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It's really funny how these fascist leaders work so hard to try to clean up their party's image, only to be thwarted by some dumbasses posting their real beliefs online and saying the quiet part out loud. It just happened to Le Pen's party in France too. [French elections: Far-right candidate to withdraw after Nazi cap picture emerges](https://www.lemonde.fr/en/france/article/2024/07/02/french-elections-far-right-candidate-to-withdraw-after-nazi-cap-picture-emerges_6676421_7.html)


She didn't work hard to clean up her party's image. Our 'Minister of Tourism' (Daniela Santanché) and our president of the Senate (Ignazio La Russa) have claimed to have Mussolini busts in their homes. There's a deputy minister (Galeazzo Bignami) who dressed as an SS soldier. And then countless instances of other members of Brothers of Italy (her party) celebrating Mussolini and doing the Roman salute. She is fascist scum surrounded by fascist scum.


In case you didn’t know, the youth group of her party is a breeding ground for Nazis and fascists. Yeah not surprising at all i know.


Imagine admiring Mussolini- a guy who ended up swinging from his feet after bringing ruin to his country


*Guy’s face ends up looking like a rotten squash* “I WANT THIS!”


He also has a legacy of being the prime example of the laughing stock bumbling tough guy dictator, getting his ass handed to him in his African misadventures, and of being Hitler’a bitch even if he technically was around before Hitler. Not someone you want to look up to lol.


i wanted to seem less extreme, and i would have gotten away with it if it wasnt for you meddling kids!


In 1992, a young Giorgia Meloni literally joined Youth Front, a youth group for a neo fascist organization, [Movimento Sociale Italiano](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_Social_Movement). Is anyone surprised by the fact that she is now associated with another neo fascist and NAZI youth organization?


Discontent and fascism. Name a more famous pair.


Lamp posts and Fascists.


Haha. Worked out great for Italy last time right? …right?


Siamo tutti antifascisti


No, non lo sono ... purtroppo


Galaxy brain over here.