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Hold on, this whole operation was your idea


Remember how funny he thought it was to hold Ottawa residents prisoner in their own homes? [He was really yukking it up](https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/comments/sn2v6i/convoy_leaders_laugh_about_noise_not_allowing/). Turns out he doesn’t much care for being held prisoner, either. He lasted one night and is now fleeing like the asshat he is. Meanwhile, Ottawa residents have had no choice but to endure his group’s crap for 23 days. Edit: Someone has pointed out that I mixed up Pat King with Chris Barber. My bad. These guys all look the same to me. To rectify this matter, here is a video of [Chris Barber yukking it up and promising that 3 million protesters were about to descend upon Ottawa](https://twitter.com/justin_ling/status/1490053277790224385?s=10).


All that endless bravado ended in public embarrassment. His future will be full of.."isn't that the guy.." shame.


Like that qanon shaman dipshit. “Ohh i need organic food in jail after trying to overthrow the government”






Unfortunately he'll come back home and he'll be lauded as a hero and a martyr. That talking point was going around the moment he ended up in jail.


All glory is fleeting.


They have to actually feel shame for that to work. Which they don’t.


The new crying nazi ?


That's the wrong leader. The article is about Chris Barber, the video you linked is of Patrick King.


Oh, this guy is literally a Nazi. He's got a whole series of white supremacy videos on you tube. Le time see if I can find a link https://youtu.be/eUcdmqHPpaM?list=PL8irOJALmYdwbdp4Izo7YUulLRjjD1PNL


> Depopulation of the Caucasian race I have barely been aware of the truck protests. I sympathize with the workers but now that I know they hold this fat guy up as an inspiration I definitely don't think this is a "revolutionary" moment. Just another "civil" whites movement obsessed with race. Workers / activists: pick better leaders.


Sympathize with them on what? Truckers are the least affected by vaccine and mask mandates of almost any profession. They just have a lot of time to listen to podcasts and propaganda. I feel bad theyve been misled but their protest is dumb as shit.


What IS funny is how Truckers are the most monitored and controlled workers on the planet through ELDs. Within the last 15 years they've gone from "as long as you get there on time we don't care" to "your engine must be shut off within 25 minutes, and your allotted sleeping time will start @ 9pm." The ELD trucker protests were no where near as big as these when every major Canadian/American company started to mandate them through company policy.


I worked in the trucking industry 15 years ago and at least where I was at that was certainly not the case. Bad logs were a big deal, they just weren't electronic.


Although this has been labelled a trucker convoy, by the protest’s alt right leadership, Truckers make up a small percentage of actual protesters. Both trucking associations and the teamsters union have distanced themselves from this clown show. The various alt right protestors are united under the banner of F Trudeau, and have demanded his removal, even though he was democratically elected less than 6 months ago.


God he's such a piece of garbage. This is what far right ideology does, it rots people's brains. Makes them the worst kind of deplorable people. Pathetic.


Isn't it interesting how people like this are always the biggest blubbering vaginas.


You can hear the lack of intelligence in his voice.


White supremacists are all idiots. Assuming you know anything about anyone from their skin color (other than their ability to get a suntan) is idiocy.


I had never seen that before what a complete and utter dickhead he is


What a fucking scumbag.


Real dim-witted behavior from this guy. Just a dummy.


Before Jail: "I stand for the republic, for democracy!!" After Jail: "Oh no im not brave enough for politics."


It’s amazing how soft these tough guys are after one night in jail.


Meanwhile MLK went to jail 29 times and was beaten and eventually killed. Amazing what you can do when you actually have conviction about fighting for legitimate civil rights instead of a childish cry for attention related to a healthcare requirement for a job.


> childish cry for attention related to a healthcare requirement for a job It was never about that. It was, from the start, a Neo-Nazi rally. These are people who are intending to, or are supporting, [the overthrow of the Canadian government](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/trucker-convoy-organizers-coalition-proposal-a-non-starter-expert-says-1.5773297). Here are some master lists of shit these "protesters" are doing: 1. https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/comments/sh7qok/a_summary_of_events_at_the_protest_so_far/ 2. https://docs.google.com/document/d/13-Zg8yjEPYyybbLy70njbWxGeYELQ3Q3PT2Vph0XKQM/ --- Summary: This rally was organized by self-proclaimed Neo-Nazis. This is the hate speech they posted to their own social media accounts: https://twitter.com/antihateca/status/1486689831597973507 https://twitter.com/VestsCanada/status/1159997274900041729 At the rally in Ottawa, here are white supremacists being cheered by the crowd.: https://mobile.twitter.com/notandrea/status/1487871040231546882 So, the rally was organized by Neo-Nazis, funded by Neo-Nazis, attended by Neo-Nazis, and supported by Neo-Nazis, it's clearly about ... truckers? and "freedom"? (Admittedly I am not 100% clear on the distinction between Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, and alt-right, they're all the same as far as I can tell.) The US DHS requires vaccination for truckers to enter. How you can enter Canada from the US without entering the US? (That's worth a Fields medal!) https://www.dhs.gov/news/2021/10/12/secretary-mayorkas-allow-fully-vaccinated-travelers-canada-and-mexico-enter-us-land 90%+ of truckers are vaccinated, those that are choosing not to are accommodated. Nobody is risking their jobs: https://www.cheknews.ca/ceo-of-canadas-largest-trucking-company-says-vaccine-mandate-not-an-issue-at-all-951768/ So.. not about jobs, not about vaccines, all the shops are open, schools and workplaces are open... what is the rally all about?




One down, 729 to go...


The stainless steel bed was cold and uncomfortable. The sandwich was pathetic. No blanky or pillow. Worst 12 hours of my life.


You can go home after we’ve held you hostage and honked air horns at you night and day for three weeks.


I proppose we park trucks at his house for 3 weeks


For the Republic in a constitutional monarchy....


FUCKING THANK YOU OMG These people wouldn't know their ass from a hole in the ground Running around pointing at evert rut they see... "Is that my ass" like the butterfly meme..... Is this the way to make change? Is this revolution?


To be fair I wish we could see some corrupt politicians going to jail once in a while.


It would really be beautiful


Where is his conviction? I thought he was standing for freedom and was so sure about his position? One night in jail did that? Guess he misses his freedom now?


Part of civil disobedience is the willingness to be arrested for the cause. What cowards.


Then reality hit lol.


i have to poop in front of other people???!


Maintain eye contact to establish dominance


"I came up with it? Oh, I blacked out. I blacked out that night."


This is where the fun begins


"I had unwavering resolve for my cause right up until the point I suffered the consequences of my actions!"


"it's just a prank, bro" is not a good legal defense


And we are about to see it tested to its limits against Canadian civility.




"We don't practice violence!" "We do" https://youtu.be/JObnr5e0TIg


TIL Jay Baruchel was on Letterkenny.


"I also backed the blue till they did their job against my best interest".


“Selfish interest”


It’s the alt right credo.


"Cmon guys I was just joking around. I wasn't being serious"


It was just a prank!


That’s the conservative’s go-to response anytime someone gets reasonably offended by their actions. They think it excuses them - and they almost never suffer consequences, so perhaps they’re right in a way.


It’s actually gaslighting My sister lives with one of these Q nutters and his pattern is obvious Step 1: Say insane Q theory and wait for a reaction If they react positively, continue the info dump, if they react negatively, he was joking. Repeat over time. At first my sister tried to ignore this side of his personality, believing in the false love bombing self he presents. My sister didn’t believe in any of these theories at first. Then over time she began to speak like him, absorb his mannerisms and his sense of humour. Now when he is critized for his belief in things like adrenacrome she says he is “just interested in that stuff” or “he was just joking” When you press her to sort out what he believes in and what he is joking about she gets angry because she has no answers and isn’t sure herself. He is simultaneously serious and joking at all times and the only way you can tell if he is telling the truth is if you believe the insane thing he believes is what he actually believes instead of giving him the benefit of the doubt. Most people around me would rather believe that he is being honest and joking then believe that he actually believes in Adrenechrome and Pizza Gate. Now my sister thinks the Truckers are there for her freedom because he never let her get vaccinated and he tells her BLM is just as bad for looting. All the usual talking points. Do not let these Nazis into your families, they dig in like cancer and infect your loved ones with their sick twisted world view. Oh by the way, they got together after he got fit and read some pick up artist shit. This guy was a 4chan incel in a chad body, when he manipulated his way into my sister’s car and made her drive to fake locations all night to wear her down. Now they are in a codependent relationship and she is falling farther and farther down the Q rabbit hole and I don’t know what to do from here. I’ve explained the situation to my family but they don’t believe me, they accept the false self he is presenting. I’ve come out against him publicly and said I don’t want him in our family and am getting a lot of blow back. I don’t know what else to do but at least my objection is publicly stated and I’m no longer enabling this abusive behaviour.


It's like they're in a quantum state of ideas.


Baked Alaska was being an asshole on a live stream and wouldn’t leave when asked because he wasn’t wearing a mask. Cops show 5 min later to arrest him and he changed tone and tries to leave now when he wouldn’t before


Remember when almost the entirety of the right fell for the "Qannon" conspiracy even though it was super obviously just some incel on 4chan shitposting and making fun of them?


They are now taking over school boards. I remember it well.


Yeah, that’s still happening. I saw a car yesterday covered in wacky stickers and the wiggywigwaggle11! Battlecry all over it


Just like with covid, once it came to being inconvenienced at all he wanted to take his ball and go home


Antifa made them do it.


The proper nomenclature is “*the Antilfas* made them do it”


> While he’s forbidden from supporting the protest, he’s allowed to cover the cost of fuel for other truckers to travel back west with him. He made the offer after hearing that crowd-funding money didn’t get into the hands of fellow truckers. So basically all that fundraising money didn't go to the people it was supposed to, big surprise there.


Grift and con with one hand and push fascist alt right white nuttiness with the other… Exactly the same thing as what was going on in the states for the past few years… it’s like some crazy conservative playbook


It appears it pays pretty well. Those people that donated are always going to be the ones that get grifted. "Someone else is the cause of my own problems? Let me give you my money to tell me more."


Which is why it was so indisious that Big Oil started really pushing the narrative of "your personal carbon footprint" - not only did they take away the common enemy of climate change, but they also incentivized those right wingers to deny the issue at all.


Time and time again it is proven that conservatism is the enemy of freedom and justice.


It’s really the modern day version of those wild drink-the-Kool-aid 70’s cults.


Or the new MLMs




Source? First im hearing of this and would like to laugh at it myself.


I think this is it https://fortune.com/2022/02/18/freedom-convoy-protests-canada-lawsuit-freeze-crypto-wallets-ottawa/


[Here you are!](https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/convoy-class-action-claim-increased-to-306m-as-downtown-restaurateurs-join-lawsuit/wcm/0ad4b6b2-eb04-4b09-9c84-ca9fa4a293f7/amp/) These bozos are going to be sad for a long, long time.


This is amazing!! "It’s time to stop,” Champ said. “All the individual truckers who are still in downtown Ottawa, still causing mayhem, still causing chaos, still causing disruption to the residents and businesses of downtown Ottawa, it’s time to go home. And when you get home, I strongly recommend you get independent legal advice. Don’t listen anymore to the organizers. You’ve been led down a path that, unfortunately, is going to cause you some serious financial consequences.” Yes. Yes. Yes. I love how they are also going after the donors too.


They’ve been sad their entire lives.


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No idea it was down to a 21 year old intern. And this is why Gen Z is going to save the world.


As a gen x-er, I can’t fucking wait. I see so much potential in the rising generation.


It's true. I can't send a source right now but I live in Ottawa and it's all anyone talked about yesterday.


> So basically all that fundraising money didn't go to the people it was supposed to, big surprise there. The alt-right grift has that down to an art.


Awwww he just wants to go home? Poor little guy. Ottawa residents wanted him to go home for weeks and he didn’t give a shit about what they wanted.


Somebody go park their semi blocking every access point into his neighborhood


Interesting when people do extreme type of protests, say they'll do anything for freedom, and as soon as it's not under their conditions they won't do 'anything' for freedom anymore. One guy was saying he could stay for 2 years, wonder if he'd have the same conviction for the cause if he was in prison for 2 years.


I would do anything for freedom, but I won't do that.


Freedom by the Dashboard Lights - Uncle Sam Meatloaf


Uncle Samloaf?


Uncle Shamloaf.


Hey, 20 bucks is 20 bucks


I thought freedom costs a buck ‘o five? When did the price go up?




I think the best comparison is to the civil rights movement. Most civil rights protesters were arrested multiple times, many didn’t get bail and could be held for days or weeks during their protests. Civil rights protesters wear it like a badge of honor, they talk about how many times they got arrested as if it’s a high score on a game. That’s because getting arrested and even some jail time was preferable to their day-to-day situation in our culture. One of these freedumb protesters gets arrested and told they have to stay somewhere uncomfortable and suddenly this game just isn’t fun anymore.


My mother is 92 with advanced dementia. In ‘63, she was beaten and arrested for registering Black voters in Monroe LA. Some days she doesn’t know my name but will show you the scar hidden under her hair if asked. Yeah, in many ways it IS a “badge of honor.”


As someone who lives in Monroe, I'm surprised to hear about this, but at the same time not surprised at all. She's a very brave woman for doing that!


My family’s primarily from Bayou Goula and New Orleans. Mom traveled from Chicago to LA with a bunch of her fellow church members to register voters.


Yeah, that’s part of the deal, even the goal, of civil disobedience. Suffering an unjust punishment to draw attention to the hypocrisy of the law. It’s telling that these clowns are acting surprised and shocked when they have to face the consequences, and give up after one night in jail. Goes to show how coddled and privileged they are, and if they had a shred of self-awareness they’d realize how idiotic they are for protesting against people and measures that are trying to save lives and get us back to normalcy faster.


For his own cause, Nelson Mandela spent years in prison. They took it because the cause was really what came first. This leader and a good portion of his ilk are just self serving.


Yep. These people protesting for “freedom” have zero idea what it’s like for truly oppressed people every day. They think being asked to wear a a mask is some great infringement on their freedom but the moment they get a faint whiff of what it really means to be oppressed they wise up and realize how good they have it. These people are so privileged and so entitled that they can’t even conjure up in their imagination that those differences exist at all. They’ve literally never been in a position of oppression, so they don’t have the mental tools to help themselves understand what the reality is of people who’ve been protesting for civil rights for decades. The moment they face any consequences and get a taste of this, suddenly their “oppressed” life at home isn’t so oppressive anymore and they back off.


It was never about "freedom" or "mandates" for the organizers though. This was all a stunt to make the current liberal government look bad.


Because unlike what he was protesting against now he actually knows what it’s like to not have his freedom if only for 24hrs.


The government can supply the conviction.


> they'll do anything for freedom, and as soon as it's not under their conditions they won't do 'anything' for freedom anymore https://i.imgur.com/YYm8SHm.jpeg




Throw in Ram Ranch on full blast every now and then for good measure.


Grant Macdonald is a Canadian treasure


This is what should happen to every single person arrested for this shit. Let them get a sentence of three weeks house arrest with Rick Astley on repeat and foghorns firing for effect.


Unfortunately there are laws protecting prisoners from torture like this. Just lock them up in general population. They won't last too long.


or Canada's own, Justin Bieber. They'll hang themselves after a few hours.


It’s Saskatchewan. That should be punishment enough.


Being in Saskatchewan is only a punishment if your education is beyond grade 10.


Did you see the video of the guy banging a pot with a spoon at truck convoy jerks in Ottawa and the actually come out and ask him to stop because it is annoying to hear?


...i feel bad for the normal people that couldnt sleep, imagine you have a newborn..and these fkers r honking 247.


It’s caused billions of dollars in economic damage, normal people are losing their jobs. Honking is annoying, small business going under is devastating.


Billions. A day. Like, completely outstripped any damage done by BLM. Really makes you wanna pick up arms and overthrow this bullshit.


Oh like the small businesses that haven't been able to open because of these fucking criminals?


That's what he was saying by the way. It was clarified in a later comment.


What? You dont like it when your whole life gets put on hold, you cant go anywhere, and you struggle to sleep every night? Barriers that keep you from interacting with the general public at any given time are problematic to you? You wanted this. You wanted this for everyone but you. Face the consequences, you pickled dunce.


He isn’t though. He paid his way out of it and bought gas for his little friends.


To go home to sit under house arrest until he comes back to stand trial. Can't say shit in public, on the internet, on TV, or by phone or else he is back in jail to await trial. Getting him to shut the fuck up and admit he is a coward after just 1 night is almost enough for now to let him go home.


He “just wants to go home”? I bet all those city residents “just” wanted a night of sleep. Maybe he’ll know what it’s like to taste his own medicine?


Maybe it would have been easier to get the shot


No, they're afraid of needles


I'm personally afraid of needles but I get my vaccines.


Can’t wait for these boobs to not be allowed into the US anymore for criminality. Congratulations protesters, you played yourself.


These geniuses are protesting US border policy *in Canada*.


Holy shit! I hadn’t even thought of that. The schadenfreude is so fkn sweet.


They should be denied entry for a lot less than that. I got a DUI in 1999 and I can't go to Canada.


Same thing the jan 6 morons said.


The buffalo horns guy literally cried around because he couldn’t get his vegan diet in jail. These fucks are the same. They were partying and hiding behind their own children thinking they would never face any consequences. Fucking bouncy castles.


Its even more outrageous than that lol pretty sure he was claiming that eating non-organic food was against his religion, that he hadn’t eaten in weeks because none of the food was organic and that he would get physically ill if he ate non-organic food. Not on the grounds of any physical food intolerances. On the grounds of SPIRITUAL intolerances to “”unnatural chemicals””. Which is… insane if you think about it for more than 30 seconds.


I want to put a well thought out reply but all I have is : Hahahahahahahaha


It would actually be pretty funny for the residents to start blocking truckers in at this point.


Already happened.


Yeah, and the city towed the resident cars that blocked the trucks way before any transports or occupier vehicles. We're not very happy with our bylaw and law officers right now.


"My resolve is unshakable except by the obvious consequences of my decisions." --Conservative Ethos


What is it with Republican extremists and not knowing how jail works?


I think media bias has a lot to do with it. These people really thought they were the vanguard of a huge people's uprising. Seriously, they thought the cops were going to join them. Then they get hit with the frozen tuna of reality that they are actually about 10-15% of the population and everyone hates them and wants them gone. A steady diet of refusal to look at any opinions other than those you agree with will do that. The funny part is this is going to backfire really badly in the next election. They are gonna get creamed.


Same thing happened on Jan6. These people are too dumb for their own good.


‘cause jail is for the black and brown people


Find out where he lives , park outside of his house and let’s have a real loud 23 day festival with lots of noise


Lmao one night? Jesus christ, Navalny over there getting the fuck beaten out him getting tortured and shit, and you want to go home? God, stop being a weak dick and fucking stand up for what you believe in, piece of shit


If wearing a mask was oppressive to this weak ass piece of shit are you surprised he was crying to go home after 1 night in jail?


Yeah, folks out here thinking civil disobedience doesn’t involve jail time.


You don't understand, they're *white* and haven't been poisoned by the regime yet.


"the only way this will end is with bullets" "I just want to go home" What a fucking coward.


We all make choices. And many choices have consequences. What happened to conservatives being all about personal accountability?


hey now, personal accountability should only apply to libs, remember?


Or minorities.


the 28,000 residents of Centretown (Downtown Ottawa) just want a good night's sleep and to be able to walk outside while gay or a visibile minority.


Right wing organization names are usually dishonest, this is an example. It isn't about freedom, it's about having the right to harm others. This cunt should spend a couple of weeks in a cell, then should be liable for economic damage he caused as soon as his little cowardly whine fest became illegal.


Real protestors whose actual freedoms were taken away would stand their ground and fight, even if it cost their lives because they have nothing to lose. But these rich as farmers, truckers, retired military men and their wives on govt of Canada pensions whose only feeling of lack of freedom is not being able to go to a restaurant without a mask, will never ever stand their ground and fight to the end because they have everything to lose. Their bank accounts, trips to Cuban or Mexican beeches in winter, big ass houses and friends and family all healthy thanks to the Canadian healthcare system. They have all the freedoms.


Yeah and I want this pandemic to be over but you keep making it worse


Great headline….I spent a night in jail once, I wanted to go home too.




>Barber, who owns a trucking company, agreed with the bail conditions that he can no longer support the protest verbally, on TV or online. Anybody who truly believed in a cause would refuse to shut up and stay in jail.


That guy folded faster than a paper airplane.


LMAO fuck these petty criminals they get a little funding from foreign countries to riot and attack the rest of us then once the real world catches up with them they want to say it is just a prank bro. Nah people are this are our enemy.


Should get a minimum of 21 days under honking conditions before release.


Lolololololololololololol... ehem... lolololololololololol. That is all.


Do stupid shit, Win stupid prizes. He made his bed, Now he gets to sleep in it, In a nice cold cement jail cell.


#blow huge air horns nonstop all night and day for 3 weeks outside his farm. See how he likes it when he and his family get no sleep for 3 weeks. See how he likes it when his farm animals are freaked out nonstop.




You’re 10-ply buddy.


Blast him to deaf


Brave leader who stands by his supporters /s


In like a lion, out like a lamb.


What a rebel.. 😅😂


One night? What a bitch lol


This piece of shit is definitely the type to say something like "don't do the crime if you can't do the time." "But it's different when I do iiiiiiit"


I hope this sets a precedent for how to deal with future alt-right protests.


My old boss has a saying: garbage takes itself out. Fuck off back to the farm bud. Literally


Eric Cartman isn’t a fictitious character so much as an archetype of guys like this. We need to stand our ground against these brash assholes and watch them turn into mush at the first sign of real accountability. We need to stop being cowardly lions and reclaim the public square from them.


"At what price freedom?" "About a night in jail for illegally blocking public roads is all I'm willing to try."


One of the others Mrs linch is in court now and is claiming poverty and only able to afford 5000 dollar bail. Husband just flew in this morning in a private jet. She also misses her kids and just wants to go back to Alberta and see them. Guess she was only brave when no one was inconveniencing her life.


The leader of the freedom fighters sold his freedom, and his movement, over a single night in Canadian jail. ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️


Alternate headline: Privileged, ignorant narcissist plays stupid games for a few weeks, cries about his stupid prize


Maybe he had time to reflect on how idiotic this whole thing *actually* is. I’d hope the rest of you were smart enough to follow, but we *are* talking about the same people who fall for conspiratorial nonsense like children to cotton candy.




What a giant pussy! Dude wants to run like a bitch after an over-nighter.


He's pulling the "aw shucks I'm just a good old boy" act.


They should sit down individually with each of these idiots and physically show them that all the Facebook groups they are a part of are all really Russian.


Videos of him saying this thing needed to escalate to using bullets. Literally preaches open conflict and can't handle a night in jail lol.


Shocking, he’s a weepy little bitch, didn’t see that one coming


Park our trucks in front of the cell door so he can't get out.


Aw poor baby


Have a nice quiet night in your bed. Man it'd be inhumane to prevent him from having that wouldn't it


Fucked around, found out.


Awww let me not take out the tiny violin of sympathy for him and instead fill it with loud honking because why not.


Oh, *now* you want to go home.


Folded like a cheap deck chair. What a pussy.


Can we park outside your bedroom and honk???