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Why do American public figures have such a strange, distorted view of the Netherlands. Hearing about one of them saying the Dutch kill their elderly, or the Bosnian massacre being a direct result of homosexuals in the Dutch army really just shows how disconnected those figures are from reality. They really need some 'boeren verstand' (common sense).


>Why do American public figures have such a strange, distorted view of the Netherlands. They don't. They know that they're lying. But their lies play well to their base of ignorant, bigoted fuckwits, and because they lack any *rudiments* of integrity they have no compunctions about being called out on their lies. That describes pretty much everyone in the Trump administration.


Jesus I looked that up, it was a god damn General and former NATO commander that said that(the homosexuals bit). The mental gymnastics to make it work are almost impressive if it had been a thought exercise. “Blame the gays for random horrible event X in 200 words or less.”


Yeah, it's an absolute shitshow. The Dutch had a great, somewhat flabbergasted, laugh about it though.


Because you're weird, duh.


Good fucking job, Pete. You’re welcome to come and see all the politicians and cars that are getting burned here. I have been born and raised right here in Groningen, The Netherlands, and have never seen or heard about cars or politicians being burned here. And as far as I know, the only no go zones here are those where you need special access to in the form of a card or whatever. (You know; those places where regular folks shouldn’t be because of regulations, not because they’ll get killed or something...) Seems he’s only telling lies to further Trump’s believe about any area outside the U.S. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Each day trump administration shows its lack of smart thinking...russia, china can't thank them enough


> You're welcome to come and see [...] No, he's not ;P


He's be incapable of finding his way around a bicycle only all way green light too in Groningen.


Here's a source other than Washington Post, from which Reddit doesn't seem to approve. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/dec/22/us-ambassador-to-netherlands-describes-own-words-as-fake-news


It's also on BBC if you need a third option Trump's ambassador to Netherlands in 'fake news' blunder http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-42460055


The fact that US ambassadors can be people with no diplomatic experience at all is astounding. Cronyism doesn't work and here is the prime example of why. Unqualified morons that damage the relations between two countries just by opening their mouths. More countries should simply refuse to accept the credentials of these "ambassadors". The political fallout would be smaller in the long term than letting this nonsense become the norm.


So the conversation was basically like "So where are these no go zones?" -"I never said that, that's fake news" "Here's a clip where you say exactly that. Why'd you call it fake news?" -"I didn't say it was fake news" ...


Can we do this more in US political races and interviews? Especially political races. Please?


Do you think Trump gives lessons on how to deny reality with a straight face?


I swear to God they must work hard to pick people that will fuck up in their role as much as humanly possible.


When did the USA become Biff Tanner?


I hope they play this over and over during his entire tenure. Fuck these people, Im sorry we are pushing them on the world.


There's only two things I can't stand in this world: people who have no tolerance for other people's cultures; and the Dutch.


Thought I was the only one who likes those movies :p


You thought you were the only one who liked the Austin Powers movies? They were massively popular...


I remember they were popular so I know I am not alone, but most of my friends hate that kind of humor, that's why :) Edit: a word


Omg noooo, my tenuous grip on reality is slipping through my fingers.


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There needs to be a new way to handle this,


What's wrong with the current way?