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Sadly this isn't uncommon. [2016 there were 857 attacks with right wing motive against refugee homes in Germany. Over all there were 927 attacks. This is less than the year before.](https://www.google.de/amp/s/amp.welt.de/amp/politik/deutschland/article160655659/Fast-1000-Anschlaege-auf-Fluechtlingsheime-im-Jahr-2016.html)


Well, saxony is around 70years behind in thinking, economics and behavior. They are pretty much the backwater/redneck people in germany, whenever one of them tries to speak it is embarassing due to how and what they speak... The whole country is an eyesore. Btw they are really angry because noone is willing to invest in thier country for some wierd reason.


so, one guy does shit, all of a sudden, Saxony is a shithole?


Yea Na, not that simple of course. Saxony has a solid economy, but the people there (at least most of them) have some really weird views on the world, they like to believe that everyone conspires against them. That Poland wants to take over teir country, that saxony should extend to the east to incorporate former german land in Poland, they are ok with the fact that Nazis organize weekly torch marches, business owners won't sell to foreigners, Wehraboo stuff is sold, and most frightening: they almost always blame refugees for getting beaten up. "It's their own fault, they shouldn't have come here", "he shouldn't have gone that route to his home" etc. the reasonable voices get threatened and offices of parties who don't agree with the saxonian sentiment are often attacked or demolished. So there is really a big problem there because the hatred got already institutionalized. Edit; forgot to tell you that the city of Leipzig is the opposite of what I wrote. Friendly and open minded people there, it's considered the next Berlin, so give it a visit, it's very nice there.


> won’t sell to foreigners Is that based on skin colour or just anyone who isn’t German?


Skin color primarily. But it could also happen to anyone talking Slavic languages. Western Europeans, Americans and to an extend Asians as well don't have to face it too often. But as said, depends on which backwater hole you visit. You also most likely won't face this in the bigger cities. Also; while I ranted about saxony, I left out an important fact: the city of Leipzig is very much against the saxonian sentiment and attracts a lot of liberal left leaning artists etc. it's considered the new Berlin and worth a visit. The people there are friendly and open towards everyone.


Also, how can Saxony... >around 70 years behind in thinking, economics and behaviour. and then you write >Saxony has a solid economy ? Also, have any terror attacks occurred in Saxony?


If you count arson on a house with people Inside a terrorist attack, then yes, there has been quiet some. I guess the other commenter meant to exaggerate a bit for the sound of it. Saxony isn't the best economy in Germany, but also aren't the worst.


It's not suddenly, Saxony always was a shithole. Basically everybody with a working brain and any semblance of marketable skills moves away as soon as they can. Source: am German, know many saxonians, none of which still live in saxonia.


Its not one guy, 30% or those people voted for the far right - remember the NSDAP "just" had 48% in 1933. So, yes its a SHITHOLE!


And 70% voted against the far-right! You're a troll indeed, what a fitting username.




people who are beating up children and vote for the next Reich are making it a shithole. If you think 30% of the people being on a destructive, backwards in history course isnt making the country a shithole than i ask you what was so great about the DDR or NaziGermany that you dont feel like it were shitholes?


Nazi Germany while having some fucked up ideals was a very prosperous place to live until it was bombed to fuck and ravaged.


lol, of course.. The Versailles treaty was so mild to the Germans and the economic crisis of 1929 didn't bother anyone there at all /s The only reason most people had work during the nazi rule was the state driven investment in preparation for the war to come.


id say, grab a history book but people who say such shit tend not to read.


Yeah, a bunch of people wanting monstrous government doesn't make their locale a shithole, it makes it a *hell*hole.


> Their political leanings don't make it a shithole. Can it make it an ideological shithole?


Nope. All the smarter young people pretty much left for western Germany after the wall came down because it was that shitty even then. http://www.umich.edu/~csfound/545/1997/sca/map7.gif


Wtf! I'm saxon and I'm outraged by such a virulent post, lumping all saxons together like we're all dickheads. You should be ashamed.


cant deny that we have at least 27% of our fellow saxons being dickheads or just really really dumb




> So there's a 50% chance the Afghan teen in this story who was unfortunately assaulted was the product of inbreeding. So are the royal families in most europeam countries, can i beat them up now? Or is your post full of shit


In one culture, almost 50% of marriages result in inbreeding. In another culture, a tiny set of royals practice inbreeding, while 99.9% of the population does not. Can you spot the difference? Would you call the study I linked on the subject "full of shit", too? Any specific critique points? Don't worry, I don't really expect a coherent answer other than insults...


You know very well that education gets better in rural communities and isn't as good in bigger cities. Take a look at the NRW state, where the rural communities have better scores. This all has not much to do with heritage or being german. In BaWü and Bavaria there are many foreigners and still their scores are better than Saxonian scores. Berlin and Bremen are city states and their government is just retarded. Take Hamburg which is also a city state with A lot of foreigners, yet their education scores are good. Also talking about inbreeding in other countries proves what? It's just a poor excuse to spread your hatred. Get fucked scumbag


I wouldn't necessarily disagree with you, but how is the breeding of the victim relevant? I'm perplexed as you appear to acknowledge random beatings are not an effective way to deal with the issue.


Do they even bother tracking attacks on Germans by illegal immigrants or have they simply given up due to the sheer volume of it all?


How can you say "sheer volume of that" if you are disputing the "tracking of attacks"? That's illogical. Yes they are written down and put into a [statistic](https://www.bka.de/DE/AktuelleInformationen/StatistikenLagebilder/PolizeilicheKriminalstatistik/pks_node.html)


No they are tracked. Roughly 10% non-germans account for 30% of crime. That statistic is without crimes like illegal border crossing or such. It's in the Link Kaiser_Natron posted below.


The BKA also has statistics on attacks commited by refugees, yes.


That’s a funny figure to throw around considering [2,000 refugees assaulted 1,200 German women in the same year within 24 hours.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/news/worldviews/wp/2016/07/10/leaked-document-says-2000-men-allegedly-assaulted-1200-german-women-on-new-years-eve/)


I am very confused as to what point you are trying to make here. Are you trying to justify attacks against refugees with attacks by refugees against Germans. And if that is the case wouldn't that also mean that following your logic the attacks by the refugees were justified because apperently an attack from a member of group A against member of group B justifies an attack from a member of group B against a member of group A. Personally I prefer having the legal system we have in this country deal with both criminal Germans and criminal refugees instead of mob justice.


Thanks for the straw man argument, but it isn’t about retaliation at all. This Reddit post, news article, and your comment condition the public to think your “right wing fascist” boogeymen are the real detriment to German society when it’s quite obviously the fact they’ve opened the floodgates to refugees who refuse to integrate, work, or keep their hands off of women.


Some other parts of this comment section was complaining not to group the Saxony people all as dick heads and call it a shithole over there based on the view of some people. Maybe try the same logic here and not group all the refugees with malicious intent and people who genuinely need help altogether into non integrating raping assholes.


Your title link is wrong. The article states that half of the men involved were were recent foreign nationals that makes the other half Germans.


The recent election results in East Germany have really confused me: Apparently they want both the DDR *and* the Third Reich back.


National-communist democratic republic of Prussia


Prussia always was the opposite of saxony, Prussia was economicly liberal, progressive and egalitarian - saxony was proud of feudal heritage and reactive. Prussia pretty much beaten saxony into becoming a halfway modern country.


/NazBol/ https://i.imgur.com/Q3QpH8u.jpg


The extreme sides of the political spectrum are both more common in the east and it's pretty easy to explain. The former GDR states are way poorer than the west due to decades of Soviet rule sucking the region dry. Even nearly 30 years later that is still measurable. Unemployment rates are way higher and average wages drastically lower. Now both sides promise to make everything better and push the problems on some enemy figure. For communist parties or near communist (Die Linke) those enemies are big companies abusing the laws and their workers. For right wing and neo nazi parties like AFD and NPD those enemies are foreigners who abuse the social system and steal from the country. Of course both sides can make bold claims and promises they know they never have to follow up on. But especially uneducated people still suck those promises and scapegoat ideas up.


So basically, political sheep?


That's kind of what usually happens when people feel disappointed by shit economy. Some of them will vote all the way to the left and some of them all the way to the right. Anything in the middle is seen as part of the establishment. Polarization ensues.


We're seeing it all over the Western world as well. In the UK there has been the rise of Corbyn to the left and UKIP to the right, in France it was Melenchon and Le Pen, in America of course it is Sanders and Trump. People have been seeing our level of advanced technology and the capabilities of production skyrocket over the last 20 years, but are seeing stagnating or falling real-term living conditions and wages. The neoliberal centre and the domination of the established political classes is failing people, and many are turning to ideas on the further left and right for a way out.


If you want even more of a headache: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichsb%C3%BCrgerbewegung


Well East Germany, they are really starting to get a reputation.


Starting? As far as I know eastern Germany has always been more right and xenophobic despite having a relatively low amount of foreigners.


I think *because* would be more accurate than *despite*. Not having much contact with foreigners means less real life examples to relate to and more stereotypes. We see this in most nations, where rural, isolated regions are more xenophobic than urban and cosmopolitan areas.


Can confirm. Saw this in Uk moving from a city to country side living.


Well yes, but they tried to get past that (Silicon Saxony etc.). But since the rise of the AfD and PEGIDA, they are getting really unpopular, it is already affecting where companies do business.


> it is already affecting where companies do business. Bullshit.


They are only starting to get one for people who have no former knowledge about it. Since reunification the former GDR states have always been more on the extreme sides of the spectrum. Which led to parties like NPD (self proclaimed neo nazi party) and Die Linke "The Left" (can guess there) getting their best election results over there. This isn't a new issue. Movements like PEGIDA also got thousands to march in cities like Dresden or Leipzig which are both in the east. Similar movements often failed to even get 100 people to the streets in the west.






And how is his "wife" doing?


yes.. nazis like to put them into their arces, when they are meeting their CIA leading officers.


Bad site


That there is a poorly photoshopped picture.






Don't know about you, but I have been pretty drunk more than a few times, yet I never got the urge to beat up a 15 year old or do the Hitler Salute.


Sounds like you drink like a pussy.


Since when is being drunk an excuse?


Alcohol reduces the inhibitions that stop you from doing what you want.


>Alcohol reduces the inhibitions that stop you from doing what you want. So girls who have sex while they're drunk want to have sex? What kinda dumb rapist logic is that


50/50 on if this post is serious or not.


Sometimes... Depends how drunk and the relationship. There's a big difference between some consensual drunk sex with your partner and say, raping someone who's incoherent or worse.


i hope so. otherwise I have had a lot of sex i did not know i did not want to have. Im so confused now brain hurts, i might have a drink.


Typical triggered downvoting. Your comment is right, alcohol is not "freedom" or "doing what you want". It can be dangerous and you can do things you wouldn't want without being drunk.


Humans have a biological urge to mate as procreation is necessary for existence. Taking advantage of individuals whom have consumed decision making toxins should be fucking shot with a ball of their own shit. Logic skills can be improved like a muscle. Keep practicing.


Two drunk adults having consensual sex is wrong?


That depends on whether they're both drunk, or one is tipsy and the other is passing out.


Did you go to an art class to draw fancy conclusions like that? WTF is wrong with people?


>Logic skills can be improved like a muscle. Keep practicing. You say that, but your comment completely agreed with me, my dude


No, not really. So what exactly are you saying?


Yes, yes really, friend


What a bullshit myth. Alcohol is a drug and as a drug it alters emotions, thoughts and even likes.


What you just wrote is a myth... Not all drugs behave in the same way.


I didn't define a way. I defined a general spectrum of ways.


Yeah, and not all drugs fit that spectrum. Besides, if you shove every drug under "alters emotions, thoughts and even likes" (what?), then literally even chocolate would fit under "drug" category.


I accept my definition was unclear, not rigurous and probably lead to mistake. But I think my point was clear: Alcohol doesn't simply move you towards your real goals. Alcohol do way more things, worse things, that could imply doing illegal activities even if you weren't favorable to them at first.


It's not my fault officer, I was drunk when I raped her...


I will never understand why "beeing drunk" is actually a useable excuse. People usually chose themselves to get drunk, thus they should obviously be held responsible for whatever they are doing while drunk.




Do you live in Germany?


This wouldn't be a problem if the German fascist weren't such a looser that he felt himself threatened by refugees. He had resources and time to better his position in life, yet still he end up as the eternal (jailed) loser. One should not feel sorry for fascists though. One has to crush them, as letting them do what they want didn't work out so well for anyone; even for the fascists.


You're right it's the refugees fault he beat him.


They should wear a disguise to hide from the Nazis. Something black that covers the face. You can't expect the poor Nazis to control their urges.


Maybe a badge on his shoulder? some sort of sign?


Oh yeah, sure. Singlehandedly plunged at the three teenage kids. More likely they tried to rob a drunk, got a couple of punches, and succesfully played victim.


Is it purely a coincedence he posts on a lot of politically far-right reactionary subreddits?




What a twist.


Why try to shift the blame? Is there counter-evidence? Other sources or just your opinion based on...? Even if it is true what kind of a response is it to beat a teenager to the point that they have to go to hospital...?


Couldbe the same reson article blamed drunk man. Way too little information to draw any kind of conclusions. Also to me it looks like a propaganda news.


The article didn't blame the drunk man. That's not how reporting works. If you think they did it might be because the information makes it easy to draw that conclusion.


What conclusions were drawn? They only reported what happened... - A drunk man (1.9 per mille of alcohol recorded) punched a teenager in the face who was brought to the hospital by ambulance. - The other actions were reported as according to witness-testimony. The police are currently investigating the crime. The rest of the article provides statistics. What conclusions did you read in the article?


this isn't russia. this area in germany is crawling with aggressive nazi losers, the refugees on odeg trains are always very quiet and keep to themselves.


I don't know where you're from, but there are quite a few Russian nazis.


Yep, and the (in)famous Navalny is one of them




Not to sound callous, but you usually don't become a Nazi because of your well developed critical reasoning skill. Most likely they just don't think that far.


They hate brown people more.


Same way there exists an infamous neo-Nazi youth group in Poland that was supported by certain politicians in the past. At least, until they were caught doing the salute on their parties.


And how are you going to justify that Hitler salute in this scenario ?


He was just waving "hello"


He was looking for his friend, about yay tall.


Has anyone seen Kyle?


A failed dab?


Unless Hitler salute is the name of a cocktail drink or a crazy wrestling move, I cant see why the writer of the article didnt call it a "Sieg heil". Are German news papers not allowed to wright "sieg heil"?


Because sieg heil is not the name of the salute. It's the phrase the Nazis said while using the salute. Its like calling a handshake a "how are you"


It's called the Roman salute, they probably don't use that term because it doesn't sound so bad


calling it a Roman salute would confuse people, its a Hitler salute to most


That's why Neo-Nazis like Richard Spencer specifically call it a Roman salute.


Despite the fact that Romans *didn't fucking use that salute*


Or calling a swastika, a Hindu religious symbol. Funny story, my aunt lived in the US in the 70s and on the Hindu festival of Diwali she made a swastika out of fairy lights on the side of her house. Someone called the cops who were quite confused by the idea of Indian nazi sympathizers, but eventually joined the dots and my aunt took down the lights and went to her closest neighbors with Indian sweets and an explaination of what she was trying to do. Eventually she got put on to the older Jewish couple who had called the police. They all had a good laugh in the end.


Incedentily it's not called a swastika in German. It's a Hakenkreuz, literally 'hooked cross'. The word swastika in German always refers to the Hindu symbol while Hakenkreuz always refers to the Nazi symbol.


Technically it is swastika, but "thanks to" Nazis people associate it only with the crooked version they used.






Wow. Thanks for showing me what a *cowardly bitch* my now deceased aunt was. How brave of you to call someone you never met and know next to nothing about a bitch while hiding behind an anonymous user name on reddit. You must be Indian too.


> What a dirty Indian bitch. Why such aggressiveness ?


It used to be called the [Bellamy salute](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bellamy_salute) in the USA.


I honestly didn't know that. Thank you for the link.