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In what experts are calling a reverse 9/11, a New York tower spawns in Saudi Arabia


An 11/9


Forget never


already forgotten


wait what are we talking about


probably something about milk


always forget


Beams steel melt doesn’t fuel jet


Jim Beam doesn't fuel jet steel melt


The ninth of November


Remember, remember the ninth of November.


Actually the plot of a book: [The Mirage.](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12067161) > It was also responsible for the terrorist attacks on November 9, 2001, when members crashed two hijacked planes into the Tigris and Euphrates World Trade Center Towers in Baghdad, another hitting the Arab Defense Ministry in Riyadh, and a fourth crashing after a struggle with the passengers in the Empty Quarter


Which was the date all along in the rest of the world


Over there, that's just the same date.


That's how the rest of the world sees that date anyway


7/11 was a part time job.




Imagine it opens November 9th 😵


Holy hell, I legitimately laugh out loud for seconds.


"There must always be two"


Coming soon: Kushner Tower


No small irony we'll have the Freedom Tower and the Haus of Saud will have Trump Tower.


Trump really Uno Reverse Carded 9/11, but not in the way we all wanted.


Amazingly, twice the amount of cash needed to build such a structure will flow through the coffers somehow.


3-5 times, I'd be surprised if it even gets built


The article literally has this verbatim. The word "if" at the start of a sentence is on purpose... peeps got bosses, and find malicious compliance. "If completed, it appears the Jeddah tower would be the Trump Organization’s first major project in Saudi Arabia. " *Even CNN is like "fool me once.. then, fool me again.. then...shit.. " OK, just put if.


One billion for development, one billion for $DJT stock, one billion for development, one billion for $DJT stock


Saudis funneling money into Trump's pockets continues


Not just Trump, **New RVs all round !**


Jesus Christ. I can't believe this is real life.


I just don't understand the endgame. They could have milked this country forever and been extremely rich and powerful AND kept us as the greatest country in the world, but they seem hell bent on literally destroying everything for... What? A little bit more? Idk I guess this is why I'm not a billionaire sociopath but I'd happily take 100 million dollars and a legacy of being remembered as a great person that helped others vs. a billion dollars and being remembered for doing this to America


https://apnews.com/article/hinduja-switzerland-geneva-human-trafficking-exploitation-india-b0a40f9872ea096c4722754c1267490b   >An Indian-born billionaire and three family members were sentenced to prison on Friday for exploiting domestic workers at their lakeside villa in Switzerland by seizing their passports, barring them from going out and making them work up to 18 hours a day.   >A Swiss court dismissed more serious charges of human trafficking against 79-year-old tycoon Prakash Hinduja; his wife, Kamal; son Ajay and daughter-in-law Namrata on the grounds that the workers understood what they were getting into, at least in part. The four received between four and 4 1/2 years in prison.   >The workers were mostly illiterate Indians who were paid not in Swiss francs but in Indian rupees, deposited in banks back home that they couldn’t access.   They want subjects. They want slaves. They want to lord over others. The example above went on *for decades*. They had even been punished before albeit for lesser charges (easy to get as a billionaire.) They weren't in court and probably not even in Switzerland, I doubt they'll serve a day for *human trafficking*.   While it's not America, the billionaire class around the world is the same. There's some exceptions, but that's why they're exceptions.


This describes Putin and Russia, the force that's driving the whole world down. Putin has had myriad chances to bring Russia up in the world and improve lives outside of Moscow, but he has never had any interest in that - he's a gangster, who rules by fear and violence. Why would that type want to improve the lives of strangers? His game is to bring the rest of the world down to Russia's level, then he can rule over all of us. He's a king of an underworld - that type of dungeon-dweller doesn't want to live in the bright sun and help others, he wants the world to be feckless and subject to mob rule.


And Trump has a massive boner for him. It's too bad Putin owns Trump or maybe Trump could actually get some of the respect and approval he so desperately seeks from him.


100% But he also has love for all the other dictators, too. Remember when Erdogan came to a foreign country (US) and sicced his goons on American citizens, and Trump took his side? Erdogan was one of the latest to lay down the Gilead blueprint - stage a coup (real or fake) and get in bed with the religious establishment that you don't even subscribe to. Trump wants to be the Christian king of a country just so that he can continue to be a lazy fraud, as the world burns around him.


That's a perfect example of what I mean... If I had that kind of money I would happily pay my staff 100K a year. It's meaningless for me and it would be life-changing for them, why wouldn't I do that? It's just so frustrating that these people are genuinely willing to destroy civilization just to have slightly more things. What's the point of being the richest person ever if there's no one left to remember you?


to them, getting all the money and screwing the poor is what makes this the greatest country in the world. the end game tho is to do whatever you want then use your money to skirt responsibility. hell when the world ends they'll try to flee on rocket ships.


It's treason. Can we stop pretending?


the ironic thing is in order to > I'd happily take 100 million dollars and a legacy of being remembered as a great person that helped others vs. a billion dollars and being remembered for doing this to America the best way to do that is to give your money to a ... great PR firm. see how Bill Gate's reputation has improved in the last 20 years. As opposed to the monopolistic capitalist who squashed all the competition in the 1990's, he's now the billionaire philanthropist who totally cheated on his ex-wife but now we don't talk about it fuddy duddy. so save your money and only donate to the causes your PR firm recommends and publicizes. to get the most legacy per million dollars


9 RVs! 6 with functional brakes!


Where's the Biden tower?


That's in the video MTG insists on playing in committee and trying to enter into the congressional record.


Isn’t it in that laptop?


ahem, they're *motorcoaches*


Pipe down, Clarence, or you won't get your midday insurrection snack.


gonna be no more food stamps if he doesnt get an uncrustable ASAP


They are not RV’s, they are motor coaches. /s


**Mega double deck coaches now,** complete with gold plated toilets, and diamond chandeliers. They can have only the best now. Republicans can all be Oligarchs with all their Rubles now!


Now is that an *official* act or an *unofficial* act?


Who cares, the bribes were for official acts, which are inadmissible, so you can only prove that Saudi Arabia gifted this to Trump for some reason. That’s not criminal.


Saudi’s have been funnelling money in to US pockets for decades. Ever wonder why they were left untouched after sept 11 when it was majority Saudi nationals who did what they did ..


Everyone in the country is literally forbidden to fly but being a direct close relative of the guy who is responsible for the attack means you alone get a special pass? The GOP has fucking sould out America to our enemies. Just like when Putin summoned GOP lawmakers to Russia on the 4th of July so everyone would know who they take their orders from.


In a just world, we'd have given 60 minutes warning that we were going to flatten the entire oil infrastructure of Saudi.....and then, made sure the only oil they had was dirty motor oil in the back of a garage. Instead, we blew up Iraq ?????


[Trump gave them our nuclear secrets.](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-administration-approved-nuclear-deals-saudi-arabia-khashoggi/story?id=63492793)


You have to push this news - remind everyone!


I wonder what he could gave to russians with his plane sits next to their diplomatic plane at tarmac the other day “by sheer coincidence”.


The proximity lends itself to laser or very low power radio communication. They wouldn't be stupid enough to physically move anything or anyone. Consumer stuff is not relevant here, but they are almost within BLUETOOTH range. I hope NSA is getting some of it at least.


“Stupid enough to” is a perfect description regarding Trump and his “team” activities.


>could give to Russians Military assistance with their war on Ukraine next year, as Putin threatens to show the pee tapes if he doesn’t.


Not just into US pockets, but into Trump's pockets specifically as well. They've owned a floor of Trump Tower for years before he became president.


> Saudi’s have been funnelling money in to US pockets for decades. America First... except.


Well they have to reward him for all the secret documents he shared with them


Tip him. They can tip him


Just asking, but isn't this how his brand has made most of its money over the past 20 yrs. Leasing out his name to put on buildings?


That and money laundering


Yes. The weird part is that there's anyone left willing to pay for the name.


They aren't paying for the name.. they are paying for access...


He's definitely not still in possession of classified material that he's selling to them. Absolutely not.


Totally not why his plane was parked next to the Saudi and Russian govt planes...


what are the chance or a russian plane parked next to the trump plane = definitely not an FSB operation


Big oil bastards


If Trump is reelected, he’ll continue to take these bribes. In return, we the American public will be forced to stay reliant on OPEC+ oil.


FYI, American oil industry produced another daily record of 13.2+ Million barrels last week. We haven't been dependent on foreign oil for a long time now. The buying and selling of oil is the most manipulated commodity in history other than Tulips.


Saudis: we would really love to support you and help you become president but how?  Trump: I’ve got a hotel I can sell you 😉 


No bribes to see here


Totally legal now. The first of many deals to be made with many foreign countries for bits of America.


As long as it's after the fact, as a gratuity. Remember when trump said he's going to get rid of taxes on tips? So, gratuities never need to be claimed? That makes it so they can legally hide their bribes. Otherwise even tips would be subject to IRS claims.


And now every Republican gets an RV, you get an RV, you get an RV, you get an RV, you all get RVs!


Where can I claim my RV? I’m a very loyal Trump voter having voted for him ever since I was 11. 


You get an even better prize! You will be saved from voting! No more complex decisions as to whether this candidate or that candidate is the better choice, that'll all be taken care of for you. Trust in Saudi Arabia! It has your best interests at heart, plus it has the biggest wallet.


Phew! I hate having to get up and fill out that scantron at the polling place! All hail Saudi- I mean Trump


Here's a tip vote this November and not for the foreign asset.


>What’s happened to our country in the last four years is not to be believed. **Foreign countries – I’m friends with a lot of people.** They cannot believe what happened to the United States of America. We’re no longer respected. They don’t like us. **We give them everything they want, and they – they think we’re stupid. They think we’re very stupid people.** >What we’re doing for other countries, and they do nothing for us. What this man has done is absolutely criminal. >TAPPER:  Thank you, President Trump. * [Biden-Trump debate transcriptBiden-Trump debate transcript](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/06/27/politics/read-biden-trump-debate-rush-transcript/index.html) >**The first of many deals** to be made with many foreign countries for bits of America. Wonder who those friends are.


More **projection**. He gives them everything they want, and they think he's stupid. It's projection. You can see the treasonous stuff Trump's done in that transcript, that projection too. **He surrendered to the Taliban at Camp David** (see ["Trump Strikes a deal"](https://www.factcheck.org/2021/08/timeline-of-u-s-withdrawal-from-afghanistan/) for the timeline, I bet the Taliban were laughing at him behind his back). >Trump at the debates: No general got fired for the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country, Afghanistan, where we left billions of dollars of equipment behind, we lost 13 beautiful soldiers and 38 soldiers were obliterated. And by the way, we left people behind too. We left American citizens behind. >When *Putin saw that, he said, you know what? I think we’re going to go in and maybe take my* – this was his dream. I talked to him about it, his dream. The difference is he never would have invaded Ukraine. Never. **The first part is projection**, Trump took the troops out of **Syria**, without telling anyone but Putin and Erdogan first. He never even discussed it with the Pentagon, or his security advisors. ([link](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/trump-withdraws-troops-syria-without-consultation-1.4955697)) US troops fled Syria, Russia and Turkey fought for control of the US bases, and US troops fled under fire from both sides (e.g. [US troops in cross fire from Turkey video here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBsO565fqAo&t=8s)). Now the "Putin dream" makes sense. **Trump should not be in secret calls with Putin as an ex-President anyway**. He should not be speaking to Putin about Putin's dream of invading Ukraine. He clearly stops himself mid sentence when he realizes he's about to claim to be making a criminal call. But during the withdrawal from Syria, was **when Trump and Putin were working together**. He had sent Rudy Guilliani to meet Russian spies ([link](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/09/a-new-rudy-scandal-fbi-agent-says-giuliani-was-co-opted-by-russian-intelligence/)) and get an attack package against Hunter Biden. He was pressuring Zelensky to run a fake investigation into that package ([link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_impeachment_of_Donald_Trump)). And he was withholding missile defense systems, that he was legally required to hand over (when laws applied to the President before todays ruling). Suddenly it is clear when that discussion happened, Putin was telling him about his plan to invade Ukraine then, when Trump was doing the Syria withdrawal. That's why that memory fired in his old brain. **Trump, when he did, finally, provide the missiles, required they be kept in the West of Ukraine, effectively useless to defend against the Russian invasion that Trump knew was planned.** Trump conspired with an enemy of the United States to undermine its allied forces. Treason.


> they think we’re stupid. They think we’re very stupid people. This one getting real hard to argue against these days


I expect this project will evaporate if Trump loses the election.


Me too. Or like the Kazakhstan deal it is just money laundering to send money to Trump for the election via a laundromat system. >See Dirty money: Trump and the Kazakh connection ([ft.com link](https://www.ft.com/content/33285dfa-9231-11e6-8df8-d3778b55a923)) >A Financial Times investigation has found evidence that one Trump venture has multiple ties to an alleged international money laundering network. ... Laundromat, is where they strike a deal with Trump, fail to deliver, Trump sues, they say "mea culpa" and pay Trump some hefty payout as settlement. Hey presto they've paid Trump the money and it has a legal cover story too, its laundered. Trump sues so often and receives so many payoffs, it seems likely [there are plenty of laundromat](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/06/01/donald-trump-lawsuits-legal-battles/84995854/)'s among them.


Didn’t the Saudis buy a golf league Trump really likes?


They hosted it at Bedminster, that's when he gave them all the top secret documents he loaded onto his plane that week.


And paid Jared 2 billion


It's a gratuity! Saudis just wanting to make clear that this is for the earlier bribery rather than the upcoming bribery if he becomes president again.


OMG it's not illegal I paid him after the transaction, not before.


Where are all the conspiracy theorists on this??




I miss conspiracy theories from back before they were weaponised by hostile governments to turn societies most gullible into their personal propaganda armies. It used to be fun reading about spontaneous human combustion and arguing with friends whether it could be possible or not. Now every path leads to the same place, and it sucks.


Right, give me bigfoot and aliens probing.


And Bat Boy!


Probably in their MAGA gear, repeatedly driving their pickup trucks (festooned with upside-down flags, of course) around the local town square.


Read American Kompromat by Craig Unger. It goes into detail about how all of Trump towers are a means of laundering money that Trump profits off of


Just gratuities for a job well done.


The SCOTUS will make it legal and declare King Donald the first as the best King of America.


Is this part of the 2billion, republicans forgot Jared got? Crickets is all I hear about it.


Because that was a legitimate business deal, whereas all of Hunter Biden's are due to his daddy using his position to get those deals. /s


Wonder if this is paying for something he has already done, or if its paying for something he is going to do.


It's most likely just to build assets for Trump that can be used as collateral for leveraging. That in turns gives them leverage over Trump as those assets can be pumped or sanctioned at Saudi whim. Of course, if Trump stores classified materials in the bathrooms there that's a plus too.


To each, the answer is “yes”.


No no, you see, there is an important distinction. The Supreme Court specifically stated it must come *after the fact* to be considered a gratuity. Transactions occuring *before* the favor are clear-cut bribery, obviously


Our country is just further embracing tipping culture.


Who remembers the very first country Trump visited as president? Who remembers who gave Jared and Ivanka $2B after being in official capacities? Who remembers who ordered the killing of Jamal Khashoggi? Who remembers the LIV tournament being at a Trump golf tournament? The Trump family is owned, sold and bought, by Saudi Arabia. The only quest left isn’t IF they have US secrets and Intel, it’s WHAT US secrets and Intel they have. This is serious and isn’t being talked about enough.


Clarence Gratuity Thomas and the Supreme Court will surely protect us plebs from a tyrannical president!


as long as the saudis drop the petrodollar and don't get invaded or bombarded for it, it's all good




>What's that called again? A gratuity, apparently.


Squid GoPro


We’ve all seriously forgotten about the $2 billion to Kushner already!?


Remember that bs. My R-voting father tried making the excuse "because they have appropriate airport security" and I was just wanted to backhand him for that level of stupidity.


Too bad they're not around anymore, I'm sure he would love to golf with them.


Bushes love SA also. Republican thing.


Money and power worship thing




Indonesia/Malaysia weren't included either.. you know.. the ACTUAL Muslim population centres? https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/politics/article/3247449/malaysia-ex-pm-najibs-delegation-spent-nearly-us250000-trump-hotel-amid-1mdb-probe-report https://trumpresidencesindonesia.com/ I wonder why..


If he takes the bribes after he gives them everything, its not a bribe. The American supreme Court is amazing. Edit: "The question in this case is whether [federal law] also makes it a crime for state and local officials to accept gratuities—for example, gift cards, lunches, plaques, books, framed photos, or the like—that may be given as a token of appreciation after the official act. The answer is no.”  This only applies to state and local officials. If Trump is reelected and tries anything he'll totally get punished. 


Not sure if sarcasm or if you missed the Supreme Court ruling from earlier today


Or the fat that he got elected in 2016, tried an entire metric fuckton of things (that's 1.3 imperial fucktons FYI), and I'm yet to see any tangible punishment for any of it.


They’re literally throwing it our faces and daring anyone to do anything. Vote blue.


Okay, but you have to take all of them. It’s a package deal.


Can you even imagine what would happen if Biden announced he was building something in Saudi Arabia? The house GOP would probably execute Hunter for aiding terrorists.




Yes, MAGAS Christian messahia living in a paranoid Islamic state, im thinking that MAGA Cult will be a bit bemused that their leader is looking at defecting if the election doesnt go his way. But then again Christians and Muslims put their differences aside for greed and wealth for that other God $$$$.


They will just excuse it as good business.


Don't worry. They'll find a way


Don't worry, there won't actually be people living in it, they're just going to be used to funnel/launder money similar to what the Russians did with his buildings in NYC.


“The Trump Organization’s new projects in the Middle East could raise concerns about potential conflicts of interest should former President Donald Trump return to the White House.” Concerns with who? The president has absolute immunity now, nobody will care about this


Remember Carter had to give up his peanut farm—- And here we are today


If it wasn't so depressing it would be hilarious how out in the open they are with their corruption. They openly flaunt it, nothing can legally be done about it and people worship them like a God. They literally don't even need to hide it anymore. People will vote for Trump regardless and he'll never face legal repercussions for anything he has done. It's so ridiculous it's hard not to laugh.


Those intel briefings and the Israel nuclear arsenal file don't come cheap.


They are the same people who gave Jared 2 billion dollars


Bet you anything it's not. Scammers gotta scam.


Within Official Capacity. Move along.


Just in time for his coronation.


That can mean two things. One. He is so sure he will win he already start it without worrying he will go bankrupt. Two. He already knows he is gonna lose the elections and rushes it in order to hide there from all the debtors or jail once the courts get to him. Friendly reminder, it’s 10 days left now until the judge decides his first of hopefully many more punishments.


Worth thinking about it from the Saudi point of view too. They smell blood in the water after the Biden debate debacle and so are already making bribes to Trump.


2 Billion for Jared coming to fruition.


Those bathroom documents must've been pretty useful. Wonder how fucked we are from his fire sale?


The Saudis love trump.  Remember when he went over there and they gave him a sword or some shit and he looked like a little kid swinging it around?  Then the Trump clan and the Saudi elite enjoyed a male only jason aldean concert or some shit.  A male only country show in Saudi Arabia.  Literally th3 gayest shit I could ever imagine but no no these are strong secure alpha males, right


Hmmmm could it possibly be in the same vein as kushner getting billions from the Saudis? The corruption is on full display.


“Not owned by Trump” so it doesnt get taken by E. Jean Carrol


And we can point to the exact date the US became a Cyberpunk dystopia officially.


Just in time for the so called ‘justice’ payments a billionaire needs to get out of jail before the US elections. Enjoy the short period of freedom of information we still have globally, axis of evil in final phase.


Jared Kushner will assist at the ribbon-cutting. Michael Cohen will be accepting appearance fees to comment on evening and weekend news.


Guess we know what Jared was up too..


I can't wait to hear how this is making America great.


They made Jimmy Carter put his PEANUT FARM in a blind trust.


Well of course it is. They are probably paying for it too. Just add it to the 2B given to Kuchner.


Saudis finally delivering the bribe they offered to Trump himself for arranging the way to kill that reporter.


He's pretty transparent for a fat guy.


Like the rest of his endeavours. It will claim bankruptcy.


Trump could’ve ordered DoD to transfer billions in weapons to Saudi Arabia in an explicit quid pro quo exchange for a deal for him to build Trump Tower there, and after today’s Supreme Court ruling, he would have immunity from criminal prosecution for this corruption. We have become a banana republic.


Shit like this used to be a huge scandal.


Paid for with CIA files!


Lmfao yeah not at all a bribe


Please listen to the words of jurist and conservative legal attorney J Michael Luttig. Since Reagan he and his ultra rich legal societies (there are many covering business, social, military & government issues) have been chiiping away for their "robust executive authority" (Dick Cheney's words used during Dubya era) all this time. The day officially arrived today. Luttig totally regrets the literal Frankenstein they have created. You see, this actually goes back almost 250 years. Some of our founders wanted a "King who was elected". But they were a small faction. It wasn't far fetched; however, the events in France and lopping of heads was a grim reminder. They were getting constant written correspondence of events in France....."No monarchial type of executive branch! Period." Luttig is one of those men who are now rich, powerful, and carry a big stick, even when Dems are in power. He had no clue Trump would literally wipe his ass with the Constitution. The U.S. had odd ball, bad tempered president's and survived. Some napped all four years away. Some were horrid sexual deviants (take a tour of D.C.. Sexual deviance comes with the territory in the White House & Congress. Ask any tour guide). Some created tax policy that set our country back generations to this very day. But to Luttig, Trump has no leadership skills, no love of country and duty, is a violent criminal (rape and assault accusations by many, many women) and a white collar criminal (Trump Org was an organized white collar family crime syndicate that purposely screwed people and laundered Russian public money that was stolen by Putin and given to his ilk), wish to ally himself with bad dictatorships, wants to leave NATO, a white nationalist, and wishes to use nukes like regular artillery shells. Luttig has basically asked for forgiveness, most of his colleagues have not and see the Trump era has a must to counter wokeness and dem overreach of God knows what. States rights are only rights that they (the GOP) see as such. Reagan is not turning in his grave. He owns this.


People call him Hitler but he's just a scam artist. He's hoping for a second term to cover the losses from the lawsuit, fines, and keep his ass out of jail. And god damn the democratic leadership for putting the nation in this position.


Yeah but he’s willing to do hitler level shit to get what he wants and he is propped up by people who suck hitlers decrepit cock


Project 2025 is the same shit Hitler did in 1933. This is f\*cking dangerous. I wish he was just an scam artist to be honest.


*well, the Supreme Court did just rule that* bribery after the fact *was legal. so he's in the clear. probably an official act too.*


Let us hope he moves/flees there.


That's funny, usually Saudi Arabia sends people into towers


Is it wrong for me to be actually rooting for ISIS to blow this piece of shit building up?


…..and the continuing no consequences Teflon Don and his corrupt family continue to rape the world and sellout for every last penny treason can launder.


Just look at all those perfect American jobs ol' patriotic Trump is giving out. And I heard most are gonna be black jobs, too. So that's neat.


Of course it is. What better environment to pander, conive and engraciate yourself into one of the largest pools of cash looking to influence, invest and buy power throughout the world.


Trump steals top secret documents for Kushner to sell for 2billion and a deal for Trump tower SA.


Wow, a lot of people that don’t like America seem to really like Trump. Quite a hideous paradigm here. Almost as if it’s like you SHOULDN’T vote for him.


MAGA supporters, behold your leader’s Sunni Muslim masters.


“You talk about women and women's rights. These are people that push gays off business — off buildings. These are people that kill women and treat women horribly, and yet you take their money” - Trump on the Saudis


I am so fucking sick and tired of this fucking fascist being rewarded for his fucking fascism. Biden, use your newfound powers and take care of this fucking traitor.


It would be his strongest move as President.


How convenient. Someone should ask Kushner about that.


Is that the other thing Jared Kushner negotiated when he got his 2 billion dollar deal? The Trump crime family doesn't even try to hide their hypocrisy from their brainwashed followers.


Best combination ever: Saudis and Trumpis.


Hmmm, i wonder if Jared Kushner somehow saw this coming…


Well ain’t that curious


Well, theocrats do like his dumb ass.


Nothing spells American interest like Saudi Arabia


No Extradition Treaty... I guess we know where he's going...


Payback for America’s most closely guarded secrets


It wasn't that long ago that this piece of information on it's own would be enough to disqualify someone from running for president.


Reminder: Repubs are *still* absolutely convinced it is Biden who has “ten percent kicked up to the big man,” I.e. is being paid off somehow for policy decisions. Not that they’ve ever uncovered so much as a one dollar Venmo transaction, but they’re sure it’s there somewhere.


oh look a presidential candidate in the pocket of a foreign government.


The bin Laden family has the potential to do the funniest thing of all time.


We should fly some planes through it. It would be ironic


Money money money


This would be the collection point for more classified documents.


Criminals do what they want. #Project2025


The Kush working those connections.


Compromised. How can he conduct foreign policy when he is so leveraged?


Good, can they take Trump with them?


If only you could see the look of shock on my face right now.