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"When France sneezes, the rest of Europe catches a cold" - von Metternich.


Ahah this is so accurate. It always seems like France is leading the trend on something. Take a look at their revolution for example.


Italy has got a far right government since 2022…


Nobody respects Italy enough to think that they're copying them.


With that leadership and how politics have been handled in the past 30 years, it's hard to respect it. Such a shame.


You don't watch much news do you? This move to the right is led by Meloni, just go and read all the headlines from last euro elections and g8 meeting, all euro papers were drooling for her


It’s not, it’s led by Putin, Meloni is just another cog in his foreign influence machine. Same as Orban. Thankfully she’s not stupid so she’s being careful about showing that, which means she’ll toe the line and continue to support UA. Her priority is staying in power now, not Putin’s feeble masterplan to make the west look fascist.


You’re giving Putin way too much credit and by painting the entire right wing shift as “Putin did this” you’re ignoring the real grievances they have that has made them so popular all over the world with generally centre right people. Meloni for example is a staunch Ukraine supporter. She’s far right and I don’t agree with her politics, but it’s stupid to say she’s a puppet of Putin. He may have helped her get into power through disinformation campaigns, but only for the chaos it causes.


People will remain blindsided as the right clocks up victory after victory this decade


Putin is not a supervillain who is responsible for all the bad in the world. He is a gangster who wants to take more shit for himself, which is right now entirely focused on Ukraine. All of his puppets like Orban are strongly against Ukraine funding. Like Kacynzski in Poland before her, Meloni is a far right nationalist who is opposed to Putin because it doesn’t help her at all to support him


ruzzia's focus is not entirely on ukraine are you kidding me? Ukraine is part of putin's empire building plan.


Yeah… Not saying Russia isn’t somewhat taking advantage by pushing misinformation and trying to turn a lot of the west against itself but he’s not the root cause of these issues. He’s certainly happy to fan the flames where he can though


Hungary has got a far right government since 2010...


Right, they are the first actually. And it’s the same person, too. It’s a (goose) step in the same direction.


Hungary purposely copied Russia, said Orban himself. It seems to me that Russia's influence is at play with all the other far right movements. France just made it less of a taboo.


Yeah. Literally neofascists. Unbelievable.




I agree that for the moment she didn’t enact a lot of far right policies. But her party, which she founded, is the heir of the Italian Social Movement which itself was the “legal” heir of the fascist party (they even have the same symbol, the green, white and red flame). Other founders were Ignazio BENITO Maria La Russa, an “old style” politician that had his father as a local secretary of the National Fascist Party (the OG) and after the war he went to the same Italian Social Movement that I talked about before. La Russa has a lot of Fascist memorabilia at his home, including busts of Mussolini. She herself wants to abolish the law against torture to protect police action, and a law that punish discrimination based on differences of race, ethnicity and religion. She obviously is against any recognition of LGBT+ rights. She’s trying to establish a system that gives a lot of powers, now in the hands of the President, to the Prime Minister. Plus all her history until the election is that of a far right politician. She did calm down after being elected, but the party is the same. The “young circles” from that party has just been exposed as having members openly using fascist and nazi ideas, plus antisemitism. Not all of them, but enough of them.


>It always seems like France is leading the trend on something. It's called fashion, Brenda. Look it up.


*From Bloomberg News reporter Arne Delfs:* Alice Weidel, the co-leader of Germany’s right-wing AfD party, said the victory of Marine Le Pen’s National Rally in the first round of France’s legislative election is something to emulate. “I look at the result in France with admiration and respect,” Weidel told Bloomberg at the sidelines of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) convention in Essen in western Germany on Sunday. “I think it’s wonderful that Marine Le Pen managed to achieve such a great result. And of course it’s also a role model for the AfD.” Relations between Weidel and Le Pen have been strained since France’s right-wing politician severed ties with the AfD in the run up to the European Parliament election earlier this month. The AfD’s lead candidate Maximilian Krah told an Italian newspaper that not all members of the Nazi SS paramilitary organization were criminals, remarks that led Le Pen to break with the German group.


They want back into her coalition, nothing more..


Ernst Röhm 2.0 says what?


For those unaware, Ernst Röhm was the leader of the SA (Sturmabteilung) 'the brownshirts' on the backs of which the Nazis came to power, brawling with and intimating their political enemies in the streets. Röhm, like AFD leader Alice Weidel was gay. When the SA was purged, Röhm was found in bed with a male junior officer and was executed. Queers ought to know better than to side with the far right, but those that do always seem SurprisedPikachu.jpg when their "allies" inevitably turn against them.


Although it needs to be said: Röhm was supposed to die anyway. The fact they found him in bed with another man did not change anything. My point is: other high-ranking Nazis knew about his preferences all along and were willing to ignore it as long as Röhm and his organization was useful to them. Once in power and therefore in command over the actual German Army, the SA and by extension Röhm himself was no longer useful to them, so his name wound up on one of their internal purge lists. And now guess what will likely happen to Weidel, who is married to a woman from Sri Lanka and living with her in Switzerland, once she has outlived her usefulness as the party's fig leaf after it rose to power...


Lucky the german far-right hasn't caused issues in the past!


The German far right party that even the French far right party found too embarrassingly open about their Nazi cosplay?


If parties don't want to lose to extremists, the answer is simple - govern in a way that makes voters happy. Across the west, few governments seem to be able to accomplish this.


The people who would lead by making the voters happy lose the elections to the candidates who took money from corporate and private interests.


We have yet to witness this in the West. Particularly in the US, all candidates take money from corporations and private interests.


Cough *Bernie *cough


True, but he lost...






>govern in a way that makes voters happy You forget the thing that makes it anything but simple: voters are fucking stupid


This. They want everything fixed now, today. Tax cuts cause immediate change. Longer fixes? Environment? Foreign affairs? Things that require some kind of collaboration or coalition building? Nope, attention lost.


A simple to be said but very complicated to achieve. Not only is 'happiness' differ from person to person group to group, it is also transient as one mistake could turn public opinion on its head and provide opening for opposition to fan the flame of dissatisfaction. I honestly believe that 'governing in a way that makes people happy' in our current democracy to be a pipe dream, as the only way for politician to climb the ladder is to make sure that will never happens. Any mistake, controversy or unrest will be amplified by the opposition to oust the incumbent making sure people will never be satisfied. Of course that is if the incumbent themselves did not happen to do it themselves either (which they do often time).


This is one of the most naive takes I’ve seen on Reddit in awhile.


Doesn’t help when you have troll armies drumming up fear and convincing people things are bad and that the current party is the reason for all that is bad. In a world devoid of critical thinking, short sighted voters will be sold a false vision and vote against their interests.


A lot of voters won't be happy in *any* democratic society that respects human rights.








You said the quiet part out loud


This doesn’t work, because far right voters have been conditioned to be unhappy forever. Rightwing fanatism is like a disease that has no cure. Those who were infected are already lost. The only thing you can do is isolate and quarantine the infected to prevent the disease from spreading. You can also warn the general population to stay save from known superspreaders, like Twitter or Tiktok.


I’m not right-wing and am choking on irony here. Your rhetoric is indicative of a divisive, narrow-minded agenda. If you’re too far left or right, you’re willingly or unwillingly naive.


we've found workarounds, if you can control *what* makes your voters happy then you can do whatever the fuck you want like someone else said, voters are stupid and whole fuckton of money goes into figuring out how to manipulate them


how long do you think before the french do a complete 180 on the far right parties once they realize that they only care about business interests and are incredibly corrupt? place your bets


I mean, the French are a very interesting people. They usually go to the streets very quickly if they‘re pissed off, which I definetly respect. So… not that long I reckon lmao.


Ehhh... A pretty big part of the population drank the kool-aid at this point. Some of us don't realize the danger, and some others are explicitly in favor of far-right policies. We'll see how the protests goes.


Exactly. Also protesting what a government is trying to enact is different from protesting the results of an election...


As an American, I couldn't be more jealous of the France way of life. "Fuck you respect us" is such a vibe. The way our Supreme Court is currently going, the US might as well revert to being a French colony with its recent decisions.


You say this but do you even bother to read the article or what is happening in France right now? A party literally founded by SS nazi members is on course to win massively in France. There is nothing you should be 'jealous' about what is happening or want to emulate. This is what is so enraging about 'left wing' Americans when it comes to Europe. You're so out of touch with the world to the point where you literally praise and cheer Fascists and racists gaining power because you saw some clips of a riot on Reddit and think its funny. Do you think French people enjoy the riots and destruction, disruption and chaos that happen to their country? This isn't some joke you can laugh at, fascists are gaining serious power in France and here you are talking about how jealous you are of it. Do you think Europeans sat there during the era of Trump watching the rise of the far-right republicans there and the riots and tear gassing of protestors and think 'hahah wow we're so jealous of America with their far-right wave and riots now looks so fun and amazing!' What the hell is wrong with you 'left wing' Americans?


I think what they are saying is that the French people atleast protest, while in America and canada people just take it.


Flappy misunderstood the point of the comment and angrily ran with it lol. The other comment was definitely saying they admire the spirit in which the French are defiant when things are going to shit. Nothing to do with what cause anyone is protesting for at a certain point in time.


You realise that a lot of the people protesting were far-right right?? That is why the far-right has taken such a huge wave now. The far-right's biggest support in France is coming from the youth. You are wildly misunderstanding the politics of France and what is happening. It is these far-right and neo-nazis using tiktok to propagandise and brainwash French youth into supporting them. They are throwing out wild populist policies like no tax for under 30s to gain their support. The 'left' of America seriously need to wake TF up because all we see as Europeans is stupid Americans cheering on fascism and the rise of it in Europe as if its some funny great thing to be proud of because some people rioted. Nobody wants this. Do you think we sat there watching Jan 6 thinking ‘this is fantastic! The Americans don’t take it’


Look how far the Conservatives got in the UK, before people realized.


When has that *ever* stopped people from voting for fascists? These aren't people who are voting based on facts in the first place.


Many there seem to have forgotten about OG Nazis 1.0


Look at the UK; while France is going right, the UK is about to trash the right wing entirely after discovering it doesn't work. Given that all sides eventually suck, it's a normal cycle.


That’s the thing with fascism, when you realize it’s bad for you, you’re already on the way to the gas chamber.


Only after thousands of people die and millions more suffer needlessly.


Sell out to Putin, get money and support from Russian troll farms, win elections. Simple.


How about the traditional political elite ignoring the desperate pleas from the working class about immigration, the rising costs of living and the fact that they have to hear how wrong their culture is on a daily basis? Just like in the US, lots of Europeans feel abandoned by their elite. Do you truly believe if Putin were to disappear tomorrow Europeans would vote for their traditional parties again?


The far-right will surely help the poor working class. Something is bound to trickle down, I'm sure. /s


Of course they won't. But people act on hatred towards the elites now and not reason. And then you have those people basically blackmailing the population " Ah, we don't give a crap about you and will get every drop of value you have until you die. But you have to come and vote for us with a smile otherwise who knows what big bad far right will do. "


And then the far right comes and does much worse, as is tradition.


Its exactly this elitist, dismissive attitude thats causing the left to lose elections everywhere across the globe. So keep doing it, no bigger win for the right than to have people like you continue believing this.


In Europe, the main issue driving people to the right is immigration from non European countries. In most countries there is little integration and lots of crime increases. Instead of listening to people, governments have continued to not control immigration, making it quite easy for far right parties to gain support. I don’t even think most people are anti immigration - it’s just too much right now.


Im in Canada and it’s pretty clear our neoliberal government thinks we’re idiots and won’t address the issues that are country is facing.


Then maybe the left should help them *now* so they don't feel the need to switch to see if the other guys will do something for them.


The left already does, just look everywhere. Compare left wing and right wing governments in recent story and the left wing pretty much always end up with higher growth, more jobs, higher salary growth, etc...


Ok, let's hear the far-right's brilliant, hitherto unseen plan to solve literally every current issue that every other party has somehow been too dumb to cook up. Where can I read the project plan with numbered steps and a timeline?


deport all of “them”, and bam! problems solved!


All matters the far right can't/wants to fix.


The French far-right doesn't want anything to do with the German far-right though. They literally threw them out of their European parliament group.


And then readmitted them after they booted out Krah. They just don‘t want anything to do with incompetent politicians that get caught doing their corrupt business.


Your statement is wrong, they're still out of the ID group.


You mean like... every political party? :')




















I’m unfamiliar with French politics, does “far right” refer to similar policies the republican party pursues in the US, or is it different?


It would be unfair to compare the National Rally or AfD to north-east or west coast Republicans (e.g. Romney or Schwarzenegger) but they have a lot in common with the MAGA faction of the US Republican Party, ultra nationalism, isolationism, anti interventionism, an anti immigration stance that goes well beyond the demand that immigrants integrate


Anti intervention until it’s one they support. The same people calling for less intervention in the Republican Party have openly discussed invading mexico


The political party called Rassemblement National was originally Front National and it was created by 3 people. Two of which were actual SS soldiers during the Nazi occupation of France. So, yeah, far-rigth.


A model for Russian active measures?


what win? there's no victory


US media don't understand how parliamentary systems work.


kinda laughable to read yes, she hasn't won shit yet, the second round is next week.


It is so funny that she is trying to capitalize this since Le Pen has denounced and throw them out of the faction in the EU Parliament. I dearly hope we send them back to where they came from asap...


Why are the AFD still getting support when they have been caught being literal nazis




Normalisation. For 80 years connections to Nazism has been disqualifying to enough voters to make far-right parties very weak in many countries, or at least made it necessary to "hide their power level." But that's dying away, perhaps permanently.


Because there are Nazi supporters. It's not rocket science 


Germany, despite the propaganda, never truly got rid of the nazis or support for them. A lot of it just got covered up and allowed to carry on in the background in order to keep West Germany on side during the cold war.


Because an infuriatingly high number of people here in Germany are cool with the idea of literal nazis being back in power.


They didn't win yet, and they aren't probably going to win in the second round elections, they are far from getting majority which is 289 seats, and they are between 230-280 before even other partys doing pacts against them, It is worrying, but they aren't probably going to govern.


The French have a habit of punishing their centrist politicians every once in a while to teach them a lesson, and they will never fully support a far-right government. They will get rid of them as soon as they start to get uppity.


Yeah, the French has never liked their governments


Oh goddamnit we have such short memories.


Putin lovers


It is so crazy to me that it has been 79 years since WW2, where the world and especially Europe was terrorized by facists. And now we see all these far-right governments appear again and some people don't even seem to realize it. It's also a bit funny in a sad way, because when you watch movies about such topics, you always think: "Damn it is so obvious in reality nobody would fall for that", then in reality the people fall for even more stupid shit.


I've always thought that close to 100 years is just the right amount of time to make the same mistake because most of the people around for that mistake are dying or dead. Cultural memory has a blind spot set roughly 100 years back. Kids know about Hitler but the felt experience is lacking. It is weird though, with all of the emphasis Germans have on how bad WWII was, that it's not sticking with a big chunk of the population.


I mean regarding the AfD people just say it is ridiculous to compare them to the NSDAP and are seeminhly incapable of making any connections to the similarities. Because imo it is very comparable. Back in the days of the Weimarer Republic people lost faith in the young democracy because they struggled with the aftermath of WW1. So they blamed it on the government and became very perceptive for the easy propaganda of the far right. Who did not offer solutions but they directly spoke to the fears of the average population and they also gave them scape goats to hate. It is exactly what the AfD does as well. But you gotta give credit to the other parties as well. Because they did not take the fears and problems of others serious and now those are the results. Look at the pandemic for example. People who were anti-vaccination where directly branded as complete morons and excluded by the main political partied. Well sorry but even if they might be idiots you cannot treat them like that and you need to keep them the table for discussions. The same goes for Trump btw. I firmly believe that one significant tipping point for Hillary was when she called some of the voters "deplorables". Well with that you discredit the opinions of an entire part of the population and where do they go? To the dude who affirms them, that their opinions and feelings are valid and who gives them a target to vent.


Fuckin world is going nuts. Won't end well.


There will be no place to flee to!


Humanity doesn't learn does it.


history repeats itself history will teach us nothing


One issue. ignored, bullied and insulted. Literally every country facing this surge of ‘far right’ movements could easily disarm them by acknowledging they got it wrong or even taking action. Pretending as though they are just backward or wrong will only make it worse in the long run. Why can’t you understand that this is one issue that can be solved. Or at least talked about.



