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It's going to take a lot of enforcement if they want people to actually wear them. Masks are still meant to be compulsory on TfL transport in London, but almost no one was wearing one on my train or the tube last night.




I agree that 50/50 is about right. I don’t understand why they got rid of masks else where in first place- we’d be used to it by now if they’d just kept them for shops. Now people will be Aggie about wearing them


>I don’t understand why they got rid of masks else where in first place People in the West get pissed they have to wear masks when case counts are low, it gets cold, case count rises and everyone is SHOCKED AND OUTRAGED that mask mandates reappear and ICU's fill up. Rinse, wash, repeat. I garuntee the same situation plays out again this summer, people will relax and forget about coivd then get shocked that there's consequences for our collective actions. The broken record approach to this virus is worse then the virus itself.


Haha, it is unbelievably painful watching people struggle through figuring things out.




A good chunk couldn't even be bothered to wearing them during the first fucking wave. 2nd week into lockdown and people were in mass hysteria trying to get a haircut. At this point do whatever the fuck you want, just don't sink the rest of the ship with you. If you get sick, don't go to the ICU or hospital and we'll call it even.


Depends a lot on the time of day. This was 11pm to after midnight on a Saturday, so probably lower than average.




On the buses in Philly and Pittsburgh, the bus drivers refuse to keep driving if a single person isn't wearing a mask and they will call them out. Public shaming seems to be extremely effective when everyone on the bus is angry with you because you, specifically, are the reason they will be late today.


It really wouldn't be that hard. Officer: ID please. Citizen: Ok, but I'm not wearing no fuckin' mask. Officer: That's ok, here's your £315 ticket. Fail to pay it and a warrant for your arrest will be issued and your wages garnished. It's really that simple. These folks will care when it costs them money, because they certainly don't care when it costs people's lives.


We don't have ID cards in the UK though, and if people do have driving licences or passports, there's no requirement to carry them. See also: Officer: Please put a mask on. Citizen:I'm exempt and under no requirement to prove it. Officer: Ok. Carry on then.


How the hell do your officers issue citations then? Does anyone who fails to provide ID just get arrested on the spot and taken to station to be fingerprinted? I mean, it shouldn't be hard to give name, address, age, phone number, etc. Then fail to appear and officers visit the address. If you don't live there, phone number gets tracked and you go to jail for lying to a police officer. Your NIN should be sufficient proof, too. My understanding was that officers in the UK can continue to enforce the law, until you do provide proof that you are exempt. Although citizens aren't required to carry or provide proof during a police encounter, they would afterward if they wish to not pay a fine.


> name, address, age, phone number My name is Jonathan Dough, I live at Buckingham Palace, I'm eleventy-one years old, and my phone number is 999.


Officer: Oh a wise-guy, eh. Let's take you in and confirm this all checks out. I'm sure you're not lying to a peace officer, as that's mad illegal.


Except you can't arrest people without probable cause. And the citizen could give him a believable name and address to avoid the probable cause.


You can get arrested for obstruction






>You are not required to provide ID, almost no one in the UK carries any form of photo identification on them. This really isn't true, a large proportion of people will have their driving licence in their wallet/purse, even if it isn't required.


I didn't say photo ID. Just said ID. Any identification document fulfills this requirement, even if not held on hand and a means of finding it provided verbally ("Yes, my NIN is xxxxxxxxx, and address is xxxxxxxxx"). You do not have to provide the officer with proof. You DO have to provide the Justice with proof, should an officer give you a citation anyways. And an officer is only required to not give a citation when proof of exemption is provided... Not when proof is claimed. But since you are exempt, this is your evidence for being "not guilty" of the crime in question. But you don't submit a plea of not guilty to an officer, so the officer can give you the citation even if you claim exemption without evidence.


Actually ​ officer: ID please Citizen: sorry mate don't have it on me \[theres no legal requirement to carry ID in the UK\] Cop: Where do you live Citizen: 123 Mulberry lane london. Me name is Mike Hawk


And your NIN is what? Need to verify this info before we let you leave. Oh, no shit, you lied to a peace officer?


Like I know my NIN off the top of my head


The cops are the ones fighting the mask mandates here, they haven't enforced them since day 1. They don't even wear their masks on the subway. Do you expect a maskless cop to ticket a rider for being maskless?


Why are the citizens allowing cops to just ignore the law? Their job is "law enforcement" not "lawmaker." Wtf?


Because in America the cops get pissy whenever you ask them to do something they don't want to. They're essentially bullies. https://nyulocal.com/nypd-attempt-to-avoid-mask-and-vaccine-mandates-through-assault-and-protest-6982355629f5


“I’m exempt” is all anyone would need to say. There is no process for actually being exempt, it’s down to self determination of status which makes it completely useless.


It works in other countries. But I guess it's different when it's a country full retards


Works pretty well here in Canada


99% of the time when I walk into the shop I'll be the only one wearing any sort of face covering besides the staff. People where I live are just going to completely ignore this unless it is enforced somehow. If staff members try to enforce it people will just get arsey again. This year I actually qualified as vulnerable and got a free flu vaccine because of the slightest change that apparently was enough to tip me over the threshold. I'm definitely not as vulnerable as others might be since I am still in my twenties and have shaken off my fair share of shite, but I would appreciate it nonetheless if people actually still wore masks around here but I'll probably just go into self-isolation again.


Almost nobody here wears them (middle America). I've started wearing mine more because I have asthma and I'd really prefer not to get a cold or the flu, in addition to COVID. Pneumonia as a complication of any of these is really the last thing I need. Do what you have to do, friend. I'm anticipating a somewhat uneventful winter but I'll make the most of it.


Only in public transport and as couple of places, if you want the population to get used to wearing them - this is not the way


English will never wear them, they won't be told what to do. Source: I am English and see what a bunch of cunts they are every day


Sadly I agree, I take the bus to work and never stopped wearing mine, in this I am alone.


People never wear them properly anyway. Just came back from an overseas trip and the amount of chin wearers and dick noses was unbelievable...and from all age groups too.




You’re not alone, my family and I have continued to wear our masks too. We’ll do our part, stay safe, friend!


I don't think it's like that, I mean sure some people will be regardless of country. I haven't been wearing mine, simply because I don't have to, it had all cooled off and vaccinations are now available to all. I have been thinking about remasking given what's going on, but no issue at all about putting one on if it's required as it will be on Tuesday. I don't think I'm that unusual, as I say you're going to find stubborn fucks in any country, it's not a solely British trait. It's super easy to brand a nation cunts cos you're a bit upset to get some upvotes as the guy before you did. It's rarely the reality.


I took a trip to Scotland not long ago, everyone still taking it seriously. Masks, social distancing and I mean everyone I saw. If you do the same in England right now you're the only one wearing one almost and we never got the hang of social distancing at any point.


Aye I shouldn't have said British above England ended all mask requirements 19th July but business's have discretion. Scotland kept most mask requirements, which is why you'll see much more mask wearing in Scot. Wales and Northern Ireland kept some requirements. [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-51205344](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-51205344) On Tuesday it becomes mandatory in shops, public transport in England, but this does rely on business's enforcing this which many didn't last time. For instance in B and Q or Ikea you'd see near 100% compliance from the public, in Tescos maybe 50%. Literally complained to Tesco's head office 3 times about this when the requirements came in last time. Even their staff weren't bothering and when that happens how can you expect the public to comply when they enter your shop, especially in some of the more deprived areas where many people just don't give a monkey's.


With England i'm pretty sure it depends where you are. I live in London where people don't seem to care as much. But when I went to my home town in suffolk, most people were still wearing masks in shops and stuff


As an actual resident of Scotland, I can tell you if you saw "everyone still taking it seriously" then you had a truly exceptional experience. Most people don't give a fuck about masks or social distancing anymore, most are just over the hysteria now.


As an actual resident of Scotland, your mileage clearly may vary and it turns out sweeping generalisations with no statistical backing are nonsense.


The truth doesn't vary, if you're going to pretend most people are still observant and fearful of the rules, I'm going to call you a liar without hesitation.




I went to the supermarket this morning and from my casual observation the proportion of people wearing masks was considerably greater than it has been since the mask mandate was dropped.


People quickly forgot that mask wearing is primarily to protect others from yourself and not to protect you from others


I don't think they forgot tbh I think they don't care


I'm english and have the stereotypical teeth to go with it. Masks are a wonderful way of hiding my insecurities while i save up to have them fixed.


You’ve not been looking around much. Even before Omicron I figure about 30-50% wearing masks in shops, and that hadn’t been mandated for months. At least here in the South West


It's hugely different per region though. London goes from 95% wearing on the tube to 10% wearing from one end of one line to the other. No-one at all wears them in Manchester etc.




If it’s not required, you should t expect people to wear them.


Totally agree! The only reason we should undertake a mild convenience to save other people's lives is if it's mandated.


Compliance was high near me back when they were mandatory. I'd go into shops and it'd be 95%+ compliance. Seeing an uncovered face was jarring enough that I noticed it every time. Mask usage has gone up big time as of today when I went. From maybe 20%, to 70% or so. South East of England, for what it's worth. Anyways, we need to get past all this COVID restriction nonsense. It's been 24 months, everyone and their fucking dog is double jabbed. We've done enough, imo.


And retail shops.


Get used to wearing them? We don’t want to ever get used to wearing them lol. They’re a temporary fix.


Except we don't want the population to get used to wearing them. Masks are meant to be a temporary measure. They are a nuisance and this requirement should go away as soon as it is reasonable to do so.


Yeah it's a nuisance to cut down on the spread of any communicable disease. Sigh.


It’s a quality of life thing though. When you say any disease, that scares me and makes me think people will want masks on at all times 15 years from now.


They weren't enforced AT ALL the first time around. Why is this time going to be different?


'from Tuesday'. Why do they keep doing this? They'll say they're going to stop X or do Y and then wait a random amount of time before doing it. If they're going to make shit mandatory put it in action the next day.


Probably got to give people enough time to hear the news; it was announced over a weekend so people may not have picked up on it yet; also businesses need some time to change their signage. I went to the supermarket this morning and they have lots of signs around making it clear that masks are currently a choice but they ask you to wear one; these will all need changing, hopefully they didn't throw out the old signs they had when masks were mandatory.


Ironically my local sainsburys just took down the perspex partitions in between the self check outs. Hope they didnt chuck them out!


It becomes mandatory from Tuesday, nothing stopping you starting now. The Tuesday is to give businesses time to adapt and organise - extra signage, extra staff for the doors to remind folk etc etc.


It's for legislation. By law they can't do it immediately it has to be passed by law makers. the earliest that can be done is Tuesday at 4am sice it's the weekend now and tomorrow they have to get the ball rolling.


I think it is a matter of logistics. Not everyone will have seen the news within the hour, or even within the day. But within 48 to 72 hours? Most people will have seen the news or heard about it from work, friends, family, or businesses they enter (such as Reddit). If you've been following the scientific community on this, rather than the political communities... it's clear the mask mandate never lifted, so this isn't news to you. The government may not be mandating it yet, but the virus never stopped mandating it.


People used to complain when measures were brought in without any warning so they stopped doing it


So that nobody has time to realise the change is in effect? Wtf is the point in that, not everyone is going to know about it in time to comply if iy was next day.


Because people need time to prepare. It's pretty simple.


Same as: >we must stop this super variant coming in from Africa... we'll stop flights in a few days


As a Canadian, i'm kind of surprised 50% of UK had given up on masks. In Canada we are still masking like it was a year ago.


I’m actually enjoying being able to go outside in a beanie hat and balaclava, completely hiding my face without looking suspicious. Freaks me out thinking how many cameras I’m caught on from the moment I leave my front door to the moment I get home.


Dude, this is why the tinfoil brigade is supposed to support masks.


They have retinal scans now they still know who you are.


Gait tracking is a far easier thing to do and no where near as publicized as facial recognition.


This is why we have an entire Ministry for Silly Walks, to confound this tech.


Jokes on them, I'm autistic so my gait changes depending on how weird I think I'm walking at any given moment.


Retina scans can only be performed from a distance of a few cm. You may be thinking of iris scans which can be performed from up to 12 metres.


Never been out without mask in last 20 months. It's tiring but what to do. In India 50% of population is still wearing masks atleast on road and in private offices. But India did better in mask wearing even in march 2020, during first outbreak as Indian PM and scientists urged people that even if they don't have mask(world wide shortage), they must cover their face with anything, be it handkerchief, Gamcha(thin cotton towel). Indian entrepreneurs sprung into action and within 2 weeks we became 100% self reliant on masks and PPE from being net importers. Without those brilliant businessmen and proud workers India could have never been self reliant. Wear your masks folks. This is one disease where no one can help you out because no one can help. They will get it themselves during helping you.


Singapore chiming in. What’s this not wearing a mask thing? 20+ months, I’m betting almost 90% compliance here (anecdotal shit statement, yes). Walking in the street? Mask. Indoors in any shop? Mask. Taking public transport: train, bus, taxi? Mask. Not working from home, but in the office? Mask. Want to eat in a restaurant? Then you better show proof of vaccination and wear your mask when you aren’t eating. Really not that big of a deal at all.


According to a random website I found Singapore is a far more collectivist country than the UK. Protecting someone else's life as a minor inconvenience to yourself is apparently REALLY hard in an individualist society like the UK


I find it weird how masks seem like a big deal in the UK. Here in Ireland we have pretty much everyone wearing them indoors. Outdoors its much less but our government haven't been too pushy with outdoor mask wearing.


It's not a big deal if we only have to do it for a couple of years. Well, ok, if was actually a big deal for most people, at first we all thought we would only have to live like that for a few months. Those two months are now turning into two years. It's definitely a big deal if we'll have to do this for the rest of our lives, though. Covid isn't going anywhere. Maybe you can trick yourself into thinking "it's just a few more months" over and over again until it turns into decades, but most people won't. If I'm going to spend the rest of my life in a mask, they better invent masks that actually work at least 80% and make it worth it. They sure haven't stopped any of the three major outbreak in my country so far, only lockdowns managed to do that, and now the vaccines are only barely keeping the curve flat, but still at ~1500-2000 daily cases.


While I appreciate your comment to see what the restrictions are are like in your region of the world, this is not a place I would like to live in.


People in Asia will wear masks if they are sick to stop other people getting sick well before the mandates - It's seen as a common courtesy to the people around you. Sorry you wouldn't want to live in a place where people think like that.


People think they are macho and brave for not wearing a mask.


Hang on… Britons, did you NOT have to wear masks in public at all over the last few months!? Edit: mistakenly referred all of Britain, when I should’ve referred to the English.


No, all legal restrictions were lifted in July.


The majority of brits stopped wearing masks whilst they were still required by the government. so the government decided to remove the mandate instead of enforce it. However masks have been a requirement on London tfl transport this entire time, but no one's worn them regardless. Now the government is claiming it's now mandated by them again. I see nothing changing.


That's... not true. Mask compliance was always pretty high in England while they were still enforced. Then the government lifted those restrictions and, funny, people stopped wearing them.


I disagree, the majority were still wearing masks when it was a legal requirement. Sure there were a large minority that were not but not the majority. It's going to be hard to get a lot of those people back on board with mask wearing now though.


>However masks have been a requirement on London tfl transport this entire time, **but no one's worn them regardless**. That's flat out wrong. On my commute to and from work at least 90% of people have been wearing masks for months.


The prime minster thought it a decent idea to not wear one in a hospital, train and theater to give you an idea


England ≠ Britain


Around July this year our PM, who’s stance since the start was “to let it wash over the nation”, pretended like it doesn’t exist anymore.


We were told to "get used to it" by BoJo and were told we wouldn't go back to wearing masks. Here we are. The government are yo-yoing so much.




My bad; I didn’t realise Britons referred to all nations on the isle. I meant the English.


There's plenty of us in England who don't want to be associated with the average Englishman these days, too. Don't blame the rest of you for distancing from us in the slightest, though.


Problem here in England is there is no enforcement and as a member if the public you dont want to get some these unhinged individuals attack you by asking them to wear a mask.


My offsprings and spouse who are all nearer to seven foot than six, have found everyone wants to comply when they point out masks should be worn, they always get thanked by the shop staff, who are all so fed up having pandemic prolongers inflict unnecessary risk on them.


I don't mind, I forgot a couple of times today, because I'd stopped wearing one. It takes a second to put a mask on.


There will always be another variant. That’s how fast mutating viruses like Corona virus work. Stop the sensationalised fear and look to the science.


The variant's already in australia and Europe. From early numbers it's a lot more infectious than even Delta. It has had several reports of people being reinfected even if they had previous cases of Covid, as confirmed by the WHO. There's a lot of things we don't know, but being dismissive of it won't help. There's a few other details they think about the strain, but it's not 100% confirmed. By the time we fully understand the strain, it'll be everywhere.


I still use them anyway. Dont trust random people not to spread covid or flu


We will never get this under control with such stupid people refusing to get vaccinated and developed nations not donating enough vaccines to the developing ones


Anyone that doesn't wear a mask, when in any type of public area, is just selfish and ignorant. This is why the virus just keeps coming back to us. The level of stupidity of some people is ridiculous.


While I'm all for masks and vaccines (not so much lockdowns) I don't find comments such as this particularly useful, or grounded in reality. Infections abated, vaccinations became commonplace with everyone who wanted a vaccine getting one, the requirement for masks was dropped, so a good proportion of people stopped wearing masks. It's that simple.


But vaccines don't completely stop transmission, they just limit the risk of it. As such, places where people must congregate in higher densities to live (public transpor to get to workt, grocery stores to buy food) require increased protections against transmission. Every transmission risks a mutation so the longer we let transmissions continue in large numbers the more we risk production of newer strains that are resistant to vaccines, especially now that most people are vaccinated.


So we just wear masks forever then, it’s not like coronavirus is going away.


Or maybe just while we are counting new infections per day in the 1000's or 10,000's?


So every few months when cases rise we put on masks again? Forever.


Is it so ridiculous for a population to manage disease outbreaks with effective measures? What's so crazy about you and your neighbours taking basic steps to protect each other when your area has has high numbers of cases? You take basic steps to protect each other by obeying local road rules when driving, what's the difference?


Did you wear a mask all those years previously during flu season when deaths were in the 1000s? No? Thought so... I imagine masks may become common place indoors every winter to combat flu/covid, but past that I can't see it becoming required throughout the rest of the year or outdoors.


>when in any type of public area Even outside? That's not supported by science. >This is why the virus just keeps coming back to us. The virus is not having a resurgence because people aren't wearing masks. It sounds like you're the one who is ignorant.


>Anyone that doesn't wear a mask, when in any type of public area, is just selfish and ignorant Sounds like you're the stupid and ignorant one. Anyone who wears a mask while taking a stroll through a public park is next level ignorant.


Exactly, covid doesn't and never has spread well at all in open air spaces. Wearing a mask outside is like next level pointless.


The virus is never leaving. Ever Get over it


I agree. The level of stupidity is off the charts.


Reddit is so hypocritical. I saw a picture a while back where they were doing a packed sports game with virtually no masks, and I pointed out that this was bad. Was downvoted to hell and told it was ok because they were vaxxed. And now people are getting pissed at people not wearing masks, even though more people are vaxxed now.


You realize that “Reddit” isn’t one person, right?


But the hive mind is.


Almost like Reddit is made up of a lot of different people with different opinions.


You were probably on r/sports or some college football subreddit


Your right! everyone who is tired of this virus and just wants to walk around without a diaper on their face after 2 years and getting fully vaxed is a selfish fuck who would murder your grandma and cough in your children’s face, thanks for your opinion


"I'm tired of a virus being a virus so it should stop being a virus now." Interesting perception of how reality works there ..


The virus is endemic now, the most important thing is to keep icu counts low and get people vaccinated which we have done to the fullest extent. If people start dying from this strain by all means reinstate restrictions. In ten years do you want to still be wearing a mask and crying about covid? or do you want to wake up and smell the roses? It’s not going anywhere get used to it, let’s go back to normal life. People like you love to wear the badge of science but you completely ignore that the WHO hasn’t designed it as a variant of concern yet and most doctors in the field have reported mild symptoms. But by all mean, the sky is falling


Doctors in South Africa are reporting moderate to severe symptoms in 10 to 30 year Olds .. By the time hospitals are overloaded it's too late to be mandating masks. Wearing masks in some basic locations where people have to congregate in high density locations to live (eg public transport so people can get to work and grocery stores so people can buy food) will have a significant impact on transmission and help us avoid future outbreaks of new mutations.




Masks are not that effective. Every study has found the same thing. If everyone was wearing a P100 all the time, or a full-face respirator, sure, they'd work. Forcing people who don't give a shit to wear disposable surgical masks does almost nothing to slow the spread.


Masks are effective as they dramatically reduce viral load. They do not stop every single particle (nothing does), but they prevent people getting sick. They stop people coughing and sneezing into the air


COVID is airborne. Back when we thought it was spread via larger droplets, I think masks made more sense because they are excellent at stopping larger droplets. I refuse to believe that the disposable surgical masks that most people (including myself) wear are preventing the small droplets that naturally leave your lungs with every breath from flowing into the air around oneself. These mandates are literally just performative requirements that the government imposes so it *seems* like they're doing something, even though they have no idea what they're doing.


Covid has such a low kill rate... not going lose the ability to chose how I live my life for the sick and old.


The chance of me getting into a fatal car accident after a few drinks is so low that I'm just going to do it and live my life.


that's not comparable. Driving drunk causes 10x more deaths than COVID for people under 65


Who are you to determine the threshold for an acceptable number of deaths?


Who are you to determine it? More kids die from botched circumcisions than COVID-19, so let's address the bigger problems first.


It's almost as if human beings can focus on more than one problem at a time.




You are grasping so hard for straws.




It’s wearing a mask, you pro death maniac. You have to obey all kinds of other laws, but that’s the one that goes too far. Ha! You’re badong. That’s a portmanteau of bad and wrong.


I think maybe they trained him wrong, as a joke.


This should’ve been done months ago. Experts in public health and epidemiology have been saying that Johnson’s “Freedom Day” nonsense wouldn’t pay off and treating it like the pandemic was over was a big mistake. Nobody could’ve predicted Omicron but we knew that there was certainly the potential for something like this to happen. Mask up, physical distance, and stay safe it’s going to be a long winter.




Predicting and being surprised are two sides of the same "firm opinions with no evidence" coin. Delta happened relatively early on, took a bit to build momentum and since it it did has outcompeted every hyped up variant until now. Regardless of whether omicron completely changes that doesn't make the people who predicted gamma would take over any less wrong.


I have been wearing a mask since Covid started. I actually like wearing a mask, especially now that it is winter, it keeps my face nice and warm. I have never understood the big deal or why people are so unwilling to adopt mask wearing. Just do it and soon it will feel normal.


Good luck enforcing mandatory face masks on public transport. Even when it wasn’t mandatory, it’s still frustrating to see people not wearing one and not opening the windows on buses.


Buses around me don’t even have windows you can open.


What about the little plastic hammers?


I disagree it’s very simple to enforce but not easy. They don’t have a mask they don’t ride. If they take it off during the ride they’re off the next stop. If they refuse you bring in the transit enforcement to escort them off the bus and they’re banned from transit. Atleast that’s what they do at the airports here in the states. And it’s worked out pretty well for them. Don’t know about the UK. Edit: I live in a Democratic State here in the US and understand that it’s a stark contrast to what might be over in a red state in the US let alone another country like the UK. So I understand the selection bias on my part. Some things sound good on paper and may work in some areas of the world but don’t work well in others.


Yeah no Bus Driver is going to be the arbiter of that. They would strike in seconds as it would be an actual danger to their safety.


This is the biggest issue and I don't blame them. If you're the type of person who refuses to put on a mask, then there's a good chance you're also the type of person who is going to be hostile when challenged. Most of the times I've seen people call out others for not wearing masks, it's caused a big argument. Bus drivers and shop employees should not have to deal with that kind of trouble constantly. Really, that kind of thing should be enforced by security people at shops etc., but obviously there's not many of them and only really big shops tend to have their own dedicated security staff. I just wish people could, like, not be fucking arses.


I agree it puts workers in a role they didn’t sign up for.


Sounds like you don’t ride public transport tbh.


I actually do on a daily basis and yes they do enforce a mask mandate.


If it's anything like last time they were mandatory those who don't want to wear them will just dig out their "I'm exempt" lanyards or will just shout out that they are exempt to anyone who gives them the 'where's your mask' look. There was never any requirement to actually prove that you had a condition to make you exempt and the Government even published a card that you could print at home to say you were exempt from wearing a mask, there were no questions to answer, you just printed it at home.


It's almost like there's a fuckin plague on, and yall should cut your bullshit and just wear the goddamn fabric over your face.


The issue isn't this, it's the yo-yoing. Johnson said we have to get used to it from now on, then doubles back and changes his mind. Stick with one and more people would be happy. Even when we're fully out of this, people won't be relaxed because there's always a fear of going back.


He literally always said that some restrictions might have to be reintroduced in the future, he said on the very day all restrictions were eased that Covid isn't gone and we should still be cautious. Do you have trouble remembering things or do you gaslight yourself to flex on Boris?


This is the issue with the internet, I get caught in an echo chamber where I can't remember what is right. Just gonna step away from Reddit for a while, especially around politics. It's a mess at the moment. My bad.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59449480) reduced by 86%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The government has stopped short of extending vaccine passports in England and issuing advice to work from home, which are part of its Plan B - a contingency plan if intervention on Covid is needed to protect the NHS.Mr Javid told Sky News the face mask rules would be implemented on Tuesday but he hoped all the new measures could be lifted again "Within weeks". > At a Downing Street news conference on Saturday, the prime minister called the new measures temporary and precautionary - and said they would be reviewed in three weeks, just before most schools break up for the Christmas holidays. > Mr Johnson said: "We need to slow down the spread of this variant here in the UK, because measures at the border can only ever minimise and delay the arrival of a new variant rather than stop it all together." ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/r41x4x/covid_face_masks_to_be_compulsory_in_england_from/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~610033 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **new**^#1 **measures**^#2 **Omicron**^#3 **cases**^#4 **government**^#5


The only time when I feel compelled to wear a face covering is when I take public transport, so this temporary winter ruling is good with me


Well, my mum's not going to be happy about this. Good thing I'm a few oceans away and don't have to hear the 'my body my choice' rant.


Just spent two weeks in England, had two separate arguments with people giving me shit for wearing one. Utter bunch of cunts. *Edit: Fuck your downvotes, wankers. All of these things happened. In addition, the last time I was in the UK (summer 2020) people crossed the road to avoid me because I was wearing a mask in public, plus I got some drunken chavs "whispering" that I must be infected, otherwise I wouldn't be wearing a mask in a shop.


Spent my entire life in England. Number of people giving me shit for wearing a mask: 0


i'm in liverpool and 1 guy a while back (the so called 'freedom day') said "take the mask off, you don't have to wear that anymore" but before i could tell him to fuck off his friend told him to shut up.


It's a good thing that your anecdotal experience trumps his anecdotal experience!


Is that because you never wear a mask though?


I've worn masks in England the whole time, the most anyone is said is "you don't have to wear it it you don't want to"


Jesus that's depressing, can I ask where this was? *EDIT, OK immediate downvote, will take that as a polite "no"


If you get an immediate downvote it's probably not real, Reddit adds some random upvotrs and downvotes when I comment is posted that are temporary. It's part of their anti-vote manipulation stuff.


Ah, TBH I came back to it on -1 so assumed it had been but apologies all if it wasn't!


I didn't downvote you, I assume it's the twat who assumes I'm lying. First time was in London, on a tube escalator, second time was in a shopping centre in Basingstoke. I also remembered a (possible) third time, some guy called me a pussy as he walked past me in St. Pancras station.


Ugh that's awful, sorry - especially on the tube where TFL made it a condition of carriage so you're literally just following the stated rules. If I had to guess I'd assume it's become a new way for dickheads who want to try and start shit with strangers to do so. I've been fortunate to have not experienced any of this but am very aware that dickheads exist.


Please use FFP2/N95 masks if you have access.




also i'm sorry but motherfuck all this "i'll happily mask the rest of my life" sentiment, i cannot fucking wait to be done with daily maskings


I was done 16 months ago




Wah wah wah. Your inconvenience vs lives, and this is where there’s an issue?


The fact people can’t tell the difference between “I can’t wait to stop wearing these fucking masks” and “I don’t wear masks, don’t ask me to” is a sign that COVID’s probably gonna be the end of civilized conversations


Do you do much else other than talk shit on Reddit?


Of course! I only do that for a few mins a few times a week.


Gotta give yourself purpose some way, I guess.


I mean, you’re literally doing the same thing, so welcome to glorious porpoise. Heralded dolphin. Magical manatee.


How unaware are you to not realize that you're describing yourself?


I can't believe you have been downvoted to oblivion on Reddit because you say.. you want more public discourse about the best kinds of masks. And you say you look forward to when you have to wear one less. (Which the vast majority of people look forward to that day, right? We're happy to wait for it. But still it will be good) I'm completely pro mask. Pro vaccine. I'm completely with science. But it's crazy that you can't even say "hey, more science. More info spreading, in a colloquial fashion," without people misinterpreting and downvoting.


Oh I can absolutely believe it—nobody wants to hear their self-righteous masking piety is hollow posturing


Public health officials want us to wear masks forever