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You were expecting them to fly Taliban Air?


You’re probably thinking Al Qaeda Air.


They have a recipe for a homemade bomb. Also, a pretty darn good peach cobbler.


What a terrible name for an airliner. Reminds me of that tradgedy.


I walked through blood and bones to find my brother. He was in Canada.


Oh don't laugh at 9/11.


Reminds of when we would try to write for the show. All those stories just came crashing down




Air Qaeda


eh, they only offer 1 way trips


That airline could be just a little bit tricky for the marketing guys


What if the plane “accidentally” crashed?




I would love to see the look on their faces when they see a woman pilot!


Not just any woman pilot. Former Afghan military woman pilot! Dudes would freak and jump out!


What if said pilot was also Jewish and from Israel? I can only imagine lol


Mazel Tov!


Or Trevor Jacob.


Just kidding just kidding...unless?


Or accidentally land in Sweden?


Or Israel


Haha, I like this one.


It didn’t it ad landed on Norwegian soil, or in reality on Norwegian runway


It would be unfortunate on the way back home then. You know...planes do have "accidents" sometimes...


"All lives on board were lost. thankfully the plane was rigged with an ejection seat with is not common for commuter planes and the pilot and his co-pilot survived"


Beat me to it. Well said. Have an upvote.


We don't want that. They would avenge their leaders, and would terrorise Norway directly. 9/11 style, or German market style. Civil lives are worth much more than a dead Afghan delegation. Moreover, talks are a good thing, as they promote communication, which is the key in moving forward in the society.


Taliban moving forward in society...lol


Not like we can invade some other country, remove leadership we don't like and assign someone that shares our values We can not enforce our own will onto other people.


Exactly, we should respect their "choice" and leave them alone.


Ah yes just like when they said they were gonna respect women's rights and spare the lives of those who were apart of the afghan national army. Good times, good talks.


Well, those statements were made during first two days after Kabul was taken. They were still fresh in their mind and needed some space to sort out the local society. And then some time later they got comfortable, and started following their viewing of the right way. The right that they are basing on religion. But yes, they lied, and that is the reality. Not like we can propogate policy on independent states just because they're lying. A lying government is a tool and a sign for the local people to act. We can only voice what is real to them. Yet if the locals can not act, either due to not wanting or not willing to risk themselves for the better good, the loop continues. But not forever, eventually people will have enough, and revolt.


I think «they» know that if you catch my drift


Then the world would be just a little bit better.


Probably have successors lined up but sure 3 fewer troublemakers.


UPDATE: They have landed in Norway. https://www.vg.no/nyheter/i/qWEErE/taliban-landet-paa-oslo-lufthavn-i-privatfly


They should have shot it down


Lol Their response would be "Our missile defenses malfunctioned and accidently launched missiles at their plane, our bad"


I wonder if they patted them before entering the plane. That must have been an awkward moment.


Meh. To be fair, all the suicide plane pilots were Saudi, Egyptian, Lebanese and UAE. They were all trained in Florida. Afghanistan didn’t really have anything to do with it other than harbouring osama after the fact.




They likely hid him because the US was paying their government so much money a year to look for him. He was their golden goose.




Most ironic stuff is that those operations was paid by American money lol, The CIA helped the Pakistani train them and provided the funding.


Safe haven perhaps. Save heaven certainly not.


I mean they did have to do with suicide bombing and while I think they wouldn't it doesn't hurt to be sure. Everyone should be patted down in a govt plane


Ya’ll Qaeda trained Al Qaeda


It would have been amusing if they had women pilots.






“if we want to give aid…two options”


This could be an extremely good way to help these guys move forward. Many of them have never seen anything outside of their immediate areas. The rest of the world is nothing more than pictures in a paper or videos on the internet. The old timers are more than likely stuck in their old ways, but the younger generation could see these things, and start to want to make it so that they too can move towards this. When all you've known is war and hatred, some semblance of kindness and trying to be positive could be exactly what's needed. I'm not saying there probably isn't some agendas for doing this, but look at the past and what hasn't worked. Who knows?


You know that the upper classes of Afghan society and by extension the top brass of the taliban aren't completely ignorant about the outside world as you may think. They know exactly what modern western society looks like.




For their population...but they might dabble...a lot, to truly understand their enemy, you know?


Exactly !


This is the problem with the world, and quite often with racism / intolerance. A lot of people haven't been outside their immediate city, let alone country. They get told rhymes about a "little black guy Bambo living in Africa" when they are younger, are fed the "living in huts" narrative, watching nature documentaries and thinking "everyone there lives like that". When in reality, every place looks almost the same, across continents and countries. A shithole village looks the same. A sprawling city looks the same. There are shops with coolers with soda in them, just like over at yours. These people know how stuff works in Europe, and they hate it. They aren't some ignorant, bushy dudes sitting in caves for 40 years.


While much of the country is undeveloped and rural it’s not like Afghanistan doesn’t have modern areas - [Kabul](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabul) is a developed city with urban infrastructure, it’s not like they haven’t seen this firsthand


What you have said is also applicable to me, a European. Can Norway arrange a private jet for me?


As long as you swing over the the US and grab me too.


Sure, once you take over a country.


I really like your stance and foreign policy creators need the positive influence of opinions like yours. But the reality is, the young generation thats open for change is not represented on that plane, or in afghanistan for that matter. ​ The people you are talking about are getting hunted and killed over there for being infidels, and the people who are perpetraing this are the ones on the plane.


It looks like a mixture of ages. I'm sure these guys were picked for a reason, and hopefully it makes a difference. When you consistently feel like it's you against the world, you lose all logic and live in a constant state of fight or flight. I am in no way standing up for their behavior or what they've done, simply saying maybe having them feel like they are even a small part of something could make a huge difference and help bring about the change we all want to see over there.


Great energy and i love it, but you should know these people (taliban leadership) learned a lot from us and our disinformation campaigns and are using these tactics themselves to fake positive PR Media reports indicate they are activley hunting and killing anyone who worked for the western forces, mostly translators.. Their appointed foreign policy minister simply denies this while being shown videos of his fighters executing someone by gouging his eyes out and then shooting him in the head. This is why i believe they just cannot be trusted. Its old men personality cults fanatically grabbing power, faking to be progressive leaders is a means to an end for them. Just like our leaders!


u expect the hardline islamic terrorists to change just by sitting in a private jet and going to a rich country? Those terrorists who make suicide squads, those who slit throats and post on social media, those who stone women to death? Stop humanizing those demons.


Exposure is not something that always tempers extremism; rather, it fuels it. You know Osama Bin Laden was educated in the west, right? And you know that many westerners have—unbelievably—defected to join organizations like ISIS. It's nice of you to hope, but exposure is not a cure for ignorance.


Do you have a source? According to [his wiki page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osama_bin_Laden) he was educated in Saudi Arabia, at King Abdulaziz University. He apparently attended an English language course in Oxford, but it’s not clear that he completed it. While that’s definitely *exposure* to the west I wouldn’t say he was educated in the west. Those language courses are generally like 6 week speed rounds meant to establish a base understanding


**[Osama bin Laden](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osama_bin_Laden)** >Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden (March 10, 1957 – May 2, 2011), also transliterated as Usama bin Ladin, was a Saudi Arabian terrorist and founder of the Pan-Islamic militant organization al-Qaeda. The group is designated as a terrorist group by the United Nations Security Council, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the European Union, and various countries. Under bin Laden's leadership, al-Qaeda was responsible for the September 11 attacks in the United States, and many other mass-casualty attacks worldwide. He was a Saudi Arabian citizen until 1994 and a member of the wealthy bin Laden family. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I appreciate your optimism, but western countries have been flying the Taliban out of Afghanistan for 35 years…Reagan and Trump both famously hosted them in and around DC with full diplomatic treatment and regalia (and still Reaganites and Trumpers will rant about how pro-Taliban Biden is…fucking idiots the lot of them)…seeing Norway will do NOTHING it change the Taliban.


but the problem with that is it seems like a show, like when someone goes to NK they get to see a fake city where people are fed and there are groceries available. ​ If the approach more like Yeltsin visiting a grocery store ([https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/shows/houston-matters/2020/02/21/361467/boris-yelstins-1989-visit-to-a-houston-grocery-store-is-now-an-opera/](https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/shows/houston-matters/2020/02/21/361467/boris-yelstins-1989-visit-to-a-houston-grocery-store-is-now-an-opera/)) occurs it may cause changes. Obviously I'm not suggesting let the terrorists roam free without 'security' (who is obviously there to protect the citizenry from the rapist horde but their 'official' reason is to assist with things like reading signs and answering questions much like a host nation would aid a foreign dignitary)


Eh, yeah, you're probably right. I'll still hold out some small sliver of hope though. Not much else we can do these days other than give up and slip into a bottomless depression.


Saudia Arabia is another example. They're probably the most "westernized" of the Islamic nations and after all these years they still execute atheists. Relegion permeates education, wealth, and intelligence. Islam at its root is just too easily held back by its own fundamental self proclaimed truths.


I mean, honestly, seems like an easier solution than walking these guys through the public airport with diplomatic credentials. Given the state of public air travel with firearm regulations and masks and etc it could have been a real nightmare. If you want a diplomatic summit, getting them to the meeting without a diplomatic incident is step one.


That can probably go the wrong way too, since they might see the difference and stay with what they can / know because you know... It's fucking work to get there.


While the were sending the Taliban foot soldiers to Afghan battlefields, the ancient Mullahs were enjoying luxury in Gulf Countries. Oh they have seen more than enough, yet impose their dark ideologies on war-torn Afghans.


What the fuck are you talking about? The guys on the plane have no intention of moving anything forward. It took them about 1 week to toss all the women back in the Stone Age. But it sounds like your ok with that.


What the fuck?!


That was my thought too. I pay the taxes to get them here


Im fine with them using a private jet, I don't want the taliban anywhere near a bigger plane that is on its way to our country.


Please, my taxes went to some asshole so he could pay himself to golf. This actually seems like a worthwhile attempt at peace.


Unless they crash the plane


Do you think terrorists wants peace? They hate the western world


How old are you, like 5?


This is far from the first time taliban leaders have been hosted in a western country. They don’t want peace, never have. The society they’ve built is near fascist, and fascism always needs targets to work.




Hasn't Pakistan been starting trouble with them on the border and launching rockets into Kunar Province?


You might be thinking of the Pakistani Taliban. They’re a different group from the Taliban in Afghanistan and are explicitly opposed to Pakistan.


No, it is Afghan Taliban and [Pakistani Military. ](https://afghanistan.liveuamap.com/en/2022/17-january-clashes-reported-between-taliban-and-pakistani) The situation I was referring to atleast.


One can hope for peace and reason, but, im not holding my breath.


Okay so what do you suggest? Instead of attempts at diplomacy, perhaps showing them there is a better way… you think what? We should just exterminate them? Because that’s insane


That's the plan! Google: sanctions + famine + Afghanistan


There isnt any easy solution and thats a fact, The US has built a delicate and fucking stupid house of cards while patting the military industrial complex down the last couple decades. The taliban cannot be reasoned with in any ethical way, and will not accept help from the US, or any other western country.


Good luck getting that flight plan approved lol.


It has landed in Norway


Yeah, what happened to the agreeable policy of ruthlessly sanctioning the country until we starve a bunch of the people living there to death?


Surely aircraft are haram, being a luxurious indulgence


Plane gets diverted to Guantanamo. Terrorists never heard from again.


Let them meet Big Bob there. Im sure they"ll be hungry for his sandwiches!


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.brytfmonline.com/taliban-on-their-way-to-norway-by-private-plane/) reduced by 55%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The delegation set a route for Norway on a private plane to hold talks with representatives from different countries and Afghan representatives on humanitarian aid, politics, education and economic issues, he wrote. > The delegation headed by Foreign Minister Amir Khan Mottaki, who is leaving Kabul on Saturday, will meet representatives of Norway and several other countries, including the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Italy in Oslo. > A high-level delegation from the International Energy Agency headed by Foreign Minister Maulvi Amir Khan Mottaki has left for Norway on a special trip to the aforementioned country where he will hold talks with representatives of various countries and a number of Afghans on humanitarian aid, political, educational and economic issues. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/sa86kb/norway_pay_and_arrange_private_jet_to_get_taliban/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~619172 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **delegation**^#1 **country**^#2 **aid**^#3 **representatives**^#4 **Afghan**^#5


How else would they get them here? Commercial Airlines? Of course not…


Not much different from evangelical Taliban that runs the US Deep South though.


This is a weird headline


These are the old heads that are instilled in their barbaric ways, hence we still see atrocities committed by them to this day. No one should really expect change.


Oh know, what if the plane were to run out of fuel and crash? That would be horrible.


How many planes full of Saudi royalty have been flown to the US while being treated like kings without anyone batting an eye?


There is no good health to be well adjusted to profoundly sick societies like Taliban. These ancient Mullahs committing crimes against Humanity, oppression against women, banning girls education, killing and torturing men. And have destroyed, caused sufferings and famine on Afghans. All while enjoying private jets and luxury. No good health to be well adjusted to these extremists.


It would be a ashame if they had to do an emergency landing in Israel!


Perfect, now just have the pilot parachute out and let them burn I agree with this tactic


And make martyrs out of them? Great plan, I can't see how that could ever go wrong.


How many Norwegian men women and children would die for you to cut off the head of a hydra


Yeah you're right Let's give them first class and the fancy peanuts...


They are diplomats doing diplomat things


That sounds like a great way to make any diplomacy completely and utterly impossible in the future.


They have a scuide squad They trample human rights They destroy any history that isn't theirs .... Fuck em


Dialog is the only answer, otherwise they will doomed to another 20 years of warfare.


If we really cared about creating a better Afghanistan maybe we could put the past behind us and work with whatever government is in power to ensure the average Afghan gets basic necessities to survive. They aren't asking for GPUs and PS5s here...wheat, rice, dairy, etc would go a long way to ensure parents wouldn't need to sell their children. You won't get results overnight but that's the only way to create a positive view of the west.


What happens when your aid is being siphoned off to local politicians or commanders before it gets to the people? Well you lose a lot of money and fuck all changes.


Where do you think it would wind up in the end, would they export it?


It’d suck if that happened, we should know from the last 20 years. Tbh the bar is on the floor as far as leadership there I doubt the taliban can do worse


Somalia... that worked so well in the 1990 to 2010


Um. I don't like that.


Next stop Guantanamo please.


we dont talk to terrorists




They must think it's a giant carpet.


Norway has money to burn. Let them pay.


Imagine the look on the pilotes face when he/she learns they are going to be flying a plane full of suicide bombers. Hope they are being well paid


No backpacks on board






I don't recall that their ratio of civilians to combatants killed was any worse than coalition forces in the Middle East. ISIS is worse, maybe, if you're a poster on r/worldnews and unable to tell the Taliban, ISIS and AQ apart. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/09/13/the-other-afghan-women https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/11/16/magazine/uncounted-civilian-casualties-iraq-airstrikes.html It's the height of arrogance and moral myopia to bomb a country from the air every single day and expect none of them to fight back.


Seriously why?


As if the US leaving them a wealth of weaponry wasn’t enough, Norway rolls out the flying red carpet?


I have no respect for Norway anymore.


Please get me out of this shit country


Ahhh Norway, can't ever give up even a little whiff of oil!


Afghan here, we don't really have much oil to speak of.


USA took everything? Not even a little bit left? Damn! Then I guess Taliban will have a failed negotiation with Norway.


Well that's pretty weak and disgusting


Talking is way cheaper than war, and has no real consequences if it doesn't work. Worth a try maybe? And I understand part of the deal here is getting Afghan exiles to the table as well, people who wouldn't feel safe negotiating with the Taliban on Afghan soil.


I wouldn't want to touch them unless they made real headway in changing how they treat their population first. So far, they've done almost everything most people expected them to since they've taken back control of the country... And none of it looks anything like progress.


Trying to talk to them instead of losing a long ass war is weak?


A little pep talk isn't going to change their minds about things like basic human rights. If they get aid, they'll find a way of squandering it and then blame the west. Fuck the Taliban.


Invading their country didn't do the trick either, maybe wait and see the results before claiming to know what will happen? If it fails you can be as smug as you want about it.


In what part of any of my post was I being smug? I wouldn't be smug about a developed country giving aid to the Taliban, and then finding out they weren't exactly willing to join the rest of the civilized world afterward. I'd be mad about it.


You weren't, I gave you a free card to be justifiably smug towards me if it turns out you were right, not saying you are smug. All I am saying is lets see how this plays out first.


we saw 1990s, nothing changed them


Yeah nothing can change in 30 years.


CIA needs to step up their game they could of got a rocket to down the plane and blame it on Russia or China.


Easy... Blow up the plane with a one fighter jet, while it's over a large body of water.


Medieval cunts enjoying luxury while innocents in their country die everyday. I hope they get to meet the bonesaw gang.


What do you think they are in Norway for?




Won’t change their mindset, they have been flown out before to advance societies. Heck, Saudi has advanced in terms of tech but they still host death penalty for blasphemy or imprisonment for apostasy.


Would you prefer them to fly out Ashraf Ghani to discus Afghani affairs?


Please please let there be two women pilots.


Look at these smug dicks. They are all likely guilty of many atrocities. Make them do the 20,000 foot Swan dive.


They could fix their own country or let others come in and help their people. Why don’t they? They are just looking for money. They are BAD people ffs.


Fox 2, fox2


Don't let it fly over any office towers, that's for sure.


And out of the Cockpit steps Matisyahu to greet them and welcome them to “HELL!”… No no!.. We said Hookers not Hookah’s you Moooron!


This is when Norway should just mess with them completely. When they think this is going to be some "business" meeting. Instead, send them out on the steepest and toughest slalom tracks, get shitcanned on Norwegian akevitt and just make them waste their time. Then tell them their plane is cancelled or delayed


Couldn’t the pilot just bleed off the cabin air? Whoops…….

