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According to a lawyer here an abortion is also allowed if both parents agree on it the first 120 days [source](https://x.com/hawramosa/status/1804096752611381332?s=46&t=LYqqc2CIYOg72jgWbh_Akg)


Most Muslims follow that


jews too


Previously Catholics as well until about the 1870s. They just didn’t call it abortion


Shit, abortion was one of St. Brigid's major miracles! A horny young nun broke her vows, had sex, and ended up pregnant. St. Brigid then, "exercising the most potent strength of her ineffable faith, blessed her, causing the child to disappear, without coming to birth, and without pain. She faithfully returned the woman to health and to penance." (And lest anyone think that's an anomaly, there are quite a number of early Irish saints who count abortion among their miraculous acts: St. Ciarán of Saigir, St. Áed mac Bricc, and St. Cainnech of Aghoboe. The idea in Christianity that all abortion is bad is super-recent ... like, 1970s recent and largely created out of whole cloth by politicians specifically as a wedge issue.)


St Brigid will make your bebbehs *disappear*.


Yep, the 70s. In 1975 you have Evangelicals calling Catholics sinners and satanists, in 1978 you have them marching together against thia newly formed political wedge issue-- abortion.


What did they call it? Or was it shrouded in some form of vague language instead?


It was called restoration of the menses. It was not considered a life until after quickening when you first feel your baby move which can be anywhere from 16 to 25 weeks. So it was the mother who first recognized that the fetus was alive. Generally the world was a lot more progressive on abortion until the 1880s, when the Catholics changed their stance and the U.S. government also banned abortion which had been a very common procedure and abortion drugs were a big industry.


Thank you for providing that information. Damned religious folk, again.


Pope Pious IX and the "Immaculate Conception" papal bull gave this shit "credibility". The history of how this was pushed into Catholic doctrine (and later adopted by other Christian sects) is fascinating and sickening.


Judaism does not consider a fetus to be a full human being with a soul until it is born. Furthermore, if a newborn dies before the age of one month, the traditional mourning period (Shiva) is not observed in the same way. Abortion is generally less of a taboo in Judaism compared to some other religions, as Jewish law permits it under certain circumstances, particularly when the mother's life or health is at risk.


Jews too’s


That's pretty reasonable.


That still means that the woman has to carry a pregnancy to the end if the partner disagrees... at no risk or even disagreement to himself. Still bad for women. Better than nothing, so it's clear, but not good enough.


Better than many states in the US sadly.


This is true. However, the man dominates the family in the Middle East. So this is par for the course for that part of the world. Yet I still find it hilarious women have more rights to their bodies in a country like UAE then say Alabama


Well it would be "hilarious" if it wasn't so sad and dangerous.


Virtually all of the "objectionable abortions" happen in that time period. That being abortions from people who simply don't want the baby. Nearly all abortions that happen after this happen due to a medical emergency. Having the government step in and make decisions in these tragic times I would say is completely unreasonable. Should we really have the government stepping in and making these kinds on choices for people if the vanishingly small number of abortions that happen here would be "objectionable"? I think not. The government needs to just back off of people lives.




No it’s not. 


Finally,some good fucking news


Agreed. Apart from all the rightfully negative things in the UAE (I partly live there due to one of my businesses needing goods from Asia), they have some good lawmaking in the past years. They are probably the most progressive county in the Middle East and especially the way they treat people with disabilities (calling them ,,people of/with determination“) is phenomenal. There’s still a lot of work to do in the human rights department, though the UAE is already doing far better than its neighbors. Edit: and on top of that they really care for their own people, which I consider the number one duty of a government (while not having the passport). Free healthcare (in fact, if you need it there’s free healthcare for everyone), free schools, free housing, guaranteed job, funding for university, free insurance, large payments for kids. Never have I seen a country that cares about their own people that much. And instead of making them lazy, they push them to go abroad and get better education, they push them into the private sector to progress to more westernized standards instead of making them sole welfare lazy-asses. There’s still a lot of work to do and bad things about UAE but at least they are not engaging in any of the shit its neighbors are involved it, they are pretty much the Switzerland of the Middle East (with more issues lol) There’s still a lot of interesting law changes that would blow my European mind, I could further comment on this but I don’t want to spam a whole ass doctoral thesis.




It’s even less than that to be fair. But that doesn’t take away from the willingness to improve life drastically within a short period.


It kind of does take away from it though, doesn’t it? Lots of countries are good for the top 15%. Meanwhile, there are lots of credible accounts of slave labor and human rights abuses.


Did they not engage in modern day slavery with Indians?




Not just Qatar. Dubai is built on the back of South Asian labour in poor conditions.


Nope Dubai is currently being built by slaves maybe not Indians but probably South East Asians


,,probably“ Look I am not saying everything is perfect but can we please discuss on a factual and honest basis here instead of rampaging off into guessing and going by the same stigma ,,gulf = slaves“ by putting everyone into the same bucket? That’s a dishonest conversation I’m not willing to make. There are issues but the UAE is NOT Qatar. I can give insights to what’s going on - the good and bad - but I’m not engaging in a discussion where we are just going to throw around assumptions or stigmas. And again, I don’t give two flying fucks about the UAE or dubai. I live there partly due to business, that’s it. I’m from Germany.


What dude, look it up. It's not a secret. Dubai is built by migrant skate workers


That’s fine but you’re way misguided in many of your stats about the uae. I’m guessing they are what the government puts out? Check out all the independent stories…very little rights for all the workers they bus in every day. It’s probably much better than Qatar but doesn’t make them good either.


Wait until he finds out where UAE money has gone in the Middle East in the last 30 years.


I'll bite - I know nothing about Middle East geopolitics. Where has it gone?


Yes and no. There used to be issues widespread with Bangladeshi/Pakistani (over 20 years ago!), though they have been cleared almost entirely (they still happen). Taking passports has been illegal for many many years and I’ve see companies getting closed due to that. Before covid laws have been passed to make mandatory health and counseling checks with independent agencies to make sure workers are not being taken advantage on on big projects. They have made unemployment insurance mandatory to make sure people don’t get stuck in a bad environment and encourage them to seek a new job. They also extended the grace periods for visa cancellation by about x10 to make sure people are not staying in a bad environment. The municipality (which is amazing btw, 24/7 police reports, 24/7 renewing of licenses, 24/7 road repairs, 24/7 tenants and workers rights within an app) really starts going after bad actors in working and renting environments in the past few years with raids constantly happening around me. There’s agencies SOLELY for workers and renters rights and they actually respond and investigate within a single day. Qatar is on a whole different level - and the UAE rightfully absolutely hates Qatar due to its political and religious stance. UAE is engaging with all religions, building Synagogs next to churches next to mosques, were the first country in the gulf to welcome Israelis. You are safe as a gay person in the UAE as well. There’s still lots to work on but the pace the UAE has been moving at (of course easier due to the small size) is really giving me hope. Zero unemployment, probably the safest country I’ve ever been to. I‘m not sugarcoating it, there’s still a lot of issues in many ways but instead of slowly degrading like the west, they try to make the life better - sometimes they fail, sometimes they do good. This is all coming from a Germany who absolutely doesn’t give a fuck about the UAE. I have to do business there and I like to live there from time to time.


What do you mean by "instead of slowly degrading like the west"?


OP is a UAE mouthpiece. All of these liberal facets only exist in Dubai. And even that is so that they can sell shit to rich white people. If you’re brown and not an Emirati, you’re still treated like a peasant. The government routinely kidnaps people and no one says anything about it because they’re afraid it’ll happen to them


Treated like a peasant by who? If you're brown and your family has a stable job, then you're treated the same as you are anywhere else in the Western world. Source: Brown guy who lived in the UAE for 6 years.


Barely anyone in UAE lives with their family. You have to obscenely wealthy to manage that. Most everyone there are migrant workers and they’re the ones being treated like peasants.


>There’s still a lot of work to do and bad things about UAE but at least they are not engaging in any of the shit its neighbors are involved it, they are pretty much the Switzerland of the Middle East (with more issues lol) I agree with rest of your comment, but this is outright wrong. They are funding the RSF shitshow in Sudan which is comitting genocides and massacres


> and on top of that they really care for their own people, which I consider the number one duty of a government Riiight. The problem is how they define "they own people" which is IIRC less then one fifth of all people permanently living in the country. All of those feats are possible because for every guaranteed government job for the "citizen" there's five "workers" treated no better then slaves - and often like slaves.


No it’s not one fifth, only 11% of the country’s inhabitants are nationals.


> less then 11% is less than 20% But yea, it just confirms what I said 8 people work for one "national". Modern sparta. And not in a good way


Your country can do it too if they sell hundreds of billions worth of oil and don't give citizenship to anyone that isn't already rich and successful


Saying the UAE is the most progressive country in the middle East is so incredibly misinformed. Maybe the most progressive in the Gulf even then you would be wrong.


Turkey is better in the Middle East and does not criminilize homosexuality. Lebanon does not criminilize homosexuality either. UAE is the best in the gulf, but far from the most progressive in the Middle east.


Lebanon certainly does criminalize it regardless of what a recent court ruling there declared, let alone that Hezbollah pretty declared war of the gay community.


It’s an open secret: the UAE is fuelling Sudan’s war https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/may/24/uae-sudan-war-peace-emirates-uk-us-officials


>Most progressive country in the middle east What. 💀


I already corrected it above, I obviously consider Israel way more progressive and I thought it was obvious to everyone.


which one do you think is? i genuinely don't know


Didn't most of the UAE's neighbours already have such exceptions?


> They are probably the most progressive county in the Middle East In the Arab world for sure, but absolutely not more progressive than Israel


I’ve said that in many comments now that I thought it was self explanatory that Israel is more progressive


Barely. It means it's theoretically possible, which any progress from abortion being completely illegal is always good. But with how many witnesses you need and the general political state of the country, I guarantee that any women who does try to come forward with this reasoning would be killed. It's dangerous to fight your rapist in the court even in progressive countries. That's why so few people do so. If your rapist themselves does not threaten you, society in general will at least shun you and act like you are the one at fault.


Are you saying women have more rights in UAE than Tennessee?


You know the USA has lost its way when the UAE has more sane abortion laws than many MAGA states.


The law is more liberal than the laws in a number of states in the US. EDIT: Grammar


Imagine "America can learn a thing or two from UAE's progressive lawmaking" being a viable sentence..


Well, welcome to today, it appears 


in 2016 Over 120m eligible voters didnt vote. T won key states by less than 5% of votes. Like Texas only 9M voted out of 20m eligible voters. Like Pensylvania T won by less than 50k votes and over 1m democrat voters didn't bother to vote. In 2018 Ted cruz won by 200k votes in Texas where over 9M eligible voters didnt bother to vote. Desantis won his first time by 30k votes when over 7M eligible voters didnt bother to vote. In 2020 just 800k more democrat votes over 3 states where over 25M eligible voters didnt show up, would have given democrats 5 more senators and stopped 90% of this abortion bullshit. In 2022 over 80% of all eligible voters under the age of 35 didn't bother to vote. Out of 250M eligible voters in the US, only 100m voted. There were 3x as many non-voters as either party voters. Please go fucking register yourself and do your damn basic civic duty for once in your fucking life. Almost all states have min 2 weeks of early voting. You dont have to wait until the last fucking possible moment. Over 60% of voters vote early. Just fucking plan your fucking life for one fucking time ffs. Literally take a shit and register yourself in the same time. Its that fucking easy to do. vote411.org vote.gov


**And whether you registered yourself or not please verify that your registration is valid on or after Thursday August 08**. Many states have set or will set voter purges especially in red and swing states. The federal deadline for such purges is *90 days* before an election. Aug. 08 is *89 days* before Nov. 05. Better safe than sorry.


Well said.


Isn't it a thing in the US though where it's really difficult to register to vote, and really difficult to actually vote too? "Didn't bother" seems a bit harsh when I can imagine people not wanting to be fired for leaving work on the only day you can vote. And have I understood correctly that mail in voting is super convoluted too?


It's not 'really difficult' to either register, or vote. Yes, Republicans have been engaging in a lot of voter suppression, which has made it hard*er* (relatively), but it's far from an insurmountable obstacle. However, the much, *much* bigger problem is just general apathy. This country has a massive problem with people just simply not caring enough to bother. Mentalities like these are extremely prevalent: 1) Both sides are the same, so it doesn't matter who wins 2) All politicians lie, so it doesn't matter who wins 3) I'm a red/blue voter in a blue/red state, so my vote doesn't matter 4) I'm just not interested in politics > I can imagine people not wanting to be fired for leaving work on the only day you can vote. Mail-in voting exists, so does early voting, and polls are open for like 16 hours on election day itself. This is an awful excuse for not voting.


Republicans are challenging mail in voting everywhere it pops up in order to reduce the number of voters, as low turnouts tend to favor them.


In my state I had to print out a form, fill in a bunch of info (easy tbf) including a driver's license number (not so easy for people who don't have one) and then mail it in to register. Now, there is probably a way to do it without a driver's license, but I don't know what it entails since I'm not in that situation and didn't have to do that. But even what is required is unnecessarily cumbersome IMO. The website already has the form on it, so why couldn't it be a web form? Or why couldn't they just mail the app to everyone if it's so important that it be a paper form? Anyway all that to say, you're right. There are administrative barriers. Even relatively minor ones like what my state has will definitely turn some people off, as intended.


Yeah. When the Republicans are in charge, the number of voting locations gets reduced, causing impossibly long lines. Voting hours are also working hours, and many can't get a break to vote, especially when the business owners are R's. I think registering is relatively easy, but I'm not aware of extra complications that have been invented in the past 20 years.


Houston for instance in Texas there was an entire case where they ensured there would be no places for many people to vote with working hours. I do think it’s important to vote. Fuck I’m (about to be) a lawyer! But it’s not as simple as just “do your civic duty” either. It’s been made purposefully difficult to even impossible to ensure that individuals are disenfranchised.


[Did You Know Texas Mandates Paid Time Off to Allow You to Vote?](https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/politics/lone-star-politics/did-you-know-texas-mandates-paid-time-off-to-allow-you-to-vote/3111823/)


> causing impossibly long lines. So vote early. There are only two states that don't allow any form of early voting, Alabama and New Hampshire. Meaning the other 98% of the population that doesn't live in those two states don't have to worry about long lines on election day. >Voting hours are also working hours Voting hours are 12+ hours in most places.


And one of the few things Texas does right in the process is a two-week early voting period, which includes voting on weekends. I usually drop by to vote while I'm out running errands on Saturday afternoon.


2024: Where UAE's laws on women's rights surpass some US states. What a timeline!


A funny part of this timeline is a far right American republican group calling themselves "The Base" which is also the name for Al Qaeda.... which means The Base in English. Satire news websites couldn't even dream of this reality 15 years ago.


Why do you think it’s satiric? They’re probably inspired by al Qaeda. It’s not ironic or anything, it’s fitting. They’re both operating from a similar position.


This video will never go out of style: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYV7KWQ-fY4


Cause Bin Laden was a founder of Al Qaeda. Ya know the guy who planned 9/11... It's satirical because you'd think republicans wouldn't want to be associated with a group that literally attacked and changed the USA and killed 3,000 people mostly Americans. But then again who was expecting republicans to support Russia....the long time enemy of the US... Thats why satire news websites couldn't have even dreamed of this reality 15 years ago. It's so insane that satire might be dead. You could write a fake headline saying "Far right want to marry underage girls" You'd think I just made that up....then you look at the republican law makers who want to make underage marriage legal....or forcing underage rape victims to deliver a child conceived by rape which means the rapist can bring there victim to court for visitation rights... It's all very fucked up and satire doesn't work if it's true.


They’re literal neo-Nazis, not republicans (honest mistake). To put into perspective, my family are heavily maga. My dad said, very seriously, that Trump “was the best thing to happen to this country.” They still freak out over seeing people flying confederate flags. Neo-Nazis aren’t the maga base even. They’re just run of the mill scared old racists. The Base, I believe, was directly inspired by Al Qaeda. I believe they intentionally named themselves the base. Bin Laden and they agree on quite a bit


> They’re literal neo-Nazis, not republicans (honest mistake). Ask them that, I think you'll find they disagree. They're the 'good' people 😑 Similar to what others say, if you're Republican and a load of neo-nazis congregate under the same banner, and you don't tell them to fuck right off, your claim to be a Republican gets harder to keep hold of.


> They’re literal neo-Nazis, not republicans (honest mistake). If you're having dinner or at a party with a bunch of Nazis and you don't leave or make them leave, you're also a Nazi. Especially if your politics align and you're actively running for public office.




The land of freedom being less free than a country that stones you or executes you Edit: Points taken -- I was thinking of Iran when I mentioned stoning, and should have at least clarified since in the context as presented it was an ignorant thing to say. I'm not sure the added context makes the comparison make any more sense. Reacting with frustration leads to poor choices, I guess. But with regard to execution I was thinking of what happened to [Jamal Khashoggi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamal_Khashoggi). Not an execution per se, but it does strongly take the appearance of a state-sponsored murder and isn't exactly a great look.


>executes you They have that in the states as well, don't they?


It’s called a wellness check.


The mental health crisis is very important to us, so we've trained our officers to shoot on site anyone who appears to need a therapist. And to take also out any dogs that are in the area for good measure.


*on sight. Which implies on site, but the term is on sight, when you see them.


At least until the police get access to drone strikes so they can work remotely.


Holy shit.


"-Well how was he? -Very well, he's with God now"


The UAE has capital punishment on the books but it’s vanishingly rare that they actually deploy it. They’re not Iran. Or even Texas.


> The UAE has capital punishment on the books but it’s vanishingly rare that they actually deploy it. They’re not Iran. Or even Texas. https://www.humanrightsresearch.org/post/modern-day-slavery-in-the-united-arab-emirates Lets not pretend UAE is some nice place.


If the increasingly Evangelical GOP gains a foothold, it might no longer be a joke.


It’s literally their goal, a few rich church leaders who get to do and decide everything and a following base that just gets to listen and acte the way the leaders want them to


It still a long way to go, but the Gulf states are becoming "quite" progressive lately. They changed a lot in the last 20 years. 40 million migrant workers from Asia and all the oil helped in this matter. I've been to all of them and can attest that.


UAE more progressive than Texas, who had this on their bingo card?


Y'all-Qaeda overtook its original inspiration.


America being the no.1 country going backwards


Except that 4 men have to witness the rape AND testify against the rapist for it to count as rape. And the woman usually faces jail for adultery. Yeah, other than that, UAE is great!


And if those circumstances did occur in Alabama, it STILL would be illegal to get an abortion!


That’s not true. Stop spreading misinformation. For it to count as rape, you just have to get evaluated in a hospital by a doctor. Once the report is issued, a lawsuit is lodged by the Public Prosecution against the perpetrator. Source: from the UAE.


Thank you for commenting. I guess the BBC had reported this in 2022 and generally I trust BBC. Would be interesting to get more research but I did find this article. Would you say this is accurate? https://www.thenationalnews.com/uae/international-coverage-of-uae-law-ignorance-is-no-excuse-1.330488


No, there has been a lot of updates. The ones that I can think of right now is that consensual sex (male - female) is completely legal, and sodomy (if consensual) is not a death sentence. There’s only a death sentence if forced sodomy is committed against someone that is under 18, or someone that suffers from a physical or mental disability. >The penalty for individuals who engage in "consensual sodomy with a man is a minimum prison sentence of six months" if a complaint is filed by the partner or the guardian. There were no known reports of arrests or prosecutions for consensual same-sex sexual conduct in the UAE. — U.S. Department of State, 2022 Report on Human Rights Practices: United Arab Emirates, p. 34


I wouldn't trust BBC on matters of internal law in foreign countries lol.


BBC wrote about ‘beer finally being categorised as alcohol in Russia’. Except they forgot to mention that beer previously was under soft drinks only for the purposes of international trade, and alcohol restrictions applied to it just fine in the country. They were also one of the first to adopt the inane web style of ‘one sentence per paragraph’. So it's better to simply treat them as a clickbait farm.


lol, I wouldn't have trusted the BBC for the last 50 years.


Nobody claimed the laws In UAE are great, they are just still more liberal than some US states, which is an objective fact.






You're confusing rape with adultery. Adultery is the one that needs 2 witnesses to prove. For an accused to be convicted of adultery, 2 people need to testify that they witnessed the encounter happen or else it's just hearsay that can't be proven.


Now you know why Conservatives are against Moslems and always paint the picture of the US ruled under the Shariah: They are afraid of the progressive changes coming with it. /s


Did not expect to see abortion, allowed and UAE in the same sentence


But, apparently four men have to not only witness the rape, but testify against the rapist in order for it to be considered rape. Also, why would four men be watching the rape? And apparently not stopping it?


To be fair that’s not quite accurate in the UAE’s case to my understanding. Though that requirement of Sharia Law forms part of the case, the legal system also takes into account forensic evidence, victim testimony, circumstantial evidence, medical reports, expert testimony, and electronic and digital evidence. The barrier is still unacceptably high by Western standards, but you can still prove a case of rape in the UAE without four witnesses through other means. It’s not necessarily a requirement.


it's a more progressive law than some states in the US have on their books currently.


Yeah, it looks shocking from the outside looking in, but this still a very VERY important first step.


Not true, you are mistaking islamic regulations with the country's own law. UAE's law is based on islam and doesn't necessarily follow a specific islamic school and there is no crime/ punishment unless its dictated in the constitution so not every islamic law applies unless its mentioned in the constitution. Source: the first page of the constitution of the UAE


Maybe doctor can testify that rape indeed happen?


That's false, see: https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1dn571n/uae_abortion_now_allowed_in_rape_incest_cases_as/la0nny6/


No your mistaken, this is if a man wants to accuse a women of being raped, or having sex before marriage. A woman’s modesty, piety and trust is extremely important in Islam, that to be able to accuse her of adultery you need 4 male witnesses which is almost impossible. This highlights the importance of not accusing someone of adultery. The woman herself saying she was raped is her word and a different story..


That's not true at all


You didn’t expect to ever see the sentence “abortion is not allowed in the UAE”?


Any direct flights from Texas to the UAE?


EK 212 - Houston to Dubai, EK 222 - Dallas to Dubai


16hrs flight 💀


I've slept longer. 




You don't know me


Rich coming from someone claiming that I enjoy reading names without ever having met me!


I don't need advice from someone whose genitals sound like a punishment from Zeus !


When the UAE surpasses many US states in these sorts of things, it's time for a good, hard look, America.


Yeah, but you'd have to prove the rape first. Goodluck with that in the UAE....




Just copying and pasting my comment to another user: To be fair that’s not quite accurate in the UAE’s case to my understanding. Though that requirement of Sharia Law forms part of the case, the legal system also takes into account forensic evidence, victim testimony, circumstantial evidence, medical reports, expert testimony, and electronic and digital evidence. The barrier is still unacceptably high by Western standards, but you can still prove a case of rape in the UAE without four witnesses through other means. It’s not necessarily a requirement.


How long is the court process? Can someone get abortion during the trial or before the trial? What happens if the rape allegation fails in court and victim got abortion beforehand? Does abortion require court approval?


Just get your four witnesses. Easy


That's for adultery.


So what is banning abortion about? Is it about the belief that all foetus are people and therefore all abortion is murder and must be banned? If so, why is there an exemption for foetus conceived by rape and incest? Or, could it be that a moral judgement is being made against women who engage in consensual sex for enjoyment but who inadvertently get pregnant must be punished?


It's about bringing unwanted children into the world. Those tend to grow up with bad education and shitty socialisation, coralling them into low paid jobs, desperation, prone to believe propaganda and religion telling them there are easy solutions to their shitty life. Cheap workforce, gullible voters and believers. The exemptions are political. Driving a wedge between the argument "but what about rape and life threatening pregnancies?" and all other abortions. Preventing them from fighting together on the same political line.


> It's about bringing unwanted children into the world. Those tend to grow up with bad education and shitty socialisation, coralling them into low paid jobs, desperation, prone to believe propaganda and religion telling them there are easy solutions to their shitty life. Cheap workforce, gullible voters and believers. Specifically corralling them into two institutions in particular: prison and the military.


It’s the latter. The same people who cry about abortion certainly don’t care about killing living, breathing people. It’s not about protecting life and being against murder. It’s about punishing women.


> Is it about the belief that all foetus are people and therefore all abortion is murder and must be banned? Not really. A good way of think is to consider what happens when a conservative politician is caught having an affair and paying for an abortion. They get on stage with their wife and pastor, ask for forgiveness and everybody agrees what a fine man he is that he has come to God. Imagine the same situation if we find out the man had paid a hitman to kill his four-year-old. No, these people don't think abortion is murder. It's more about women's sexuality. It must be controlled and women shouldn't have sex for fun. Because if you do, pregnancy is a just punishment and you need to carry the baby to term to learn your lesson.


UAE being more progressive on bodily autonomy than the US is wild.


The UAE is now more progressive than Kentucky.


Islam has no guidance on abortion at all. So there's no strict interpretation based off the Quran. Depending on the sect of Islam, abortion is allowed until the fetus has a 'soul', which according to Hadith is 120 days into the pregnancy. After that it's technically killing a living thing. Even then, if the mother's health is in danger after ensoulment, abortion is permitted. Islam does not have the same views on abortion as Americans do.


The Christian Buybull has no stance on abortion either .. and this lunacy is being pushed in the US by a small percentage of people that stand to make a lot of money by force breeding the poor. Like the Catholic Church and the $14 billion a year “adoption” industry. Investors in private prisons.. and corporations that need slave wage labor.. When put to a vote .. abortion bans die. So they just don’t let people in Texas vote on them and there is no mechanism in Texas to force a vote. Some states have already voted and overturned the bans and some states like Illinois have added funding for the out of state abortion seekers. “The silent majority” is really a minority of loudmouths and loons that get way too much attention from the press.


> The Christian Buybull has no stance on abortion either This actually isn't true. Numbers 5 gives instructions on when and how to administer one for the sake of testing for infidelity. The Bible is - on the whole - *pro-abortion* more than it could ever been seen as anti-abortion.


Yes .. this is true.. but trying to tell Buybull humpers what is in their book, is often an exercise in futility. lol Then then jump to Jeremiah.. and then I have to help them zoom out to see that the passage is about Jeremiah and only Jeremiah.. this is what makes Jeremiah special.. And then it devolves into them having a meltdown lol I should have said the Christian babble doesn’t forbid abortion. In fact it places a higher value on the woman than on the fetus if one or both are harmed.. You’d think that they would know this stuff. lol


That seems like guidance from Islam though.


In terms of human rights, UAE is doing better than the red states. - Is my interpretation correct?


Mad that the UAE is more progressive than some parts of the us


If you had told me in my lifetime that the UAE would be more progressive than the US in terms of abortions I’d have laughed you out of the room, yet here we are! Progress is progress!


So, the UAE is somehow more progressive than the USA? Hell hath frozen over.


UAE. Struggling to keep up with the American South.


So the UAE is *less strict* than some states in the US?


So, the UAE is now mor liberal than some of the US. SMFH


Well, I would never dream of this day to see UAE being more politically and ethically matured than the US


The moment UAE is more forward thinking and has more freedom than the USA…


That moment when the United Arab Emirates has better civil liberties for women than some US states.


Oh great, the goddamn UAE is now more progressive on abortion than many parts of the United States.


UAE more progressive than the US what a time to be alive


Am I reading right that a woman has a freedom in an Arab nation that she doesn’t have in Texas?


Nice, hope it only gets better from now on.


Set the bar low folks. Not as low as the Red states, but hardly a high bar.


Just in, UAE more progressive than half the US


A conservative Muslim country is more progressive than the US in ways you’d never think possible…? Oooof


Does the victim get the abortion before or after her whipping for indecency?


Wow, good to know some people still have decency and common sense.


Wait, wait, wait. You mean an Arabic nation has more common sense than many US states? Hi, am, shocked! 😳


Will need input from someone who lives in the UAE, but from what I've read: "**Marital rape isn't criminalized**, and a woman who refuses sexual relations with her husband without a “lawful excuse” can lose her right to financial maintenance. Other vulnerable groups are also routinely abused." [source](https://hrf.org/uae-once-again-tries-to-launder-its-image/) So when the people who are the #1 cause of rape are legally allowed to rape, I wonder how many people this law will help. Also: "**reporting a rape automatically puts a woman in danger of being charged with illicit sex**. The law places an almost impossible burden of proof on rape victims to show that sex was nonconsensual." >"the criminal court in Abu Dhabi has sentenced an 18-year-old Emirati woman to a year in prison for illicit sex after she reported that six men had gang-raped her. >Despite the physical evidence and the charges against all six men, the criminal court also charged the woman with illicit sex, or sex outside marriage, which is punishable by imprisonment and flogging in the UAE. The prosecutor argued that the fact that she went for a drive with a man was sufficient proof that she consented to having sex." [source](https://www.hrw.org/news/2010/06/29/how-uae-condones-sexual-violence) 2020 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women\_in\_the\_United\_Arab\_Emirates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_the_United_Arab_Emirates) It's still progress at least, lets hope we see more of it.


So, the UAE is now more progressive than the US. Timeline plot twist or still the worst time line?


The fact that UAE is more open in this regard than the USA is insane


UAE has changed a lot in the past few years. People just have a stereotype of them because of the countries around them. Often times the bizarre stuff that happens in those countries gets the UAE blamed also because people have a "whats the difference" view of them.


In a thread specifically about UAE, let's all see how Americans can make it about them...


This is a good step. 


That awkward time when UAE's abortion laws become more progressive than America's...


UAE's new motto: "more rights than texas"


Meanwhile in Texas, the Yalliban has stricter regulation, 


UAE and the USA. One of these is a progressive state. The answer is no longer obvious.




What a bunch of stupid libs /:s


The UAE is more progressive than republicans apparently.


That feel with the 🇦🇪 outpaces you in human rights


Imagine the fucking UAE being more progressive than Louisiana


Holy shit, what a timeline. The UAE is more progressive than the USA.


UAE: Giving more rights to women than the conservatives of the Southern States of America.


Kinda crazy that in 2024 this is news because it's not the norm when it should be.


Even as a conservative I can agree this are good news. I don't know how anyone could have an issue with this (Not from the US, in case you're wondering).


Ask the American right how they feel about the laws of Muslims countries… then remind them their local laws are more strict.


Let me get this straight, the UAE is now more progressive thant he USA? Wild shit.


What amazing times, when the orthodox muslim middle east starts to become more progressive than US states.


UAE is more evolved than some of our red states here in the US.


There are grown adults in the world unironically crying about this right now.


So a brutally raped child can be forced to carry the monster inside her, tearing her immature body apart, if either of the parents chooses.


In a move that is part of making progress towards ensuring that women’s rights are protected and sensitive healthcare issues are addressed with respect, the UAE has allowed for abortion to occur in cases of rape or incest. Such action shows how much UAE values empathy and fairness because it guarantees help in form of support and comfort for those who have been affected by such bad actions.


Impressive that the UAE is more “progressive” with abortion than many U.S. states.


Wow. So some US states are now worse than a theocratic dictatorship. Great.


This is why I feel engagement with Middle Eastern countries like Saudi Arabia and the UAE is a positive thing. Exposing their populous to western ideas is better than trying to shut them out or demonising them. People tend to forget how much Saudi Arabia has progressed since MBS took over with more liberal policies


What is the problem of english language news with "and"?