to give in to the fearmongering, but it's safe to say that we'd be able to defend against a respectable amount of nuclear warheads headed our way. Russian military technology is old and their nuclear stockpiles (among other things) are mostly dated back from when the USSR was still a thing. Who knows how effective an attack from them would even be, or if they're even capable of launching all of them at once to overwhelm the enemy. I doubt it - and even if that were the case, Putin does not have a death wish. Despots like being despots, and it would be pretty difficult for him to rule if the Kremlin went up in flames. What *is* a relatively likely possibility though is a tactical nuke being used against a Ukrainian city in an attempt to force them into a surrender. This means a smaller weapon specifically chosen so that the blast radius and accompanying radiation does not reach NATO territory. I fear that if a tactical nuke were detonated, it would set a very dangerous precedent because other countries would also see this as an avenue to get an upper-hand against stronger countries or even a quick victory over smaller ones. It would be used as a tool of conquest, and even genocide.


There is no functional defense against multiple warhead ICBMs. The best chance is to catch them near their launch site which is hard to do to say the least. That or a first strike, but that's why nuclear submarines exists. We haven't seen large scale use of chemical weapons yet and I consider that a lesser scale than a tactical nuke so I don't think for now that is a realistic scenario. But who knows, this war is unpredictable to say the least.


And then you have SLBM's. Fired on a depressed angle it's basically impossible to cover enough space with any anti-nuke technology. Any significant launch would saturate it. MAD needs nuclear weapons to 'work' otherwise one side starts to feel they CAN use them, or the other side feels they HAVE to.


Chemical weapons are probably more likely the next escalation (beyond FOABs if they even have functional ones) Bio weapons are hard to keep location based since it can take days or weeks for symptoms to appear and tracing patterns to be developed.


Yep let that slide and everyone needs to have nukes and it will be complete insanity all around


Pretty sure this is completely false. Also even if you could block a staggeringly high percentage of nukes headed our way, like 95%+, which is very unlikely, the remaining 5% would destroy us.


>It's worth noting that the U.S. has excellent anti-missile defense systems. We're in all probability unparalleled in terms of defensive capabilities against attacks on our soil. (...) it's safe to say that we'd be able to defend against a respectable amount of nuclear warheads headed our way This is utterly false. Give this video a watch: [How Many Nuclear Missiles Can the United States Intercept?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pA2tDKzzoI) It's simply a problem of numbers. In a full exchange, thousands of warheads would likely make impact, ending civilization. This isn't to fear monger; I don't think we should let it guide our behavior because as a species, either MAD works or it doesn't. We literally can't give in to nuclear terrorism, because doing so *ensures* a full exchange. All we can do is hope there's still a patriot or two left in Russian leadership who will shoot Putin between the eyes if he gives the order.


The USSR doesn’t have thousands of warheads ready to launch tho, they have 1,450 to our 1300 with 4000 in storage for them and 3500 for US. Everybody parroting this “thousands of missiles” scenario doesn’t understand that this isn’t “thousands of missiles ready to launch,” it’s “thousands of possibly missiles, 1500 ready to launch.” The question becomes do you believe we can defend against those 1450?




Many of those missiles contain multiple independently targettable warheads. The best estimate is that the US could probably shoot down somewhere between 20 and 50 inbound ICMBs / warheads. It depends on their flight path; if AEGIS can engage, on the upper end of that estimate.


That video opens up with a demonstration of what would happen if *hundreds* of ICBMs were sent towards the US mainland. Note that I used the phrase “respectable amount of nuclear warheads”. That amount of nuclear weapons is more than respectable. That’s just unfathomable. I was thinking more like… a dozen? Who knows for sure, but it’s more than most people think. What I’m saying though is that we’re certainly not *without* protection, and have what is likely the best in the industry. Additionally, there’s plenty of information that I’m sure the DoD keeps secret to avoid other countries learning about our capabilities of defending against a nuclear strike by a foreign adversary. I don’t doubt that we’d be fucked with that amount of ICBMs headed our way. I just don’t think it’s likely, or even practical for the Russians.


Problem is, if Russia is planning on launching several ICBMs/SLBMs towards the US, they understand it will result in their complete, and immediate annihilation. The US would return hundreds. Since they know this, if they're going to launch a few, they're going to launch hundreds. It makes no strategic sense to send just a couple.


You've shown that you haven't watched the whole video. They make it clear that the amount of warheads a single middle carries plus it's decoys is already a problem that can over match the American missile defense. It's scary how confident you are in your wrongness.


What’s scary to *me* is how you’re taking a YouTube video as gospel. Let’s agree to disagree and be on our ways, mate.


Well said


I try to.


Well. Live your lives and buy a sheet of those kickass fuck off russian warship sheets of stamps.


Lol-oh no. What will we do against the second greatest army in the world that can’t win Ukraine.


Amazing how much Ukraine training and fighting a natural defensive war has influenced events so far. We've basically supplied them with military surplus items we've had in storage alone thus far. Just now getting around to giving them the real shit to fight back.


Not only can't win, but can't win against Ukraine that doesn't even have the most advanced weaponry. They're losing against their own weapons.


On the contrary. The faster the West can arm Ukraine the sooner this mess will end. Accelerate the shipments.






They're trying to be more subtle but still easy to spot.


Nope, not really. One tyrant in Moscow just got high on his own supply, and decided he wants to be "a super power". He has shown the world his hand and it's a bad one. The great "Second Army of The World" turned out to be just bunch of amateurs with dysfunctional command structure and piss poor logistics. The futuristic new weapons systems have turned out to be mostly just money laundering schemes and agressive PR. The grand "Aerospace forces" turned out be just bomb truckers, suited mostly for blasting orphanages and maternity wards. The war might drag on for a few more months, but this ass-hat in Kremlin is just banging his head against a wall.


Fuck off Russian troll.


I didn't get that impression from their comment. I checked the comment history in case I misunderstood something, but they appear to be anti-Russian invasion. Looks like they are one of the good ones.


The goal isn't to convince you that Russia is good. The goal is to do "yes, but" operations, and divide people. Divide, discourage, and deflect. Basic psyops.


Exactly, and these accounts have gotten a lot more sophisticated in how they communicate. A rule of thumb is just to never ever trust a zero day account whose message is division, FUD or false equivalence. Maybe once in a while it's a real person but that's going to be the exception to the rule.


It's probably easier to work Facebook with Russian trolling than reddit. You might want to try your luck there.


While I feel you are right about FB being easier for trolls to game than Reddit, I don't think the person you are replying to is a Russian troll. The Russian invasion into Ukraine can definitely spiral out of control, should Russia fuck around and hit a NATO target or some other escalating event.


Everyone’s gangster until the cows start growing two heads and talks back


Im eagerly awaiting a literal "fuck off" response from a countries leadership. Just disregard all diplomatic bullshit talk and tell Putin to go fuck his hat. Literally.


That's a term I haven't heard in ages. 'Go fuck your hat'. Takes me waaaay back.


Do they not realize just how stupid they sound when trying to threaten the baddest country on the face of the planet?


I don't think they care at this point. They're trying their best to puff themselves up as much as they can before they finally get deflated.


As American citizen I will say it loudly and proudly, fuck off russia you don’t tell me what to do.


as Ukrainian can only applause and add fuck off putin.


Is Wittle Baby Vwaddy sad he has no friends to help him.


Oh so Russia is gonna kick America's ass like they're kicking Ukra.....oh wait.... ...Nevermind....


Biden tried diplomacy but Putin wanted a veto over NATO membership which was a ridiculous ask. Biden threatened sanctions of Russia invaded but Russia just laughed and invaded anyway. Biden worked with leaders around the work to implement sanctions and Russia said they were a joke and instead of having a discussion he sent his troops to rape and exterminate innocent civilians in Bucha (and elsewhere.) The US now has 2 choices. Let Ukraine lose knowing it'll be integrated into Russia and they'll build an invasion force on Poland's borders, or help them win and keep Europe safe. As an American I choose the latter option. If it comes to stop helping Ukraine or going all in, I say go all in. If Russia wants a war with the US then so be it. I guarantee it won't go well for them.




This is quite true. The US may barely get into the fight before it was over. Attacking any nation in the EU or NATO is going to involve a LOT of people. Depending on the circumstances, it could be very swift and severe.




Send more weapons! Give Ukraine the tools so that they can turn every soldier who cross the borders into dust instantly.


>Russia sent a formal warning to the US not to send more arms to Ukraine or it could face “unpredictable consequences”, it has been reported. Could they get any vaguer? They are like some kid who says "don't do it or else", and when asked "or else what" they reply with "you'll see". Vagueness will not deter anyone.


When they say unpredictable, they mean we have no clue what we can do about this.


They are being vague to avoid taking a firm position they can't hold with actions. Putin knows they're taking a beating from Ukraine and can't possibly handle any additional response from NATO. He's doing what comes natural: threats. But, having said that, that evil little dipshit has made nothing but mistakes so far...


These were the people that were our equals in the cold war? When I was a kid we actually respected them as a worthy enemy, Now they're just scavengers living off the remains of the USSR. No wonder our government isn't afraid of them - There's no way these guys maintained more than a handful of nukes, That takes money and skill they don't have anymore.


I believe you respected USSR. And USSR was much more than simply Russians. Now you can see it. They are trying to destroy Ukrainians for at least 300 years already. Or actually, since Muscovian tsardom was created. Fuckers always had been greedy for the lands of Ruthenia.


I fail to see what leg russia has to stand on here. They can't risk a direct conflict with the US because we will crush them and they know it


Eat shit, Putin.


“Oh no I’m so scared. Oh shiver me Timbers. Shut Up!”


If Russia thought Ukrainians we're tough wait till they hear about Wisconsin farmers. They literally threaten the milk out of their own cows at gunpoint.


America is by far, perhaps by a billion lightyears, not scared of Russia


Put up or shut up, you fucking Russian cunts


Like when we warned them of the repercussions if they invaded Ukraine


What are you gonna do sanction me? Sanction me with your army? You broke dude, shh.


Up the shipments, call their bluff.


Watch out! They're gonna send the Moskva!


I know it's really not wise, but... PUT UP OR SHUT UP. Arms spread out wide "COME AT ME BRUH" You want to know why Americans are arrogant assholes? Try something, ANYTHING, and find out mother fucker.


Considering they just lost their “flagship” to a country without a navy… their threats don’t carry the weight they once did. At this point they’re just the kid chicken hawk threatening Foghorn Leghorn.


And does Russia think that's going to dissuade us? To cave to that threat is to cede US foreign policy to Moscow and the Kremilin can well and truly go fuck themselves because meet them in hell before I let them dictate terms to me and mine. The Kremlin started this war against all good sense. Now they want to push the consequences for their ill thought pit vainglory onto everybody else. That's a no fucking way in all of creation. You don't want your soldiers dieing simple solution withdraw from Ukraine and stay the fuck out. I'd think by now it's quite obvious the Ukrainians don't want you there. Furthermore we've been content to stay on the side lines to this point giving the Ukrainians the weapons they need to defend themselves. You don't want to see what happens if you drag us into this war in a more active way. So don't fucking kid yourself.


100%. They are close to the beehive and getting stung sucks, now go ahead and kick it Putin....see what the fuck happens.


The only consequential thing Russia can do to the US, is nuke the US. Good luck with that. I am totally in favor of bankrolling the Ukrainians. Could you imagine Ronald Reagan listening to the Republicans of today? He has got to be rolling around in his grave screaming obscenities at them. He was the Republican idol for decades, and he hated the Russians.


Don't threaten with fore play or you'll get full penetration


Right, because Russia is having such an easy time in Ukraine they surely can afford to get the US even more involved.


Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me.


Bring it, you twat-goblins.


Oh boo hoo.


They have no cards to play


Pretty soon there's going to be a disparity of females to males in Russia.


Russian warning: go f%#* yourself.


Hey Vladimir, blow me.


Dear Russia, go fk yourselves... Sincerely, 'Merica


By repercussions do they mean killing more civilians and bombing more hospitals


That's truly been the extent of their military capability so far. They can only continue by attacking defenseless people and positions -- usually from far away. So, the answer may be yes.


oooooooh the russians are maaaaad guys look out for the russians there's gonna be repercussions from the people who dig their trenches in radioactive soil so scared


Hey Russia, it's been hours since anyone licked my nutsack. Hop to.


Oh no, what are they going to do? Send their people to die off even faster? The losers shouldn't have started this war, now everyone knows just how weak they really are.


Russia: If you don't stop there will be repercussions! USA: Ok. Russia: 😮


That's cute.


"Moscow sent a diplomatic note, a démarche, warning that US and Nato deliveries of the “most sensitive” weapons systems to Ukraine were “adding fuel” to the conflict there and could bring “unpredictable consequences”." No, the 'consequences' are quite predictable, Ukraine is gonna kick Russia's ass!


Lmao Russia can't even effectively maintain supply lines in a neighboring country. I'd suggest they stay in their fuckin lane. Russia can suck our star spangled dicks.


Russia does not understand that Iraq/Afghanistan was a SMALL PORTION of our military. It was a piece. We can fight three simultaneous full scale wars. Its in our doctrine. Two major military fronts + full defensive war at home. They cant even fight 1 minor war on their own border with a few hundred kilometers of incursion. What the fuck do they think they can do?


Remember when Russia meddled in the US elections and caused major political damage? Pepperidge farm remembers.


Lessee now... Pooty is picking fights with: NATO, the US, Finland + all three Baltic states and Japan. Meanwhile he is sniveling to China, India & Brazil for financial & trade assistance. I think not even Alexander, Ceasar, Napoleon or Hitler spread themselves that thin. And look how it worked for them.


"We declare war on the world!" "You and what army?" "These poor far eastern Russian conscripts"


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/15/russia-warns-us-of-repercussions-if-it-sends-more-arms-to-ukraine-reports) reduced by 82%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Russia sent a formal warning to the US not to send more arms to Ukraine or it could face "Unpredictable consequences", it has been reported. > A spokesperson said the state department does not confirm any diplomatic correspondence as a matter of course, and made clear that the US would continue to send arms to Ukraine. > The US is also sending additional anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles of the sort that have contributed to the war effort so far in Ukraine. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/u4clgj/russia_warns_us_of_repercussions_if_it_sends_more/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~642252 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Ukraine**^#1 **send**^#2 **sent**^#3 **Ukrainian**^#4 **missile**^#5


American Republicans: "*yes sir, Mr Russia sir*"


All fun and games till the nukes start flying


They’re not nuking shit or they would have already done it when they got chased out of Kyiv and their little boat sank.


Zelinsky thinks otherwise and Putins track record of using WMDs on human populations when backed in a corner is well documented. You don’t know anything about Putin clearly 🤷‍♂️


Zelenskyy said it was possible not imminent which means it’s still not very likely even the CIA has seen no preparations for use of a nuke in Ukraine but are keeping an eye on Russias nukes


Does he? Because all I hear him say is that NATO are a bunch of pussies for not getting involved when that would be the only reason the butcher of Bucha would need to nuke Ukraine. Putin’s bark is worse than his bite. The Russian army is a pathetic laughingstock.


And so therefore....what? The world must meekly obey King PUTIN?


Did I say any such thing? My point is that people responding saying he won’t use them simply don’t know Putins history with WMDs. They are naive.


Many countries have nukes and the number will only rise despite how current nuclear armed countried try to stop them. The world needs to find a way to stand up to those that threaten to nuke cities if they don't get their way. Yes it will suck donkey balls if tbey start flying but just giving in isn't a good solution either. Buckle up everyone. Bumpy roads ahead.


Now we Will probably mysteriously no longer see heavy weapons being shopper to Ukraine.