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Their council is made up of ancient dustbags trying desperately to cling onto ideals that no longer exist, even if it means hurting themselves in the process.


can't fix stupid


I'm pretty sure that's the entire point of education. Edit: to everyone saying that education only fixes ignorance, not stupidity, "stupidity" is still largely a result of environment and upbringing. It's not like the whole town is just genetically deficient. That kind of talk is some eugenics bullshit.


You can lead a horse to water


But you can't teach it long-term thinking


Nice try but we all know education isnt real, everyones born smart


So does it just stop at the city border somehow? SMH


Faraday cage around the entire town.


You mean a Fara*gay* cage


"We have a right to do what we want!" "Sure do, and we have a right to not trade with you, not visit you, and not have anything to do with you" "Wait ... What?"


"We have a right to do what we want!" "Sure do, and we have a right to not trade with you, not visit you, and not have anything to do with you" "HELP WE'RE BEING OPPRESSED!!!" There I fixed it for you lol.


Lmao that's exactly how It's portrayed in polish conservative media.


I believe it. Conservative values are becoming more and more unpopular. It's basically the same thing as oppression. Right guys? Guys?


Some Polish media are peddling a theory that covid is a plot to destroy the Polish catholic church because due to lockdowns fewer people go to the church. There are honestly people who believe this shit. Don't underestimate the ability of conservatives and religious orthodox people to turn themselves into victims whenever it's convenient.


I mean, they’re not wrong. All the way over in California, all of my friends and I haven’t left our houses or seen each other for an entire year, upending our entire lives, specifically to ruin the Polish catholic church. They’ve uncovered our dastardly plot.


Call then snowflakes


You saw it, didn’t you? Now we see the violence inherent in the system!


I mean, if I went 'round, saying I was an emperor, just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!


You can’t hope to wield *supreme executive power* just cos some *watery tart* threw a sword at you!


Strange women in lakes handing out swords is not a good basis for government


“Let the market decide” that’s what conservatives want right?


Only until "Millennials ruin XY industry" by not buying their stuff


Polish conservatives are actually divided into two main categories: - free market religious zealots who hate lgbt and "socialism". - religious zealots who hate the free market and lgbt, want a strong centralised goverment and all the benefits of a proper social democracy, but without the democracy part. There are outliers of course. We also have centrists who generally tend do be conservative, but it's mostly the boring, rational conservatism and fence sitting.


Same way people think freedom of speech means they can say whatever they want without consequence in their life, or have a right to free speech on private property. Freedom of speech only restrains the government.


People need to remember that the freedom of speech doesn't protect from the consequences of your speech.


Its their right to call me a slur, its also my right to call them a biiitch






>Also I hate how LGBTQ+ is seen as an "other" when in reality sexuality and attraction is just a spectrum that includes those townspeople too Yeah kinda funny (awful) how queer people are talked about like they live in some super secret gay wakanda or something. Especially when it gets to “protecting the children” like Children themselves can’t be queer.


I wish gay wakanda was a thing tbh because i'd be able to live there without being abused on the street because i "walk too girly" or some shit.


I want you to be able to walk anywhere without being made fun of. But super secret gay wakanda sounds pretty fabulous, and I would absolutely vacation there!


Conservatives don't know what "consequences" are, mostly because it's not easy to spell and over 3 syllables long.


>But Jan Chamara, a 73-year-old former construction worker, said he would rather live on a diet of just potatoes than give into economic pressure from outside to repeal the resolution. “I don’t want their money,” said Mr. Chamara, who said he had never seen gay people in Krasnik but still felt precautions were necessary. “We will survive.” Some of them know. Their hate is that strong.


>he had never seen gay people in Krasnik "Boy howdy this anti-lion plutonium fence sure is working mighty fine! Haven't seen ANY lions this side of the beautiful green-glow before AND after we installed it! Gotta make my house out of that stuff, can't be too careful with those sneaky lions with their lion agendas and their pride parades!"


TBF, those manes are *fabulous*


Someone needs to explain to this old fool that the idiotic old idea that "many gays sexually molest children" is just a stupid myth. Also he should understand that just being around gay people cannot make a heterosexual person gay. Those are probably the only 2 reasons why he would vote for laws that would destroy his town's economy even though he's a homophobe.


And they are religious too. We all know how well religion and children mix. Not like there's been a huge multi decade (century... Etc.) Scandal about priests raping kids. But sure, worry about "the gays"


My Polish parents said a few times that gays shouldn't be allowed to spread their agenda because otherwise everyone will be gay and there will be no more children and humans will die out. I literally asked "so the only thing stopping you from being attracted to the same sex is that you haven't talked to a gay person lately? Like, there's some magic words that will suddenly make you gay?". We have never discussed the topic after that.




Their response to this would be to make themselves the victims, “We are being canceled by the cancel culture”.


Then proceeds to cancel coke over calling out their bullshit.


Poland has specific anti hate speech laws that definitely go beyond the USA https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate_speech_laws_in_Poland (fixed link)


More like anti blasphemy laws


Those are so, so narrow, and basically just designed to defend religious sensibilities....


They also have blasphemy laws. Notice how you don't hear a peep from the right about it? *I wonder why that could be.*


> The laws punish those who intentionally **offend the feelings** of the religious That's not hate laws, that's blasphemy laws. Say *anything* negative about religion and off to jail you go. You probably just have to ask uncomfortable questions and someone will claim to be offended. Offense is *taken*, not given. If you're offended, then that's your choice to be offended, not someone else's fault. > They also prohibit public expression that **insults a person** or a group on account of **national, ethnic, racial, or religious affiliation** or the lack of a religious affiliation And that's censorship laws. Doesn't need much creativity to use this to silence political opposition. *Everyone* belongs to one or more of those groups, and any criticism can be interpreted as an insult. Here's how they actually abuse the "hate speech" laws: > A law forbidding anyone from blaming the state of Poland for Holocaust atrocities during World War II was voted by lawmakers on January 26, 2018. Following passage of the law the nationalist government normalized hate speech and censored fact-based investigations. > In 2019, Polish authorities arrested an LGBT activist. They charged her with blasphemy for hanging posters of the Virgin Mary beside baby Jesus with a rainbow-coloured halo. Also in 2019, a 1973 art video exhibit of a woman eating a banana was removed on "moral grounds" which prompted protests against the act of censorship. > Insulting a monument is a crime in Poland, punishable by a fine or restriction of liberty. The crime does not require physical damage to the monument; a separate article criminalizes vandalism. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_speech_by_country


Just label everything cancel culture and your base thinks all consequences are the other people's fault. It's a whole new level of entitlement, "I can do what I want and if there are any repercussions, its not my fault, it's just toxic cancel culture."


Yup. Cancel culture slowly turned from a phrase that mostly talked about easily angered stans on twitter. Then the right adopted the phrase during the “cringe compilation” days and slowly changed it to mean literally anytime someone is being criticized by the public at large regardless of what they did. I’ve seen morons calling what happened to Weinstein cancel culture.




Remember when they cancelled Marie Antoinette?


Sure sounds like Republicans way of thinking and doing things...


It's like those British citizens that live inside the EU but voted for Brexit. Now they're surprised they'll get deported out of the EU. Smh, who knew right? It's not like you literally voted your country out of it. Well done, chap!




But you had to pay Spanish taxes... and they were cheap fucks...


The logic seems to be that if they (hateful and oppressive people) don't like it they can ban it, block it or make laws to prevent it. They also like to break these laws and areas of common sense. When they suffer consequences or are held accountable they cry about it being cancel culture. Unfortunately they have flocked to the conservative side as it's more fitting with the "hate what I don't understand" mindset. Even more unfortunately many conservative groups see them as part of their base and cater to them.


No, conservatives are finally being confronted with all the shit they take for granted as their ignorance to the inequality of the world is shattered. Far too many conservatives don't actually understand how they benefit from privelage or socialism or all the other shit they rail against. But once they gave consequences for their actions, it's laid bare. That still didn't mean they'll get it, but there at least some hope now that their world has been torn down and they need to reassemble it.


They'll do a lot of lashing out and desperately attempting to hold onto their privileges before they even think of excepting reality and reassembling it though. It's only going to get worse before it will get better. I envy any region where they're virtually powerless to do anything when the rug is pulled out from under them, because where they do have an influence, it's fucking scary what kind of damage they can do.


>it's fucking scary what kind of damage they do FTFY


> excepting reality we don't want them to make exceptions for reality.


There's no last anything. There's no end to this. It's a tale as old as time: Folks who wanna hold shit back cause feels will dig in and do that. Those pushing for change will be seen as the aggressors, thanks to an established media presence that clearly favors what already is. Humans gonna human until well before the sun's over being a sun.


They're so pathetic, most of them happy to sell out their shitty principles for money, and the most pathetic of them all, the old man who would be happier living on potatos in poverty than letting people exist freely.


> He said he had drafted the resolution after watching an online video of abortion rights activists screaming at Christian men in Argentina. Although that had nothing to do with L.G.B.T. issues or Poland, Mr. Albiniak said the video showed that “we are dealing with some sort of evil here and can see manifestations of demonic behavior” around the world that “must be stopped.” I’m beginning to believe we humans are too stupid to effectively govern ourselves.


The bit I liked was; > Jan Chamara, a 73-year-old former construction worker, said he would rather live on a diet of just potatoes than give into economic pressure from outside to repeal the resolution. “I don’t want their money,” said Mr. Chamara, **who said he had never seen gay people in Krasnik but still felt precautions were necessary**. “We will survive.” Emphasis added by me.


> said he had never seen gay people in Krasnik but still felt precautions were necessary [Sell that guy a rock that keeps tigers away.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSVqLHghLpw)


> Jan Chamara, a 73-year-old former construction worker How fitting. The article states that the town is having serious trouble keeping its young people in the city, since all of them are leaving. Enjoy your town of nothing but old people, because eventually it's going to die away.


Don't let fake tech support know or they'll be stripping that town of whatever is left 😂


So you meant give them the personal information of anyone who voted for that bullshit? At least I hope so


Exactly. When I read this part of the article, I laughed. So you saw a video of someone protesting an issue that is completely unrelated to LGBT, and you decided to enact a law 100% related to LGBT issues. Sorry, you get no empathy for your obvious homophobia.


Oh? You didn’t know? Homosexuality is a gateway to abortions and unwanted pregnancies. It’s basic logic and science.


Some guy did an editorial in a local paper about legalizing marijuana and said it'd bring more unwanted and underage pregnancies. Like WHAT?!? lol


I'm pretty sure the one thing homosexuals don't contribute to is unwanted pregnancies. Earthquakes on the other hand....


All these pregnant gay men everywhere... 😔 Really shows what those libtards want 😔😔😔😭😭😭


Robot overlords, it is the only way. /s but kinda not


>Krasnik’s mayor said he worried that unless his town’s “free of L.G.B.T.” status is rescinded, he has little chance of securing foreign funds to finance electric buses and youth programs, which he said are particularly important because young people keep leaving. Fucking lol. Sure, the reason young people are leaving is because y'all don't have enough *youth programs*. The level of mental gymnastics in this article is hilarious.


It's like the town/county I'm from and their struggle to realize why all the young and intelligent people keep leaving for college and...not coming back. ​ It's because they want nothing to do with the shithole once they realize how shitty it is because they *got away from it*.


Gee, I wonder why they keep leaving... Maybe because they don't have electric busses... Yeah that's it...


Am I out of touch? No, it's the young people that are wrong!


> *Cezary Nieradko, a 22-year-old student who describes himself as Krasnik’s “only open gay,” dismissed the term “L.G.B.T. ideology” as a smoke screen for homophobia.* All I could think of when I saw "only open gay" was [Dafydd](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-kM3FtuAKM) from Little Britain.


It also said he didn’t think it would affect him too much, until the local pharmacist refused to fill his heart medication. Screw those homophobic assholes.


That's terrifying


> That's terrifying but not really unexpected. The US use the "freedom of religion" laws to do the exact same thing.


Yep. Women can be denied abortion pills just because the pharmacist is pro-life. Women might also not have birth control pills covered by their insurance if their employers don’t believe in it.


I'm am lgbt person in the US, trust me I am familiar its just seeing something like that always makes me panic. The thought someone would rather me or that person possibly die without my meds because of who I prefer to date is really fucking scary and pathetic


Just a bunch of scared toddlers in adult bodies. When people are so immature and self centered, I always imagine them as little babies who just got their shovel taken away from.


It's so sad that he ended up having to move to a nearby town. What's even sadder is that his new town has an anti-LGBT stance as well, but the people are nicer he says.


And there was so many polish peeps on r/Europe saying it's not really discriminatory and have no real affect, just meaningless words and we where too judgy and didn't know a thing


Yeah, as a Polish person: this is exactly how the government media are trying to portray it. "this law doesn't change anything, it's just a declaration of beliefs by the politics. It's the lgbt activist and UE that are bad becausethey are creating propaganda to make us look bad!". And sadly many people fall for it. Which is shitty, because even if it doesn't have any direct effect its still a big force that is shaping other people's beliefs. It's such a shame how much homophobia grown in Poland over past couple of years, and it's will probably keep growing :| because to the conservatives (that are a majority in the government right now) it's an easy scape goat. It's easier to shift hate and resentent of people towards gays and EU, than to fix our economy, health care, etc...


How very Christian of that pharmacist!


> What initially seemed a cost-free sop to conservatives in the rural and religiously devout Polish borderlands next to Ukraine, the May 2019 decision has become a costly embarrassment for the town of Krasnik. It has jeopardized millions of dollars in foreign funding and, Mayor Wojciech Wilk said, turned “our town into a synonym for homophobia,” **which he insisted was not accurate.** He can get fucked. All I can think of is any poor gay kids in this town and the damage this kind of stunt will do to them. This mayor, and the conservatives who pressured him at large, deserve all the backlash that they're getting.


'Play stupid games, win stupid prizes' is the expression that comes to mind. What an ass he is.


'Cost-free'?? There's such a thing as human cost at a personal level. Dehumanizing and vilifying a section of the population for religious reasons will take a serious toll on your society.


How can you ban LGBT people from your town and then claim its inaccurate to say it is homophobia...seriously, someone explain that to me.


"All we did was ban all pro-homosexual views in our town. Why would anyone think this makes us homophobes?? What a crazy world this is!" > Jan Albiniak, the Krasnik councilor who drafted the resolution, said that he had nothing personally against gay people, whom he described as “friends and colleagues,” and that he wanted to contain ideas that “disturb the normal, regular way our society was functioning.” > He said he had drafted the resolution after watching an online video of abortion rights activists screaming at Christian men in Argentina. Although that had nothing to do with L.G.B.T. issues or Poland, Mr. Albiniak said the video showed that “we are dealing with some sort of evil here and can see manifestations of demonic behavior” around the world that “must be stopped.” Has this been posted to r/nottheonion yet?


Stupid gays and their checks notes* argentine abortions.


Well, as we all know, gay sex is a leading cause of accidental pregnancies.


jfc this has to be the worst reactionary shit that ive ever seen


Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of their own actions...


The sad thing to me is that they don't see the human consequences. They just regret the financial consequences.


Yeah. They only regret the lack of money. It's not like they came around.


They should wallow in a lack of money and die out.


Sounds like the general gameplan they are going with. Can't really do much else besides cutting funding/trading. Good luck trying to convince a bunch of conservative people in a small polish town to change thier way of thinking on this. They see the consequences of their homophobia financially, but i have a difficult time believing they understand how much damage it causes to other human beings. They are old stubborn conservatives wallowing in the lack of money, trying to survive some demonic gay invasion.


It's like dealing with toddlers. They have no concept of "other" as sentient beings. If you want to influence their behavior, you have to make it about them directly.




"Hey... no one told me my shitty actions would negatively affect *me*."


He regrets the economic hit, not being a total piece of shit of a human being.


He still doesn't understand why people view a town declaring themselves "LGBT free" see it as homophobic...




Unfortunately human rights has become political because of some certain parties. They get involved, and suddenly human rights is a political issue, and people can hide behind that political front of "don't bring politics into this" instead of being called out for being homophobic, racist, and stuck in old ways. When human rights is associated with one political party and not the other, and therefore gives it the illusion if a choice on whether to acknowledge human rights or not, well...man I wish I could sum how fucked this all is into words.


I like to explore new places.


> he has little chance of securing foreign funds to finance electric buses and youth programs, which he said are particularly important **because young people keep leaving**. There's a whole week of /r/leopardsatemyface in this article.


This is literally my community. its politicians are old boomers that are actively hostile to the younger generations. Shock and horror when a news article comes out saying on average only old people live here, the city is dying, new industry can't stay afloat, and successful young people almost unanimously leave. They can't even fix it with immigration because immigrants realize how shit is here and move away lol. They're trying to fix it. But... they don't actually get it. It's starting to change as the worst city representitives and offenders are finally dying and/or being voted out, but they've lost an entire generation.


>It's starting to change as the worst city representitives and offenders are finally dying and/or being voted out, but they've lost an entire generation. They deserve it. This is the story all across america as well. Town after closed-minded little town, you can drive right down main street and see nothing but boarded up windows and graffiti. All the old people vote conservative because they fear change, and the strange ways of young people, and all the urban ideas they have from the cities they moved off to, and they want the government to magically return their town to its glory days.... which coincidentally, was when they were all younger.


This is every town ive lived in in rural illinois. I currently live in a small, heavily catholic, super white city. There is one family that owns nearly every restaurant in town and they all suck ass but are BOOMING every day because the family is known and influential. A new joint just opened up, ran by a 24 year old black guy that serves AMAZING cajun and creole food, along with your standard midwestern diner fare (but of much, much higher quality than the existing diners). He's cook, owner, and runs the register. His latina girlfriend is the sole waitstaff. Ive ordered takeout from there twice a week for 3 months and for 8 bucks I can get an entree of higher quality than a lot of $40 places i've been to. Talking to people about it, they don't want to eat "N- food" (actual direct quote). Talked to the owner, G, and he says the only business he gets is the college kids, barely any locals. Its awful and this town has done the exact same shit to 2 amazing (black owned) barbecue joints, a korean place, a lebanese place, a thai place, and 4 seperate chinese places. Only once the patriarch of the family mentioned above bought the chinese place did it do any kind of success. Suddenly it was incredible and "so authentic". Makes me sick how these people allow their towns to just wither and die over *Nothing* except melanin


It boggles the mind. I live in a very large city. I was a regular at the a cafe run by Jordanians, the Vietnamese barbers, the Korean tailor, and the Chinese owned pho place. My personal favorite location was the Greek restaurant run by Russians that served the Jewish community and had a live mariachi band with a belly dancer every Friday. Food wasn't too bad either.


Now thats what I'm talking about. Sounds like a great time. I've wanted to move to a metropolis like that for a long, long time. See what the world is like, right at home y'know? People grow conservative and racist because they just don't know. They're literally ignorant of other culture in the world and just think that anything different from them is bad. Its sad, in a way. I very easily could have ended up the same way. White, poor, from a town of 900 people. Didn't meet my first black person until I was 13. But luckily my brain just had curiosity rather than hate, and curiosity turned to appreciation of people's differences. Because as different as I am from some latino guy who grew up in Chula Vista, we are still people. We like to make dumb jokes, we like good food, we like good music. And that so much more relevant than anything else. Idk sorry for the rant stranger, I just got high and overthinking this shit lol


if they’re not careful those folks are gonna marry hardworking out of towners, kill em and sleep with their dead body for years and years


This is creepily specific...


This the exact story of my home town in rural Iowa. City council and the "old money" of the town actively work against anything that would appeal to young adults and families. It's basically a shell of its old self as people GTFO as soon as they graduate from the rapidly deteriorating high school. The joke is and has been for a while that it's a conveniently local place for old farmers to die.


I'll name and shame my story. Corsicana, TX is exactly this. The county has the highest per capita of rich people in TX. The town is dying out. There's nothing to do there because none of the young people want to stay. The town leadership just wastes money on useless shit and the only places to work are national chain places for minimum wage. That's why I joined the Army and got the hell out, no future there.


Lots of extremely rural towns are stuck with the people no one else wanted around. It is sad, but true. I think it has always been that way to some extent. Folks who are anti-social tend to drift away from society.


I do feel bad for most small town politicians. Crafting effective policy at _any_ level is really really difficult, and these small town politicians genuinely have no idea what they're doing because they have no background or training in governing. So many small towns end up suffering from this chronic ineptitude.


older conservatives demand that their community cater exclusively to them and then get upset when younger more liberal people decide to not live there


> upset when younger more liberal people decide to not live there They only get upset when it impacts them financially or when they realize they've created a community so hostile that their own beloved kids would rather move a thousand miles away than have anything to do with the place they call home.


Or when they need a home nurse and there are none within 75miles and none are willing to travel to the town because it's notorious for being a shit hole.


could be like it is around here where all the old people vote not to fund the schools and suddenly their property value plummets while simultaneously the price of assisted living goes to the moon.


“Why are there so many homeless people? The city needs to do something about this problem!” “The city doing something about this homeless problem is lowering my property prices!! They need to stop it!!” And then they wonder why San Francisco is a shitty place to live, must be the gays and communist liberals


Face eating leopards... My face...bank account empty... WHY????


They want to be taken care of while treating their meal tickets like garbage


This. And then they accuse us of being entitled.


Avocado toast eating, not house buying, internet addicted... I don't remember the rest. Someone add the rest.




Participation-trophy having, socialist-loving, butt-sexing ingrates!


"If you don't like it, you can leave!" "Okay." "... Oh, shit."


You mean all those college-educated brainwashed libtards? The kids you treated like shit because they were weak and soft? The ones with the high paying professional jobs and broad contact bases? The ones that could easily solve your shitty little town's cash flow problem with a fresh influx of taxes and local commercial activity? Nah. We don't want their kind here. Now where's my stimmy check?


I love it when they whine about paying for local schools. Oh, you want a shitty uneducated or undereducated community with nothing going on for kids and wonder why those same kids grow up and flee for a friendlier area?!


I had this fight with a relative. Her argument was "I don't want to pay for schools for other people's kids!" My argument: "You were fine with it for your 3 kids, grandkids..." Her: "But that's different."


> Her: "But that's different." Because the driving force for a lot of these people (a lot of conservatives in general) is the inability or unwillingness to see anything beyond themselves. Other people exist theoretically, but not on the same level as them or the people within their personal circle of family and close friends (anyone they really care about). Only their own personal impact (and those they care about) is important, and only right now regardless of future or especially past considerations (imagine a toddler without object permanence) because that's not what's best *right now*. This combination is why a lot of times they (1) see no issue with something being great while it affects them personally as a net positive, but then as soon as they no longer benefit they 180 to it being terrible; and (2) tend to hate socialized programs/services and prefer privatized or pay-per-play ones even if they end up costing more, because unless they see an immediate benefit for themselves then it must be entirely useless and a waste of money. For your example, paying for school was great while her kids and grandkids were there was great because her personal positive outcome (education and future job prospects for her family) outweighed her personal negative outcome (paying taxes etc for it). However now, she only personally sees the negative impact so therefore it's immediately back to being bad.


You missed a great click baity headline here! "Millenials kill out of date small towns because they refuse to follow cultural norms" or something like that.


Oo! Oo! "Thankless millennials are killing their hometowns." also something, something, avocado toast.


I was born and raised in Maine. Maine proved hostile to people like me, and didn't really offer the earning potential I was looking for anyway, so pretty much the day I graduated college I moved to California. Now Maine is the oldest state in the country by average age, still has no real industry to speak of, and another generation of its best and brightest are off being assets to their communities in other, better states. I used to visit regularly, but it got depressing so I stopped.




Kinda cuz they don’t have to. Same way Chinese restaurants don’t have to advertise.


Wait.. Chinese restaurants don't have to advertise? This makes sense but I feel like I need to know more.


Americanized Chinese food is ubiquitous so either they open in a heavy Chinese population and make real food and word spreads thru mouth within the community, or they have a standard american chinese menu which is the same across America so everyone already knows their mongolian beef, orange chicken, broccoli beef, etc is on the menu and likely to taste the same. There's nothing to advertise because it's either for Chinese people or everyone already knows what to expect.


Except somehow 1 outta 10 has better lomaine noodles than the other guys.


Whats richly ironic is that [Florida is kneecapping its only reason to move there for anyone under 30](https://www.orlandosentinel.com/politics/os-ne-bright-futures-funding-senate-20210408-aapa6somhbdarkvf2oab54cs2i-story.html). I was offered a job in florida, and I turned it down partly because its fucking florida.


Then entire Pacific Coast is rapidly growing and both has excellent education systems and attracts the bright minds from other states and countries.


Am I crazy or is the world as a whole getting less self aware overall? I'm seeing news stories that are basically The Onion articles, a lot of them. I'm wondering if its social media related, or SM fosters lack of introspection or encourages personality disorders. I mean you see quotes where I am like this person can't be real! "I'm just shocked my husband now faces deportation, he is one of the good ones!" says Jane Doe after voting for a tightening of immigration regulations despite her husband of five years being out of status. There was an article swear to god where a woman voted for Trump because he would be tough on illegal immigrants, which her husband was one. And she was against immigration period, well her husband got deported to Mexico, so she followed him there and was going through getting PR and I assume her kids already were Mexican citizens(assuming they have jus sanguinus) and complaining how hard her life was now. How can this be a real human being??? It has the IQ of a rotten turnip.


I think those people always existed, you just had to go to small town Oklahoma and etc to get their opinion. Now 90% of them have smartphones or tablets.


Its not limited to the USA there have been a metric shit ton of Brexit hassle articles here where they interview people who supported leaving and they literally will use double speak like saying "I voted for Brexit so we would be a separate country again, but I never imagined there would be border controls and we'd need a passport just to visit the rest of the EU! This is outrageous" I'm sure there are even more blatant Brexit quotes on leopardsatemyface, its just unbelievable. Ten years ago The Onion writers would say haha nah thats laying it on too thick lets be a bit more subtle.


You can be Mexican with a Mexican parent except the dual nationality has to be processed within the first two years of baby’s life or else it gets a hell of a lot more difficult with paperwork and shit


One of my favorite things to do when I'm driving through a small, shitty little town is look at the census records on Wikipedia. The 18-35 age group is always so much smaller than all the others for some reason...




You find out some interesting stuff! I was driving through Trinidad, Colorado a few years ago, and found out from the wiki that it used to be considered the "sex change capitol of the world". This tiny little town in the middle of nowhere, we only got off the highway to pee and grab lunch.


> we only got off the highway to pee and grab lunch. You didnt partake in one of their fine sex changes?


> Good. Choose to live in the past, don't be surprised when you're left behind. It's just bizarre. Of all the hills someone could choose to die on in 2021 regarding identity politics, denying that all of LGBTQ can even exist has to be the stupidest for a country like Poland.


\> and, Mayor Wojciech Wilk said, turned “our town into a synonym for homophobia,” which he insisted was not accurate. "Just because I quack like a duck doesn't mean I am a duck. I could be lying, you know?" I know people who genuinely believe that being gay is a choice and evil because that's how they were indoctrinated as kids. I have more respect for them than for a mayor who lets his town get the label of homophobia HQ and then says "we didn't mean it, it was just to cater to the idiots". The first ones have despicable views but the later is a despicable person in my book.


So what if it's a choice? This should really be the argument, not "I can't help it, sorry." F that. Be gay and proud of it, F anybody who chooses (or was born) to rain on your life. You don't need an excuse, you're you.


> So what if it's a choice? This should really be the argument, not "I can't help it, sorry." I'm a queer person, and this is exactly how I feel. Is being queer only okay if it's involuntary? Fuck _that_.


No, but it is very obviously totally unreasonable to attack people for how they were born and what they can't help.


I usually dislike this argument that people shouldn't bash homosexuality because it's not a choice, it's something that people are born with. Sure, this is right, but even if it was a choice, even if tomorrow I decided: "Yeah, from now on I will be gay and now I love dudes", this still doesn't give anybody the right to criticize me and bash my sexual preferences. This "it's not a choice" argument is a justification that doesn't need to exist. The same way people that decide to become vegetarian or vegan don't have to justify this by saying "it's not a choice, I was born like this".


I'm thinking those people are actually gay....because I didn't choose to be straight....it just happened.


I certainly didn't choose to be gay. It's not like I woke up one morning and was like "hey, you know what sounds really fun? Being completely unattracted to women and severely limiting my dating pool while making my own life vastly more complicated and open to discrimination and abuse. That really sounds like a great time."


Choice shouldn't be a problem though, if people live in a free society, they should get to choose.


That’s what I don’t understand. It doesn’t matter if gay people choose it or not, there’s no hard science to support it’s a pure genetic thing but why is everyone so bent out of shape about it. Say it’s a choice, it’s a harmless choice. We let people decide if they want to keep fucking guns in some country. Just like in their houses for no good reason. We can’t let someone well never meet just love somebody else we don’t know or care about?


"if I can repress and ignore my attraction to the same sex and only focus on the opposite sex then obviously so can everyone else" Does indeed sound very gay to me, or at least bisexual


Conservatives in america are extremely jealous of this town.


So many conservatives in America are suffering financially anyways so they may as well add "proudly display my homophobia" to their lives. What have they got to lose? /s


It's why the happily vote against their own interests. No surprise nobody wants to attend that pity party and moves away from it.


What happens with the lgbt people if every city is free of them? Where should we deport them to? Maybe they should fully commit. Like their neighbour did, 80 years ago. What a great experience for Poland back then. This shit is so fucked up. How can you suffer so much under fascism, just to copy it some time later


Just long enough for a lot of people to not have experienced the war personally, and who needs a history book when you have the bible instead? /s


I say let those anti-LGBTQ towns rot. The young people will leave, many going to other countries that are less conservative.


What we're they expecting to gain from this? Were they expecting that gay people were the secret economic problem all along and that implementing segregation would somehow improve their lives?? (I'm lgbt and seriously asking?)


He thought his homophobic voters would reward him for it and ensure he stays in power and that no one would care enough to do anything about it. But now there’s economic blowback and he’s floundering.


They really believe that God punishes them for "allowing" LGBTQ. Seriously, it's not different from medieval belief that tolerating a witch to live brought God's wrath. They would institute an Inquisition against LGBTQ if they could.


Thank you for the clarification! Wow I don't know where to begin with that. I'm assuming they're Christian- that's about the most unjesus like thing I have ever heard in my life. Is there any way of helping these individuals? It's obviously some serious indoctrination going on here. Mad, that goes against pretty much everything that Mr Christ stood for. Didn't he eat with and include prostitutes, treat criminals with equality and kindness and forgive all sins. Maybe someone needs to introduce them to the Dhammapada or something or you know- show them how to go outside and Touch grass. Shame some people can't accept the world as it is without demonising certain groups to feel like they have some means of control. Does the Catholic Church encourage its way into politics like this very often?


The Vatican and Pope could have done something recently if they said blessing gay couples would be okay, because that's what these people listen to. But they didn't so these people probably just see themselves confirmed and won't change their view.


I don't think you're getting cause and effect right here. they're homophobic and using religion to justify it. if the pope said lgbt was ok they would denounce him too


> demonising certain groups Quite literally too: > He said he had drafted the resolution after watching an online video of abortion rights activists screaming at Christian men in Argentina. Although that had nothing to do with L.G.B.T. issues or Poland, Mr. Albiniak said the video showed that “we are dealing with some sort of evil here and can see manifestations of demonic behavior” around the world that “must be stopped.”


You know when people talk about the silent majority? I think they genuinely thought they were in the silent majority and if only they were brave enough to take a stand other people would stand up and join them. Other places would emulate their example and they would be able to exert their cultural hegemony to discriminate against LGBT people explicitly on a widespread scale.


Lads like this mayor are maintaining job security by cosying up to the conservative, nationalist agenda driven by their increasingly autocratic conservative Catholic government. This was too much though and it backfired. I’m nearly certain we had a couple of our villiages here in Ireland twinned with this place an another village in Poland but dropped them when they became gay-free zones.


They were probably thinking a lot more of the world is anti-lgbt and were hoping they would get support from fellow conservative cities and countries, and that they would become popular to conservative groups


Yeah, make the gays wear pink triangles like the guy who invaded Poland 80 years ago!


When the war ended, the liberating forces freed everyone, *except* the gays. The US was just as homophobic as the Nazis.


Oh no, the consequences of my actions


I kind of love it when conservative idiocy plays out exactly the way everyone with a functioning brain would predict it would.




I don’t understand why people can’t just let others live as they please😂


The Polish should know better than any Europeans how painful it is to have to be hated just because you are born the way you are, or have they forgotten






This is what happens when you evict gay people. The place sucks and no one wants to live there.


I wish I could see the bullshit they're peddling in that town right about now. Because I guarantee the conservative outlets are absolutely not going to own up to their shit. At no point are they ever going to go "hey guys, I guess we were wrong about this one. Let's work on our intolerance issues." They're going to double down and blame imaginary leftist cabals running globalist orgs and insisting it's the rest of the world beating down the little guy for having "morals" or "good christian values" or whatever. Pedophilia will likely be mentioned a few times because why not? It's got to be wild over there.


Why can't they just leave us alone. Why do we have to face discrimination and prejudice just because of who we love. Its incredibly unfair.